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Steroid hormones are regulators of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and are central to hypotheses regarding adult neurogenesis in age-related and psychiatric disturbances associated with altered hippocampal plasticity--most notably dementias and major depression. Using immunohistochemistry, we examined the expression of glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid (MR) receptors during adult hippocampal neurogenesis. In young mice only 27% of dividing cells in the subgranular zone expressed GR, whereas 4 weeks after division 87% had become positive for GR and MR. GR was expressed by 50% of the radial glia-like type-1 and type-2a progenitor cells, whereas MR was expressed only by mature calbindin-positive granule cells. Doublecortin-positive neuronal progenitor cells (type-2b) and early postmitotic calretinin-positive neurons were devoid of GR and MR expression. Fifty per cent of the intermediate type-3 cells showed GR expression, possibly reflecting cells terminating maturation. Thus, all subpopulations of dividing precursor cells showed an identical receptor profile (50% GR, no MR), except for type-2b cells, which expressed neither receptor. There was also no overlap between calretinin and GR early postnatally (P8) or after physical activity or exposure to an enriched environment, both of which are potent neurogenic stimuli. In contrast, in old age calretinin-positive young neurons became GR and MR positive, suggesting increased steroid sensitivity. Age also increased the expression of GR in type-1 and type-2a precursor cells. Other intermediates were so rare in old age that they could not be studied. This course and variability of receptor expression in aging might help to explain differential vulnerability of adult neural precursor cells to corticoid-mediated influences.  相似文献   
The presenilin (PS)-dependent site 3 (S3) cleavage of Notch liberates its intracellular domain (NICD), which is required for Notch signaling. The similar γ-secretase cleavage of the β-amyloid precursor protein (βAPP) results in the secretion of amyloid β-peptide (Aβ). However, little is known about the corresponding C-terminal cleavage product (CTFγ). We have now identified CTFγ in brain tissue, in living cells, as well as in an in vitro system. Generation of CTFγ is facilitated by PSs, since a dominant-negative mutation of PS as well as a PS gene knock out prevents its production. Moreover, γ-secretase inhibitors, including one that is known to bind to PS, also block CTFγ generation. Sequence analysis revealed that CTFγ is produced by a novel γ-secretase cut, which occurs at a site corresponding to the S3 cleavage of Notch.  相似文献   
The chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of the fertilized egg allows grafting of human melanomas for short-term investigations and offers the opportunity to investigate the behavior of metastasizing cells and the release of S100beta into peripheral blood. Tissue from one primary melanoma as well as cutaneous and subcutaneous metastases of 10 melanoma patients with elevated levels of S100 in the peripheral blood before surgery were transplanted onto the CAM of chick embryos at day 5/6 of development. Grafts were nourished by the host blood supply 2 days after transplantation. Histologically, 3 days after grafting, metastasizing melanoma cells could be found near the vessels of the host membrane, penetrating the endothelial layer and entering the blood system. Growth conditions remained stable for 6 days after transplantation. Blood samples were taken from a larger CAM vessel before collecting the xenografts 5 days after grafting. Measurement of human S100 in peripheral blood was performed in a blinded manner. No negative control showed elevated levels of human S100 protein. Samples deriving from melanoma xenografts contained highly elevated levels of S100 protein in 80% of cases. The data strongly support the concept of graft-host interaction concerning adherence of tumors and extravasation of human melanoma cells.  相似文献   
Shell, radula, and anatomy of Epirhabdoides ivanovi new genusand species are described from a sample of the Russian VitjazExpedition from the Japan Trench. It is distinguished from thesimilar Laevidentalium sominium by shell morphometrics and radulamorphology. The radula is almost identical with that of Anulidentaliumbambusa (Anulidentaliidae). The anatomy of the mantle margins,however, including dorsolateral slits at the anterior mantlemargin and a connective tissue bolster at the posterior mantleopening is that of the family Rhabdidae. In a parsimony analysisEpirhabdoides ivanovi takes an intermediate position betweena basal grade of Gadilinidae and the remaining Dentaliida implyingconvergent evolution of mantle characters. An alternative butless parsimonious tree with E. ivanovi as sister taxon to Rhabdusrequires convergences in radula characters. This is the firstdocumented case of convergent anatomical features among Scaphopodaand enhances the need of radula and soft part investigationof the conchologically little informative, smooth-shelled dentaliidgroups. (Received 16 March 1998; accepted 1 June 1998)  相似文献   
