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Apolipoprotein A-V (apoA-V) is present in low amounts in plasma and has been found to modulate triacylglycerol levels in humans and in animal models. ApoA-V displays affinity for members of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) gene family, known as the classical lipoprotein receptors, including LRP1 and SorLA/LR11. In addition to LDL-A binding repeats, the mosaic receptor SorLA/LR11 also possesses a Vps10p domain. Here we show that apoA-V also binds to sortilin, a receptor from the Vsp10p domain gene family that lacks LDL-A repeats. Binding of apoA-V to sortilin was competed by neurotensin, a ligand that binds specifically to the Vps10p domain. To investigate the biological fate of receptor-bound apoA-V, binding experiments were conducted with cultured human embryonic kidney cells transfected with either SorLA/LR11 or sortilin. Compared with nontransfected cells, apoA-V binding to SorLA/LR11- and sortilin-expressing cells was markedly enhanced. Internalization experiments, live imaging studies, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer analyses demonstrated that labeled apoA-V was rapidly internalized, co-localized with receptors in early endosomes, and followed the receptors through endosomes to the trans-Golgi network. The observed decrease of fluorescence signal intensity as a function of time during live imaging experiments suggested ligand uncoupling in endosomes with subsequent delivery to lysosomes for degradation. This interpretation was supported by experiments with (125)I-labeled apoA-V, demonstrating clear differences in degradation between transfected and nontransfected cells. We conclude that apoA-V binds to receptors possessing LDL-A repeats and Vsp10p domains and that apoA-V is internalized into cells via these receptors. This could be a mechanism by which apoA-V modulates lipoprotein metabolism in vivo.  相似文献   
Stable cationic carotenoid aggregates — predominantly of the J-type — develop when the hydrochlorides of carotenoid aldoximes and ketoximes are exposed to water. The oxime hydrochlorides are obtained by simple syntheses from commercially available food color carotenoids. Bluish-purple, unstable transient compounds were observed during hydrochlorination performed at liquid nitrogen temperature.  相似文献   
The corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors show striking homogeneity throughout the vertebrate subphylum. In mammals, the CRF(1) receptor (CRFR(1)) plays an important role in mediating behavioral and endocrine responses to fear and stress. The specific roles of this receptor subtype in fear and stress reactions in non-mammalian vertebrates are largely unknown. Crucian carp displays the olfactory-mediated fright reaction, a stereotypic behavioral response to waterborne cues from damaged skin of conspecifics. This reaction shows several similarities to basic components of avoidance behavior in mammals. In the present study, we applied the non-peptide CRFR(1) antagonist, antalarmin, to crucian carp 1 h before exposure to conspecific skin extract. This treatment resulted in a suppression of the fright reaction. After skin extract exposure, antalarmin treatment also lead to lower plasma cortisol values, as compared to vehicle treatment. This suppression of the behavioral fright reaction and the stress induced rise in plasma cortisol in crucian carp suggests that the functions of the CRFR(1) are conserved by evolution.  相似文献   
We investigate drivers of hybridization of local ecological knowledge (LEK) and scientific knowledge (SK) in small-scale Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fisheries in western Norway through a case study from the Ørsta River. We find three primary drivers of knowledge hybridization in local fishing groups as part of wild Atlantic salmon cultivation activities: facilitating intergenerational knowledge exchange, coping with regulatory change, and improving the perceived validity of local knowledge sets. We also identify three challenges to knowledge hybridization, and discuss how both drivers and challenges relate to once complementary SK and LEK sets that have diverged as SK has become more technical and complex. We examine the processes by which LEK and SK develop, evolve, and are used to facilitate wild salmon conservation in these fisheries and discuss the role hatcheries can play adapting and utilizing large-scale SK and salmon policy to the local environment through hybridization processes. We conclude with recommendations as to how reframing managerial views on hatcheries as facilitators of knowledge production and transfer may improve both the accessibility of SK to local communities and the integration of LEK into Norwegian wild salmon management.  相似文献   
A flux analysis of glucose metabolism in the filamentous fungus Rhizopus oryzae was achieved using a specific radioactivity curve-matching program, TFLUX. Glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates labeled through the addition of extracellular [U-14C]glucose were isolated and purified for specific radioactivity determinations. This information, together with pool sizes and the rates of glucose utilization and end product production, provided input for flux maps of the metabolic network under two different experimental conditions. Based upon the flux analysis of this system, a mutant of R. oryzae with higher lactate and lower ethanol yields than the parent was sought for and found.  相似文献   
