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The methanotrophic bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus is capable of assimilating methane and oxygen into protein-rich biomass, however, the diverse metabolism of the microorganism also allows for several undesired cometabolic side-reactions to occur. In this study, the ammonia cometabolism in Methylococcus capsulatus is investigated using pulse experiments. Surprisingly Methylococcus capsulatus oxidizes ammonia to nitrate through a yet unknown mechanism and fixes molecular nitrogen even at a high dissolved oxygen tension. The observed phenomena can be modeled using 14 ordinary differential equations and 18 kinetic parameters, of which 6 were revealed by Morris screening to be identifiable from the experimental data. Monte Carlo simulations showed that the model was robust and accurate even with uncertainty in the parameter values as confirmed by statistical error analysis.  相似文献   
Surface plasmon resonance with an alkane L1 chip was used to investigate the binding of uropathogenic Escherichia coli, carrying adhesion receptors, to globotetraosylceramide (globoside; GbO4). The immobilization of globoside was reproducible and resulted in a stable globoside layer on the L1 chip. The data indicated that the globoside-immobilized L1 chip could be used for studying interactions with live or chemically fixed E. coli. The results indicated that the dissociation time was significantly reduced in glutaraldehyde-fixed E. coli as compared to living cells. Overall, the report demonstrates the significance of the L1 chip in terms of sensitivity, specificity, handling, and speed when studying globoside/E. coli interactions. This model may assist in screening for compounds that can inhibit the binding of uropathogenic E. coli to glycolipid ligands on target cells.  相似文献   
Two new 5'-untranslated region (5'UTR) exons were identified in the human gene for the lymphocyte-specific endonuclease recombination activating gene-1 (RAG1) required for the somatic recombination yielding functional Ag receptors. These 5'UTR exons were used in three different splice forms by jejunal lymphocytes of the T cell lineage. RAG1 mRNA containing the previously described 5'UTR exon was not expressed in these cells. Conversely, one of the new 5'UTR exons was not expressed in thymus. The new RAG1 mRNA splice forms were all expressed in immature T cells (CD2(+)CD7(+)CD3(-)). This cell population also expressed high levels of mRNA for the pre-T alpha-chain. In situ hybridization demonstrated jejunal cells expressing the new splice forms of RAG1 mRNA, both intraepithelially and in lamina propria. Pre-T alpha-chain mRNA-expressing cells were detected at the same sites. These results strongly suggest ongoing TCR gene rearrangement in human small intestinal mucosa, yielding T cells specially adapted for this environment. This seems to be achieved by two parallel processes, extrathymic T cell development and peripheral Ag-driven TCR editing.  相似文献   
The steady-state behavior of a glucose-limited, aerobic, continuous cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN.PK113-7D was investigated around the critical dilution rate. Oxido-reductive steady states were obtained at dilution rates up to 0.09 h(-1) lower than the critical dilution rate by operating the bioreactor as a productostat, where the dilution rate was controlled on the basis of an ethanol measurement. Thus, the experimental investigations revealed that multiple steady states exist in a region of dilution rates below the critical dilution rate. The existence of multiple steady states was attributed to two distinct physiological effects occurring when growth changed from oxidative to oxido-reductive: (i) a decrease in the efficiency of ATP production and utilization (at ethanol concentrations below 3 g/L) and (ii) repression of the oxidative metabolism (at higher ethanol concentrations). The first effect was best observed at low ethanol concentrations, where multiple steady states were observed even when no repression of the oxidative metabolism was evident, i.e., the oxidative capacity was constant. However, at higher ethanol concentrations repression of the oxidative metabolism was observed (the oxidative capacity decreased), and this resulted in a broader range of dilution rates where multiple steady states could be found.  相似文献   
Clinically observed incomplete mitral leaflet coaptation was reproduced in vitro by altering the balance of the chordal tethering and chordal coapting force components. Mitral leaflet coaptation geometry was distorted by changes of the spatial relations between the papillary muscles and the mitral valve as well as hemodynamics. Mitral leaflet malalignment was accentuated by a redistribution of the chordal tethering and coapting force components. For the overall assessment of systolic mitral leaflet configuration in functional mitral regurgitation it is important to consider the interaction between chordal restraint and an altered mitral leaflet coaptation geometry.  相似文献   
Regulation of cell death: the calcium-apoptosis link   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To live or to die? This crucial question eloquently reflects the dual role of Ca2+ in living organisms--survival factor or ruthless killer. It has long been known that Ca2+ signals govern a host of vital cell functions and so are necessary for cell survival. However, more recently it has become clear that cellular Ca2+ overload, or perturbation of intracellular Ca2+ compartmentalization, can cause cytotoxicity and trigger either apoptotic or necrotic cell death.  相似文献   
Dyschondrosteosis (DCO) and hypochondroplasia (HCH) are common skeletal dysplasias characterized by disproportionate short stature. The diagnosis of these conditions might be difficult to establish especially in early childhood. Point mutations and deletions of the short stature homeobox containing gene (SHOX) are detected in DCO and idiopathic short stature with some rhizomelic body disproportion, whereas mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) gene are found in 40-70% of HCH cases. In this study, we performed mutational analysis of the coding region of the SHOX gene in five DCO and 18 HCH patients, all of whom tested negative for the known HCH-associated FGFR3 mutations. The polymorphic CA-repeat analysis, direct sequencing and Southern blotting were used for detection of deletions and point mutations. The auxological and radiological phenotype of these patients was carefully determined. Three novel mutations in DCO patients were found: (1) a deletion of one base (de1272G) (according to GenBank accession nos. Y11536, Y11535), resulting in a premature stop codon at position 75 of the amino acid sequence; (2) the transversion C485G resulting in the substitution Leu132Val; and (3) the transversion G549T causing an Arg153Leu substitution. These substitutions segregate with the DCO phenotype and affect evolutionarily conserved homeodomain residues, based on a comparison of homeobox containing proteins in 13 species. Moreover, these changes were not found in 80 unrelated, unaffected individuals. This strongly suggests that these mutations are pathogenic. The phenotype of our patients with DCO and HCH varied from mild to severe shortness and body disproportion. These results further support clinical and genetic heterogeneity of dyschondrosteosis and hypochondroplasia.  相似文献   
AICAR stimulates adiponectin and inhibits cytokines in adipose tissue   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleoside (AICAR) can be used as an experimental tool to activate 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. In parallel adiponectin also seems to activate AMPK and to improve insulin sensitivity. We have investigated the effects of AICAR on the gene expression of adiponectin and on gene expression and release of cytokines in human adipose tissue in vitro. AICAR stimulated AMPK alpha1 activity 3-4-fold (p<0.001), and dose-dependently increased adiponectin mRNA levels with significant stimulation (2-4-fold) at AICAR concentrations of 0.5-2mM (p<0.05). The adipose tissue protein release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF- alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) was decreased by AICAR (p<0.05). In conclusion, AICAR stimulated adipose tissue AMPK alpha1 activity and adiponectin gene expression, while attenuating the release of TNF-alpha and IL-6. Reduced concentrations of these cytokines and increased levels of adiponectin might play a role for the insulin sensitizing effects of AICAR.  相似文献   
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