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Radiation therapy for patients with non‐small‐cell lung cancer is hampered by acute radiation‐induced toxicity in the esophagus. This study aims to validate that optical coherence tomography (OCT), a minimally invasive imaging technique with high resolution (~10 μm), is able to visualize and monitor acute radiation‐induced esophageal damage (ARIED) in mice. We compare our findings with histopathology as the gold standard. Irradiated mice receive a single dose of 40 Gy at proximal and distal spots of the esophagus of 10.0 mm in diameter. We scan mice using OCT at two, three, and seven days post‐irradiation. In OCT analysis, we define ARIED as a presence of distorted esophageal layering, change in backscattering signal properties, or change in the esophageal wall thickness. The average esophageal wall thickness is 0.53 mm larger on OCT when ARIED is present based on histopathology. The overall sensitivity and specificity of OCT to detect ARIED compared to histopathology are 94% and 47%, respectively. However, the overall sensitivity of OCT to assess ARIED is 100% seven days post‐irradiation. We validate the capability of OCT to detect ARIED induced by high doses in mice. Nevertheless, clinical studies are required to assess the potential role of OCT to visualize ARIED in humans.   相似文献   
RGS2, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for G(q)alpha, regulates vascular relaxation and blood pressure. RGS2 can be phosphorylated by type Ialpha cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGKIalpha), increasing its GAP activity. To understand how RGS2 and cGKIalpha regulate vascular smooth muscle signaling and function, we identified signaling pathways that are controlled by cGMP in an RGS2-dependent manner and discovered new mechanisms whereby cGK activity regulates RGS2. We show that RGS2 regulates vasoconstrictor-stimulated Ca(2+) store release, capacitative Ca(2+) entry, and noncapacitative Ca(2+) entry and that RGS2 is required for cGMP-mediated inhibition of vasoconstrictor-elicited phospholipase Cbeta activation, Ca(2+) store release, and capacitative Ca(2+) entry. RGS2 is degraded in vascular smooth muscle cells via the proteasome. Inhibition of cGK activity blunts RGS2 degradation. However, inactivation of the cGKIalpha phosphorylation sites in RGS2 does not stabilize the protein, suggesting that cGK activity regulates RGS2 degradation by other mechanisms. cGK activation promotes association of RGS2 with the plasma membrane by a mechanism requiring its cGKIalpha phosphorylation sites. By regulating GAP activity, plasma membrane association, and degradation, cGKIalpha therefore may control a cycle of RGS2 activation and inactivation. By diminishing cGK activity, endothelial dysfunction may impair RGS2 activation, thereby blunting vascular relaxation and contributing to hypertension.  相似文献   
International Microbiology - In this study, we aimed to develop a novel, sustained release varnish (SRV) for voice prostheses (VP) releasing chlorhexidine (CHX), for the prevention of biofilm...  相似文献   
Cathepsin G is a neutrophil-derived serine protease that contributes to tissue damage at sites of inflammation. The actions of cathepsin G are reported to be mediated by protease-activated receptor (PAR)-4 (a thrombin receptor) in human platelets. This study provides the first evidence that cathepsin G promotes inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate accumulation, activates ERK, p38 MAPK, and AKT, and decreases contractile function in cardiomyocytes. Because some cathepsin G responses mimic cardiomyocyte activation by thrombin, a role for PARs was considered. Cathepsin G markedly activates phospholipase C and p38 MAPK in cardiomyocytes from PAR-1-/- mice, but it fails to activate phospholipase C, ERK, p38 MAPK, or AKT in PAR-1- or PAR-4-expressing PAR-1-/- fibroblasts (which display robust responses to thrombin). These results argue that PAR-1 does not mediate the actions of cathepsin G in cardiomyocytes, and neither PAR-1 nor PAR-4 mediates the actions of cathepsin G in fibroblasts. Of note, prolonged incubation of cardiomyocytes with cathepsin G results in the activation of caspase-3, cleavage of FAK and AKT, sarcomeric disassembly, cell rounding, cell detachment from underlying matrix, and morphologic features of apoptosis. Inhibition of Src family kinases or caspases (with PP1 or benzyloxycarbonyl-VAD-fluoromethyl ketone, respectively) delays FAK and AKT cleavage and cardiomyocyte detachment from substrate. Collectively, these studies describe novel cardiac actions of cathepsin G that do not require PARs and are predicted to assume functional importance at sites of interstitial inflammation in the heart.  相似文献   
Isolation of the intercellular glycoproteins of desmosomes   总被引:14,自引:31,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
To characterize the desmosome components that mediate intercellular adhesion and cytoskeletal-plasma membrane attachment, we prepared whole desmosomes and isolated desmosomal intercellular regions (desmosomal "cores") from the living cell layers of bovine muzzle epidermis. The tissue was disrupted in a nonionic detergent at low pH, sonicated, and the insoluble residue fractionated by differential centrifugation and metrizamide gradient centrifugation. Transmission electron microscopic analyses reveal that a fraction obtained after differential centrifugation is greatly enriched in whole desmosomes that possess intracellular plaques. Metrizamide gradient centrifugation removes most of the plaque material, leaving the intercellular components and the adjoining plasma membranes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis coupled with methods that reveal carbohydrate-containing moieties on gels demonstrate that certain proteins present in whole desmosomes are glycosylated. These glycoproteins are specifically and greatly enriched in the desmosome cores of which they are the principal protein constituents, and thus may function as the intercellular adhesive of the desmosome.  相似文献   
