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In mammals, the release of pituitary ACTH is stimulated by CRF. Two related peptides exist in nonmammalian vertebrates, sauvagine from frog skin and urotensin-I from the urophysis of teleost fish. Their related structures (approximately 50%) and capacity to stimulate the release of ACTH from mammalian and fish pituitaries has led to the proposal that sauvagine and urotensin-I are homologs of mammalian CRF. However, sauvagine does not appear to stimulate ACTH release in amphibians, although mammalian CRF (ovine) induces a potent response from amphibian pituitaries. This could indicate that the main function of sauvagine does not involve ACTH regulation and suggests that an additional CRF-like peptide exists in Amphibia. We report here the isolation of two highly homologous CRF-like genes from the frog, Xenopus laevis. Analysis of the expression pattern of these CRF-like genes revealed mRNA in splenic tissue and in the preoptic nucleus and paraventricular organ of the brain. The amino acid sequence of the mature peptide regions (1-41) of both X. laevis genes is strikingly conserved, sharing more than 93% homology with mammalian CRFs, yet only 50% homology with sauvagine. In view of the fact that these new amphibian CRF-like genes share far greater homology with mammalian CRF than that exhibited by sauvagine, we propose that the new Xenopus CRF-like genes are the amphibian counterparts to mammalian CRF. Thus, two members of the CRF family have now been identified in the Amphibia, namely CRF and sauvagine.  相似文献   

Background aims

For patients needing allogeneic stem cell transplantation but lacking a major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-matched donor, haplo-identical (family) donors may be an alternative. Stringent T-cell depletion required in these cases to avoid lethal graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) can delay immune reconstitution, thus impairing defense against virus reactivation and attenuating graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) activity. Several groups reported that GVHD is caused by cells residing within the naive (CD45RA+) T-cell compartment and proposed use of CD45RA-depleted donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) to accelerate immune reconstitution. We developed and tested the performance of a CD45RA depletion module for the automatic cell-processing device CliniMACS Prodigy and investigated quality attributes of the generated products.


Unstimulated apheresis products from random volunteer donors were depleted of CD45RA+ cells on CliniMACS Prodigy, using Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)-compliant reagents and methods throughout. Using phenotypic and functional in vitro assays, we assessed the cellular constitution of CD45RA-depleted products, including T-cell subset analyses, immunological memory function and allo-reactivity.


Selections were technically uneventful and proceeded automatically with minimal hands-on time beyond tubing set installation. Products were near-qualitatively CD45RA+ depleted, that is, largely devoid of CD45RA+ T cells but also of almost all B and natural killer cells. Naive and effector as well as γ/δ T cells were greatly reduced. The CD4:CD8 ratio was fivefold increased. Mixed lymphocyte reaction assays of the product against third-party leukocytes revealed reduced allo-reactivity compared to starting material. Anti-pathogen responses were retained.


