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The form of the proximal segments of antenna two peduncle and of the antennary gland exit duct on peduncle article two has been examined in 16 species of amphipod crustaceans (including 14 species of Talitridae). Gammarus duebeni (Gammaridae), regarded as exemplifying the norm for aquatic amphipods, has a very distinctive fluted exit duct emanating from a pronounced gland cone. The talitroid Hyale nilssoni was regarded as a typical representative of the hyalid-like ancestors of the Talitridae. It also has a gland cone, but the exit duct of the antennary gland is a thin-walled, collapsible cone. The two proximal articles of antenna two peduncle are much reduced in Talitridae. Only the second may retain a degree of mobility. No gland cone remains. The structure of the urinary exit duct in seven species of simplidactylate landhoppers (Bousfield's Gp IVa) was very similar to the hyalid condition. Beachfleas (Gp II) have strengthened, often sculpted ducts. whilst sandhoppers (Gp III) have no protruding exit duct at all. Only one species of Gp IVb (cuspidactylate) landhopper ( Tasmanorchestia sp.) was investigated and it has an exit duct similar in form to that of the beachfleas (Gp II). Neorchestia plicibranchiata (a Gp IVa species), however, already known to be an anomalous species, has unusually elongate urinary ducts (for a Gp IVa species). These observations lend support to the notion that the landhoppers are a polyphyletic grouping and that the sandhoppers are a very isolated ecomorphological grouping within the family.  相似文献   
Enterotoxin B produced by Staphylococus aureus 243 in brain heart infusion broth was concentrated by dialysis against 40% polyethylene glycol (20 M), partially purified on a Sephadex G-100 column and heated at 110 degrees C in thermal death time cans. Various heating menstrua included 0.04 M Veronal buffer (pH 7.4), beef broth, and fractions of beef broth obtained by ultrafiltration or precipitation with ammonium sulfate. The toxin was assayed serologically using the microslide gel double-diffusion method. The time requiring for 90% inactivation at 110 degrees C (D110 value) obtained in buffer and in beef broth was 18 and 60 min, respectively. When the concentration of beef broth was increased fivefold, the D110 increased to 78 min. The apparent protective effect or protein was further investigated using beef broth protein obtained by precipitation with (NH4)2SO4. The D110 values were 51 and 70 min when the protein concentration in the heating menstruum was 3.8 and 7.7 mg/ml, respectively. However, when the beef broth protein was dialyzed against buffer before use as a heating menstrum, the D110 was only 39 or 41 min at comparable protein concentrations. Results indicated a dialyzable factor, whose protective effect was partially destroyed by trypsin and chymotrypsin but did not by disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate, was involved in the protection of enterotoxin B during heating.  相似文献   
Summary Erythropoietic changes were observed, measured by59Fe-uptake into red blood cells, and on radioiron turnover from blood plasma, at different time intervals (2–64 days) after treating adult female mice with varying activities of90Sr-90Y. Activities of 2.5 or 5.0 µCi radiostrontium per animal lead to a depression at time intervals of two and four days, at longer periods there was an overshoot. With activities of 0.5 or 1.0 µCi radiostrontium disturbances in the radioiron uptake are still observed, although these effects are not as pronounced as in experiments with higher burdens. In comparison with results obtained in experiments in which the plasma59Fe-turnover was applied, even with an activity of 5 µCi radiostrontium per mouse, no deviation as against the untreated controls was detected.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hermann Muth, Homburg/Saar, on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
Tidally induced fluctuations and transports of microfungi were investigated. Samples were collected at three depths from three stations positioned at a transect in a large salt marsh creek. Samples were taken every 1.5 h for 50 consecutive h during neap tides and 50 consecutive h during the corresponding spring tides. In each season, microfungi concentrations fluctuated out of phase with the tides during both neap and spring tides. Mean concentrations of suspended microfungi did not vary appreciably throughout the year. Fungi were exported from the marsh during the majority of the tidal cycles studied. The results suggest that microfungi may serve as indicators of water mass movements.  相似文献   
