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During endomitosis, megakaryocytes undergo several rounds of DNA synthesis without division leading to polyploidization. In primary megakaryocytes and in the megakaryocytic cell line CHRF, loss or knock-down of p53 enhances cell cycling and inhibits apoptosis, leading to increased polyploidization. To support the hypothesis that p53 suppresses megakaryocytic polyploidization, we show that stable expression of wild-type p53 in K562 cells (a p53-null cell line) attenuates the cells' ability to undergo polyploidization during megakaryocytic differentiation due to diminished DNA synthesis and greater apoptosis. This suggested that p53's effects during megakaryopoiesis are mediated through cell cycle- and apoptosis-related target genes, possibly by arresting DNA synthesis and promoting apoptosis. To identify candidate genes through which p53 mediates these effects, gene expression was compared between p53 knock-down (p53-KD) and control CHRF cells induced to undergo terminal megakaryocytic differentiation using microarray analysis. Among substantially downregulated p53 targets in p53-KD megakaryocytes were cell cycle regulators CDKN1A (p21) and PLK2, proapoptotic FAS, TNFRSF10B, CASP8, NOTCH1, TP53INP1, TP53I3, DRAM1, ZMAT3 and PHLDA3, DNA-damage-related RRM2B and SESN1, and actin component ACTA2, while antiapoptotic CKS1B, BCL2, GTSE1, and p53 family member TP63 were upregulated in p53-KD cells. Additionally, a number of cell cycle-related, proapoptotic, and cytoskeleton-related genes with known functions in megakaryocytes but not known to carry p53-responsive elements were differentially expressed between p53-KD and control CHRF cells. Our data support a model whereby p53 expression during megakaryopoiesis serves to control polyploidization and the transition from endomitosis to apoptosis by impeding cell cycling and promoting apoptosis. Furthermore, we identify a putative p53 regulon that is proposed to orchestrate these effects.  相似文献   
The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is contained within about 4 Mb on the short arm of chromosome 6 and is recognised as the most variable region in the human genome. The primary aim of the MHC Haplotype Project was to provide a comprehensively annotated reference sequence of a single, human leukocyte antigen-homozygous MHC haplotype and to use it as a basis against which variations could be assessed from seven other similarly homozygous cell lines, representative of the most common MHC haplotypes in the European population. Comparison of the haplotype sequences, including four haplotypes not previously analysed, resulted in the identification of >44,000 variations, both substitutions and indels (insertions and deletions), which have been submitted to the dbSNP database. The gene annotation uncovered haplotype-specific differences and confirmed the presence of more than 300 loci, including over 160 protein-coding genes. Combined analysis of the variation and annotation datasets revealed 122 gene loci with coding substitutions of which 97 were non-synonymous. The haplotype (A3-B7-DR15; PGF cell line) designated as the new MHC reference sequence, has been incorporated into the human genome assembly (NCBI35 and subsequent builds), and constitutes the largest single-haplotype sequence of the human genome to date. The extensive variation and annotation data derived from the analysis of seven further haplotypes have been made publicly available and provide a framework and resource for future association studies of all MHC-associated diseases and transplant medicine. Horton and Gibson contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Hepadnaviruses use extensively overlapping genes to expand their coding capacity, especially the precore/core genes encode the precore and core proteins with mostly identical sequences but distinct functions. The precore protein of the woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) is N-glycosylated, in contrast to the precore of the human hepatitis B virus (HBV) that lacks N-glycosylation. To explore the roles of the N-linked glycosylation sites in precore and core functions, we substituted T77 and T92 in the WHV precore/core N-glycosylation motifs (75NIT77 and 90NDT92) with the corresponding HBV residues (E77 and N92) to eliminate the sequons. Conversely, these N-glycosylation sequons were introduced into the HBV precore/core gene by E77T and N92T substitutions. We found that N-glycosylation increased the levels of secreted precore gene products from both HBV and WHV. However, the HBV core (HBc) protein carrying the E77T substitution was defective in supporting virion secretion, and during infection, the HBc E77T and N92T substitutions impaired the formation of the covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA), the critical viral DNA molecule responsible for establishing and maintaining infection. In cross-species complementation assays, both HBc and WHV core (WHc) proteins supported all steps of intracellular replication of the heterologous virus while WHc, with or without the N-glycosylation sequons, failed to interact with HBV envelope proteins for virion secretion. Interestingly, WHc supported more efficiently intracellular cccDNA amplification than HBc in the context of either HBV or WHV. These findings reveal novel determinants of precore secretion and core functions and illustrate strong constraints during viral host adaptation resulting from their compact genome and extensive use of overlapping genes.  相似文献   
Jet aerated loop reactors (JLRs) provide high mass transfer coefficients (kLa) and can be used for the intensification of mass transfer limited reactions. The jet loop reactor achieves higher kLa values than a stirred tank reactor (STR). The improvement relies on significantly higher local power inputs (~104) than those obtainable with the STR. Operation at high local turnover rates requires efficient macromixing, otherwise reactor inhomogeneities might occur. If sufficient homogenization is not achieved, the selectivity of the reaction and the respective yields are decreased. Therefore, the balance between mixing and mass transfer in jet loop reactors is a critical design aspect. Monitoring the dissolved oxygen levels during the turnover of a steady sodium sulfite feed implied the abundance of gradients in the JLR. Prolonged mixing times at identical power input and aeration rates (~100%) were identified for the JLR in comparison to the STR. The insertion of a draft tube to the JLR led to a more homogenous dissolved oxygen distribution, but unfortunately a reduction of mixing time was not achieved. In case of increased medium viscosities as they may arise in high cell density cultivations, no gradient formation was detected. However, differences in medium viscosity significantly altered the mass transfer and mixing performance of the JLR.  相似文献   
Sea ice is a large and diverse ecosystem contributing significantly to primary production in ice-covered regions. In the Arctic Ocean, sea ice consists of mixed multi-year ice (MYI), often several metres thick, and thinner first-year ice (FYI). Current global warming is most severe in Arctic regions; as a consequence, summer sea ice cover is decreasing and MYI is disappearing at an alarming rate. Despite its apparent hostility, sea ice is inhabited by a diverse microbial community of bacteria and protists, many of which are photosynthetic. Here we present an assessment of eukaryotic biodiversity in MYI and FYI from the central Arctic Ocean using high-throughput 454 sequencing of 18S rRNA and rDNA amplicons. We compared the rDNA-based ‘total’ biodiversity with the ‘active’ biodiversity from rRNA amplicons and found differences between them including an over-representation of Ciliophora, Bicosoecida and Bacillariophyceae operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the active part of the community. Differences between the two libraries are more pronounced at the lower taxonomic level: certain genera, such as Melosira, are more abundant in the rRNA library, indicating activity of these genera. Furthermore, we found that one FYI station showed a higher activity of potential grazers which was probably due to the advanced stage of melt evident by higher ice temperatures and highly porous ice compared with the other stations.  相似文献   


Patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) may develop exercise intolerance due to musculoskeletal involvement, restrictive lung disease, left ventricular dysfunction, or pulmonary vasculopathy (PV). The latter is particularly important since it may lead to lethal pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). We hypothesized that abnormalities during cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in patients with SSc can identify PV leading to overt PAH.


Thirty SSc patients from the Harbor-UCLA Rheumatology clinic, not clinically suspected of having significant pulmonary vascular disease, were referred for this prospective study. Resting pulmonary function and exercise gas exchange were assessed, including peakVO2, anaerobic threshold (AT), heart rate- VO2 relationship (O2-pulse), exercise breathing reserve and parameters of ventilation-perfusion mismatching, as evidenced by elevated ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (VE/VCO2) and reduced end-tidal pCO2 (PETCO2) at the AT.


Gas exchange patterns were abnormal in 16 pts with specific cardiopulmonary disease physiology: Eleven patients had findings consistent with PV, while five had findings consistent with left-ventricular dysfunction (LVD). Although both groups had low peak VO2 and AT, a higher VE/VCO2 at AT and decreasing PETCO2 during early exercise distinguished PV from LVD.


Previously undiagnosed exercise impairments due to LVD or PV were common in our SSc patients. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing may help to differentiate and detect these disorders early in patients with SSc.  相似文献   
Mosquitoes are vectors of major diseases such as dengue fever and malaria. Mass drug administration of endectocides to humans and livestock is a promising complementary approach to current insecticide-based vector control measures. The aim of this study was to establish an insect model for pharmacokinetic and drug-drug interaction studies to develop sustainable endectocides for vector control. Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were fed with human blood containing either ivermectin alone or ivermectin in combination with ketoconazole, rifampicin, ritonavir, or piperonyl butoxide. Drug concentrations were quantified by LC-MS/MS at selected time points post-feeding. Primary pharmacokinetic parameters and extent of drug-drug interactions were calculated by pharmacometric modelling. Lastly, the drug effect of the treatments was examined. The mosquitoes could be dosed with a high precision (%CV: ≤13.4%) over a range of 0.01–1 μg/ml ivermectin without showing saturation (R2: 0.99). The kinetics of ivermectin were characterised by an initial lag phase of 18.5 h (CI90%: 17.0–19.8 h) followed by a slow zero-order elimination rate of 5.5 pg/h (CI90%: 5.1–5.9 pg/h). By contrast, ketoconazole, ritonavir, and piperonyl butoxide were immediately excreted following first order elimination, whereas rifampicin accumulated over days in the mosquitoes. Ritonavir increased the lag phase of ivermectin by 11.4 h (CI90%: 8.7–14.2 h) resulting in an increased exposure (+29%) and an enhanced mosquitocidal effect. In summary, this study shows that the pharmacokinetics of drugs can be investigated and modulated in an Ae. aegypti animal model. This may help in the development of novel vector-control interventions and further our understanding of toxicology in arthropods.  相似文献   
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