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We detected antibodies reactive with Rickettsia akari, the etiologic agent of rickettsialpox in humans and in 83 of 359 (23%) rodents belonging to several species, collected in Orange County, CA. Reciprocal antibody titers >1:16 to R. akari were detected in native mice and rats (Peromyscus maniculatus, P. eremicus, and Neotoma fuscipes) and in Old World mice and rats (Mus musculus, Rattus rattus, and R. norvegicus), representing the first time that antibodies reactive with this agent have been detected in four of these species and the first report of these antibodies in rodents and humans west of the Mississippi River. We then tested serum samples from individuals who used a free clinic in downtown Los Angeles and found that 25 of 299 (8%) of these individuals had antibody titers >1:64 to R. akari. Serologic evidence suggested that R. akari or a closely related rickettsia is prevalent among several rodent species at these localities and that infection spills over into certain segments of the human population. Isolation or molecular confirmation of the agent is needed to conclusively state that R. akari is the etiologic agent infecting these rodents.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Clip cages have been used widely by experimental ecologists to contain insects on plants.
2. Under controlled conditions, the effect of applying clip cages alone and clip cages and the chrysomelid beetle Gastrophysa viridula on systemic leaf expansion of Rumex obtusifolius was investigated. Treatments were applied to the fully expanded fourth leaf and expansion of leaf 8 was measured over a period of 22 days.
3. The application of clip cages reduced the rate at which leaf area increased and led to reductions in final leaf areas.
4. Clip cages have systemic effects on plant development and these effects are sustained even after the clip cage is removed. Investigators should take this into account in designing experiments.  相似文献   
The SPINDLY (SPY) protein of Arabidopsis is a negative regulator of gibberellin (GA) response. The SPY protein has 10 copies of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) at the N terminus. TPR motifs function as protein-protein interaction domains. Several spy alleles are affected only in the TPR region suggesting that protein-protein interactions mediated by this domain are important for proper GA signaling. We have used a reverse genetics approach to further investigate the role of the TPR domain. The TPR domain of SPY was overexpressed in wild-type, gai, and spy plants. Expression of the TPR domain alone is not sufficient to rescue spy mutants. Expression of the TPR domain in a wild-type background produces phenotypes similar to those caused by loss-of-function spy mutants including resistance to GA biosynthesis inhibitors, short hypocotyl length, and early flowering. The dwarfing of the floral shoot internodes caused by the gai mutation was suppressed by expression of the TRP domain. Expression of the TPR domain had no effect on the abundance of endogenous SPY mRNA. The TPR domain was found to interact with SPY both in vitro and in yeast two-hybrid assays. These data indicate that the TPR domain of SPY can participate in protein-protein interactions and that these interactions are important for the proper functioning of SPY.  相似文献   
Susceptibility and resistance of ruminal bacterial species to avoparcin, narasin, salinomycin, thiopeptin, tylosin, virginiamycin, and two new ionophore antibiotics, RO22-6924/004 and RO21-6447/009, were determined. Generally, antimicrobial compounds were inhibitory to gram-positive bacteria and those bacteria that have gram-positive-like cell wall structure. MICs ranged from 0.09 to 24.0 micrograms/ml. Gram-negative bacteria were resistant at the highest concentration tested (48.0 micrograms/ml). On the basis of their fermentation products, ruminal bacteria that produce lactic acid, butyric acid, formic acid, or hydrogen were susceptible and bacteria that produce succinic acid or ferment lactic acid were resistant to the antimicrobial compounds. Selenomonas ruminantium was the only major lactic acid-producing bacteria resistant to all the antimicrobial compounds tested. Avoparcin and tylosin appeared to be less inhibitory (MIC greater than 6.0 micrograms/ml) than the other compounds to the two major lactic acid-producing bacteria, Streptococcus bovis and Lactobacillus sp. Ionophore compounds seemed to be more inhibitory (MIC, 0.09 to 1.50 micrograms/ml) than nonionophore compounds (MIC, 0.75 to 12.0 micrograms/ml) to the major butyric acid-producing bacteria. Treponema bryantii, an anaerobic rumen spirochete, was less sensitive to virginiamycin than to the other antimicrobial compounds. Ionophore compounds were generally bacteriostatic, and nonionophore compounds were bactericidal. The specific growth rate of Bacteroides ruminicola was reduced by all the antimicrobial compounds except avoparcin. The antibacterial spectra of the feed additives were remarkably similar, and it appears that MICs may not be good indicators of the potency of the compounds in altering ruminal fermentation characteristics.  相似文献   