Effects of coumarin on fresh weight, dry matter, protein and nucleic acid content per cell in attached roots of maize and wheat and in whole excised elongation zones of maize were determined. The inhibition in cell length exerted by coumarin did not correspond to an inhibition of the net synthetic capacity. Coumarin treatment increased the cell surface, the production of dry matter and the protein content per cell. The dry matter and the protein content per unit surface was slightly increased or unaffected. The effect of coumann on cell shape seemed to be independent of that on dry matter production and net protein synthesis. The same was found in excised elongation zones. —The net DNA-synthesis per cell was slightly increased in attached roots by coumann treatment, but this effect was probably not correlated with the morphogenetic changes. Inhibition of DNA-synthesis with hydroxyurea did not alter the coumarin induced changes in cell shape. —The net RNA-synthesis per cell was slightly decreased after coumarin treatment, but the net RNA-synthesis per cell and the morphogenetic effects exerted by coumarin were not related with each other. Inhibition of m-RNA-synthesis with actinomycin D did not prevent the effects of coumarin on cell division, cell expansion, dry matter production and net protein synthesis. The same was true for inhibitors of protein synthesis, puromycin and p-fluorophenyl-alanine. The findings are in support of the view that coumarin affects already existing structures or enzymes. —Comparisons between coumarin and the uncouplers, DNP and dicoumarol, showed that the effects of coumarin were not, solely, due to uncoupling. SH-protecting agents, BAL, DTE and glutathione, did, with few exceptions, not reduce the morphogenetic effects of coumarin.  相似文献   
Electroporation-based treatments and other therapies that permeabilize the plasma membrane have been shown to be more devastating to malignant cells than to normal cells. In this study, we asked if a difference in repair capacity could explain this observed difference in sensitivity. Membrane repair was investigated by disrupting the plasma membrane using laser followed by monitoring fluorescent dye entry over time in seven cancer cell lines, an immortalized cell line, and a normal primary cell line. The kinetics of repair in living cells can be directly recorded using this technique, providing a sensitive index of repair capacity. The normal primary cell line of all tested cell lines exhibited the slowest rate of dye entry after laser disruption and lowest level of dye uptake. Significantly, more rapid dye uptake and a higher total level of dye uptake occurred in six of the seven tested cancer cell lines (p < 0.05) as well as the immortalized cell line (p < 0.001). This difference in sensitivity was also observed when a viability assay was performed one day after plasma membrane permeabilization by electroporation. Viability in the primary normal cell line (98 % viable cells) was higher than in the three tested cancer cell lines (81–88 % viable cells). These data suggest more effective membrane repair in normal, primary cells and supplement previous explanations why electroporation-based therapies and other therapies permeabilizing the plasma membrane are more effective on malignant cells compared to normal cells in cancer treatment.  相似文献   
Oculodentodigital dysplasia (ODDD) is an autosomal dominant condition with high penetrance and variable expressivity. The anomalies of the craniofacial region, eyes, teeth, and limbs indicate abnormal morphogenesis during early fetal development. Neurologic abnormalities occur later in life and appear to be secondary to white matter degeneration and basal ganglia changes. In familial cases, the dysmorphic and/or neurodegenerative components of the phenotype can be more severe and/or present at a younger age in subsequent generations, suggesting genetic anticipation. These clinical features suggest that the ODDD gene is pleiotropic with important functions throughout pre- and postnatal development. We have performed two-point linkage analysis with seven ODDD families and 19 microsatellite markers on chromosome 6q spanning a genetic distance of approximately 11 cM in males and 20 cM in females. We have refined the location of the ODDD gene between DNA markers D6S266/D6S261 (centromeric) and D6S1639 (telomeric), an interval of 1.01 (male) to 2.87 (female) cM. The strongest linkage was to DNA marker D6S433 (Zmax = 8.96, thetamax = 0.001). Families show significant linkage to chromosome 6q22-q23 and no evidence for genetic heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Understanding the molecular pathways driving the acute antiviral and inflammatory response to SARS‐CoV‐2 infection is critical for developing treatments for severe COVID‐19. Here, we find decreasing number of circulating plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) in COVID‐19 patients early after symptom onset, correlating with disease severity. pDC depletion is transient and coincides with decreased expression of antiviral type I IFNα and of systemic inflammatory cytokines CXCL10 and IL‐6. Using an in vitro stem cell‐based human pDC model, we further demonstrate that pDCs, while not supporting SARS‐CoV‐2 replication, directly sense the virus and in response produce multiple antiviral (interferons: IFNα and IFNλ1) and inflammatory (IL‐6, IL‐8, CXCL10) cytokines that protect epithelial cells from de novo SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. Via targeted deletion of virus‐recognition innate immune pathways, we identify TLR7‐MyD88 signaling as crucial for production of antiviral interferons (IFNs), whereas Toll‐like receptor (TLR)2 is responsible for the inflammatory IL‐6 response. We further show that SARS‐CoV‐2 engages the receptor neuropilin‐1 on pDCs to selectively mitigate the antiviral interferon response, but not the IL‐6 response, suggesting neuropilin‐1 as potential therapeutic target for stimulation of TLR7‐mediated antiviral protection.  相似文献   
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