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Recent studies have shown that surfactant components, in particular the collectins surfactant protein (SP)-A and -D, modulate the phagocytosis of various pathogens by alveolar macrophages. This interaction might be important not only for the elimination of pathogens but also for the elimination of inhaled allergens and might explain anti-inflammatory effects of SP-A and SP-D in allergic airway inflammation. We investigated the effect of surfactant components on the phagocytosis of allergen-containing pollen starch granules (PSG) by alveolar macrophages. PSG were isolated from Dactylis glomerata or Phleum pratense, two common grass pollen allergens, and incubated with either rat or human alveolar macrophages in the presence of recombinant human SP-A, SP-A purified from patients suffering from alveolar proteinosis, a recombinant fragment of human SP-D, dodecameric recombinant rat SP-D, or the commercially available surfactant preparations Curosurf and Alveofact. Dodecameric rat recombinant SP-D enhanced binding and phagocytosis of the PSG by alveolar macrophages, whereas the recombinant fragment of human SP-D, SP-A, or the surfactant lipid preparations had no effect. In addition, recombinant rat SP-D bound to the surface of the PSG and induced aggregation. Binding, aggregation, and enhancement of phagocytosis by recombinant rat SP-D was completely blocked by EDTA and inhibited by d-maltose and to a lesser extent by d-galactose, indicating the involvement of the carbohydrate recognition domain of SP-D in these functions. The modulation of allergen phagocytosis by SP-D might play an important role in allergen clearance from the lung and thereby modulate the allergic inflammation of asthma.  相似文献   
Grip force adjustments to changes of object loading induced by external changes of the direction of gravity during discrete arm movements with a grasped object were analyzed during normal and anesthetized finger sensibility. Two subjects were seated upright in a rotatable chair and rotated backwards into a horizontal position during discrete movements with a hand-held instrumented object. The movement direction varied from vertical to horizontal inducing corresponding changes in the direction of gravity, but the orientation of the movement in relation to the body remained unaffected. During discrete vertical movements a maximum of load force occurs early in upward and late in downward movements; during horizontal movements two load force peaks result from both acceleratory and deceleratory phases of the movement. During performance with normal finger sensibility grip force was modulated in parallel with fluctuations of load force during vertical and horizontal movements. The grip force profile adopted to the varying load force profile during the transition from the vertical to the horizontal position. The maximum grip force occurred at the same time of maximum load force irrespective of the movement plane. During both subjects' first experience of digital anesthesia the object slipped from the grasp during rotation to the horizontal plane. During the following trials with anesthetized fingers subjects substantially increased their grip forces, resulting in elevated force ratios between maximum grip and load force. However, grip force was still modulated with the movement-induced load fluctuations and maximum grip force coincided with maximum load force during vertical and horizontal movements. This implies that the elevated force ratio between maximum grip and load force does not alter the feedforward system of grip force control. Cutaneous afferent information from the grasping digits seems to be important for the economic scaling of the grip force magnitude according to the actual loading conditions and for reactive grip force adjustments in response to load perturbations. However, it plays a subordinate role for the precise anticipatory temporal coupling between grip and load forces during voluntary object manipulation.  相似文献   
Legume–rhizobia symbioses play a major role in food production for an ever growing human population. In this symbiosis, dinitrogen is reduced (“fixed”) to ammonia by the rhizobial nitrogenase enzyme complex and is secreted to the plant host cells, whereas dicarboxylic acids derived from photosynthetically produced sucrose are transported into the symbiosomes and serve as respiratory substrates for the bacteroids. The symbiosome membrane contains high levels of SST1 protein, a sulfate transporter. Sulfate is an essential nutrient for all living organisms, but its importance for symbiotic nitrogen fixation and nodule metabolism has long been underestimated. Using chemical imaging, we demonstrate that the bacteroids take up 20‐fold more sulfate than the nodule host cells. Furthermore, we show that nitrogenase biosynthesis relies on high levels of imported sulfate, making sulfur as essential as carbon for the regulation and functioning of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Our findings thus establish the importance of sulfate and its active transport for the plant–microbe interaction that is most relevant for agriculture and soil fertility.  相似文献   


Fungal rhinosinusitis has become an increasingly recognized disease, being Aspergillus species responsible for most of the cases. Its diagnosis is quite difficult because of the non-specific symptoms and low sensitivity of the current diagnostic methods.


