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A method for unambiguously determining the initiator methionine residue and the adjacent NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of cell-free translation products of eukaryotic messenger RNA is described. In this procedure, the NH2 termini of nascent peptides are blocked by incorporating labeled formylmethionine instead of methionine, using yeast initiator tRNA in the wheat germ cell-free system. After immunoprecipitation of the desired product the radiolabeled material is treated with dansyl-Cl to irreversibly block all remaining free amino groups. The material is then deformylated by mild acid hydrolysis and subjected to automated Edman degradation. Only those products that had been synthesized with formylmethionine residues at their NH2-termini can then give rise to labeled phenylthiohydantoin derivatives during degradation. Using this method, we have defined the initiation sites in both rat preproinsulin and pregrowth hormone messenger RNAs.  相似文献   
The lipids and lipoproteins — cholesterol (C), triglyceride (TG) and high-density, low-density, very-low-density and sinking pre-β-lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C and SPB-C) — in plasma samples from 1620 fasting white adults and children from the Toronto—Hamilton area were analysed. The mean concentration of HDL-C was about 45 mg/dl in men and about 60 mg/dl in women, and the levels were constant throughout adult life in both sexes. Boys had higher mean HDL-C levels than men, but girls had lower mean HDL-C levels than women. Mean LDL-C levels, like total C levels, increased with age, from about 87 mg/dl in boys to 136 mg/dl in men, and from about 91 mg/dl in girls to 145 mg/dl in women. The mean levels of VLDL-C followed the TG patterns for age and sex, rising from about 7 mg/dl in boys to 26 mg/dl in men, and from about 11 mg/dl in girls to 19 mg/dl in women. SPB-C was detectable visually in 39% of the population and with the aid of densitometry in 54%; the levels were not related to age, sex or oral contraceptive use, and the median level was 3 mg/dl.Prevalence estimates of hyperlipoproteinemia showed that type IV was the most common, and it was found more than three times as often in men as in women. This was in part due to the customary use of plasma TG cut-off points that do not reflect the large difference in TG levels between males and females. Type IIA hyperlipoproteinemia was found in about 2% of the adults and type IIb in a further 1%. Types I, III and V were all rare. The prevalence of types II and IV hyperlipoproteinemia was four times greater in women using oral contraceptives than in nonusers in the same age range.  相似文献   
The receptor site for antithrombin III (AT III) was investigated in normal human platelets. [125I] iodinated AT III was utilized as tracer for the binding assay. Equilibrium of AT III binding was reached within 2 min. The binding capacity was pH-dependent with the optimum around pH 7.0. Binding specificity was demonstrated by inhibition of [125I] AT III ligation using an excess amount of non-labeled AT III. The AT III·heparin complex did not supress [125I] AT III binding. Analysis of binding data by Scatchard plot revealed a single class of binding sites with Kd of 3.2 × 10?7 M and binding capacity of 3840 per platelet.  相似文献   
The properties of particulate guanylate cyclase (GTP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing), EC from purified rabbit skeletal muscle membrane fragments were studied. Four membrane fractions were prepared by sucrose gradient centrifugation and the fractions characterized by analysis of marker enzymes. Guanylate cyclase activity was highest in the fraction possessing enzymatic properties typical of sarcolemma, while fractions enriched with sarcoplasmic reticulum had lower activities. In the presence of suboptimal Mn2+ concentrations, Mg2+ stimulated particulate guanylate cyclase activity both before and after solubilization in 1% Triton X-100. Guanylate cyclase activity was biphasic in the presence of Ca2+. Increasing the Ca2+ concentration from 10(-8) to 10(-5) M decreased the specific activity. As the Ca2+ concentration was further increased to 5 . 10(-4) M enzyme activity again increased. After solubilization of the membranes in 1% Triton X-100, Ca2+ suppressed enzyme activity. Studies utilizing ionophore X537A indicated that the altered effect of Ca2+ upon the solubilized membranes was independent of asymmetric distribution of Ca2+ and Mg2+.  相似文献   
Behavioural displays to gustatory stimuli in newborn rabbit pups   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Motor displays in the face and head regions of 33 neonate rabbits(less than 24 hrs post partum) in response to taste stimulationwere examined. A droplet of taste solution was placed mediallyon the pup's lips and the ensuing behavioral repertoire wastallied over a 60 sec period in a double blind situation. Tastantsincluded 2 concentrations each of sucrose, saccharin, citricacid and quinine. Distilled water was used as a stimulant andfor intertrial rinses. Response characteristics to the varioustaste stimuli were differentiable, specific and reproduciblewithin and across animals. Certain response features were moreoften associated with one stimulus than with another. Quinineoften produced mouth opening (gaping) and head movements, whereassucrose was associated with a quiet animal licking and makingcharacteristic mouth movements. Sour reactions often resembledthose to sweet, but other features helped distinguish thoseresponses. Reactions proved to be concentration-dependent anddifferent from those to water. Quality and hedonic value wereusually accurately judged and corresponded to adult preferencebehaviors. It was inferred that rabbits at this early age arealready equipped with a functioning taste system up to the brainstemlevel. Cross-species comparisons of stereotyped reactions werediscussed.  相似文献   
