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Conformational alterations occurring in bovine alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) resulting from proteolysis and nucleophilic modification have been monitored by UV difference spectra, circular dichroism, and changes in the fluorescence of 6-(p-toluidino)-2-naphthalenesulfonate (TNS) and bis(8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate) (Bis-ANS). The results of this study indicate that these two dyes appear capable of differentiating between conformational changes induced by proteolysis and those induced by methylamine treatment. It appears that TNS is a sensitive probe for monitoring protease-induced but not methylamine-induced conformational changes in bovine alpha 2M. Bis-ANS, on the other hand, appears suitable for monitoring conformational changes induced by methylamine treatment or proteolysis of the molecule and was used as a probe to monitor the kinetics of the conformational change induced by methylamine treatment. It was found that the conformational change did not occur simultaneously with cleavage of the thiol ester bonds by the nucleophile, measured by titration of free sulfhydryl groups with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate). The data are consistent with a model in which initial nucleophilic attack results in exposure of sulfhydryl groups, resulting in a conformational change measured by an increase in fluorescence. This event is followed by a unimolecular step representing a conformational change in the protein that results in a further increase in the fluorescence signal. The second-order rate constant for hydrolysis of the thiol ester bonds was determined to be 3.4 +/- 1.0 M-1 s-1, while the rate constant for the conformational change was (4.4 +/- 0.8) X 10(-4) s-1.  相似文献   
The effects of somatostatin on epinephrine's ability to stimulate glucose output have been examined in hepatocytes isolated from dogs fasted overnight. Half-maximal stimulation of phosphorylase a activity and glucose output occurred at an epinephrine concentration of approx. 5 X 10(-9) M. Somatostatin at 10, 100 or 1000 ng/ml had no effect on the ability of a maximal (1 X 10(-7) M) and a submaximal (1 X 10(-8) M) dose of epinephrine to activate phosphorylase at 2 min, or to stimulate glucose output over 20 min. Since the doses of somatostatin used in the present study are up to 50-fold higher than the blood concentrations commonly found when somatostatin is used in vivo to inhibit pancreatic hormone secretion, it seems unlikely that use of somatostatin in this way would affect stimulation of hepatic glycogenolysis by epinephrine in vivo.  相似文献   
The halorhodopsin chromoprotein, a retinal-protein complex with an apparent molecular mass of 20 kilo-daltons, exhibits all of the halide-dependent effects found for the chromophore of functional halorhodopsin in cell envelope vesicles. With increasing halide concentration (a) an alkali-dependent 580/410 nm chromophore equilibrium (attributed to reversible deprotonation of the retinal Schiff's base) is shifted toward the 580-nm chromophore and (b) the flash-induced photocycle proceeds increasingly via P520, rather than via P660. The halide-binding site(s) responsible for these effects must reside, therefore, in the chromoprotein. Chloride and bromide are about equivalent, but iodide is much less effective in these effects and in being transported. Several other anions, i.e. thiocyanate, nitrate, phosphate, and acetate, affect the absorption maximum of the chromophore but do not allow the production of P520 upon flash illumination and are not transported. However, these ions appear to compete with chloride in the flash experiments. These observations suggest that binding of anions to a relatively nonspecific site affects the protonation state of the Schiff's base in the chromophore. Either this site directly or a more specific site, connected to the first one by a sequential pathway, is involved with the photocycle intermediates and with chloride transport by halorhodopsin.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of insulin in the islets of Langerhans is strongly controlled at the translational level by glucose. We have used a variety of experimental approaches in efforts to dissect the mechanisms underlying the stimulatory effect of glucose. To assess its effects on rates of peptide-chain elongation, isolated rat islets were labelled with [3H]leucine at different glucose concentrations in the presence or absence of low concentrations of cycloheximide. Under these conditions, at glucose concentrations up to 5.6 mM, endogenous insulin mRNA did not become rate-limiting for the synthesis of insulin, whereas stimulation of non-insulin protein synthesis was abolished by cycloheximide at all glucose concentrations, indicating either that insulin synthesis is selectively regulated at the level of elongation at glucose concentrations up to 5.6 mM, or that at these concentrations inactive insulin mRNA is transferred to an actively translating pool. Glucose-induced changes in the intracellular distribution of insulin mRNA in cultured islets were assessed by subcellular fractionation and blot-hybridization using insulin cDNA probes. At glucose concentrations above 3.3 mM, cytoplasmic insulin mRNA was increasingly transferred to fractions co-sedimenting with ribosomes, and relatively more of the ribosome-associated insulin mRNA became membrane-associated, consistent with effects of glucose above 3.3 mM on both the initiation of insulin mRNA and SRP (signal recognition particle)-mediated transfer of cytosolic nascent preproinsulin to the endoplasmic reticulum. When freshly isolated islets were homogenized and incubated with 125I-Tyr-tRNA, run-off incorporation of 125I into preproinsulin was increased by prior incubation of the islets at 16.7 mM-glucose. The addition of purified SRP receptor increased the run-off incorporation of [125I]iodotyrosine into preproinsulin, especially when the islets had been preincubated at 16.7 mM-glucose. These findings taken together suggest that glucose may stimulate elongation rates of nascent preproinsulin at concentrations up to 5.6 mM, stimulates initiation of protein synthesis involving both insulin and non-insulin mRNA at concentrations above 3.3 mM, and increases the transfer of initiated insulin mRNA molecules from the cytoplasm to microsomal membranes by an SRP-mediated mechanism that involves the modification of interactions between SRP and its receptor.  相似文献   