The concentration of cytoplasmic NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase increased 20.2-fold during gonadotropin-induced development of the immature rat ovary. Measurement was by protein (Western) blotting using polyclonal antibodies raised against purified enzyme from the porcine corpus luteum. The increase in enzyme concentration during development correlated well with the 18.5-fold increase observed for the specific activity of the enzyme in the cytosolic fraction. An immunochemical similarity was demonstrated between the cytoplasmic enzyme from the ovary, testes, placenta, skeletal muscle, brain, liver, kidney, mammary and adrenal gland. However the mitochondrial NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase from these tissues was found to be immunochemically distinct from the cytoplasmic enzyme. The concentration of the substrate D(+/-)-threo-isocitrate in the ovaries was measured by fluorometry and found to increase 3.1-fold during hormone-induced development. The intracellular concentration of substrate was estimated to be of the same order of magnitude as the enzyme concentration. We conclude that the increase in cytoplasmic NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase activity observed during the gonadotropin-stimulated development of the rat ovary is due to increased concentration of enzyme rather than to an activation of the enzyme. The activity of the enzyme in vivo appears to be regulated by the availability of the substrate D(+/-)-threo-isocitrate.  相似文献   
Base substitutions have been introduced into the highly conserved sequences of loops D and E within domain 3 of Xenopus laevis oocyte 5 S rRNA. The effects of these mutations on the solution structure of this 5 S rRNA have been studied by means of probing with nucleases, and with chemical reagents under native and semi-denaturing conditions. The data obtained with these mutants support the graphic model of Xenopus oocyte 5 S rRNA proposed by Westhof et al. In particular, our results rule out the existence of long-range base-pairing interactions between loop C and either loop D or loop E. The data also confirm that loops D and E in the wild-type 5 S RNA adopt unusual secondary structures and illustrate the importance of nucleotide sequence in the formation of intrinsic local loop conformations via non-canonical base-pairs and specific base-phosphate contacts. Consistent with this conclusion is our observation that the domain 3 fragment of Xenopus oocyte 5 S rRNA adopts the same conformation as the corresponding region in the full-length 5 S rRNA.  相似文献   
The course of anemia and the erythropoietic response in the bone marrow, spleen, and blood were studied during Plasmodium chabaudi AS infection in resistant C57BL/6 (B6) and susceptible A/J (A) mice. Infections in B6 mice were characterized by moderate levels of both parasitemia and anemia and survival. In contrast, A mice experienced high parasitemia, severe anemia, and high mortality rates. During the period of anemia, erythropoiesis, as measured by in vivo 59Fe incorporation, was significantly more depressed in bone marrow and more increased in the spleen in resistant B6 mice. The increase in splenic 59Fe incorporation was a function of the size of the spleen. Bone marrow CFU-E were decreased to 50% of control in both strains, while splenic CFU-E were increased twofold greater in B6 mice compared to those in A mice. However, the absolute numbers of CFU-E per spleen in the two strains were not significantly different during peak parasitemia. Bone marrow BFU-E were transiently increased before peak parasitemia whereas splenic BFU-E peaked during peak parasitemia. A mice had significantly lower numbers of BFU-E per spleen on all days except at peak parasitemia. The frequency of blood-borne BFU-E and plasma erythropoietin titers was increased earlier and to a greater extent in A mice. These results suggest that an impaired amplification of late-stage splenic erythropoiesis may be an important determinant in the severity of anemia and lethality of infection with P. chabaudi AS in A mice. Moreover, these results demonstrate that the defective amplification of splenic erythropoiesis in A mice is neither caused by a defect in the mobilization of BFU-E from the bone marrow to the spleen nor caused by a defect in erythropoietin production.  相似文献   
We previously reported that human autoantibodies with cold agglutinin activity contained a single human VH gene segment (VH4-21) which was also responsible for the cross-idiotypic specificity characteristic of the cold agglutinin response. To confirm and extend this observation we have analyzed at the nucleotide level the H and L chains of six new cold agglutinin molecules derived from different patients. We found that regardless of whether the antibody recognizes the i or the I red cell Ag, restriction at the VH gene segment level is absolute. We also found that even in the absence of somatic mutation the VH4-21 gene segment can encode both anti-i and anti-I specificities. Finally, although the VH4-21 gene segment is essential for cold agglutinin activity, the other genetic elements that contribute to the V region of the antibody molecules can be extremely diverse. The structural information provided in this report sharply restricts the requirement for encoding pathogenic cold agglutinin activity to one of the components of the H chain V region, specifically the VH gene segment. The implications of this apparently absolute requirement for a single VH gene segment, unprecedented in the human autoimmune response, are discussed.  相似文献   
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