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The specific activities of the enzymes alpha-mannosidase and N-acetylglucosaminidase increase immediately after the initiation of the development of bacterially grown cell cultures of Dictyostelium discoideum. The regulation of these two enzymes was found to be dissociable in the developmental timer mutant, FM-1, which aggregates 4.5 h earlier than wild-type cells due to the absence of the first rate-limiting component of the preaggregative period. The increase in alpha-mannosidase activity occurs in the absence of the first rate-limiting component, but the increase in N-acetylglucosaminidase activity does not. These results indicate the following: (1) the increase in the specific activity of alpha-mannosidase is not related to the timing of subsequent developmental stages; (2) the increase in the specific activity of N-acetylglucosaminidase is not necessary for the subsequent developmental program; and (3) either the increase in the specific activity of N-acetylglucosaminidase is dependent upon progress through the first rate-limiting component, or the increase in this enzyme activity and the first rate-limiting component are both dependent upon an early event for which FM-1 is defective. In addition to early development, we monitored the two enzyme activities during dedifferentiation. The results demonstrate that there is no difference between dedifferentiating wild-type cells and dedifferentiation-defective mutant HI-4 cells. Changes in enzyme specific activity accompanying dedifferentiation are dependent upon the composition of the dedifferentiation-inducing media and are consistent with the levels of these enzymes observed in cells growing in the different nutrient media.  相似文献   
Investigations of the mechanisms involved in the neurotoxicity resulting from chronic inorganic lead (Pb) exposure have centered on CNS biogenic amine function on the basis of behavioral and neurochemical findings. The following study examined the time course of the response of dopamine (DA) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) neurons to d-amphetamine (AMPH) in rats chronically exposed to Pb from birth in order to further examine neurochemical mechanisms implicated by previous work. Offspring were exposed to 0.2% Pb acetate via the lactating dam and then weaned to the same drinking solution. At 120–140 days animals were injected with 1.0 mg/kg s.c. of the drug or with saline and sacrificed after various intervals. DA content in nucleus accumbens and corpus striatum in Pb-exposed animals was significantly higher than corresponding levels in controls at 20 minutes post-drug and remained significantly higher than baseline values at 80 minutes after the drug when DA concentrations in controls had returned to normal. These data suggest enhanced AMPH-induced DA synthesis in exposed rats. 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) content was significantly increased in three brain regions in exposed rats given AMPH compared to values in saline-injected exposed animals, indicating a compensation in these areas for the decreases in 5-HIAA values produced by Pb exposure alone. The results of this study reinforce the hypothesis that DA and 5-HT neurons are sensitive to relatively low levels of Pb exposure.  相似文献   
Summary The calcareous ossicles of the burrowing sea cucumber Leptosynapta clarki have been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The ossicles occur in the dermis of the body wall and comprise three main types: 1) curved rods; 2) miliary granules; and 3) anchorshaped structures that are paired with oval plates. Rods average about 80 m in length, and miliary granules are typically 20–30 m long. Both of these ossicles appear to form a protective skeleton in regions where the water vascular system and accompanying nerves are located. Anchors and plates are scattered throughout the interambulacra of the body at densities ranging from 2–8/mm2. Each anchor measures about 145 m long and is attached to the plate underlying it by a flexible ligament that is composed of collagen fibrils. Tetracycline labeling studies indicate that anchors and plates take several months to reach full size. All developing ossicles appear to be surrounded by a syncytial network of sclerocytes that characteristically possess numerous mitochondria and a conspicuous external lamina. Fully formed anchors lie directly beneath the epidermis and do not protrude through the outermost layer of the body wall. During burrowing, the curved flukes of the anchorshaped ossicles may provide added traction as the buccal tentacles dig through the sediment.List of abbreviations a anchor - ar ambulacral region - cm circular muscle layer of body wall - cs cytoplasmic sheath - d dermis - ep epidermis - f fluke - ild inner layer of dermis - k keel - me myoepithelium - mg miliary granule - n nerve - old outer layer of dermis - os ossicle - pl plate - s sclerocyte - sh shank - st stock  相似文献   
