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The Cercopithecini, or African guenon monkeys, are one of the most diverse clades of living primates and comprise the most species‐rich clade of Catarrhini. Species identity is announced by flamboyant coloration of the facial and genital regions and, more cryptically, by vigorous chromosomal rearrangements among taxa. Beneath the skin, however, these animals are skeletally conservative and show low levels of genetic sequence divergence consonant with recent divergence between congeneric species. The guenons clearly demonstrate that morphological, cytogenetic, and reproductive differentiation proceed at different rates during speciation. We review diverse kinds of data in an effort to understand this conundrum.  相似文献   
Oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs, also called NG2 cells) are scattered throughout brain parenchyma, where they function as a reservoir to replace lost or damaged oligodendrocytes, the myelin-forming cells. The hypothesis that, under some circumstances, OPCs can actually behave as multipotent cells, thus generating astrocytes and neurons as well, has arisen from some in vitro and in vivo evidence, but the molecular pathways controlling this alternative fate of OPCs are not fully understood. Their identification would open new opportunities for neuronal replace strategies, by fostering the intrinsic ability of the brain to regenerate. Here, we show that the anti-epileptic epigenetic modulator valproic acid (VPA) can promote the generation of new neurons from NG2+ OPCs under neurogenic protocols in vitro, through their initial de-differentiation to a stem cell-like phenotype that then evolves to “hybrid” cell population, showing OPC morphology but expressing the neuronal marker βIII-tubulin and the GPR17 receptor, a key determinant in driving OPC transition towards myelinating oligodendrocytes. Under these conditions, the pharmacological blockade of the P2Y-like receptor GPR17 by cangrelor, a drug recently approved for human use, partially mimics the effects mediated by VPA thus accelerating cells’ neurogenic conversion. These data show a co-localization between neuronal markers and GPR17 in vitro, and suggest that, besides its involvement in oligodendrogenesis, GPR17 can drive the fate of neural precursor cells by instructing precursors towards the neuronal lineage. Being a membrane receptor, GPR17 represents an ideal “druggable” target to be exploited for innovative regenerative approaches to acute and chronic brain diseases.  相似文献   
The centromere is an essential structure in the chromosomes of all eukariotes and is central to the mechanism that ensures proper segregation during mitosis and meiosis. The comparison of DNA sequence motifs, organization and kinetocore components from yeast to man is beginning to indicate that, although centromeres are highly variable DNA elements, a conserved pattern of sequence arrangement and function is emerging. We have identified and characterized the first satellite DNA (P.k.SAT) from microbat species Pipistrellus kuhli. The presence of mammalian CENP-B box and yeast CDEIII box could indicate the participation of P.k.SAT in centromere organization.  相似文献   
Type 1 non-symbiotic rice hemoglobin (rHb1) shows bis-histidyl heme hexacoordination and is capable of binding diatomic ligands reversibly. The biological function is as yet unclear, but the high oxygen affinity makes it unlikely to be involved in oxygen transport. In order to gain insight into possible physiological roles, we have studied CO rebinding kinetics after laser flash photolysis of rHb1 in solution and encapsulated in silica gel. CO rebinding to wt rHb1 in solution occurs through a fast geminate phase with no sign of rebinding from internal docking sites. Encapsulation in silica gel enhances migration to internal cavities. Site-directed mutagenesis of FB10, a residue known to have a key role in the regulation of hexacoordination and ligand affinity, resulted in substantial effects on the rebinding kinetics, partly inhibiting ligand exit to the solvent, enhancing geminate rebinding and enabling ligand migration within the internal cavities. The mutation of HE7, one of the histidyl residues involved in the hexacoordination, prevents hexacoordination, as expected, but also exposes ligand migration through a complex system of cavities. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein Dynamics: Experimental and Computational Approaches.  相似文献   
The microtubule-destabilizing protein stathmin is highly expressed in several types of tumor, thus deserving the name of oncoprotein 18. High levels of stathmin expression and/or activity favor the metastatic spreading and mark the most aggressive tumors, thus representing a realistic marker of poor prognosis. Stathmin is a downstream target of many signaling pathways, including Ras-MAPK, PI3K and p53, involved in both tumor onset and progression. We thus hypothesized that stathmin could also play a role during the early stages of tumorigenesis, an issue completely unexplored. In order to establish whether stathmin expression is necessary for tumor initiation, we challenged wild type (WT), stathmin heterozygous and stathmin knock-out (KO) mice with different carcinogens. Using well-defined mouse models of carcinogenesis of skin, bladder and muscle by the means of 7,12-dimethylbenz[α]antracene (DMBA)/12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (BBN) and 