A series of 4-day manipulations of zooplankton biomass and nutrientavailability was performed in enclosures in three lakes to determinespecies-specific algal responses to herbivory and nutrient enrichment.Algal performance in enclosures was compared to the relationshipsbetween weekly algal growth rates and the zooplankton in situ.When in situ growth rates were significant functions of zooplanktonbiomass, the responses were generally consistent with responsesin the enclosure experiments. The importance of both nutrientsand zooplankton in mediating algal growth was demonstrated bynumerous observations: strong algal community response to enrichment,unimodal or positive responses of certain algal taxa to zooplanktonbiomass, differences in degree of nutrient limitation amongthe algal response types, lack of nutrient limitation of non-grazedalgal taxa and a preponderance of taxa with no net responseto increasing zooplankton biomass. Variation in the zooplanktoncommunity may be the largest source of variability in nutrientsupply rate during summer in stratified lakes, and causes substationalvariability in the algae. Algae responded more strongly to changesin zooplankton composition than to changes in zooplankton biomass.We conclude that, due to the close coupling of phytoplanktonand zooplankton communities in these nutrient-limited lakes,major compositional changes in the zooplankton have greatereffects on the algae than do changes in biomass of grazers alreadypresent. 1Present address: Division of Environmental Studies, Universityof California, Davis, CA 95616, USA 2Present address: Division of Biological Sciences, Universityof California, Davis, CA 95616, USA  相似文献   
The effects of reducing brain serotonin (5-HT) levels by means of intracerebral-ventricular injections of the tryptophan antagonist p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) were investigated in male rats. Six days after the operation, PCPA-treated rats, either fedad libitum or pair-fed to the food intake of control rats, showed decreased thermogenic activity and capacity in their interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) and also increased fat storage in their white adipose tissue (WAT). These results indicate that serotonergic synapses might play a regulatory role in the sympathetic control of BAT thermogenesis and in the rate of WAT deposition (by an as yet unidentified mechanism), in addition to their well established role in controlling food intake.  相似文献   
The adsorption of 5-AMP and 5-CMP was studied in saturated solutions of several soluble mineral salts (NaCl, Na2SO4, MgCl2·6H2O, MgSO4·7H2O, CaCl2·2H2O, CaSO4·2H2O, SrCl2·6H2O, SrSO4, and ZnSO4·7H2O) as a function of pH, ionic strength, and surface area of the solid salt. The adsorption shows a pH dependence; this can be correlated with the charge on the nucleotide molecule which is determined by the state of protonation of the N-1 nitrogen of 5-AMP or N-3 nitrogen of 5-CMP and the phosphate oxygens. The adsorption which results from the binding between the nucleotide molecule and the salt surface is proposed as being due to electrostatic forces. It was concluded that the adsorption was reversible in nature. The adsorption shows a strong dependence upon ionic strength and decreases with increasing ionic strength. Surface area is shown to be an important factor in evaluating and comparing the magnitude of adsorption of nucleotides onto various mineral salts. The implications of the results of the study are discussed in terms of the importance of soluble mineral salts as adsorption sites in the characterization of the adsorption reactions of an adsorbed template in biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   
Blood glucose and glucose tolerance tests demonstrated that many male MM mice are diabetic. Serial urine sampling showed that the diabetes occurred only in mature MM males and consisted of a single self-limiting episode. Histological examination of the pancreas, together with measurements of body weight, glycosylated haemoglobin and plasma insulin, revealed that the diabetes was of the maturity-onset insulin-resistant type. Bacteriological examination of the urine samples showed that urinary tract infection, a known feature of male MM mice, occurred in the diabetics but only after the onset of hyperglucosuria. It was concluded that the high urinary glucose levels of diabetic MM males are of prime importance in the aetiology of the renal infection which occurs rarely in non-diabetic MM males or in other strains in the colony. An infectious aetiology for the diabetes per se was excluded by the existence of diabetes in germfree MM males.  相似文献   
We sought to establish whether the endogenous opiate-receptor agonist Met-enkephalin (m-ENK) selectively modulates the release of endogenous tyrosine (Tyr) from brain slices prepared from the corpus striatum (CS). Amino acids (AAs) released from slices of CS and, for comparison, cerebral cortex (Cx) were measured by HPLC. Incubation of slices with m-ENK (1-10 microM) increased the basal release of Tyr (up to 293% of control) from CS, but not Cx, whereas other nonneurotransmitter AAs, phenylalanine (Phe) and valine (Val), were unchanged. The release of the putative neurotransmitter AAs glutamate (Glu), taurine (Tau), and glycine (Gly) were similarly increased by 50-150% with m-ENK in slices of CS, but not Cx. The enhanced release of AAs by m-ENK was prevented by removal of extracellular Ca2+ or by preincubation with the opiate receptor antagonist naloxone. Neuronal depolarization by potassium (5-55 mM) in the presence of Ca2+ did not affect the release of Tyr, whereas release of neurotransmitter AAs such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were markedly increased. The increase in basal Tyr release by m-ENK was not the result of a decreased uptake of Tyr. Relative to slices, the basal release of Tyr, Phe, and Val from a synaptosomal (P2) preparation of CS was small (8-51%) compared to that of GABA, Gly, Glu, and Tau (49-123%). Nonetheless, m-ENK (10 microM) markedly increased the release of Tyr (to 833%), but not Glu, Gly, and Tau from the P2 fraction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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