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Diamine oxidase and ornithine decarboxylase activities are shown to have a parallel distribution across rat small intestine mucosa; levels of both enzyme activities are sharply higher in mature cells in the villus tip region than in proliferating cells in the crypt areas. Histidine decarboxylase levels were not measurable in the same cell preparations and aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase activity was distributed in an opposite pattern to diamine oxidase and ornithine decarboxylase. The results suggest that intestinal diamine oxidase could be involved with polyamine metabolism. The new findings for ornithine decarboxylase suggest an in vivo role for polyamines in non-proliferative cells; rat small intestinal mucosa may be an excellent model for investigating the function of polyamines in regenerating cells.  相似文献   
Sporogenesis in two species of Micromonospora M. globosa and M. fusca (Actinomycetes) was quite similar. As in fungi, spore formation began as a blowing-out of a hyphal tip with the subsequent centripetal invagination of the plasma membrane. Septal wall material was deposited in a typical three-layered pattern, i.e., two electron-opaque layers separated by an electron-transparent layer. A second electron-opaque wall layer was later formed within the spore and finally a third, less electron-opaque wall was produced. Spore dihiscence was facilitated by the fragmentation of the first-formed wall surrounding the spore. Sporogenesis in Micromonospora is blastic in nature producing terminal, thick-walled spores. In M. fusca, a sporulation process was observed which closely resembled sporangial formation. The process appeared similar to that described for the genus Actinoplanes. Swollen, multiseptate structures were also present. Also in M. fusca, perforate septa with flared pore margins were observed. These septa were similar in appearance to the dolipore septa of Basidiomycetes although they lack a parenthesome and pore plug. Although an extensive membrane system (mesosome) was associated with the finishing septum, its function in the process of septum formation was not determined.  相似文献   
Ribosomal polymers, monomers and subunits from several eukaryotes and prokaryotes were isolated and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Extraction of RNA from ribosomal particles after their migration in a polyacrylamide gel, analyses by sedimentation in sucrose gradients and observations in the electron microscope were carried out in parallel. Attention was directed to the reproducibility, the precision and the limitations of the electrophoresis technique.  相似文献   
Rabbits immunized with low (11.25 mg) and high (57.50 mg) doses of myelin basic protein from several species develop antibasic protein antibodies, delayed type hypersensitivity, and clinical and pathological signs of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. More than 55% of rabbits immunized with relatively high doses of basic protein develop disease. The absence of circulating antibasic protein antibodies in immunorespondent animals is associated with the appearance of clinical or histological signs of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; however, the presence of humoral antibodies did not prevent completely the development of disease. Delayed-type hypersensitivity, specific for the basic protein, appears as early as 5 days after immunization and is maintained in nondiseased and surviving animals. Neither excess encephalitogen nor encephalitogen-induced antibody is sufficient to suppress completely the eventual development of clinical or histological manifestations of disease.  相似文献   
A novel soil treatment method for achieving the removal of dinoseb (2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol) from contaminated soils was investigated. One soil contained dinoseb as the major contaminant, although several other hazardous compounds were also present. A second soil was highly contaminated with dinoseb. Dinoseb was not degraded in these soils under the aerobic conditions at each site. Pretreatment of the soils by the addition of a starchy potato-processing by-product and flooding with phosphate buffer stimulated the consumption of oxygen and nitrate from the soils, thereby lowering the redox potential and creating anaerobic conditions. Anaerobiosis (Eh less than -200 mV) promoted the establishment of an anaerobic microbial consortium that degraded dinoseb completely, without the formation of the polymerization products seen under aerobic or microaerophilic conditions. When dinoseb was present at low concentrations in a chronically contaminated soil, the natural microflora was capable of establishing anaerobic conditions and degrading dinoseb as a result of starch degradation. Inoculation of this soil with an aerobic starch-degrading microorganism and then an acclimated, anaerobic, dinoseb-degrading consortium did not improve dinoseb degradation. In a second acutely contaminated soil, these inoculations improved dinoseb degradation rates over those of uninoculated controls.  相似文献   
