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N Grosser 《CMAJ》1986,135(1):23-26
Physicians with a contemporary education may not be adequately trained to deal effectively with drug-dependent patients. This paper details the problems that one physician encountered with such individuals in his practice. A retraining program was set up in which he received basic education in drug dependence and became involved in individual counselling with drug abusers and in research studies on alcoholism and drug abuse. Physicians must exercise caution when prescribing medications that are potentially addictive. They must have a responsible attitude in their care of drug-dependent patients. The assessment and treatment of such patients should be carried out only by a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals. These principles are best inculcated by the proper exposure of medical students to substance-abuse problems and by the availability of appropriate courses and studies in this area to practising physicians.  相似文献   
Summary Somatic hybridization experiments in Citrus that involve the fusion of protoplasts of one parent isolated from either nucellus-derived embryogenic callus or suspension cultures with leaf-derived protoplasts of a second parent, often result in the regeneration of diploid plants that phenotypically resemble the leaf parent. In this study, plants of this type regenerated following somatic fusions of the following three parental combinations were analyzed to determine their genetic origin (nuclear and organelle): (embryogenic parent listed first, leaf parent second) (1) calamondin (C. microcarpa Bunge) + Keen sour orange (C. aurantium L.), (2) Cleopatra mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco) + sour orange, and (3) Valencia sweet orange (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck) + Femminello lemon (C. limon (L.) Burm. f.). Isozyme analyses of PGI, PGM, GOT, and IDH zymograms of putative cybrid plants, along with RFLP analyses using a nuclear genome-specific probe showed that these plants contained the nucleus of the leaf parent. RFLP analyses using mtDNA-specific probes showed that these plants contained the mitochondrial genome of the embryogenic callus donor, thereby confirming cybridization. RFLP analyses using cpDNA-specific probes revealed that the cybrid plants contained the chloroplast genome of either one or the other parent. These results support previous reports indicating that acquisition of the mitochondria of embryogenic protoplasts by leaf protoplasts is a prerequisite for recovering plants with the leaf parent phenotype via somatic embryogenesis following somatic fusion.Abbreviations cp chloroplast - GOT glutamateoxaloacetate transaminase - IDH isocitrate dehydrogenase - mt mitochondria - PEG polyethylene glycol - PGI phosphoglucose isomerase - PGM phosphoglucomutase - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. R-04631.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody of IgM-type (TIM-11B2) was screened froma hybridoma library. The antibody recognizes a 40 kDa glycoprotein,p40, with high specificity. This protein was detected in allplant species examined so far and was found to be located bothsolubly and ionically-bound within the primary cell wall. The strongest immunobiochemical signals of p40 were found intissues undergoing elongation growth, whereas in other tissuesonly a faint signal could be detected. Those included the non-elongatingparts of different seedlings, such as the apical part of monocotprimary leaves or the leaves of dicots grown in light. Inhibitionof pea epicotyl growth by white light irradiation resulted ina strong decrease of the immunostain signal. On the other hand,induction of rapid coleoptile growth in rice seedlings inducedby submergence resulted in a strong increase of the immunobiochemicalsignal of p40. Time-course studies on the expression of p40during protoplast regeneration revealed that p40 is apparentlynot involved in cell wall formation. The hypothesis that p40is characteristic for tissues with the ability for elongationgrowth is discussed. Comparison of biochemical data and location of p40 with proteinsdescribed up to now indicate that this glycoprotein has notbeen characterized before. Key words: Cell wall protein, elongation growth, monoclonal antibody  相似文献   
Abstract: N -Acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG), a prevalent peptide in the vertebrate nervous system, may be hydrolyzed by extracellular peptidase activity to produce glutamate and N -acetylaspartate. Hydrolysis can be viewed as both inactivating the peptide after synaptic release and increasing synaptic levels of ambient glutamate. To test the hypothesis that NAAG and the peptidase activity that hydrolyzes it coexist as a unique, two-stage system of chemical neurotransmission, 50 discrete regions of the rat CNS were microdissected for assay. In each microregion, the concentration of NAAG was determined by radioimmunoassay and the peptidase activity was assayed using tritiated peptide as substrate. The NAAG concentration ranged from 2.4 nmol/mg of soluble protein in median eminence to 64 in thoracic spinal cord. Peptidase activity against NAAG ranged from 54 pmol of glutamate produced per milligram of membrane protein per minute in median eminence to 148 in superior colliculus. A linear relationship was observed between NAAG peptidase and NAAG concentration in 46 of the 50 areas, with a slope of 2.26 and a correlation coefficient of 0.45. These data support the hypothesis that hydrolysis of NAAG to glutamate and N -acetylaspartate is a consistent aspect of the physiology and metabolism of this peptide after synaptic release. The ratio of peptide concentration to peptidase activity was >0.3 in the following four areas: ventrolateral medulla and reticular formation where the peptide is concentrated in axons of passage, thoracic spinal cord, where NAAG is concentrated in ascending sensory tracts as well as motoneuron cell bodies, and ventroposterior thalamic nucleus.  相似文献   
