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Metabolomics - Metabolomics applications to the aquaculture research are increasing steadily. The use of standardized proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy can provide the...  相似文献   
In many aquatic animals, predator avoidance can be stimulated by chemical cues, including those released by injured prey (alarm cues). Alarm cues of both conspecific and heterospecific origin have been identified within several fish taxa, where phylogenetic conservation of the cue-response complex is common. Turbellarian flatworms (planaria) are among the simplest animals known to respond to chemical cues released by injured conspecifics. We examined how two locally sympatric planaria species respond to conspecific and heterospecific chemical cues using macerated tissue suspensions. Brown (Girardia tigrina) and black (Dugesia dorotocephala) planaria both exhibited avoidance behavior when presented conspecific cues. Despite a significant twofold difference in body size (black > brown), stimulus prepared from a single (1×) individual of either species elicited avoidance. Increasing brown planaria cue concentration by macerating two individuals (2×) produced a significant increase in conspecific avoidance. Heterospecific stimuli produced asymmetric results. Black planaria avoided the brown planaria stimulus, but only in the higher concentration (2×) trials. Brown planaria did not consistently exhibit avoidance of the black planaria stimulus and some brown subjects approached and consumed black planarian tissues. Our results expand the demonstrated occurrence of alarm cues among planaria and suggest that avoidance behavior can be mediated by multiple environmental and intrinsic factors in freshwater Turbellaria.  相似文献   
Constrained to develop within the seed, the plant embryo must adapt its shape and size to fit the space available. Here, we demonstrate how this adjustment shapes metabolism of photosynthetic embryo. Noninvasive NMR-based imaging of the developing oilseed rape (Brassica napus) seed illustrates that, following embryo bending, gradients in lipid concentration became established. These were correlated with the local photosynthetic electron transport rate and the accumulation of storage products. Experimentally induced changes in embryo morphology and/or light supply altered these gradients and were accompanied by alterations in both proteome and metabolome. Tissue-specific metabolic models predicted that the outer cotyledon and hypocotyl/radicle generate the bulk of plastidic reductant/ATP via photosynthesis, while the inner cotyledon, being enclosed by the outer cotyledon, is forced to grow essentially heterotrophically. Under field-relevant high-light conditions, major contribution of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase–bypass to seed storage metabolism is predicted for the outer cotyledon and the hypocotyl/radicle only. Differences between in vitro– versus in planta–grown embryos suggest that metabolic heterogeneity of embryo is not observable by in vitro approaches. We conclude that in vivo metabolic fluxes are locally regulated and connected to seed architecture, driving the embryo toward an efficient use of available light and space.  相似文献   
Felids in captivity are often inactive and elusive in zoos, leading to a frustrating visitor experience. Eight roars were recorded from an adult male lion and played back over speakers as auditory enrichment to benefit the lions while simultaneously enhancing the zoo visitor experience. In addition, ungulates in an adjacent exhibit were observed to ensure that the novel location and increased frequency of roars did not lead to a stress or fear response. The male lion in this study roared more in the playback phase than in the baseline phases while not increasing any behaviors that would indicate compromised welfare. In addition, zoo visitors remained at the lion exhibit longer during playback. The nearby ungulates never exhibited any reactions stronger than orienting to playbacks, identical to their reactions to live roars. Therefore, naturalistic playbacks of lion roars are a potential form of auditory enrichment that leads to more instances of live lion roars and enhances the visitor experience without increasing the stress levels of nearby ungulates or the lion themselves, who might interpret the roar as that of an intruder.  相似文献   
As nonhuman animals age, geriatric individuals require additional care and veterinary support to ensure their well being. The focus on lifelong care is a relatively newer approach when providing good welfare, and few studies have examined how veterinary care impacts behavior at different ages or how best to accommodate geriatric individuals in zoos. The objectives of this study were to (a) assess both the immediate and long-term (one year later) behavioral impacts of cataract removal for macaroni (Eudyptes chrysolophus) and southern rockhopper (Eudyptes chrysocome) penguins; (b) compare the behavior of penguins following cataract surgery to that of other conspecifics in the same habitat; and (c) monitor the impacts of cataract surgery on swimming behavior using time-depth recorders. Individual responses to cataract removal differed in direction and magnitude, and these mixed results highlight that welfare is experienced and thus measured at the individual level. Positive responses included increased habitat use, increased time spent swimming, and increased rates of affiliative interactions. This study highlights the importance of assessing welfare impacts of veterinary interventions on geriatric individuals.  相似文献   
The East Aegean (East Aegean Islands, Greece and West Anatolia, Turkey) is a biogeographically transitional region, where biodiversity elements from Europe and Asia join. However, affinities in the region were until recently scarcely explored. We assess biogeographical affinities in the East Aegean focusing on distribution patterns of Lamiaceae plants in Chios Island and its adjacent Çe?me–Karaburun Peninsula. Detailed in-situ record was acquired for 48 native species. These were grouped based on their habitat and geological substrate preference, their distribution was mapped in grid cells and distribution patterns were analysed in relation to species groupings. In both Chios and Çe?me–Karaburun, species follow five distribution patterns: widespread, locally widespread, locally restricted, sporadic and rare. Fifty to 62% of the species exhibit similar distribution patterns, trends in habitat and geological substrate preference in Chios and Çe?me–Karaburun, results complying with previous evidence of close biogeographical affinities of the East Aegean Islands and neighbouring Anatolia. Differences observed between the two regions may be attributed to insularity effects, human impact and the melange, an old rock matrix known for its key role in elucidating regional geodynamic evolution. Distributions of widespread and locally widespread species in Chios give evidence of density compensation and niche shifts responses, however, the actual occurrence of these phenomena in island plant populations is still to be elucidated. Overall, the species distribution patterns, particularly those of rare ones, reflect the complex geological history, palaeogeography and human influence in the Aegean region.  相似文献   
