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The cholate and taurodeoxycholate activations of cerebroside sulphate sulphohydrolase (cerebroside-3-sulphate 3-sulphohydrolase, EC activity of arylsulphatase A (aryl-sulphate sulphohydrolase, EC were compared. Taurodeoxycholate caused a sharp peak of response at a concentration of 1.25 mg/ml (type-I activation). Cholate also showed type-I activation but, in addition, it evoked a second, higher, response plateau at concentrations between 5 and 10 mg/ml (type-II activation). At the pH of the reaction, cholate is converted largely to the sparingly soluble free aicd, so at the high concentrations associated with type-II activation, copious precipitates were formed. It was found that the precipitated material was essential for the type-II activation. Type-I activation appears to involve bile salt interaction with substrate, while type-II activation appears to involve enzyme interaction with solid-phase cholic acid. the putative mutant arylsulphatase A in an unusual form of metachromatic leukodystrophy hydolysed cerebroside sulphate only in the presence of high levels of cholate. The type-II activation may thus be simulating a physiological desulphation reaction.  相似文献   
Abstract— An enzyme with the specificity of a prolyl endopeptidase was purified about 880-fold from rabbit brain. The enzyme hydrolyzes peptidylprolyl-peptide and peptidylprolyl-amino acid bonds. Several biologically active peptides such as angiotensin, bradykinin, neurotensin. substance P and thyrotropin releasing hormone are degraded by hydrolysis of the bond between the carboxyl group of proline and the adjacent amino acid or ammonia respectively. The enzyme is activated by dithiothreitol and inhibited by heavy metals and thiol blocking agents. The serine protease inhibitor phenylmethanesulfonylfluoride has no effect on activity; however, inhibition was obtained with diisopropylfluorophosphate. Prolyl endopeptidase has a molecular weight of about 66,000 and a pH optimum of about 8.3. A new chromogenic substrate, N -benzyloxycarbonylglycyl-L-prolylsulfamethoxazole, was used for determination of enzyme activity. The substrate is hydrolyzed to N -benzyloxycarbonylglycyl-L-proline and free sulfamethoxazole which can be conveniently determined by a colorimetric procedure.  相似文献   
The monomer-dimer equilibria of the dimeric phospholipases A2 from Crotalus atrox and Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus venoms were examined chromatographically as a function of pH and in the presence versus absence of the essential cofactor, calcium ion. At neutral pH without calcium, the subunits of both enzymes reequilibrated sufficiently slowly that dimer and monomer were separated by size exclusion chromatography. At pH 4.2 and lower, the dimers underwent rapid dissociation and reassociation, eluting as single broad peaks whose position as a function of applied protein concentration could be analyzed to determine association constants using an algorithm that estimates these values based on elution positions. Lowering the pH from 7.0 to 4.2 increased the self-association constant of the C. atrox enzyme by 1 order of magnitude and that of the A. p. piscivorus dimer by a factor of 3. Calcium ion, an essential cofactor of phospholipase A2, converted the kinetic behavior of the dimers at neutral pH from slow to virtually instantaneous on the time scale of the chromatography runs, 40 min. Calcium ion also altered the thermodynamic stability of the enzymes; the association constant of A. p. piscivorus phospholipase A2 in neutral pH buffer was reduced by approximately 2 orders of magnitude, whereas that of C. atrox was increased by a factor of 6. The structural basis for the disparate effects of calcium ion on these two acidic, dimeric venom phospholipases A2 is uncertain. This study illustrates the importance of calcium ion and pH on the solution behavior of the dimeric members of this class of enzymes.  相似文献   
Peritoneal-and pulmonary macrophages can be activated in vitro with lymphokines (LK) or IFN-gamma, without exogenous lipopolysaccharide, for fungicidal activity against several pathogenic fungi. However, neither the biochemical nor metabolic events of the activation process or of the effector phase have been defined. In the present work we sought to elucidate these events with time-course studies using inhibitors of protein synthesis as well as immunosuppressive agents. We found that protein synthesis inhibitors abrogated the activation process, because cycloheximide (CHX) (1-2 micrograms/ml) prevented activation of macrophages for fungicidal activity against Candida albicans, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Blocking of the activation process by CHX was not due to macrophage cytotoxicity, and CHX did not impair the ability of nonactivated macrophages to kill Candida parapsilosis. In kinetic studies we showed that activation of macrophages was induced in 4 hr of LK treatment and that CHX had no effect if added after this time. In contrast to CHX, therapeutic concentrations of hydrocortisone (HC), such as less than or equal to 5 micrograms/ml, or cyclosporin A (CsA), 5 micrograms/ml, did not significantly inhibit LK activation of macrophages for killing of fungi. In the effector phase, the fungicidal capacity of activated macrophages in short-term (less than or equal to 4 hr) killing assays could not be abrogated by CHX (5 micrograms/ml), HC (100 micrograms/ml), or CsA (10 micrograms/ml). These results demonstrate that the activation but not the effector mechanism of macrophages for fungicidal activity is blocked by inhibition of protein synthesis. In contrast, therapeutic concentrations of HC or CsA may not interfere with activation of macrophages or their killing mechanisms, thus providing a rationale for antifungal immunotherapy in certain clinical situations (e.g., infection in the immunosuppressed patient).  相似文献   