The novel, closed, fully GMP-compatible process on Prodigy generates highly CD45RA-depleted cellular products predicted to be clinically meaningfully depleted of GvH reactivity.  相似文献   
ConA at high concentrations inhibits lymphocyte mitogenesis. Previous studies have shown that inhibitory conA concentrations do not inhibit the acquisition of responsiveness to interleukin-2 (IL-2) when excessive conA is removed. To analyse further the problem of high-dose inhibition by conA, we determined whether inhibition of mitogenesis is related to inhibition of IL-2 production or, alternatively, whether factor production is intact, but the cells are rendered incapable of responding to the factor. ConA stimulates IL2 production at concentrations that are inhibitory to mitogenesis of human lymphocytes. IL-2 was assayed both in a murine cytotoxic T cell line and human memory cells. The response of IL-2-dependent cells to IL-2-containing medium was, on the other hand, inhibited by conA in a dose-dependent fashion. One mechanism whereby high conA concentrations inhibit mitogenesis is by rendering cells resistant to IL-2, possibly via extensive cross-linking of cell surface sites.  相似文献   
Glutaminyl cyclases (QCs) catalyze the formation of pyroglutamic acid at the N-terminus of several peptides and proteins. On the basis of the amino acid sequence of Carica papaya QC, we identified cDNAs of the putative counterparts from Solanum tuberosum and Arabidopsis thaliana. Upon expression of the corresponding cDNAs from both plants via the secretory pathway of Pichia pastoris, two active QC proteins were isolated. The specificity of the purified proteins was assessed using various substrates with different amino acid composition and length. Highest specificities were observed with substrates possessing large hydrophobic residues adjacent to the N-terminal glutamine and for fluorogenic dipeptide surrogates. However, compared to Carica papaya QC, the specificity constants were approximately one order of magnitude lower for most of the QC substrates analyzed. The QCs also catalyzed the conversion of N-terminal glutamic acid to pyroglutamic acid, but with approximately 10(5)- to 10(6)-fold lower specificity. The ubiquitous distribution of plant QCs prompted a search for potential substrates in plants. Based on database entries, numerous proteins, e.g., pathogenesis-related proteins, were found that carry a pyroglutamate residue at the N-terminus, suggesting QC involvement. The putative relevance of QCs and pyroglutamic acid for plant defense reactions is discussed.  相似文献   
Coronalon: a powerful tool in plant stress physiology   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Coronalon, a synthetic 6-ethyl indanoyl isoleucine conjugate, has been designed as a highly active mimic of octadecanoid phytohormones that are involved in insect and disease resistance. The spectrum of biological activities that is affected by coronalon was investigated in nine different plant systems specifically responding to jasmonates and/or 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid. In all bioassays analyzed, coronalon demonstrated a general strong activity at low micromolar concentrations. The results obtained showed the induction of (i) defense-related secondary metabolite accumulation in both cell cultures and plant tissues, (ii) specific abiotic and biotic stress-related gene expression, and (iii) root growth retardation. The general activity of coronalon in the induction of plant stress responses together with its simple and efficient synthesis suggests that this compound might serve as a valuable tool in the examination of various aspects in plant stress physiology. Moreover, coronalon might become employed in agriculture to elicit plant resistance against various aggressors.  相似文献   
Parallel tagged sequencing on the 454 platform   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parallel tagged sequencing (PTS) is a molecular barcoding method designed to adapt the recently developed high-throughput 454 parallel sequencing technology for use with multiple samples. Unlike other barcoding methods, PTS can be applied to any type of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) sample, including shotgun DNA libraries and pools of PCR products, and requires no amplification or gel purification steps. The method relies on attaching sample-specific barcoding adapters, which include sequence tags and a restriction site, to blunt-end repaired DNA samples by ligation and strand-displacement. After pooling multiple barcoded samples, molecules without sequence tags are effectively excluded from sequencing by dephosphorylation and restriction digestion, and using the tag sequences, the source of each DNA sequence can be traced. This protocol allows for sequencing 300 or more complete mitochondrial genomes on a single 454 GS FLX run, or twenty-five 6-kb plasmid sequences on only one 16th plate region. Most of the reactions can be performed in a multichannel setup on 96-well reaction plates, allowing for processing up to several hundreds of samples in a few days.  相似文献   
The allene oxide cyclase (AOC)-catalyzed step in jasmonate (JA) biosynthesis is important in the wound response of tomato. As shown by treatments with systemin and its inactive analog, and by analysis of 35S::prosysteminsense and 35S::prosysteminantisense plants, the AOC seems to be activated by systemin (and JA) leading to elevated formation of JA. Data are presented on the local wound response following activation of AOC and generation of JA, both in vascular bundles. The tissue-specific occurrence of AOC protein and generation of JA is kept upon wounding or other stresses, but is compromised in 35S::AOCsense plants, whereas 35S::AOCantisense plants exhibited residual AOC expression, a less than 10% rise in JA, and no detectable expression of wound response genes. The (i). activation of systemin-dependent AOC and JA biosynthesis occurring only upon substrate generation, (ii). the tissue-specific occurrence of AOC in vascular bundles, where the prosystemin gene is expressed, and (iii). the tissue-specific generation of JA suggest an amplification in the wound response of tomato leaves allowing local and rapid defense responses.  相似文献   
In potato 12-hydroxyjasmonic acid (12-OH-JA) is a tuber-inducing compound. Here, it is demonstrated that 12-OH-JA, as well as its sulfated and glucosylated derivatives, are constituents of various organs of many plant species. All accumulate differentially and usually to much higher concentrations than jasmonic acid (JA). In wounded tomato leaves, 12-OH-JA and its sulfated, as well as glucosylated, derivative accumulate after JA, and their diminished accumulation in wounded leaves of the JA-deficient mutants spr2 and acx1 and also a JA-deficient 35S::AOCantisense line suggest their JA-dependent formation. To elucidate how signaling properties of JA/JAME (jasmonic acid methyl ester) are affected by hydroxylation and sulfation, germination and root growth were recorded in the presence of the different jasmonates, indicating that 12-OH-JA and 12-hydroxyjasmonic acid sulfate (12-HSO(4)-JA) were not bioactive. Expression analyses for 29 genes showed that expression of wound-inducible genes such as those coding for PROTEINASE INHIBITOR2, POLYPHENOL OXIDASE, THREONINE DEAMINASE or ARGINASE was induced by JAME and less induced or even down-regulated by 12-OH-JA and 12-HSO(4)-JA. Almost all genes coding for enzymes in JA biosynthesis were up-regulated by JAME but down-regulated by 12-OH-JA and 12-HSO(4)-JA. The data suggest that wound-induced metabolic conversion of JA/JAME into 12-OH-JA alters expression pattern of genes including a switch off in JA signaling for a subset of genes.  相似文献   
DNA sequences determined from ancient organisms have high error rates, primarily due to uracil bases created by cytosine deamination. We use synthetic oligonucleotides, as well as DNA extracted from mammoth and Neandertal remains, to show that treatment with uracil–DNA–glycosylase and endonuclease VIII removes uracil residues from ancient DNA and repairs most of the resulting abasic sites, leaving undamaged parts of the DNA fragments intact. Neandertal DNA sequences determined with this protocol have greatly increased accuracy. In addition, our results demonstrate that Neandertal DNA retains in vivo patterns of CpG methylation, potentially allowing future studies of gene inactivation and imprinting in ancient organisms.  相似文献   
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