Detached leaves of Cyclamen persicum Mill. can be used as a simple source-sink system. Phloem transport in the excised material was monitored by the noninvasive 11C-technique. Assimilate movement stopped immediately when the petiole was cut off. However, within 20 min a recovery of transport was observed. The translocation rate in the detached leaf was only 13% of that in the intact plant. 14C-Xenobiotics and [3H]sucrose were injected into the upper petiole parenchyma (source). They moved downstream by a symplastic route. The stump of the petiole was inserted into a buffer solution containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (sink). After 3 h, the distribution of sucrose and xenobiotics was determined in five subsequent segments of the petiole (path). The retention coefficient (r) was calculated from the ratio of radioactivity in the vascular bundle to that in the petiole parenchyma. The distribution along the vascular path was given by a geometric progression, whereas its constant was the transport coefficient (q). Values of r and q corresponded with the degree of phloem mobility and ambimobility. Four groups of compounds were classified: (i) acidic substances with log Kow = — 2 to — 2.4 (Kow is the partition coefficient octanol/water) at pH 8 (pH of sieve tube sap), retained by ion trapping and exhibiting small lateral efflux (q0.7; maleic hydrazide, dalapon); (ii) acidic substances with log Kow = — 0.7 to — 0.8 at pH 8, retained by ion trapping and subjected to a moderate lateral efflux (0.7>q> 0.5; 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, bromoxynil); (iii) nonionised substances retained by optimum permeability, exhibiting a considerable lateral leakage (q<0.5; glyphosate, amitrole); (iv) substances without basipetal transport in the phloem (atrazine, diuron). Retention of sucrose corresponded quantitatively with that shown in group (i). This classification was also supported by results of uptake and efflux experiments using the isolated conducting tissue. Theoretical translocation profiles were calculated from the determined transport coefficients (q).Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - Kow partition coefficient octanol/water - MCPA 2-methyl-4-chloro-phenoxyacetic acid - q transport coefficient in the vascular bundle - r retention coefficient in the vascular bundle The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of H. Fiedler and M. Neugebauer. We are particularly grateful to K. Dutschka, G. Hudepokl, and Dr. J. Knust for producing 11CO2.  相似文献   
Digital point‐occurrence records from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and other data providers enable a wide range of research in macroecology and biogeography. However, data errors may hamper immediate use. Manual data cleaning is time‐consuming and often unfeasible, given that the databases may contain thousands or millions of records. Automated data cleaning pipelines are therefore of high importance. Taking North American Ephedra as a model, we examined how different data cleaning pipelines (using, e.g., the GBIF web application, and four different R packages) affect downstream species distribution models (SDMs). We also assessed how data differed from expert data. From 13,889 North American Ephedra observations in GBIF, the pipelines removed 31.7% to 62.7% false positives, invalid coordinates, and duplicates, leading to datasets between 9484 (GBIF application) and 5196 records (manual‐guided filtering). The expert data consisted of 704 records, comparable to data from field studies. Although differences in the absolute numbers of records were relatively large, species richness models based on stacked SDMs (S‐SDM) from pipeline and expert data were strongly correlated (mean Pearson''s r across the pipelines: .9986, vs. the expert data: .9173). Our results suggest that all R package‐based pipelines reliably identified invalid coordinates. In contrast, the GBIF‐filtered data still contained both spatial and taxonomic errors. Major drawbacks emerge from the fact that no pipeline fully discovered misidentified specimens without the assistance of taxonomic expert knowledge. We conclude that application‐filtered GBIF data will still need additional review to achieve higher spatial data quality. Achieving high‐quality taxonomic data will require extra effort, probably by thoroughly analyzing the data for misidentified taxa, supported by experts.  相似文献   
The human plutiripotent stem cell registry (hPSCreg) is a global database for human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (hESC, hiPSC). The publicly accessible Registry (https://hpscreg.eu) was set up to provide a transparent resource of quality‐assessed hPSC lines as well as to increase reproducibility of research and interoperability of data.ObjectivesIn this review, we describe the establishment of the Registry and its mission, its development into a knowledgebase for hPSC and the current status of hPSC‐focussed databases. The data categories available in hPSCreg are detailed. In addition, sharing and hurdles to data sharing on a global level are described.ConclusionsAn outlook is provided on the establishment of digital representatives of donors using hybrids of data and hPSC‐based biological models, and how this can also be used to reposition databases as mediators between donors and researchers.

hPSCreg as a data hub for pluripotent stem cells: Key utility and function.  相似文献   
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