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Progeny of eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, introduced into France in 1992, were reared in IFREMER facilities to test their growth performances. During the summer of 1993, sporadic mass mortalities (80-90%) occurred among C. virginica spat reared in the IFREMER laboratories in La Tremblade (Charente Maritime, France) and Bouin (Vendée, France). Affected oysters presented mantle retraction and deposition of an anomalous conchiolin layer on the inner surface of the shell. The incidence of oysters with gross signs exceeded 80%. No obvious pathogen was identified in soft tissues by histology and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). However, histological examination showed the presence of anomalous basophilic round structures, 0.5-1 microm in diameter, in gill and mantle connective tissues. These extracellular Feulgen-negative structures reacted positively with the von Kossa stain. TEM examination on mantle and gill samples in diseased spat showed that the basophilic bodies consisted of concentric deposits of an amorphous substance interpreted as containing calcium. These observations may indicate that the mineralization process in spat shells was disturbed without exact determination of the cause. Based on the similarities of the gross signs to those reported in juvenile eastern oysters in the United States, we believe that the cause of the mortalities observed in France was probably the Juvenile Oyster Disease. Moreover, we report for the first time the detection of anomalous amorphous structures in gill and mantle connective tissues associated with mortalities and deposition of an anomalous conchioloin layer on the inner shell surface in C. virginica spat.  相似文献   
Parasitoids were collected from broiler-breeder poultry houses in northwest Arkansas using sentinel bags containing house fly, Musca domestica L., pupae. At least five species of Pteromalidae were collected over a two-year sampling period: Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani), Spalangia endius Walker, S. cameroni Perkins, Muscidifurax spp., and Nasonia vitripennis (Walker).  相似文献   
Cactus stems, the cladodes of Opuntia spp. cacti, are consumed in Mexico and other countries due to their fresh and herbaceous flavor, and because of their widely known nutraceutical benefits. In order to extend the postharvest life of this vegetable, the effect of a modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) was studied in cactus stems of the cultivar Atlixco stored at 4 ± 1 °C for 20 days under three types of atmospheres: (1) air (passive atmosphere), (2) 5 kPa O2 + 4 kPa CO2, and (3) N2. During storage, the titratable acidity decreased and the color of cladodes became darker and less green; however, the 5 kPa O2 + 4 kPa CO2 atmosphere was able to preserve both quality characteristics. All modified atmospheres reduced weight loss (from 8 to <2%) and the symptoms of chilling injury, and this physiological disorder appeared earlier in controls than in MAP-stored cladodes. The levels of fermentation metabolites were low in all three evaluated atmospheres. Because of this, only cladodes stored under the N2 atmosphere were selected for furthersensory analysis of the MAP effect on odor perception as evaluated by a trained panel. Results indicated that there was no detrimental effect (atypical odors) of MAP on this sensory characteristic. We conclude that cultivar Atlixco is suitable for preservation using MAP technology.  相似文献   
Survival of vegetation on soil-capped mining wastes is often impaired during dry seasons due to the limited amount of water stored in the shallow soil capping. Growth and survival of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) during soil drying on various layered capping sequences constructed of combinations of topsoil, subsoil, seawater-neutralised residue sand and low grade bauxite was determined in a glasshouse. The aim was to describe the survival of Rhodes grass in terms of plant and soil water relationships. The soil water characteristic curve and soil texture analysis was a good predictor of plant survival. The combination of soil with a high water holding capacity and low soil water diffusivity (e.g. subsoil with high clay contents) with soil having a high water holding capacity and high diffusivity (e.g. residue sand) gave best survival during drying down (up to 88 days without water), whereas topsoil and low grade bauxite were unsuitable (plants died within 18–39 days). Clayey soil improved plant survival by triggering a water stress response during peak evaporative water demand once residue sand dried down and its diffusivity fell below a critical range. Thus, for revegetation in seasonally dry climates, soil capping should combine one soil with low diffusivity and one or more soils with high total water holding capacity and high diffusivity.  相似文献   