The optimum conditions for sodium periodate induced lymphocyte transformation occur at low concentrations of NaIO4, low temperature, pH between 6 and 7.5, and with short periods of exposure to the NaIO4. Exposures for prolonged times at elevated temperatures or to NaIO4 at pH above 7.5 result in diminished responses. The finding of maximum lymphocyte response under these conditions is compatible with the proposal that the triggering event in NaIO4 transformation of lymphocytes is the oxidation and cleavage of the two terminal carbon atoms of sialic acid. Exposure of lymphocytes to NaIO4 under conditions of higher temperature, higher pH or longer exposure times does not significantly reduce their ability to respond to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or pokeweed mitogen (PWM). This finding suggests that these mitogens have different target sites from that of NaIO4 or that they are acting on different populations of lymphocytes.  相似文献   
A. M. Steiner 《Planta》1969,86(4):343-352
Summary A series of dose response curves was worked out in the polarotropically active blue and UV spectral region. These dose response curves show changes in slope as a function of wavelength. In blue the slope values are higher than in UV. As a consequence, both the relative height of the peaks in blue and UV and the fine characteristics in blue of the action spectrum calculated on the basis of these dose response curves change decisively with different response levels taken for calculation. Therefore no decision can be made as to what photoreceptor(s) might be involved. Though at medium response levels the action spectra show similarity with action spectra of other blue-UV-mediated photoresponses, which generally are believed as being indicative of some flavin.  相似文献   
Summary In the young part of the stem of Polytrichum commune the protoplasts of the two types of conducting cells, the leptoids and parenchyma cells, are nearly identically equipped with cell organelles and cytoplasmic structures. Both types contain a nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and dictyosomes. The endoplasmic reticulum builds characteristic cisterns in form of hollow cylinders extending from one end wall to the other. The cisterns are connected with many plasmodesmata, which occur only in the end walls. Leptoids have oblique end walls with 16 to 20 plasmodesmata per m2, and parenchyma cells show cross walls perpendicular to the axis with 9 to 12 plasmodesmata per m2.Since the leptoids are supposed to be the pathways for the longitudinal transport of assimilates (Eschrich and Steiner, 1967, 1968), it is of interest that early in their development these elements undergo a change in their protoplasmatic structure. Two to 3 cm below the apical cell the protoplasts degenerate and show lysosome-like structures. The endoplasmic reticulum and other structures are deformed or dissolved; the plasmodesmata are constricted by callose deposits. At the same level the parenchyma cells still retain the original structure of their protoplasts.Thus, assimilates moving upward in one row of leptoids may penetrate the whole lumen of the leptoids at lower levels, but they are restricted to the cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum at higher levels of the stem.  相似文献   
Carrot cell cultures were used to study the dynamics of calmodulin protein levels, calmodulin methylation, and calmodulin-binding proteins during plant growth and development. Comparisons of proliferating and nonproliferating wild carrot cells show that, while calmodulin protein levels does not vary significantly, substantial variation in post-translational methylation of calmodulin on lysine-115 is observed. Calmodulin methylation is low during the lag and early exponential stages, but increases substantially as exponential growth proceeds and becomes maximal in the postexponential phase. Unmethylated calmodulin quickly reappears within 12 h of reinoculation of cells into fresh media, suggesting that the process is regulated according to the cell growth state. Calmodulin and calmodulin-binding proteins were also analyzed during the formation and germination of domestic carrot embryos in culture. Neither calmodulin methylation nor calmodulin protein levels varied significantly during somatic embryogenesis. However, upon germination of embryos, the level of calmodulin protein doubled. By calmodulin overlay analysis, we have detected a major 54,000 M(r) calmodulin-binding protein that also increased during embryo germination. This protein was purified from carrot embryo extracts by calmodulin-Sepharose chromatography. Overall, the data suggest that calmodulin methylation is regulated depending upon the state of cell growth and that calmodulin and its target proteins are modulated during early plant development.  相似文献   
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