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Mg-chelatase catalyzes the first step unique to the chlorophyll branch of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis, namely the insertion of Mg into protoporphyrin IX (Proto). Mg-chelatase was assayed in intact chloroplasts from semi-green cucumber (Cucumis sativus, cv Sumter) cotyledons. In the presence of Proto and MgATP, enzyme activity was linear for 50 minutes. Plastid intactness was directly related to (and necessary for) Mg-chelatase activity. Uncouplers and ionophores did not inhibit Mg-Chelatase in the presence of ATP. The nonhydrolyzable ATP analogs, β,γ-methylene ATP and adenylylimidodiphosphate, could not sustain Mg-chelatase activity alone and were inhibitory in the presence of ATP (I50 10 and 3 millimolar, respectively). Mg-chelatase was also inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide (I50, 50 micromolar) and the metal ion chelators 2,2′-dipyridyl and 1, 10 phenanthroline (but not to the same degree by their nonchelating analogs). In addition to Proto, the following porphyrins acted as Mg-chelatase substrates, giving comparable specific activities: deuteroporphyrin, mesoporphyrin, 2-ethyl, 4-vinyl Proto and 2-vinyl, 4-ethyl Proto. Mg-chelatase activity and freely exchangeable heme levels increased steadily with greening, reaching a maximum and leveling off after 15 hours in the light. Exogenous protochlorophyllide, chlorophyllide, heme, and Mg-Proto had no measurable effect on Mg-chelatase activity. The potent ferrochelatase inhibitors, N-methylmesoporphyrin and N-methylprotoporphyrin, inhibited Mg-chelatase at micromolar concentrations.  相似文献   
The processing of phagosomes containing Legionella pneumophila and Escherichia coli were compared in Tetrahymena vorax, a hymenostome ciliated protozoan that prefers lower temperatures. L. pneumophila did not multiply in the ciliate when incubated at 20 to 22 degrees C, but vacuoles containing L. pneumophila were retained in the cells for a substantially longer time than vacuoles with E. coli. Electron micrographs showed no evidence of degradation of L. pneumophila cells through 12 h, while E. coli cells in the process of being digested were observed in vacuoles 75 min after the addition of the bacterium. T. vorax ingested L. pneumophila normally, but by 10 to 15 min, the vacuolar membrane appeared denser than that surrounding nascent or newly formed phagosomes. In older vacuoles, electron-dense particles lined portions of the membrane. Acidification of the phagosomes indicated by the accumulation of neutral red was similar in T. vorax containing L. pneumophila or E. coli. This ciliate could provide a model for the analysis of virulence-associated intracellular events independent of the replication of L. pneumophila.  相似文献   
Isolation of a yeast mutant deficient in pyruvate carboxylase activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To improve our understanding of the catalytic mechanism and regulatory properties of pyruvate carboxylase (EC, an important biotin-dependent enzyme, we have sought to isolate mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae which are defective in pyruvate carboxylase activity. One mutant was isolated which was unable to grow on glucose minimal medium unless supplemented with aspartate. Although the enzyme had only 25% of the wild type pyruvate carboxylase activity, Western analysis and RNase protection analysis demonstrated that the mutant gene was expressed at approximately 70% of the wild type level. On the basis of genetic crosses and complementation tests, we have attributed the defect to mutations in the PYC gene encoding pyruvate carboxylase.  相似文献   
Mutagenesis induced by bacterial UmuDC proteins and their plasmid homologues   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
The popular image of a world full of pollutants mutating DNA is only partly true since there are relatively few agents which can subtly and directly change base coding; for example, some alkylating agents alter guanine so that it pairs like adenine. Many more mutagens are less subtle and simply destroy coding altogether rather than changing it. Such mutagens include ultraviolet light, X-rays, DNA cross-linkers and other agents which make DNA breaks or large adducts. In Escherichia coli, mutagenesis by these agents occurs during a DNA repair process which increases cell survival but with an inherent possibility of changing the original sequence. Such mutagenic DNA repair is, in part, encoded by the E. coli umuDC operon. This article reviews the structure, function, regulation and evolution of the umuDC operon and similar genes found both in other species and on naturally occurring plasmids.  相似文献   
The genomic clone named Bp10 contains a member of a small pollen-specific gene family of B. napus. The expression of the Bp10 gene family is maximal in early binucleate microspores and declines considerably in mature trinucleate pollen. Homologues of the Bp10 genes are expressed in the pollen of other plant species. The pollen-specific expression of the gene contained in the genomic clone was confirmed in tobacco plants transformed with a chimeric Bp10 promoter/GUS construct. A promoter fragment of 396 bp is sufficient to direct a strong and correct spatial and temporal expression in transgenic plants. The Bp10 gene family codes for proteins of 62 kDa showing approximately 30% sequence identify to cucumber and pumpkin ascorbate oxidases (AAOs). However, the AAO active centres are not conserved in the Bp10 products, suggesting an evolutionary relationship but a different enzymatic activity for these proteins. Expression of a recombinant Bp10 protein in E. coli inhibits bacterial growth on minimal medium, suggesting the production of an enzymatically active polypeptide in bacteria. No AAO activity could be correlated with the expression of the recombinant protein. Moreover, substances affecting AAO activity do not appear to influence the inhibitory activity of the protein produced in bacteria. However, as indicated by the rescue of bacterial growth in the presence of sodium bicarbonate or gaseous CO2, the Bp10 protein activity could be modulated by CO2 levels.  相似文献   