An Aspergillus-specific nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay using biopsy specimens taken from the maxillary sinuses was performed in order to assess its usefulness. Conventional diagnostic methods (histology and culture) were also carried out.


A case–control study was performed in the Institute of Stomatology, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, between 2011 and 2014. The case group consisted of 21 patients with suspected rhinosinusal mycetoma while the control group included 46 patients with no suspicion of fungal rhinosinusitis. The two-step PCR assay amplified an Aspergillus specific portion of the 18S rRNA gene. Interval estimation of sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values were calculated to assess the diagnostic test performance. The agreement between the PCR and the other tests was evaluated using the Kappa coefficient (k).


Ninety percent of the samples obtained from patients diagnosed with mycetoma yielded positive PCR results. The PCR showed almost perfect concordance with histology (k = 0.88). Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV estimates were 90%; 95% CI: (55.5–99.7%), 98.3%; 95% CI: (90.9–100%), 90%; 95% CI: (55.5–99.7%) and 98.3%; 95% CI: (90.9–100%), respectively. One clinical sample showed growth of Aspergillus fumigatus and positive PCR despite the negative histological examination.


Nested PCR assay is a promising diagnostic tool to evaluate the presence of Aspergillus in the tissue of maxillary sinus from patients with suspicion of sinus aspergillosis.  相似文献   
Multidrug resistance (MDR) of tumour cells is related to the overexpression of ATP-dependent pumps responsible for the active efflux of antitumour agents out of resistant cells. Benzoperimidine and anthrapyridone compounds exhibit comparable cytotoxic activity against sensitive and MDR tumour cells. They diffuse extremely rapidly across the plasma membrane and render the ATP-dependent efflux inefficient. Such uptake could disturb an energy metabolism of normal cells possessing an elevated level of ATP-dependent proteins, especially erythrocytes having a high level of the MRP1, MRP4 and MRP5 proteins. In this study the effect of five antitumour agents: benzoperimidine (BP1), anthrapyridones (CO1, CO7) and reference drugs used in the clinic: doxorubicin (DOX) and pirarubicin (PIRA), on the energetic state in human erythrocytes has been examined. These compounds have various types of structure and kinetics of cellular uptake (slow--DOX, CO7, moderate--PIRA, fast--BP1, CO1) resulting in their different ability to saturate ATP-dependent transporters. The energetic state of erythrocytes was examined by determination of purine nucleotide contents (ATP, ADP, AMP), NAD(+) and values of adenylate energy charge (AEC) using an HPLC method. It was found that the level of nucleotides as well as the AEC value of erythrocytes were not changed during 24 h of incubation with these agents independently of their structure and ability to saturate ATP-dependent pumps. This is a very promising result in view of their potential use in the clinic as antitumour drugs against multidrug resistant cancers.  相似文献   
We have previously reported that Nodal, a member of the TGF-β superfamily, acts through activin receptor-like kinase 7 (ALK7) to inhibit ovarian cancer cell proliferation. To determine the mechanism underlying their effects, a cell cycle gene array was performed and cyclin G2 mRNA was found to be strongly up-regulated by Nodal and ALK7. To study the function and regulation of cyclin G2 in ovarian cancer cells, expression constructs were generated. We found that cyclin G2 protein level decreased rapidly after transfection, and this decrease was prevented by 26S proteasome inhibitors. Immunoprecipitation and pull-down studies showed that ubiquitin, Skp1, and Skp2 formed complexes with cyclin G2. Knockdown of Skp2 by siRNA increased, whereas overexpression of Skp2 decreased cyclin G2 levels. Nodal and ALK7 decreased the expression of Skp1 and Skp2 and increased cyclin G2 levels. Overexpression of cyclin G2 inhibited cell proliferation whereas cyclin G2-siRNA reduced the antiproliferative effect of Nodal and ALK7. Taken together, these findings provide strong evidence that cyclin G2 is degraded by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway and that Skp2 plays a role in regulating cyclin G2 levels. Furthermore, our results also demonstrate that the antiproliferative effect of Nodal/ALK7 on ovarian cancer cells is in part mediated by cyclin G2.  相似文献   
