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The genomic DNA of Escherichia coli is contained in one or two compact bodies known as nucleoids. Isolation of typically shaped nucleoids requires control of DNA expansion, accomplished here by a modification of the polylysine-spermidine procedure. The ability to control expansion of in vitro nucleoids has application in nucleoid purification and in preparation of samples for high-resolution imaging, and may allow an increased resolution in gene localization studies. Polylysine of relatively low average molecular weight (approximately 3 kDa) is used to produce lysates containing nucleoids that are several-fold expanded relative to the sizes of in vivo nucleoids. These expanded forms can be converted to compact forms similar in dimensions to the cellular nucleoids by either a further addition of polylysine or by incubation of diluted lysates at 37 degrees C. The incubation at 37 degrees C is accompanied by autolytic degradation of most ribosomal RNA. Hyperchromism and circular dichroism spectra indicate that polylysine-DNA complexes are modified during the incubation. Compact forms of the nucleoid can be progressively reexpanded by exposure to salt solutions. Nucleoid compaction was similar in lysates made from rapidly or slowly growing cells or from cells that had been briefly treated with chloramphenicol to reduce linkages between DNA and cell envelope.  相似文献   
Previous research has investigated the role of proprioception and stiffness in the control of joint stability. However, to date, no research has been done on the relationship between proprioception and stiffness. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between force sense, joint reposition sense, and stiffness at the ankle. A heterogeneous sample was obtained for this study; 20 of the 40 participants had a history of ankle sprains, and 13 of the 20 had been diagnosed by a physician (two mild ankle sprains, seven moderate sprains, four severe sprains). All subjects were asymptomatic and active at the time of the study. Active joint reposition sense was measured using a custom-built ankle goniometer, force sense was measured unilaterally and contralaterally with a load cell, and ankle muscle stiffness was measured via transient oscillation using a custom-built inversion-eversion cradle. We found no significant correlations between stiffness and joint reposition sense, with values of r ranging from 0.01 to 0.21. Significant correlations were found between stiffness and force sense. Specifically, contralateral force sense reproduction was significantly correlated to stiffness in the injured or "involved" ankle (r's ranging from 0.47 to 0.65; P< or =0.008). Whether the decreased ability to appropriately sense force (increased error) sends information to the central nervous system to increase muscle stiffness in response to an unexpected loss of stability, or whether these two phenomena function independently and both change concurrently as a result of injury to the system requires further investigation.  相似文献   
Studies of benthic Foraminifera typically rely on the morphological identification of dried specimens. This approach can introduce sampling bias against small, delicate, or morphologically ambiguous forms. To overcome this limitation, we extracted total DNA from sediment followed by PCR using group- and species-specific primers. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that approximately ninety percent of the PCR products represented previously undescribed sequence types that group with undersampled members of the allogromiid Foraminifera. We also used a modification of this technique to track individual species in sediment fractions too fine for normal morphological identification, and to confirm species placement of morphologically ambiguous foraminiferans. We were able to identify the DNA of several large foraminiferal species in fine fractions in a seasonally-dependent manner, indicating that in some seasons the majority of the standing stock of these species exists as gametes/juveniles. The approach outlined here represents a powerful strategy for exploring the total diversity of benthic foraminiferal communities.  相似文献   
Patients with B-type chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) segregate into 2 subgroups based on the mutational status of the immunoglobulin (Ig) V genes and the patients in these subgroups follow very different clinical courses. To examine whether dendritic cells (DCs) generated from CLL patients can be candidates for immune therapy, we compared the phenotypic and functional capacities of DCs generated from patients of the 2 CLL subgroups (normal age-matched subjects [normal-DCs]). Our data show that immature DCs from B-CLL patients (B-CLL-DCs) have the same capacity to take up antigen as those from normal controls. Furthermore, B-CLL-DCs generated from the 2 CLL subgroups up-regulated MHC-II, CD80, CD86, CD83, CD40, and CD54 and down-regulated CD206 in response to stimulation with a cocktail of cytokines (CyC) and secreted increased levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin (IL)-8, IL-6, IL-12 (p70), and RANTES in a manner typical of mature normal-DCs. Interestingly, CD54 was significantly more up-regulated by CyC in B-CLL-DCs compared with normal-DCs. Except for CD54, no significant differences in surface molecule expression were observed between normal-DCs and B-CLL-DCs. B-CLL-DCs from both subgroups, including 6 patients with VH1-69, that usually fare poorly, presented tetanus toxoid to autologous T cells in vitro similar to normal- DCs. Our data show that DCs generated from the B-CLL subgroup with unmutated Ig V genes are functionally normal. These results are very promising for the use of DCs from patients with poor prognosis for immunotherapy.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that apolipoprotein E (Apoe) promotes the formation of amyloid in brain and that astrocyte-specific expression of APOE markedly affects the deposition of amyloid-beta peptides (Abeta) in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease. Given the capacity of astrocytes to degrade Abeta, we investigated the potential role of Apoe in this astrocyte-mediated degradation. In contrast to cultured adult wild-type mouse astrocytes, adult Apoe(-/-) astrocytes do not degrade Abeta present in Abeta plaque-bearing brain sections in vitro. Coincubation with antibodies to either Apoe or Abeta, or with RAP, an antagonist of the low-density lipoprotein receptor family, effectively blocks Abeta degradation by astrocytes. Phase-contrast and confocal microscopy show that Apoe(-/-) astrocytes do not respond to or internalize Abeta deposits to the same extent as do wild-type astrocytes. Thus, Apoe seems to be important in the degradation and clearance of deposited Abeta species by astrocytes, a process that may be impaired in Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   