Cancer is a leading cause of death and alterations of glycosylation are characteristic features of malignant cells. Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers and its exact causes and biology are not yet well understood. Here, we compared glycosylation profiles of colorectal tumor tissues and corresponding control tissues of 13 colorectal cancer patients to contribute to the understanding of this cancer. Using MALDI-TOF(/TOF)-MS and 2-dimensional LC-MS/MS we characterized enzymatically released and 2-aminobenzoic acid labeled glycans from glycosphingolipids. Multivariate data analysis revealed significant differences between tumor and corresponding control tissues. Main discriminators were obtained, which represent the overall alteration in glycosylation of glycosphingolipids during colorectal cancer progression, and these were found to be characterized by (1) increased fucosylation, (2) decreased acetylation, (3) decreased sulfation, (4) reduced expression of globo-type glycans, as well as (5) disialyl gangliosides. The findings of our current research confirm former reports, and in addition expand the knowledge of glycosphingolipid glycosylation in colorectal cancer by revealing new glycans with discriminative power and characteristic, cancer-associated glycosylation alterations. The obtained discriminating glycans can contribute to progress the discovery of biomarkers to improve diagnostics and patient treatment.Worldwide, cancer is a leading cause of death. With estimated 1.2 million diagnoses in 2008, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world and the fourth most common cause of death with an annual mortality of ∼600 000 (1). The exact causes of colorectal cancer are unknown, but different risk factors such as age, polyps, personal and family history, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn''s colitis have been proposed (2). Standard screening procedures include flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and immunological fecal occult blood testing. Each of them has its advantages and drawbacks such as invasiveness or low sensitivity and specificity (3). The method of choice for the treatment of colorectal cancer is surgery and therapeutic decisions are based on the tumor, lymph node, and metastasis staging-system as a prognostic factor (4). Current research has led to improved treatment strategies of colorectal cancer, however, the clinical outcome, the progression of the disease, and the response to the treatment remain variable among individuals. The heterogeneity of colorectal cancer at the molecular level—caused by accumulation of multiple genetic changes—may be one of the main reasons for this variability (5). Genetic factors such as instabilities, but also expression levels (6) can explain part of the cancer biology, but glycomics is gaining importance to complement the overall picture as aberrant glycosylation of proteins and lipids has been shown to be correlated with disease and malignancy (7, 8).Glycosylation is involved in many biological processes and especially its functional role in cellular interaction with respect to adhesion, cell growth, and signaling is prone to be affected in cancer progression, invasion, and metastasis (9). Several cancer-associated alterations in protein glycosylation have been reported: (1) increased branching of N-glycans, (2) higher density of O-glycans, and (3) incomplete synthesis of glycans. More particularly, an increased or induced expression of GlcNAc transferase V resulting in N-glycan structures with β1–6GlcNAc antennae (5, 10), and the expression of (sialyl) Tn-antigens (11) as aberrant O-glycosylation have been reported (10).Altered glycosphingolipid (GSL)1 glycosylation of the cell surface membrane during malignancy can affect cell recognition, adhesion, and signal transduction (12) and is found to reflect: (1) incomplete synthesis with or without precursor accumulation, (2) neosynthesis (9), (3) increased sialylation, and (4) increased fucosylation (13). In many cancers, including colorectal cancer, an overexpression of the (sialyl) Lewis X antigen (10, 14) and the expression of (sialyl) Lewis A (15) are considered to be related to malignant transformation—reflecting incomplete synthesis of sialyl 6-sulfo Lewis X and disialyl Lewis A (16) as well as neosynthesis (17). Studies on gangliosides showed an overexpression of these sialylated GSLs in human malignant melanoma (18). Furthermore, the involvement of gangliosides in cell adhesion and motility was reported, which contributes to tumor metastasis (19). Specifically, the gangliosides GD3 (Hex2NeuAc2ceramide) and GM2 (Hex2HexNAc1NeuAc1ceramide) have been found to be associated with tumor-angiogenesis (19). The up-regulation of fucosyltransferases in cancer was shown to cause a higher degree of fucosylation in malignant tissues (20) and Moriwaki et al. proposed that the increase in the fucosylation for GSLs was an early event in cancer (21). Misonou et al. investigated glycans derived from GSLs in colorectal cancer tissues showing aberrant glycan structures based on linkage differences as well as increased sialylation and fucosylation compared with control tissue (22), which is in line with observed changes in GSL glycosylation with regard to cancer progression (9, 13).Recently, we investigated the N-glycosylation profiles of colorectal tumors and correlating control tissues for biomarker discovery. Statistical analyses revealed an increase of sulfated glycan structures as well as paucimannosidic glycans and glycans containing sialylated Lewis type epitopes in the tumor tissue, whereas structures with bisecting GlcNAc were found to be decreased in malignancy (23). To further progress the understanding of colorectal cancer biology and the improvement of diagnostic tools and patient treatment, we complemented this recent study on N-glycosylation by an investigation of the glycosphingolipid-derived glycans (named GSL-glycans in the following) from frozen tumor tissues and corresponding control tissues from the same 13 colorectal cancer patients. GSL-glycans were enzymatically released, labeled with 2-aminobenzoic acid (AA) and analyzed by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) with fluorescence detection as well as matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Employing multivariate statistical analysis, this approach revealed an intricate GSL-glycosylation pattern of tumor tissues and specific glycosylation differences in comparison to the corresponding control tissue.  相似文献   
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