The spectroscopic authenticity of a very intense negative band at about 183 nm reported previously from conventional circular dichroism (c.d.) studies of bovine plasma fibronectin has now been confirmed by vacuum ultraviolet c.d. measurements on two prototype spectrometers, one using a conventional light source and the other using synchrotron radiation. Closely similar spectra were obtained from both instruments, and from both solid films and solutions. The spectra show no obvious parentage in the known c.d. of the peptide backbone, but have marked similarities to the c.d. of N-acetyltyrosineamide, both in the strong band at 183 nm and in a characteristic positive band at 230 nm, It is concluded that the c.d. of fibronectin is dominated by contributions from tyrosine side-chains and that, as suggested previously, these may provide a sensitive probe for molecular organization and interactions.  相似文献   
The capsaicin receptor TRPV1, a member of the transient receptor potential family of non-selective cation channels is a polymodal nociceptor. Noxious thermal stimuli, protons, and the alkaloid irritant capsaicin open the channel. The mechanisms of heat and capsaicin activation have been linked to voltage-dependent gating in TRPV1. However, until now it was unclear whether proton activation or potentiation or both are linked to a similar voltage-dependent mechanism and which molecular determinants underlie the proton gating. Using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, we show that protons activate and potentiate TRPV1 by shifting the voltage dependence of the activation curves towards more physiological membrane potentials. We further identified a key residue within the pore region of TRPV1, F660, to be critical for voltage-dependent proton activation and potentiation. We conclude that proton activation and potentiation of TRPV1 are both voltage dependent and that amino acid 660 is essential for proton-mediated gating of TRPV1.  相似文献   
The disruption of cholesterol homeostasis leads to an increase in cholesterol levels which results in the development of cardiovascular disease. Mitogen Inducible Gene 6 (Mig-6) is an immediate early response gene that can be induced by various mitogens, stresses, and hormones. To identify the metabolic role of Mig-6 in the liver, we conditionally ablated Mig-6 in the liver using the Albumin-Cre mouse model (Alb(cre/+)Mig-6(f/f); Mig-6(d/d)). Mig-6(d/d) mice exhibit hepatomegaly and fatty liver. Serum levels of total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol and hepatic lipid were significantly increased in the Mig-6(d/d) mice. The daily excretion of fecal bile acids was significantly decreased in the Mig-6(d/d) mice. DNA microarray analysis of mRNA isolated from the livers of these mice showed alterations in genes that regulate lipid metabolism, bile acid, and cholesterol synthesis, while the expression of genes that regulate biliary excretion of bile acid and triglyceride synthesis showed no difference in the Mig-6(d/d) mice compared to Mig-6(f/f) controls. These results indicate that Mig-6 plays an important role in cholesterol homeostasis and bile acid synthesis. Mice with liver specific conditional ablation of Mig-6 develop hepatomegaly and increased intrahepatic lipid and provide a novel model system to investigate the genetic and molecular events involved in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis and bile acid synthesis. Defining the molecular mechanisms by which Mig-6 regulates cholesterol homeostasis will provide new insights into the development of more effective ways for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   
Influenza A virus specificity for the host is mediated by the viral surface glycoprotein hemagglutinin (HA), which binds to receptors containing glycans with terminal sialic acids. Avian viruses preferentially bind to alpha2-3-linked sialic acids on receptors of intestinal epithelial cells, whereas human viruses are specific for the alpha2-6 linkage on epithelial cells of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. To define the receptor preferences of a number of human and avian H1 and H3 viruses, including the 1918 H1N1 pandemic strains, their hemagglutinins were analyzed using a recently described glycan array. The array, which contains 200 carbohydrates and glycoproteins, not only revealed clear differentiation of receptor preferences for alpha2-3 and/or alpha2-6 sialic acid linkage, but could also detect fine differences in HA specificity, such as preferences for fucosylation, sulfation and sialylation at positions 2 (Gal) and 3 (GlcNAc, GalNAc) of the terminal trisaccharide. For the two 1918 HA variants, the South Carolina (SC) HA (with Asp190, Asp225) bound exclusively alpha2-6 receptors, while the New York (NY) variant, which differed only by one residue (Gly225), had mixed alpha2-6/alpha2-3 specificity, especially for sulfated oligosaccharides. Only one mutation of the NY variant (Asp190Glu) was sufficient to revert the HA receptor preference to that of classical avian strains. Thus, the species barrier, as defined by the receptor specificity preferences of 1918 human viruses compared to likely avian virus progenitors, can be circumvented by changes at only two positions in the HA receptor binding site. The glycan array thus provides highly detailed profiles of influenza receptor specificity that can be used to map the evolution of new human pathogenic strains, such as the H5N1 avian influenza.  相似文献   
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