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Two green algae (Ulva rigida and Cladophora coelothrix), the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the snail Rapana thomasiana from the Bulgarian Black Sea shore have been treated with diesel fuel (100mg l(-1)) in an aquarium with sea-water for three days. The lipids and their fatty acid changes have been examined. Significant changes have been observed mainly in the polar lipids and in the saturation of the fatty acids. These changes appeared to be bigger in the evolutionary less advanced species from both groups of marine organisms--algae and invertebrates (Ulva rigida and Mytilus galloprovincialis respectively). The data obtained could be used for a biomonitoring of the pollution.  相似文献   
The nectrotrophic fungus Alternaria alternata f.sp. lycopersici infects tomato plants of the genotype asc/asc by utilizing a host-selective toxin, AAL-toxin, that kills the host cells by inducing programmed cell death. Asc-1 is homologous to genes found in most eukaryotes from yeast to humans, suggesting a conserved function. A yeast strain with deletions in the homologous genes LAG1 and LAC1 was functionally complemented by Asc-1, indicating that Asc-1 functions in an analogous manner to the yeast homologues. Examination of the yeast sphingolipids, which are almost absent in the lag1Deltalac1Delta mutant, showed that Asc-1 was able to restore the synthesis of sphingolipids. We therefore examined the biosynthesis of sphingolipids in tomato by labeling leaf discs with l-[3-3H]serine. In the absence of AAL-toxin, there was no detectable difference in sphingolipid labeling between leaf discs from Asc/Asc or asc/asc leaves. In the presence of pathologically significant concentrations of AAL-toxin however, asc/asc leaf discs showed severely reduced labeling of sphingolipids and increased label in dihydrosphingosine (DHS) and 3-ketodihydrosphingosine (3-KDHS). Leaf discs from Asc/Asc leaves responded to AAL-toxin treatment by incorporating label into different sphingolipid species. The effects of AAL-toxin on asc/asc leaflets could be partially blocked by the simultaneous application of AAL-toxin and myriocin. Leaf discs simultaneously treated with AAL-toxin and myriocin showed no incorporation of label into sphingolipids or long-chain bases as expected. These results indicate that the presence of Asc-1 is able to relieve an AAL-toxin-induced block on sphingolipid synthesis that would otherwise lead to programmed cell death.  相似文献   
Sustained weight loss is a preferred intervention in a wide range of metabolic conditions, but the effects on an individual's health state remain ill‐defined. Here, we investigate the plasma proteomes of a cohort of 43 obese individuals that had undergone 8 weeks of 12% body weight loss followed by a year of weight maintenance. Using mass spectrometry‐based plasma proteome profiling, we measured 1,294 plasma proteomes. Longitudinal monitoring of the cohort revealed individual‐specific protein levels with wide‐ranging effects of losing weight on the plasma proteome reflected in 93 significantly affected proteins. The adipocyte‐secreted SERPINF1 and apolipoprotein APOF1 were most significantly regulated with fold changes of ?16% and +37%, respectively (P < 10?13), and the entire apolipoprotein family showed characteristic differential regulation. Clinical laboratory parameters are reflected in the plasma proteome, and eight plasma proteins correlated better with insulin resistance than the known marker adiponectin. Nearly all study participants benefited from weight loss regarding a ten‐protein inflammation panel defined from the proteomics data. We conclude that plasma proteome profiling broadly evaluates and monitors intervention in metabolic diseases.  相似文献   
Gephyrin is a scaffold protein essential for stabilizing glycine and GABA(A) receptors at inhibitory synapses. Here, recombinant intrabodies against gephyrin (scFv-gephyrin) were used to assess whether this protein exerts a transynaptic action on GABA and glutamate release. Pair recordings from interconnected hippocampal cells in culture revealed a reduced probability of GABA release in scFv-gephyrin-transfected neurons compared with controls. This effect was associated with a significant decrease in VGAT, the vesicular GABA transporter, and in neuroligin 2 (NLG2), a protein that, interacting with neurexins, ensures the cross-talk between the post- and presynaptic sites. Interestingly, hampering gephyrin function also produced a significant reduction in VGLUT, the vesicular glutamate transporter, an effect accompanied by a significant decrease in frequency of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents. Overexpressing NLG2 in gephyrin-deprived neurons rescued GABAergic but not glutamatergic innervation, suggesting that the observed changes in the latter were not due to a homeostatic compensatory mechanism. Pulldown experiments demonstrated that gephyrin interacts not only with NLG2 but also with NLG1, the isoform enriched at excitatory synapses. These results suggest a key role of gephyrin in regulating transynaptic signaling at both inhibitory and excitatory synapses.  相似文献   
Surface electric properties of thylakoid membranes from wild type and two mutant forms, Coeruleovireus 2/16 and Costata 2/133, of pea are investigated by electric light scattering and microelectrophoretic measurements. Characterization of the chlorophyll–protein complexes in thylakoid membranes reveals that the relative ratio of oligomeric (LHC II1) to monomeric (LHC II3) forms of the light-harvesting Chl a/b complex of Photosystem II is lower (3.34) in 2/133 mutant and higher (6.62) in 2/16 mutant than in wild type (4.57). This is accompanied by elevated amounts and a considerable reduction of all carotenoids in 2/16 and 2/133 mutant, respectively, as compared to the wild type. The concomitant variations of the permanent dipole moment (transversal charge asymmetry), electric polarizability and electrokinetic charge of the thylakoid membranes from both the mutants are discussed in terms of the differences in the supramolecular (oligomeric) organization of the light-harvesting complexes II within the photosynthetic apparatus. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation at specific residues can activate a protein, lead to its localization to particular compartments, be a trigger for protein degradation and fulfill many other biological functions. Protein phosphorylation is increasingly being studied at a large scale and in a quantitative manner that includes a temporal dimension. By contrast, structural properties of identified phosphorylation sites have so far been investigated in a static, non-quantitative way. Here we combine for the first time dynamic properties of the phosphoproteome with protein structural features. At six time points of the cell division cycle we investigate how the variation of the amount of phosphorylation correlates with the protein structure in the vicinity of the modified site. We find two distinct phosphorylation site groups: intrinsically disordered regions tend to contain sites with dynamically varying levels, whereas regions with predominantly regular secondary structures retain more constant phosphorylation levels. The two groups show preferences for different amino acids in their kinase recognition motifs - proline and other disorder-associated residues are enriched in the former group and charged residues in the latter. Furthermore, these preferences scale with the degree of disorderedness, from regular to irregular and to disordered structures. Our results suggest that the structural organization of the region in which a phosphorylation site resides may serve as an additional control mechanism. They also imply that phosphorylation sites are associated with different time scales that serve different functional needs.  相似文献   
BAK is a key effector of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) whose molecular mechanism of action remains to be fully dissected in intact cells, mainly due to the inherent complexity of the intracellular apoptotic machinery. Here we show that the core features of the BAK-driven MOMP pathway can be reproduced in a highly simplified in vitro system consisting of recombinant human BAK lacking the carboxyl-terminal 21 residues (BAKΔC) and tBID in combination with liposomes bearing an appropriate lipid environment. Using this minimalist reconstituted system we established that tBID suffices to trigger BAKΔC membrane insertion, oligomerization, and pore formation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that tBID-activated BAKΔC permeabilizes the membrane by forming structurally dynamic pores rather than a large proteinaceous channel of fixed size. We also identified two distinct roles played by mitochondrial lipids along the molecular pathway of BAKΔC-induced membrane permeabilization. First, using several independent approaches, we showed that cardiolipin directly interacts with BAKΔC, leading to a localized structural rearrangement in the protein that "primes" BAKΔC for interaction with tBID. Second, we provide evidence that selected curvature-inducing lipids present in mitochondrial membranes specifically modulate the energetic expenditure required to create the BAKΔC pore. Collectively, our results support the notion that BAK functions as a direct effector of MOMP akin to BAX and also adds significantly to the growing evidence indicating that mitochondrial membrane lipids are actively implicated in BCL-2 protein family function.  相似文献   
Phycobilisomes (PBSs) are supramolecular pigment–protein complexes that serve as light-harvesting antennae in cyanobacteria. They are built up by phycobiliproteins assembled into allophycocyanin core cylinders (ensuring the physical interaction with the photosystems) and phycocyanin rods (protruding from the cores and having light-harvesting function), the whole PBSs structure being maintained by linker proteins. PBSs play major role in light-harvesting optimization in cyanobacteria; therefore, the characterization of their structural integrity in intact cells is of great importance. The present study utilizes differential scanning calorimetry and spectroscopy techniques to explore for the first time, the thermodynamic stability of PBSs in intact Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells and to probe its alteration as a result of mutations or under different growth conditions. As a first step, we characterize the thermodynamic behavior of intact and dismantled PBSs isolated from wild-type cells (having fully assembled PBSs) and from CK mutant cells (that lack phycocyanin rods and contain only allophycocyanin cores), and identified the thermal transitions of phycocyanin and allophycocyanin units in vitro. Next, we demonstrate that in intact cells PBSs exhibit sharp, high amplitude thermal transition at about 63 °C that strongly depends on the structural integrity of the PBSs supercomplex. Our findings implicate that calorimetry could offer a valuable approach for the assessment of the influence of variety of factors affecting the stability and structural organization of phycobilisomes in intact cyanobacterial cells.  相似文献   
Developmental pattern modification in essential oil bearing Artemisia alba Turra was obtained by exogenous plant growth regulator (PGRs) treatments in vitro. Enhanced rooting (in PGR-free and auxin-treated plants) led to elevation of the monoterpenoid/sesquiterpenoid ratio in the essential oils of aerials. On the contrary, root inhibition and intensive callusogenesis [combined cytokinin (CK) and auxin treatments] reduced this ratio more than twice, significantly enhancing sesquiterpenoid production. Both morphogenic types displayed sesquiterpenoid domination in the underground tissues, which however differed qualitatively from the sesquiterpenoids of the aerials, excluding the hypothesis of their shoot-to-root translocation and implying the possible role of another signaling factor, affecting terpenoid biosynthesis. Inhibited rooting also resulted in a significant drop of endogenous isoprenoid CK bioactive-free bases and ribosides as well as CK N-glycoconjugates and in decreased trans-zeatin (transZ):cis-zeatin (cisZ) ratio in the aerials. Marked impairment of the structural organization of the photosynthetic apparatus and chloroplast architecture were also observed in samples with suppressed rooting. It is well known that in the plant cell monoterpenoid and transZ-type CKs biogenesis are spatially bound to plastids, while sesquiterpenoid and cisZ production are compartmented in the cytosol. In the present work, interplay between the biosynthesis of terpenoids and CK bioactive free bases and ribosides in A. alba in vitro via possible moderation of chloroplast structure has been hypothesized.  相似文献   
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