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We investigated the effects of brushing on the chilling tolerance and metabolism of nonstructural carbohydrates (soluble sugars and starch) in tomato leaves before, during and after a chilling stress. Tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Caruso) were cultivated either without mechanical stress application (control plants) or with daily brushing treatments for 15 days (brushed plants), prior to a 7-day chilling treatment (8/5°C day/night). Brushing resulted in shorter plants with a 34% reduction in leaf dry weight per area and a 59% reduction of soluble sugars and starch, on a dry weight basis. The sugar to starch ratio was not affected by brushing. A greater chilling tolerance in the brushed plants was demonstrated by the maintenance of a significantly higher PSII efficiency in brushed plants (42%) compared to that of the control plants (30%) after 7 days of chilling treatment, less visible damage to the leaf tissue, and a more rapid resumption of growth during 3 days of recovery as compared to control plants. During the chilling treatment levels of soluble sugars per leaf dry weight increased 15-fold in the brushed plants and 5-fold in control plants. In the present study we have demonstrated that brushing can increase chilling tolerance in tomato plants. The observed differences in chilling tolerance and concentration of soluble sugars in the leaves may indicate an involvement of soluble sugar levels in acclimation to chilling.  相似文献   
Abstract: It is well documented that nerve growth factor (NGF) plays an important role in maintaining functions of cholinergic basal forebrain neurons. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that cholinergic activity controls NGF levels in cholinoceptive neurons of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. To address that question, we used both cholinergic deafferentation of cerebral cortex and hippocampus by cholinergic immunolesion with 192IgG-saporin and chronic pharmacological treatment of sham-treated and immunolesioned rats with the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine and the cholinergic antagonist scopolamine. We observed an increase in NGF protein levels in the cortex and hippocampus after cholinergic immunolesions and also after muscarinic receptor blockade by chronic intracerebroventricular scopolamine infusion in sham-treated rats after 2 weeks. There was no further increase in the accumulation of NGF after scopolamine treatment of immunolesioned rats. Chronic infusion of pilocarpine had no effect on cortical and hippocampal NGF protein levels in sham-treated rats. In rats with cholinergic immunolesions, however, pilocarpine did prevent the lesion-induced accumulation of NGF. There was no effect of cholinergic lesion and drug treatment on cortical or hippocampal NGF mRNA levels, consistent with the importance of NGF retrograde transport as opposed to its de novo synthesis. This study provides strong evidence for the hypothesis that there is cholinergic control of cortical and hippocampal NGF protein but not mRNA levels in adult rats.  相似文献   
1. Adult Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) were acclimated to 5 +/- 1, 24 +/- 1 and 34 +/- 1 degrees C for 6-8 weeks. 2. Body weights of temperature acclimated gerbils did not differ significantly from controls. Organ wt/body wt ratios of liver, kidney and heart increased in cold-acclimated and decreased in heat-acclimated gerbils. Adrenal wt/body wt ratio increased in the cold and was unchanged in the heat. Relative weights of brain, spleen, lungs, brown fat and ovaries + uterus did not change with temperature acclimation. 3. Cold acclimation produced significant increases in specific and total activity of brown fat alpha GPO and liver SO and AAO and in total activity of kidney SO; a significant decrease in liver mitochondrial ADP/O ratio with succinate as substrate; and no change in brown fat SO or liver alpha KGO. 4. Heat acclimation produced significant decreases in specific and total activity of liver and kidney SO, and in total activity of brown fat SO and alpha GPO, and liver AAO and alpha KGO. 5. The combined biochemical and organ wt changes seen in temperature-acclimated gerbils suggest that this species is capable of altering its metabolic thermogenic potential in response to a wide range of ambient temperatures.  相似文献   
A. Priebe  H.-J. Jäger 《Oecologia》1978,36(3):307-315
Summary This paper reports the effects of NaCl on the in vivo activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and on the in vitro activity of GDH, both enzymes having been isolated from plants differing in salt tolerance. The plants investigated were Vicia faba (salt-sensitive), Atriplex nitens and Atriplex calotheca (more or less salt-tolerant), and Atriplex halimus (halophyte) grown at various NaCl concentrations. GDH and GOT isolated from various salt-tolerant plants grown at low NaCl concentrations were inhibited in a similar way. At high NaCl concentrations, the enzyme activities remain at constant values only in the Atriplex species. GOT was more impaired by NaCl than GDH. In the case of GOT, the double reciprocal plot indicated the type of a noncompetitive inhibition. The in vitro effect of NaCl on the activity of GDH from the differentially salt-tolerant plants was of a different kind, i.e. GDH isolated from V. faba was clearly inhibited by NaCl, whereas NaCl stimulated the activity of GDH from all Atriplex species investigated. Kinetic analysis showed that substrate inhibition of GDH from A. nitens and A. calotheca grown at non-saline conditions could be removed by NaCl. Inhibition by high NaCl concentrations at low substrate concentrations was removable by increasing substrate concentrations. Moreover, the inhibition at low substrate concentrations was shown to be competitive. GDH lost this regulatory property when the plants were pretreated with 500 mM NaCl. GDH from A. halimus also possessed this control, but in contrast to A. nitens and A. calotheca, activity and control of GDH isolated from A. halimus were stimulated by pretreating the plants with 500 mM NaCl. The results showed that DDH isolated from the salt-tolerant Atriplex species was adapted to high NaCl concentrations of the tissue. Possible mechanisms of the interactions between GDH from salt-tolerant Atriplex species and NaCl are discussed.  相似文献   