The subcellular location of the phase-variable cytadherence-accessory protein HMW3 in Mycoplasma pneumoniae has been examined by biochemical and immunoelectron microscopic techniques. Analysis by Western blot (immunoblot) with HMW3-specific antiserum established the presence of this protein within the M. pneumoniae Triton X-100-insoluble fraction or triton shell. Immunogold labeling of Triton-extracted mycoplasmas with affinity-purified antibodies localized HMW3 to the terminal knob on the rodlike extensions of the triton shell, a location that would correspond to the adherence organelle in whole mycoplasmas. Treatment of triton shells with KI resulted in the selective removal of the adherence-accessory proteins HMW1 to HMW4. Analysis of these triton shells by transmission electron microscopy revealed dramatic ultrastructural changes in the filamentous network and core structure. Immunogold labeling of KI-extracted shells reflected the removal of HMW3 from the disrupted tip structure. An examination of ultrathin sections of wild-type cells by transmission electron microscopy following labeling with HMW3-specific antibodies provided further evidence for the nonrandom distribution of HMW3 and its localization to the terminal portion of filamentous cell extensions. Most colloidal gold molecules were associated with the cell interior, but limited peripheral labeling of the terminal region was also observed. Postfixation antibody labeling of whole cells suggested limited exposure of HMW3 on the mycoplasma surface at the tip structure. However, prefixation antibody labeling failed to indicate surface exposure, raising some uncertainty regarding the relationship of HMW3 with the mycoplasma membrane.  相似文献   
The product of the VPS1 gene, Vps1p, is required for the sorting of soluble vacuolar proteins in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We demonstrate here that Vps1p, which contains a consensus tripartite motif for guanine nucleotide binding, is capable of binding and hydrolyzing GTP. Vps1p is a member of a subfamily of large GTP-binding proteins whose members include the vertebrate Mx proteins, the yeast MGM1 protein, the Drosophila melanogaster shibire protein, and dynamin, a bovine brain protein that bundles microtubules in vitro. Disruption of microtubules did not affect the fidelity or kinetics of vacuolar protein sorting, indicating that Vps1p function is not dependent on microtubules. Based on mutational analyses, we propose a two-domain model for Vps1p function. When VPS1 was treated with hydroxylamine, half of all mutations isolated were found to be dominant negative with respect to vacuolar protein sorting. All of the dominant-negative mutations analyzed further mapped to the amino-terminal half of Vps1p and gave rise to full-length protein products. In contrast, recessive mutations gave rise to truncated or unstable protein products. Two large deletion mutations in VPS1 were created to further investigate Vps1p function. A mutant form of Vps1p lacking the carboxy-terminal half of the protein retained the capacity to bind GTP and did not interfere with sorting in a wild-type background. A mutant form of Vps1p lacking the entire GTP-binding domain interfered with vacuolar protein sorting in wild-type cells. We suggest that the amino-terminal domain of Vps1p provides a GTP-binding and hydrolyzing activity required for vacuolar protein sorting, and the carboxy-terminal domain mediates Vps1p association with an as yet unidentified component of the sorting apparatus.  相似文献   
Anti-phosphocholine (PC)-keyhole limpet hemacyanin hybridomas representative of a memory response that express the lambda 1 L chain isotype have a high reactivity to PC-protein. A common feature of these hybridomas possessing high affinity for PC-protein is the occurrence of somatic mutations resulting in replacement changes in three CDR2 positions of the lambda 1 L chain. The influence of each of these three positions on the Ag binding properties of these antibodies was examined by site-specific mutagenesis and expression of recombinant antibody molecules by transfected cells. Affinity measurements and fine specificity profile determinations demonstrated the importance of the three lambda 1 CDR2 positions in Ag binding. Compared to antibodies expressing germline lambda 1, including one with an additional junctional serine that is not encoded by V or J, those antibodies possessing critical changes in CDR2 would have a strong selective advantage based on affinity differences for Ag. Sequence analysis of a group of clonally related hybridomas expressing mutated lambda 1 genes allowed construction of a hypothetical genealogic tree that suggests selection based on changes in CDR2 of lambda 1 in the absence of H chain mutations. The results are consistent with stepwise acquisition of mutations and selection based on affinity constraints.  相似文献   
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