To help characterize the Na,K-ATPase active site with enzyme incorporated into phospholipid vesicles, the activities with alternative substrates were compared, 22Na/Na-transport was equivalent with ATP, CTP, carbamylphosphate and acetylphosphate, but slower with CTP, 3-O-methylfluoresceinphosphate (3-O-MFP), nitrophenylphosphate and umbelliferonephosphate. It indicates a slower rate of formation of phosphorylating enzyme complex in conformation position of E1 (E1P) when the second group of substrates is bound with enzyme active center. 22Na/K-transport was half as effective with CTP as with ATP and was far slower with the other substrates. It indicates a more stringent selectivity at the low-affinity site of enzyme in conformation E2 that accelerates the slow step of this transport mode. Although enzyme modification with fluoresceinisothiocyanate blocks the high-affinity site to ATP, the K-phosphatase reaction catalyzed by E2 is retained, even with a substrate, 3-O-MFP, that binds to the adenine pocket. Dimethylsulfoxide inhibits hydrolysis of the nucleotides and of the carboxylic phosphate substrates of the K-phosphatase reaction, but stimulates hydrolysis of the phenolic phosphate substrates (nitrophenylphosphate and umbelliferone phosphate) which normally are hydrolyzed more slowly than the other substrates. On the basis of these data the authors propose the model of Na,K-ATPase active center.  相似文献   
We describe here a new retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) response, a delayed hyperpolarization of the RPE basal membrane, which is initiated by the light-evoked decrease of [K+]o in the subretinal space. This occurs in addition to an apical hyperpolarization previously described in cat (Steinberg et al., 1970; Schmidt and Steinberg, 1971) and in bullfrog (Oakley et al., 1977; Oakley, 1977). Intracellular and extracellular potentials and measurements of subretinal [K+]o were recorded from an in vitro preparation of neural retina-RPE-choroid from the lizard Gekko gekko in response to light. Extracellularly, the potential across the RPE, the transepithelial potential (TEP), first increased and then decreased during illumination. Whereas the light- evoked decrease in [K+]o predicted the increase in TEP, the subsequent decrease in TEP was greater than predicted by the reaccumulation of [K+]o. Intracellular RPE recordings showed that a delayed hyperpolarization generated at the RPE basal membrane produced the extra TEP decrease. At light offset, the opposite sequence of membrane potential changes occurred. RPE responses to changes in [K+]o were studied directly in the isolated gecko RPE-choroid. Decreasing [K+]o in the apical bathing solution produced first a hyperpolarization of the apical membrane, followed by a delayed hyperpolarization of the basal membrane, a sequence of membrane potential changes identical to those evoked by light. Increasing [K+]o produced the opposite sequence of membrane potential changes. In both preparations, the delayed basal membrane potentials were accompanied by changes in basal membrane conductance. The mechanism by which a change in extracellular [K+] outside the apical membrane leads to a polarization of the basal membrane remains to be determined.  相似文献   
This paper presents electrophysiological evidence that small changes in [K+]o modulate the activity of the Na+-K+ pump on the apical membrane of the frog retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). This membrane also has a large relative K+ conductance so that lowering [K+]o hyperpolarizes it and therefore increases the transepithelial potential (TEP). Ba2+, a K+ channel blocker, eliminated these normal K+-evoked responses; in their place, lowering [K+]o evoked an apical depolarization and TEP decrease that were blocked by apical ouabain or strophanthidin. These data indicate that Ba2+ blocked the major K+ conductance(s) of the RPE apical membrane and unmasked a slowing of the normally hyperpolarizing electrogenic Na+-K+ pump caused by lowering [K+]o. Evidence is also presented that [K+]o modulates the pump in the isolated RPE under physiological conditions (i.e., without Ba2+). In the intact retina, light decreases subretinal [K+]o and produces the vitreal-positive c-wave of the electroretinogram (ERG) that originates primarily in the RPE from a hyperpolarization of the apical membrane and TEP increase. When Ba2+ was present in the retinal perfusate, the apical membrane depolarized in response to light and the TEP decreased so that the ERG c-wave inverted. The retinal component of the c-wave, slow PIII, was abolished by Ba2+. The effects of Ba2+ were completely reversible. We conclude that Ba2+ unmasks a slowing of the RPE Na+-K+ pump by the light-evoked decrease in [K+]o. Such a response would reduce the amplitude of the normal ERG c-wave.  相似文献   
Whereas glucose is a major substrate for pulmonary lipid synthesis, fructose has also been suggested as a potential substrate. In vivo pulmonary fatty acid synthesis is depressed in hormonally deprived conditions, such as diabetes, and this can be modified by fructose feeding, but not by glucose feeding. In this study the glucose and fructose utilizations were compared in normal, diabetic and fasting states using isolated perfused rat lungs. When (U-14C)- or (5-3H)-glucose was used as substrate, glucose utilization by lung was reduced by 50% in both the fasting and diabetic animals compared to the normal controls. Using (U-14C)-glucose as substrate, the incorporation of (14C)-label in various metabolites of glucose was significantly depressed. For example, this reduction was 50% in lactate, pyruvate and CO2, 15% in ethanol-insoluble fraction, 65% in neutral lipids, 75% in phospholipids, 80% in fatty acid moiety, 40% in deacylated fraction and 10% in the polysaccharide fractions. Refeeding the fasted animals or insulin treatment to the diabetic animals restored these depressed (14C)-recoveries to the normal levels. Fructose utilization was less than 10% of glucose utilization, but remained unaffected by fasting and diabetic states. In addition, pulmonary hexokinase enzyme activity was lowered significantly in fasting and diabetic animals, whereas fructokinase enzyme activity was not altered. Despite the low rate of fructose utilization, these results suggest that fructose may serve as an alternative substrate for pulmonary phospholipid synthesis when glucose utilization is significantly depressed.  相似文献   
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