As proposed by Hanahan and Weinberg (2000. Cell 100, 57-70) carcinogenesis requires crucial events such as (i) genomic instability, (ii) cell cycle deregulation, (iii) induction of a telomere length maintenance mechanism, and (iv) an angiogenic switch. By comparing the expression of p53, cyclin D1, p16, hTERT, and TSP-1 in spontaneously regressing keratoacanthoma (KA) as a paradigm of early neoplasia, with malignant invasive cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) as a paradigm of advanced tumour development, we are now able to assign the changes in the expression of these proteins to specific stages and allocate them to defined roles in the multi-step process of skin carcinogenesis. We show that mutational inactivation of the p53 gene, and with that the onset of genomic instability is the earliest event. Individual p53-positive cells are already seen in "normal" skin, and 3/5 actinic keratoses (AKs), 5/22 KAs, and 13/23 SCCs contain p53-positive patches. Cell cycle deregulation was indicated by the overexpression of the cell cycle regulator cyclin D1, as well as by the loss of the cell cycle inhibitor p16. Interestingly, overexpression of cyclin D1 - observed in 80% of KAs and SCCs, respectively - showed a cell cycle-independent function in HaCaT cell transplants on nude mice. Cyclin D1 overexpression was associated with a massive inflammatory response, finally leading to tissue destruction. Loss of the cell cycle inhibitor p16, on the other hand, correlated with SCCs. Thus, it is tempting to suggest that overexpression of cyclin D1 is an early change that in addition to growth stimulation leads to an altered epithelial-mesenchymal interaction, while functional p16 is able to control this deregulated growth and needs to be eliminated for malignant progression. Another requirement for uncontrolled growth is the inhibition of telomere erosion by up-regulating telomerase activity. As measured by hTERT protein expression, all of the KAs and SCCs studied were positive, with a similar distribution of the protein in both groups and an expression pattern resembling that of normal epidermis. Thus, telomerase may not need to be increased significantly in skin carcinomas. Finally, we show that the angiogenesis inhibitor TSP-1 is strongly expressed in most KAs, and mainly by the tumour cells, while in SCCs the generally weak expression is restricted to the tumour-stroma. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the loss of a copy of chromosome 15 is responsible for reduced TSP-1 expression and thereby this aberration contributes to tumour vascularisation (i.e. the angiogenic switch) required for malignant growth.  相似文献   
alpha-Galactosidase (EC activity was observed in cell-free extracts of Lactobacillus fermenti, L. brevis, L. buchneri, L. cellobiosis, and L. salivarius subsp. salivarius. The cultural conditions under which the enzyme activity was detected suggest that the enzyme is constitutive and present in the soluble fraction in the cell. The enzyme preparations readily hydrolyzed melibiose and other oligosaccharides containing alpha(1 --> 6) linked galactose. Although the cell-free extracts of L. fermenti and L. brevis are negative for beta-fructofuranosidase (EC, they hydrolyzed melibiose, stachyose, and raffinose in decreasing order of activity. The beta-fructofuranosidase-positive L. buchneri, L. cellobiosis, and L. salivarius preparations hydrolyzed melibiose, raffinose, and stachyose in decreasing rates of activity. The alpha-galactosidases from different lactobacilli showed optimum activity in pH range 5.2 to 5.9. L. fermenti and L. salivarius preparations exhibited maximum activity between 40 to 44 C and 48 to 51 C, respectively, whereas a 38 to 42 C range was observed for other lactobacilli. Cell-free extract of L. cellobiosis was studied for transgalactosylase activity. When incubated with melibiose, a new compound was detected and tentatively identified as manninotriose.  相似文献   
Summary Saccharomyces rouxii is an essential micro-organism in the soy sauce/Japanese shoyu/Japanese miso fermentations. Its major activity occurs under conditions of high NaCl content, up to 18% or higher when the pH of the substrate is below 5.0.Saccharomyces rouxii grew much more rapidly and to higher cell population levels in the absence of added salt than with 18% (w/v) NaCl at either pH 7.0 or 4.5. Cells grown with 18% salt were smaller than those grown without added salt. Lower surface area combined with a thicker membrane decreased passive permeability. Growth in the presence of salt resulted in higher content of crude protein, total lipids, phosphatidyl choline and glycerol. The lipid content of the cells reflected the osmotic pressure whether it was caused by NaCl or sugar concentration in the medium. On the other hand, the cells grown in the presence of 18% NaCl contained much less K+ and retained potassium and sodium less efficiently. The triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) activity of cells grown in 18% NaCl medium was consistently higher than that of cells grown without added salt.