The accumulation of endogenous substrates in patients with adenosine deaminase deficiency or purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency is believed to be responsible for the immunodeficiency observed in these patients. To identify the lymphocyte populations that are most susceptible to these substrates, we investigated the effect of their nucleoside analogs on a number of T and B cell functions of human lymphocytes. We found that tubercidin (Tub), 2-chloro 2'deoxyadenosine (2CldA), 2-fluoro adenine arabinoside-5'phosphate (FaraAMP), and 9-beta-D-arabinosyl guanine (AraGua) inhibited the proliferative responses of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to polyclonal activators (PHA, OKT3 mab) or to allogeneic PBMC in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC). Addition of recombinant IL-2 from the beginning of the culture did not alter the inhibition by Tub of the proliferative responses of PBMC. These purine nucleoside analogs also inhibited the proliferative responses of purified human peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to PHA and of purified B cells to SAC. The concentrations of these nucleosides required to achieve a given degree of inhibition of proliferative responses of T lymphocyte subpopulations or B cells was similar, suggesting that these analogs do not exhibit any selectivity for these purified lymphocyte populations. Tub and FaraAMP, respectively, inhibited and enhanced, at the effector phase, both NK cytotoxicity and specific T cell-mediated cytotoxicity. In contrast to these findings, LAK cytotoxicity at the effector phase was not significantly inhibited by Tub, and was not enhanced by FaraAMP. Both analogs inhibited rIL-2-induced proliferative responses of PBMC, but did not affect the generation of LAK cytotoxicity (induction phase) against the K562 targets when added at the beginning of the culture. This suggests that DNA synthesis is not required for LAK cell induction. Both Tub and FaraAMP inhibited immunoglobulin production (IgG and IgM) by PBMC in the PWM-induced system. These results demonstrate that purine nucleoside analogs significantly inhibited a number of functions of human lymphocytes. Although selectivity for T lymphocyte subpopulations and B cells was not observed, a differential effect of Tub and FaraAMP on LAK cytotoxicity versus NK cytotoxicity and specific T cell cytotoxicity was found.  相似文献   
Previous results from this laboratory demonstrated that treatment of mice with the adenosine analog tubercidin (Tub) reduced natural killer (NK) cell activity while stimulating antibody production whereas the deoxyadenosine analog, 2-fluoroadenine arabinoside-5'-monophosphate (FaraAMP), produced opposite effects; i.e., it stimulated NK cell activity at doses that inhibited antibody formation (Cancer Res. 48, 4799, 1988). Since NK cells have been reported to play a suppressor role in immunoglobulin induction, it was hypothesized that the actions of Tub and FaraAMP on antibody production occurred secondary to their opposing effects on NK cells. To test this hypothesis, abilities of these nucleoside analogs to modulate primary antibody response to sheep red blood cells were evaluated in a C57BL/6 mutant mouse lacking NK cell activity (the beige mutation. C57BL/6-bg/bg). As previously found with C3H/He mice. NK cell activity was inhibited (Tub, doses 2-6 mg/kg/day for 3 days) or stimulated (FaraAMP, doses 75-250 mg/kg/day for 3 days) in heterozygous mice C57BL/6-bg/+. In support of the hypothesis, these nucleosides had no effect on primary antibody formation in the homozygous mutant mice at doses that clearly stimulated (Tub) or inhibited (FaraAMP) this immune response in heterozygous C57BL/6-bg/+ animals. This results was corroborated in C57BL/6 wild-type mice by abrogation of NK cell activity using a monoclonal antibody to the NK cell surface glycophisingolipid, ganglio-n-tetraosylceramide. We conclude that under the conditions of drug administration, modulation of primary antibody formation by Tub and FaraAMP in mice occurs indirectly via NK cells. Similar experiments using the potent ADA inhibitor, deoxycoformycin, indicated that its enhancement of primary antibody formation is independent of NK cell activity.  相似文献   
In the extracellular space of the tissue of the sponge Geodia cydonium, circular proteid particles are found which carry as subunits the aggregation factor and a series of glycosyltransferases. Using the technique of velocity sucrose gradient centrifugation, the sedimentation coefficient (S020,w) of the particle-monosomes was determined to be 90. By means of the Svedberg equation a molecular weight of 1.3 . 10(8) daltons could be estimated. The monosomes aggregate in the presence of Ca2+ to higher complexes via disomes, trisomes, and pentasomes. The complexes can be redissociated by dodecyl sulfate but not by EDTA. During the Ca2+-mediated self-aggregation, the particles lose their biological activity with respect to their aggregation promoting function.  相似文献   
Because several groups have recently questioned a mediating role for cyclic AMP in adrenocortical steroidogenesis, we analysed the problem in more detail by measuring three different cyclic AMP pools in cells isolated from decapsulated rat adrenals. Extra-cellular, total intracellular and bound intracellular cyclic AMP were determined by radioimmunoassay in comparison with corticosterone production induced by low corticotropin concentrations. The increase in extracellular and total intracellular cyclic AMP with low corticotropin concentrations was dependent on the presence of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and short incubation times. Bound intracellular cyclic AMP was less dependent on these two parameters. In unstimulated cells cyclic AMP bound to its receptor represents only a small fraction of the total intracellular cyclic AMP. After stimulation by a concentration of corticotropin around the threshold for corticosterone production, an increase in bound cyclic AMP was observed which correlated very well with steroidogenesis both temporally and with respect to corticotropin concentration. This finding was complemented by measuring a concomitant decrease in free receptor sites. Full occupancy of the receptors was not necessary for maximal steroidogenesis. Binding kinetics of cyclic [(3)H]AMP in concentrations equivalent to the intracellular cyclic AMP concentration suggest the presence of at least three different intracellular cyclic AMP pools. These observations are in agreement with a possible role for cyclic AMP as a mediator of acute steroidogenesis induced by low corticotropin concentrations.  相似文献   
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