Standard textbooks discuss parasitic disease according to specific organisms. In contrast, patients with parasitic infections present to physicians with a variety of clinical manifestations that may involve any of several organ systems and that often mimic nonparasitic diseases. A syndromic approach to the clinical situation may help the physician in considering the most important parasitic agents. Many parasitic infections can be acquired in temperate climates. While often considered tropical or exotic, other parasitic diseases are now seen more frequently in developed countries because of immigration and increased world travel. In this review the clinical syndromes associated with common parasitic diseases in North America are discussed, with an emphasis on risk factors and diagnosis of specific infections.  相似文献   
Primary leaves of 4-day-old, dark-grown mung bean [ Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cv. Berken] seedlings were exposed to 24 h of white light (200 μmol m−2 s−1) which was terminated by a 15 min, phytochrome-saturating red or far-red light exposure. Phytochrome content (in vivo and in vitro) and leaf area were monitored during the subsequent dark period. Red light treatments resulted in lower phytochrome content and greater leaf expansion than did far-red treatments. Phytochrome accumulation and leaf expansion were less in norflurazon- (no carotenoids and very low Chl) than in tentoxin- (very low Chl) treated leaves. After 3 days of darkness, leaf expansion was about 25% greater and phytochrome content was about 50% less in red- than in far-red-treated leaves of all treatments. These effects generally took longer to develop in norflurazon- than in tentoxin-treated tissues. Norflurazon-treated tissues exposed to long white light periods apparently do not as accurately reflect phytochrome-controlled photomorphogenic events of green tissues as do tentoxin-treated tissues of mung bean seedlings.  相似文献   
Light control of extractable nitrate reductase activity in higher plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Light regulation of extractable nitrate reductase (NR) activity of higher plants is complicated by: 1) involvement of several photoreceptors, 2) differences in the relative importance of the several photoreceptors among species and among developmental stages of the same species, 3) two types of effects – alteration of activity of existing NR and influences on de novo synthesis of NR, and 4) differing forms of NR within the same species. The interrelationships of all of these factors are not clear. It may be that each system will have to be understood separately before a general model can be developed. Immunochemical quantification of NR from systems exposed to varied light regimes may enhance our understanding of this area. Currently few general conclusions can be made; however, we think that the following statements are true or are usually true: (1) Phytochrome influences extractable NR activity by the low irradiance response and high irradiance response in etiolated tissues. (2) In de-etiolated tissues phytochrome can influence NR activity decay at the end of a light period by the low irradiance response. (3) The phytochrome equilibrium or the absolute level of Pfr influences extractable NR activity in green tissues under white light. (4) Blue light influences extractable NR activity through phytochrome and another, unknown, blue light-absorbing pigment. Flavins may be involved in vitro in reactivation of inactivated NR. (5) Photosynthesis does not directly influence the induction of the forms of NR that require substrate and light for induction. (6) In some tissues there appears to be a close link between nitrite-reducing and nitrate-reducing capabilities. (7) Much circumstantial evidence from kinetic and protein-synthesis-inhibitor studies and the only available immunochemical data indicate that light induces de novo synthesis of NR, resulting in increased extractable activity.  相似文献   