Resumen Saccharomyces rouxii es un microorganismo esencial en los procesos fermentativos japoneses shoyu miso y de obtención de salsa de soja. La parte más importante de la actividad de esta levadura se desarrolla en medios con una elevada concentración de sal (hasta más de 18%) y pH inferiores a 5.0.Saccharomyces rouxii creció más rapidamente y alcanzó concentraciones celulares mayores en un medio sin sal que en un medio con 18% de sal, tanto a pH 7.0 como a pH 4.5. Las células desarrolladas en el medio con sal fueron de tamaño inferior que las obtenidas en el medio sin sal. La menor superficie de estas últimas combinada con un mayor espesor de su membrana celular resultan en una disminución del transporte pasivo. El contenido proteíco de las células desarrolladas en el medio sin sal fue de 36.0% contra 49.5% en las células obtenidas en el medio con 18% de NaCl y 43% en células desarrolladas en medios con un contenido en sal entre 6 y 12%. Las células obtenidas en un medio sin sal retuvieron de forma similar su contenido en Na+ y K+ independientemente de la solución de lavado y de la temperatura empleadas. El contenido de Na+ fue de 0.04–0.06 mg Na/g de materia seca y el de K+ 7.78–10.04 mg K/g de materia seca. Las células desarrolladas en un medio con adición de sal contenían menor cantidad de K+ (0.48–4.77 mg/g de materia seca) variando con las condiciones de lavado. Se observó que las células obtenidas en el medio con 18% de NaCl contenían más lípidos totales (10.13%) comparadas con las células desarrolladas sin sal (6.22%). La cantidad total de fosfatidilcolina y sus liso derivados fue de 72% para las células del medio salado contra 58% en las células sin sal. El contenido lipídico de las células refleja la presión osmótica, ya sea esta producto de la concentración de NaCl o de azucar. Al incrementar el contenido en sal de el medio desde 0–6% hasta 12–18% el contenido intracelular de glicerol aumentó proporcionalmente de 0.429–1.014 hasta 1.107–1.668 mg%. El contenido en triosafosfatoisomerasa de las células crecidas en el medio con 18% NaCl fue de 66.94 unidades/mg de proteína comparado con 42.82 unidades/mg de proteína en las células obtenidas en el medio sin adición de sal.

Résumé Saccharomyces rouxii est un micro-organisme essentiel dans la fermentation des sauces de soja japonaises (shoyu, miso). Son activité optimale nécessite des concentrations en NaCl élevées, allant jusqu' à 18% (poids/volume), ou même davantage lorsque le pH du substrat est inférieur à 5,0. A pH 7,0 ou 4,5,S. rouxii se développe beaucoup plus rapidement et abondamment en présence qu'en l'absence de sel. Les cellules cultivées en présence de NaCl sont plus petites que celles cultivées sans sel. Du fait à la fois de leur surface moindre et de leur membrane plus épaisse, leur perméabilité passive est diminuée. Leurs teneurs en protéine brute, lipides totaux et glycérol sont sensiblement plus élevées. La teneur des cellules en lipides est déterminée par la pression osmotique, que celle-ci dépende de la concentration du milieu en NaCl ou en sucre. D'autre part, les cellules cultivées avec 18% de NaCl contiennent beaucoup moins de K+ et retiennent moins bien le potassium et le sodium que les cellules cultivées sans sel. L'activité triose-phosphate isomérase des cellules cultivées avec 18% de NaCl est supérieure à celle des cellules cultivées sans addition de sel.
Adult house flies (Musca domestica) were susceptible (94-100% mortality) to Beauveria bassiana when conidia of the Hf88 isolate were applied to plywood boards at 107 conidia/cm2; a starch dust formulation was more effective than a liquid suspension. Adult flies were also susceptible (90-99% mortality) to this isolate when they were con fined with treated water (108 conidia/ml) or food (108 conidia/100 mg). House fly larvae were not affected by treatments with up to 108 conidia/cm3 of rearing medium. A 2-year survey of house flies cm from New York dairies indicated that most natural infections of house flies occurred in September and October, although prevalence rates never exceeded 1%. Thirteen single-fly isolates obtained during this survey were compared with the Hf88 isolate for virulence against flies; the 2 most virulent isolates were slightly more virulent for flies than for the fly parasitoid Muscidifurax raptor. Incorporation of conidia into a sucrose bait (108 conidia/100 mg) in cages gave high levels of house fly control (78-100% mortality) 5 days after exposure.  相似文献   
Dage  JL; Ackermann  BL; Halsall  HB 《Glycobiology》1998,8(8):755-760
A simple, fast and sensitive method was developed to verify the presence of the sialyl Lewis(x) antigen on an N-linked glycoprotein. High performance liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI/MS) was used to identify which of the five N-linked glycosylation sites of human plasma alpha1-acid-glycoprotein (orosomucoid, OMD) contain the sialyl Lewis(x) antigen. OMD was digested with proteolytic enzymes and analyzed by reversed phase chromatography coupled with on-line ESI/MS. A tandem mass spectrometry experiment was designed to detect the presence of the sialyl Lewis(x) antigen based on the observation of an 803 mass to charge ratio ( m/z ) ion produced in the intermediate pressure region of the ESI interface. The ESI/MS signal at m/z 803 is consistent with an oxonium ion for a glycan structure containing NeuAc, Gal, GlcNAc, and Fuc. The identity of the m/z 803 ion was confirmed by ESI/MS/MS analysis of the m/z 803 fragment ion and comparison with a sialyl Lewis(x) standard. The stereochemistry and linkage positions were assigned using previous NMR analysis but could be determined with permethylation analysis if necessary. The analysis of OMD gave a pattern showing signal for the sialyl Lewis(x) antigen coeluting with each of the five N-linked glycopeptides. The ability to monitor sialyl Lewis(x) expression at each of the five sites is of interest in the study of OMD's role in inflammatory diseases.   相似文献   
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