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Zusammenfassung Frisch geschlüpften Hühnerküken wurden schwarz-gelb geringelte und grüne Attrappen sowie Mehlwürmer angeboten, um zu testen, ob eine angeborene Hemmung gegenüber warnfarbiger Beute besteht. Unsere Küken zeigten sowohl eine eindeutige Präferenz für schwarzgelb geringelte Attrappen als auch für Mehlwürmer. Daraus schließen wir, daß es keine genetisch fixierte Hemmung gegenüber schwarz-gelber Ringelung, d. h. auffälliger Beute gibt.
Innate and learned preferences in food selection of chicken (Gallus domesticus)
Summary In reference to the experiment ofSchuler &Hesse (1985), recently hatched chicken were offered a choise between warningly coloured black and yellow and nonwarningly coloured green prey. We can not support their hypothesis of a genetically fixed pecking inhibition towards prey with warning colouration. The chicken directed their first peck at the warningly coloured ones and they ate them at a significantly higher rate. These results support the idea ofGittleman &Harvey (1980), that chicken prefer conspicuous prey.
Changes in macromolecule syntheses, especially RNA synthesis, and the energy providing system were investigated in seeds ofAgrostemma githago aged for different periods. In embryos of aged seeds all macromolecule syntheses start later and reach a lower level than young ones. It was found that the synthesis of rRNA in embryos of aged seeds is reduced whereas the synthesis of poly (A+) RNA in relation to the total RNA synthesis is highly increased as well as the amount of this RNA species with long poly (A) chains. The results are discussed in connection with the decreased protein synthesis and the reduced ATP content and ATP formation ability in embryos during the long time storage of seeds.  相似文献   
The minicell-producing Escherichia coli strain P 678-54 was transformed with a series of defined PTY chimeric plasmids consisting of yeast 2-μm DNA and E. coli plasmid pCR1. In minicells the integrated 2-μm DNA from yeast directed specifically the synthesis of six polypeptides with apparent molecular weights of 15 000, 17 500, 20 000, 22 000, 37 000, and 48 000. The specificity of five other polypeptides, which cover a molecular weight range of 19 000 to 28 000, has not yet been established with certainty. Neither the orientation of the integrated DNA, nor the inversion which distinguishes the two structural forms of 2-μm DNA affected the polypeptides synthesized. However, integration at a given EcoRI site appeared to be correlated with the absence of one particular polypeptide band; this suggests that at least one of these sites is located in an expressed region of the DNA.  相似文献   
Axenic late log phase cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis DN-B3 are deciliated by treatment with dibucaine. Deciliation occurs first at the anterior end of the cell and then progresses posteriorly. Concomitantly, all mature mucocysts are induced to discharge by the drug. The exact point of scission of each cilium is found to be a very localized region, between two specialized membrane arrays: the ciliary necklace and the ciliary patches, situated at the base of the cilium. Isolated cilia retain the patches, while the necklaces remain with the deciliated bodies. The cell membrane seals over the stubs. The new ciliary membrane then grows out above the necklace without the patches, which do not generally appear for several hours. Membrane renewal is therefore asynchronous, with bulk growth preceding the formation of specialized intramembrane particle arrays. During regrowth, the cilia also first return at the anterior end of the cell. This suggests that underlying gradients, perhaps related to Ca2+, are significant in the deciliation process.  相似文献   
The aminoglycoside antibiotic paromomycin that is highly toxic to the green alga Volvox carteri is efficiently inactivated by aminoglycoside 3′-phosphotransferase from Streptomyces rimosus. Therefore, we made constructs in which the bacterial aphH gene encoding this enzyme was combined with Volvox cis-regulatory elements in an attempt to develop a new dominant selectable marker – paromomycin resistance (PmR) – for use in Volvox nuclear transformation. The construct that provided the most efficient transformation was one in which aphH was placed between a chimeric promoter that was generated by fusing the Volvox hsp70 and rbcS3 promoters and the 3′ UTR of the Volvox rbcS3 gene. When this plasmid was used in combination with a high-impact biolistic device, the frequency of stable PmR transformants ranged about 15 per 106 target cells. Due to rapid and sharp selection, PmR transformants were readily isolated after six days, which is half the time required for previously used markers. Co-transformation of an unselected marker ranged about 30%. The chimeric aphH gene was stably integrated into the Volvox genome, frequently as tandem multiple copies, and was expressed at a level that made selection of PmR transformants simple and unambiguous. This makes the engineered bacterial aphH gene an efficient dominant selection marker for the transformation and co-transformation of a broad range of V. carteri strains without the recurring need for using auxotrophic recipient strains.  相似文献   
Bacillus cereus is believed to be a soil bacterium, but studied solely in laboratory culture media. The aim of this study was to assess the physiology of B. cereus growing on soil organic matter by a proteomic approach. Cells were cultured to mid-exponential phase in soil extracted solubilized organic matter (SESOM), which mimics the nutrient composition of soil, and in Luria-Bertani broth as control. Silver staining of the two-dimensional gels revealed 234 proteins spots up-regulated when cells were growing in SESOM, with 201 protein spots down-regulated. Forty-three of these differentially expressed proteins were detected by Colloidal Coomassie staining and identified by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight MS of tryptic digests. These differentially expressed proteins covered a range of functions, primarily amino acid, lipid, carbohydrate and nucleic acid metabolism. These results suggested growth on soil-associated carbohydrates, fatty acids and/or amino acids, concomitant with shifts in cellular structure.  相似文献   
Dominant optic atrophy (DOA) is a hereditary optic neuropathy characterised by decreased visual acuity, colour vision deficits, centro-coecal scotoma and optic nerve pallor. The gene OPA1, encoding a dynamin-related GTPase, has recently been identified within the genetic linkage interval for the major locus for DOA on chromosome 3q28 and shown to harbour genetic aberrations segregating with disease in DOA families. The prevalence of the disorder in Denmark is reported to be the highest of any geographical location, suggestive of a founder effect. In order to establish the genetic basis of disease in a sample of 33 apparently unrelated Danish families, we screened DNA from affected members for OPA1 gene mutations by heteroduplex analysis and direct sequencing. A novel identical mutation in exon 28 (2826delT) was associated with DOA in 14 pedigrees and led to a frameshift and abnormal OPA1 protein -COOH terminus. Haplotype analysis of a region of approximately 1 Mb flanking the OPA1 gene using eight polymorphic markers revealed a common haplotype shared by all 14 patients; this haplotype was markedly over-represented compared with ethnically matched controls. Statistical analysis confirmed significant linkage disequilibrium with DOA over approximately 600 kb encompassing the disease mutation. We have therefore demonstrated that the relatively high frequency of DOA in Denmark is attributable to a founder mutation responsible for approximately 42% of the examined families and suggest that presymptomatic screening for the (2826delT) mutation may facilitate diagnosis and genetic counselling in a significant proportion of DOA patients of Danish ancestry.  相似文献   
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