The free (non-conjugated) ecdysteroid in the ovaries during the first gonadotrophic cycle of Diploptera punctata was identified as 20-hydroxyecdysone. The hormone, quantified by radioimmunoassay and by ultraviolet absorbance, was detectable in the ovary toward the end of vitellogenesis; the quantity increased rapidly during chorion formation. Ovaries with chorionated eggs contained 67 μg of 20-hydroxyecdysone per g fresh weight. The haemolymph free-ecdysteroid, not identified physicochemically, was quantified by radioimmunoassays. The highest concentration was observed at adult emergence; the titre declined between days 1–3 and then remained at a relatively constant level through oviposition (which occurs between day 7 and 8); titres in pregnant females were higher. Ovariectomized females exhibited the same pattern of ecdysteroid titres in the haemolymph as the sham operated controls throughout the period corresponding to the first gonadotrophic cycle. Thus the ovary may not be the only source of haemolymph ecdysteroid related to reproduction in adult females.  相似文献   
Summary The organization of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repcat unit in the standard wild-type strain of Neurospora crassa, 74-OR23-1A, and in 30 other wild-type strains and wild-collected strains of N. crassa, N. tetrasperma, N. sitophila, N. intermedia, and N. discreta isolated from nature, was investigated by restriction enzyme digestion of genomic DNA, and probing of the Southern-blotted DNA fragments with specific cloned pieces of the rDNA unit from 74-OR23-1A. The size of the rDNA unit in 74-OR23-1A was shown to be 9.20 kilobase pairs (kb) from blotting data, and the average for all strains was 9.11+0.21 kb; standard error=0.038; coefficient of variation (C.V.)=2.34%. These data indicate that the rDNA repeat unit size has been highly conserved among the Neurospora strains investigated. However, while all strains have a conserved HindIII site near the 5 end of the 25 S rDNA coding sequence, a polymorphism in the number and/or position of HindIII sites in the nontranscribed spacer region was found between strains. The 74-OR23-1A strain has two HindIII sites in the spacer, while others have from 0 to at least 3. This restriction site polymorphism is strain-specific and not species-specific. It was confirmed for some strains by restriction analysis of clones containing most of the rDNA repeat unit. The current restriction map of the 74-OR23-1A rDNA repeat unit is presented.  相似文献   
The mechanisms underlying Ir gene control of CMI were addressed by examining the DTH and Tprlf responses specific for the synthetic polymers GT, GAT, and GA. We show that BALB/c mice (GAT/GA responders, GT nonresponders) primed with GT fail to develop DTH and Tprlf responses specific for GT, GAT, or GA. GAT immunization resulted in DTH responses that could be elicited not only with GAT and GA but also with GT, demonstrating that GT-specific TDH are present in nonresponder mice. GT-specific DTH was transferred with Thy-1+ Lyt-1+2, H-2 Irestricted, nylon wool nonadherent cells. GA-primed BALB/c mice developed GAT- and GA-, but not GT-apecific DTH responses, indicating that GA and GT do not cross-react at the T-cell level. The ability of GAT [but not a mixture of GA plus GT, or GT electrostatically complexed to the immunogenic carrier MBSA (GT-MBSA)] to induce GT-specific DTH suggested a requirement for covalent linkage of stimulatory GA and nonstimulatory GT determinants present on the GAT molecule. Similarly, GT-specific in vitro Tprlf responses could be demonstrated in GAT-primed mice exhibiting significant levels of GT-specific DTH but not in GT- or GT-MBSA-primed mice. Tolerization experiments also suggested that GT-specific Th were involved in the development of GT-specific DTH in GAT-primed mice. The GT nonresponsiveness of BALB/c mice for DTH and Tprlf responses could not be reversed by treatments designed to abrogate Ts activity (priming with GT-MBSA and CY injection), nor could GT-primed cells be shown to inhibit the development or elicitation of GT-specific CMI in GAT-primed mice during the afferent and/or efferent stages of DTH. Our results suggest that GT nonresponsiveness does not result from the absence of GT-specific T cells or preferential induction of Ts. The results are discussed in the context of hole-in-the-repertoire and antigen presentation (determinant selection) models of Ir gene control.Abbreviations used in this paper APC antigen-presenting cells - BSA bovine serum albumin - BSS Mishell-Dutton balanced salt solution - CFA complete Freund's adjuvant - CMI cell-mediated immunity - CY cyclophosphamide - DTH delayed-type hypersensitivity - GA poly(Glu60Ala40) - GAT poly (Glu60Ala30Tyr10) - GT poly(Glu50Tyr50) - GT-MBSA GT complexed to methylated bovine serum albumin - It immune response - LN lymph node - PPD purified protein derivative of tuberculin - TDH DTH T cells - Th helper T cells - Tprlf T-cell proliferation - Ts suppressor T cells - TsF T-cell suppressor factor(s)  相似文献   
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