The influence of phytoestrogens (genistein and coumestrol) and mycoestrogen (zearalenone) on insulin secretion, liver insulin receptors and some aspects of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism were investigated in this study. Ovariectomized rats were injected s.c. with the above mentioned compounds in the amount of 1 mg for three days. Coumestrol and zearalenone caused a significant increase in uterus weight, similar to the effects observed after estrone action, while this effect was not observed after the genistein injection. Blood insulin level was not changed after phyto- or mycoestrogen treatment. However, coumestrol and genistein significantly decreased the binding capacity of liver insulin receptors. These changes corresponded with alterations in glucose and free fatty acids profiles in blood, as well as with glycogen content in liver. The effects observed after genistein and coumestrol injections differed from those noticed in rats treated with zearalenone or estrone. On the basis of these results we conclude that metabolic effects of high doses of coumestrol and genistein in ovariectomized rats are partly mediated by changes in insulin sensitivity of the liver and that the action of plant estrogens on metabolism is, at least to the some degree, independent of their estrogen activity.  相似文献   
Epitheliocystis in leafy seadragon (Phycodurus eques), silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), and barramundi (Lates calcarifer), previously associated with chlamydial bacterial infection using ultrastructural analysis, was further investigated by using molecular and immunocytochemical methods. Morphologically, all three species showed epitheliocystis cysts in the gills, and barramundi also showed lymphocystis cysts in the skin. From gill cysts of all three species and from skin cysts of barramundi 16S rRNA gene fragments were amplified by PCR and sequenced, which clustered by phylogenetic analysis together with other chlamydia-like organisms in the order Chlamydiales in a lineage separate from the family Chlamydiaceae. By using in situ RNA hybridization, 16S rRNA Chlamydiales-specific sequences were detected in gill cysts of silver perch and in gill and skin cysts of barramundi. By applying immunocytochemistry, chlamydial antigens (lipopolysaccharide and/or membrane protein) were detected in gill cysts of leafy seadragon and in gill and skin cysts of barramundi, but not in gill cysts of silver perch. In conclusion, this is the first time epitheliocystis agents of leafy seadragon, silver perch and barramundi have been undoubtedly identified as belonging to bacteria of the order Chlamydiales by molecular methods. In addition, the results suggested that lymphocystis cysts, known to be caused by iridovirus infection, could be coinfected with the epitheliocystis agent.  相似文献   
Different patterns of viral replication correlate with the natural history of disease progression in humans and macaques infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), respectively. However, the viral and host factors influencing these patterns of viral replication in vivo are poorly understood. We intensively studied viral replication in macaques receiving identical inocula of SIV. Marked differences in viral replication patterns were apparent within the first week following inoculation, a time prior to the development of measurable specific immune effector responses to viral antigens. Plasma viral RNA levels measured on day 7 postinoculation correlated with levels measured in the postacute phase of infection. Differences in the susceptibility of host cells from different animals to in vitro SIV infection correlated with the permissiveness of the animals for early in vivo viral replication and hence with the postacute set point level of plasma viremia. These results suggest that host factors that exert their effects prior to full development of specific immune responses are critical in establishing the in vivo viral replication pattern and associated clinical course in subjects infected with SIV and, by extension, with HIV-1.  相似文献   
The implementation of silicon (Si)-containing negative electrodes is widely discussed as an approach to increase the specific capacity of lithium-ion batteries. However, challenges caused by severe volume changes and continuous (re-)formation of the solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) on Si need to be overcome. The volume changes lead to electrolyte consumption and active lithium loss, decaying the cell performance and cycle life. Herein, the additive 2-sulfobenzoic acid anhydride (2-SBA) is utilized as an SEI-forming electrolyte additive for SiOx-containing anodes. The addition of 2-SBA to a state-of-the-art carbonate-based electrolyte in high-voltage LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2, NMC811||artificial graphite +20% SiOx pouch cells leads to improved electrochemical performance, resulting in a doubled cell cycle life. The origin of the enhanced cell performance is mechanistically investigated by developing an advanced experimental technique based on operando attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. The operando ATR-FTIR spectroscopy results elucidate the degradation mechanism via anhydride ring-opening reactions after electrochemical reduction on the anode surface. Additionally, ion chromatography conductivity detection mass spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and quantum chemistry calculations are employed to further elucidate the working mechanisms of the additive and its degradation products.  相似文献   
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