The application of Laser Doppler spectroscopy (LDS) to the electrophoretic migration of macromolecules in solution by heterodyne light beating technique, previously developed by Ware and Flygare, has been improved by the design of a new microelectrophoresis cell and a high resolution in the frequency power spectrum. A 1024-channel correlator was used in combination with a software-controlled Fast Fourier transformation (FFT).This technique has been applied to single protein solution, bovine serum albumin (BSA), and to multicomponent systems, in particular to human blood serum. In comparison to normal free electrophoresis, LDS is more convenient and reveals more information in a much shorter period of time.  相似文献   
Rana catesbeiana tadpoles formed high and low m.w. antibodies in response to immunization with a bacteriophage. Although the neutralizing activity associated with the low m.w. immunoglobulins was relatively weak, the existence of antibodies in this class was clearly demonstrated by radioimmunoelectrophoresis. Moreover, two antigenically distinct variants of the low m.w. antibodies were detected. These were serologically indistinguishable from the two types of low m.w. immunoglobulin previously isolated from the serum of adult frogs of this species.  相似文献   
Three mutants selected from a population of sugarcane clone H54-775 that had been irradiated with 3 kR gamma-radiation all lacked toxin-binding protein activity. This activity previously had been shown to be essential for eye spot disease susceptibility and was demonstrated in the susceptible parent clone H54-775. In one mutant, the biochemical, immunochemical, and electrophoretic mobilities of the toxin-binding protein were all modified.  相似文献   
In the second part of this series, previous solvent limitations in infrared studies are discussed and novel polar solvent systems for the analysis of nonpolar and polar lipids described. Limitation of potassium bromide windows for infrared cells are discussed. The use of calcium fluoride cells with crude lipids is discussed. Problems related to hydrogen bonding of lipid solutes in various solvent systems are discussed as well as hydrogen-deuterium exchange in biologically important lipids.  相似文献   
Research needs a balance of risk‐taking in “breakthrough projects” and gradual progress. For building a sustainable knowledge base, it is indispensable to provide support for both. Subject Categories: Careers, Economics, Law & Politics, Science Policy & Publishing

Science is about venturing into the unknown to find unexpected insights and establish new knowledge. Increasingly, academic institutions and funding agencies such as the European Research Council (ERC) explicitly encourage and support scientists to foster risky and hopefully ground‐breaking research. Such incentives are important and have been greatly appreciated by the scientific community. However, the success of the ERC has had its downsides, as other actors in the funding ecosystem have adopted the ERC’s focus on “breakthrough science” and respective notions of scientific excellence. We argue that these tendencies are concerning since disruptive breakthrough innovation is not the only form of innovation in research. While continuous, gradual innovation is often taken for granted, it could become endangered in a research and funding ecosystem that places ever higher value on breakthrough science. This is problematic since, paradoxically, breakthrough potential in science builds on gradual innovation. If the value of gradual innovation is not better recognized, the potential for breakthrough innovation may well be stifled.
While continuous, gradual innovation is often taken for granted, it could become endangered in a research and funding ecosystem that places ever higher value on breakthrough science.
Concerns that the hypercompetitive dynamics of the current scientific system may impede rather than spur innovative research have been voiced for many years (Alberts et al, 2014). As performance indicators continue to play a central role for promotions and grants, researchers are under pressure to publish extensively, quickly, and preferably in high‐ranking journals (Burrows, 2012). These dynamics increase the risk of mental health issues among scientists (Jaremka et al, 2020), dis‐incentivise relevant and important work (Benedictus et al, 2016), decrease the quality of scientific papers (Sarewitz, 2016) and induce conservative and short‐term thinking rather than risk‐taking and original thinking required for scientific innovation (Alberts et al, 2014; Fochler et al, 2016). Against this background, strong incentives for fostering innovative and daring research are indispensable.  相似文献   
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