In a chromatographic method modification intended to preserve protease activity in Bothrops erythromelas venom, 2 mM CaCl2 was added to the gel filtration buffer [50mM Tris/HCl/150mM NaCl (pH 8.0)], in lieu of an equimolar portion of NaCl. This minor compositional change induced significant differences in the venom elution profile on Superdex 200. For this reason, the influence of buffer composition on chromatographic behavior was investigated using an analytical Superdex 75 HR 10/30 column. Phospholipase (PLA) was used as a marker because Naja atra PLA had previously been observed to interact hydrophobically with this resin. PLA elution volumes generally increased as buffer pH decreased. Addition of 20% acetonitrile to the Tris buffer with CaCl2, reduced hydrophobic interaction of the PLA so significantly that its elution was non-overlapping in the two buffers. Other venom constituents, including bradykinin-potentiating peptides and probable hemorrhagic metalloproteases, were similarly affected. Buffer calcium, bound by vicinal dextran hydroxyl groups, appears to retard elution of this acidic PLA.  相似文献   
Cancer immunotherapy: moving beyond current vaccines   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Great progress has been made in the field of tumor immunology in the past decade, but optimism about the clinical application of currently available cancer vaccine approaches is based more on surrogate endpoints than on clinical tumor regression. In our cancer vaccine trials of 440 patients, the objective response rate was low (2.6%), and comparable to the results obtained by others. We consider here results in cancer vaccine trials and highlight alternate strategies that mediate cancer regression in preclinical and clinical models.  相似文献   
The Rps0 proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are components of the 40S ribosomal subunit required for maturation of the 3′ end of 18S rRNA. Drosophila and human homologs of the Rps0 proteins physically interact with Rps21 proteins, and decreased expression of both proteins in Drosophila impairs control of cellular proliferation in hematopoietic organs during larval development. Here, we characterize the yeast RPS21A/B genes and show that strains where both genes are disrupted are not viable. Relative to the wild type, cells with disrupted RPS21A or RPS21B genes exhibit a reduction in growth rate, a decrease in free 40S subunits, an increase in the amount of free 60S subunits, and a decrease in polysome size. Ribosomal RNA processing studies reveal RPS21 and RPS0 mutants have virtually identical processing defects. The pattern of processing defects observed in RPS0 and RPS21 mutants is not a general characteristic of strains with suboptimal levels of small subunit ribosomal proteins, since disruption of the RPS18A or RPS18B genes results in related but distinct processing defects. Together, these data link the Rps0 and Rps21 proteins together functionally in promoting maturation of the 3′ end of 18S rRNA and formation of active 40S ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   
The wood anatomy of 16 of the 37 genera within the epacrids (Styphelioideae, Ericaceae s.l.) is investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. Several features in the secondary xylem occur consistently at the tribal level: arrangement of vessel-ray pits, distribution of axial parenchyma, ray width, and the presence and location of crystals. The primitive nature of Prionoteae and Archerieae is supported by the presence of scalariform perforation plates with many bars and scalariform to opposite vessel pitting. The wood structure of Oligarrheneae is similar to that of Styphelieae, but the very narrow vessel elements, exclusively uniseriate rays and the lack of prismatic crystals in Oligarrheneae distinguish these two tribes. The secondary xylem of Monotoca tamariscina indicates that it does not fit in Styphelieae; a position within Oligarrheneae is possible. Like most Cosmelieae, all Richeeae are characterized by exclusively scalariform perforation plates with many bars, a very high vessel density and paratracheal parenchyma, although they clearly differ in ray width (exclusively uniseriate rays in Cosmelieae vs. uniseriate and wide multiseriate rays in Richeeae). Several wood anatomical features confirm the inclusion of epacrids in Ericaceae s.l. Furthermore, there are significant ecological implications. The small vessel diameter and high vessel frequency in many epacrids are indicative of a high conductive safety to avoid embolism caused by freeze-thaw cycles, while the replacement of scalariform by simple vessel perforation plates and an increase in vessel diameter would suggest an increased conductive efficiency, which is especially found in mesic temperate or tropical Styphelieae.  相似文献   
Despite the fact that lactate and pyruvate are potential substrates for energy production in vivo, our understanding of the control and regulation of carbohydrate metabolism is based principally on studies where glucose is the only available carbohydrate. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the contributions of lactate, pyruvate, and glucose to energy production in the isolated, perfused rat heart over a range of insulin concentrations and after activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase with dichloroacetate (DCA). Hearts were perfused with physiological concentrations of [1-13C]glucose, [U-13C]lactate, [2-13C]pyruvate, and unlabeled palmitate for 45 min. Hearts were freeze clamped, and 13C NMR glutamate isotopomer analysis was performed on tissue extracts. Glucose, lactate, and pyruvate all contributed significantly to myocardial energy production; however, in the absence of insulin, glucose contributed only 25-30% of total pyruvate oxidation. Even under conditions where carbohydrates represented >95% of substrate entering the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, we found that glucose contributed at most 50-60% of total carbohydrate oxidation. Despite being present at only 0.1 mM, pyruvate contributed between approximately 10% and 30% of total acetyl-CoA entry into the TCA cycle. We also found that insulin and DCA not only increased glucose oxidation but also exogenous pyruvate oxidation; however, lactate oxidation was not increased. The differential effects of insulin and DCA on pyruvate and lactate oxidation provide further evidence for compartmentation of cardiac carbohydrate metabolism. These results may have important implications for understanding the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of increasing cardiac carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   
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