Genes that act inside the cell to negatively regulate proliferation are of great interest because of their implications for such processes as development and cancer, but these genes have been difficult to clone. This report details the cloning and analysis of cDNA for prohibitin, a novel mammalian antiproliferative protein. Microinjection of synthetic prohibitin mRNA blocks entry into S phase in both normal fibroblasts and HeLa cells. Microinjection of an antisense oligonucleotide stimulates entry into S phase. By sequence comparison, the prohibitin gene appears to be the mammalian analog of Cc, a Drosophila gene that is vital for normal development.  相似文献   
Genetic experiments have indicated that succinoglycan (EPS I), the acidic Calcofluor-binding exopolysaccharide, of the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobium meliloti strain Rm1021 is required for nodule invasion and possibly for later events in nodule development on alfalfa and other hosts. Fourteen exo loci on the second megaplasmid have been identified that are required for, or affect, the synthesis of EPS I. Mutations in certain of these loci completely abolish the production of EPS I and result in mutants that form empty Fix- nodules. We have identified two loci, exoR and exoS, that are involved in the regulation of EPS I synthesis in the free-living state. Certain exo mutations which completely abolish EPS I production are lethal in an exoR95 or exoS96 background. Histochemical analyses of the expression of exo genes during nodulation using exo::TnphoA fusions have indicated that the exo genes are expressed most strongly in the invasion zone. In addition, we have discovered that R. meliloti has a latent capacity to synthesize a second exopolysaccharide (EPS II) that can substitute for the role(s) of EPS I in nodulation of alfalfa but not of other hosts. Possible roles for exopolysaccharides in symbiosis are discussed.  相似文献   
It is observed that animals often have to resolve difficult tasks of optimization and that this process can be studied by applying the formal framework of neural networks to a simple problem such as the Travelling Salesman Problem. Existing work is reviewed with particular emphasis on recent studies using self-organizing networks. An algorithm is described in which general principles developed by Kohonen are applied to the Travelling Salesman Problem. Simulation results are given for problem sets of up to 10,000 cities. The routes generated are reported as being slightly longer than those produced by simulating annealing; compute time is lower and scales less than quadratically with problem size. It is suggested that the ability to perform optimization is an emergent computational property not just of the Kohonen model but of any mechanism capable of producing topology-preserving mappings, including mechanisms within the brain.  相似文献   
Summary Studies were undertaken to test the susceptibility of individual T cell subpopulations to retroviral-mediated gene transduction. Gene transfer into human tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was carried out by transduction with an amphotropic murine retroviral vector (LNL6 or N2) containing the bacterialneo R gene. The presence of theneo R gene in the TIL population was demonstrated by Southern blot analysis, detection of the enzymatic activity of the gene product and by the ability of transduced TIL to proliferate in high concentrations of G418, a neomycin analog that is toxic to eukaryotic cells. The presence of theneo R gene in TIL did not alter their proliferation or interleukin-2 dependence compared to nontransduced TIL. The differential susceptibility of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphoid cells to the retro-virus-mediated gene transfer was then tested. Transduction of heterogeneous TIL cultures containing both CD4+ and CD8+ cells resulted in gene insertion into both T cell subsets with no preferential transduction frequency into either CD4+ or CD8+ cells. In other experiments highly purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subpopulations from either TIL or PBMC could be successfully transduced with theneo R gene as demonstrated by Southern blot analysis and detection of the gene product neophosphotransferase activity. No such activity or vector DNA could be detected in controls of nontransduced cells. In these highly purified cell subsets the distinctive T cell phenotypic markers were continually expressed after transduction, G418 selection and long-term growth. Clinical trials have begun in patients with advanced cancer using heterogeneous populations of CD4+ and CD8+ gene-modified TIL. Current address: Bone Marrow Transplantation, Hadassah University Hospital, 91120 Jerusalem, Israel  相似文献   
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