Steiner H  Pesold B  Haass C 《FEBS letters》1999,463(3):245-249
Proteases not only play a fundamental role in numerous physiological processes, but are also involved in several human diseases including Alzheimer's disease (AD). A key protease implicated in AD is the so far unidentified gamma-secretase, which cleaves the membrane-bound beta-amyloid precursor protein (betaAPP) at the C-terminus of its amyloid domain within the membrane to release the neurotoxic amyloid beta-peptide. In order to allow the isolation of proteases, which specifically cleave membrane-bound substrates within or in the vicinity of a transmembrane domain, we developed a reporter gene assay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This assay may allow the identification of genes encoding target proteases that specifically cleave membrane bound substrates by transforming expression libraries.  相似文献   
Melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) and neuropeptide EI (NEI) are two peptides produced from the same precursor in mammals, by cleavage at the Arg145-Arg146 site and the Lys129-Arg130 site, respectively. We performed co-localization studies to reveal simultaneously the expression of MCH mRNA and proconvertases (PCs) such as PC1/3 or PC2. In the rat hypothalamus, PC2 was present in all MCH neurons, and PC1/3 was present in about 15-20% of these cells. PC1/3 or PC2 was not found in MCH-positive cells in the spleen. In GH4C1 cells co-infected with vaccinia virus (VV):pro-MCH along with VV:furin, PACE4, PC1/3, PC2, PC5/6A, PC5/6B, or PC7, we observed only efficient cleavage at the Arg145-Arg146 site to generate mature MCH. Co-expression of pro-MCH together with PC2 and 7B2 resulted in very weak processing to NEI. Comparison of pro-MCH processing patterns in PC1/3- or PC2-transfected PC12 cells showed that PC2 but not PC1/3 generated NEI. Finally, we analyzed the pattern of pro-MCH processing in PC2 null mice. In the brain of homozygotic mutants, the production of mature NEI was dramatically reduced. In contrast, MCH content was increased in the hypothalamus of PC2 null mice. In the spleen, a single large MCH-containing peptide was identified in both wild type and PC2 null mice. Together, our data suggest that pro-MCH is processed differently in the brain and in peripheral organs of mammals. PC2 is the key enzyme that produces NEI, whereas several PCs may cleave at the Arg145-Arg146 site to generate MCH in neuronal cell types.  相似文献   
Serotoninergic pathways are involved in economically important bovine gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders such as displaced abomasum and cecal dilatation/dislocation. The existing research tools to investigate the role of serotoninergic pathways in such disorders in ruminants comprise functional pharmacological methods, e.g., in vitro contractility studies in tissue baths, and electromyographical recordings in vivo. However, no tools for quantification of bovine serotonin receptor [5-hydroxytryptamine receptor (5-HTR)] expression were available so far. This study aimed to develop real-time RT-PCR assays for quantitative mRNA analysis of bovine 5-HTR subtypes. Because the bovine 5-HTR coding sequences (CDSs) were completely unknown, multiple species (human, mouse, and rat) alignment of complete CDS was used for primer design in highly homologous regions. LightCycler real-time RT-PCR assays (partial CDS) for the following bovine 5-HTR subtypes were developed and validated: 5-HTR1A, 5-HTR1B, 5-HTR1D, 5-HTR1F, 5-HTR2A, 5-HTR2B, 5-HTR2C, and 5-HTR4. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation (CV) for the eight established assays were small, ranging from 0.49% to 2.46%. As a first physiological application, 5-HTR mRNA expression levels were measured in brain, abomasum, and intestine of 10 healthy, lactating dairy cows. The 5-HTR expression was quantified by normalization to the housekeeping gene glyceraldehyde-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GAPDH). The 5-HTR subtype expression levels ranged from 0.001% (5-HTR2C in intestine) to 1% 5-HTR/GAPDH (5-HTR1B and 5-HTR4 in intestine). There were high variations of 5-HTR subtype mRNA expression within tissues across receptor subtypes and within receptor subtypes across tissues. In conclusion, accurate real-time RT-PCR assays for quantitative analysis of bovine 5-HTR subtype gene expression were developed and validated.  相似文献   
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