3-methylcholanthrylene (3MC) treatments, respectively, we demonstrated that knock-out of stathmin has no impact on the onset of cancer in mice. No significant difference was noticed either when the Ras oncogene was mutated (skin carcinogenesis model) or when the p53 pathway was inactivated (bladder carcinomas and fibrosarcomas). Finally, we concomitantly impinged on p53 and Ras pathways, by generating WT and stathmin KO mouse embryo fibroblasts transformed with papilloma virus large T antigen (LgTAg) plus the K-RasG12V oncogene. In vivo growth of xenografts from these transformed fibroblasts did not highlight any significant difference depending on the presence or absence of stathmin. Overall, our work demonstrates that stathmin expression is dispensable for tumor onset, at least in mice, thus making stathmin a virtually exclusive marker of aggressive disease and a promising therapeutic target for advanced cancers.  相似文献   


Yeast strains endowed with robustness towards copper and/or enriched in intracellular Cu might find application in biotechnology processes, among others in the production of functional foods. Moreover, they can contribute to the study of human diseases related to impairments of copper metabolism. In this study, we investigated the molecular and physiological factors that confer copper tolerance to strains of baker's yeasts.  相似文献   
Muscular dystrophies (MDs) are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders characterized by progressive muscle wasting and weakness likely associated with exhaustion of muscle regeneration potential. At present, no cures or efficacious treatments are available for these diseases, but cell transplantation could be a potential therapeutic strategy. Transplantation of myoblasts using satellite cells or other myogenic cell populations has been attempted to promote muscle regeneration, based on the hypothesis that the donor cells repopulate the muscle and contribute to its regeneration. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and more recently induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) could generate an unlimited source of differentiated cell types, including myogenic cells. Here we review the literature regarding the generation of myogenic cells considering the main techniques employed to date to elicit efficient differentiation of human and murine ESCs or iPSCs into skeletal muscle. We also critically analyse the possibility of using these cellular populations as an alternative source of myogenic cells for cell therapy of MDs.  相似文献   
Summary Pericentric inversion of chromosome 19 has been found in several members of three unrelated families from a restricted geographical region. In one of the families, an additional pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 was observed. Reproductive problems, multiple abortions in two families and a neonatal death in the third, were present. A review of previously described cases is included, and the genetic risk connected with this type of rearrangement is also discussed.  相似文献   
The ability of a variety of chemical and physical agents to stimulate DNA repair synthesis in human cell cultures was tested by a simplified scintillometric procedure, with the use of hydroxyurea (HU) to suppress DNA replicative synthesis. After incubation with [3H]thymidine, the radioactivity incorporated in to DNA was determined in controls (C) and treated (T) cultures and in the corresponding HU series (CHU, THU). The ratios THU/CHU and THU/T:CHU/C, indicating absolute and relative increases of DNA radioactivity, were calculated. When both ratios were significantly higher than 1, they were taken as indices of DNA repair stimulation, whereas, no stimulation in inferred when both of them are ?1. The scintillometric estimate of DNA repair was always in agreement with the autoradiographic observations, so that the procedure adopted can be used as a rapid test for screening investigations.Agents giving a relative but no an absolute increase of DNA radioactivity are generally not inducers of repair synthesis as estimated by autoradiography. However, the same scintillometric results are also occasionally observed with DNA repair inducers, such as methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS), owing to alterations of thymidine pool radioactivity. These chemicals, besides affecting the levels of labelled precursors in the intracellular pool in the T series, differently modified the increase of pool radioactivity which is a regular effect of HU. With such chemicals, DNA repair synthesis can be detected only after normalization of th DNA radioactivity on the basis of pool alterations.The quantitative value of the autoradiographic estimate of DNA repair is also affected by the changes in the radioactivity of the thymidine pool although autoradiography retains its qualitative value.Dimethylnitrosamine, mitomycin C and potassium dichromate, described by other authors as inducers of DNA repair, also gave negative results by the scintillometric procedure after normalization of DNA radioactivities. However, in our hands, these agents were unable to stimulated repair synthesis, according to the results of autoradiography and isopynic centrifugation.The proposed scintillometric procedure is effective in indicating false negative inducers of DNA repair, not giving rise to false positives.  相似文献   
Summary Human melanoma cells are sensitive to the lytic activity of natural killer (NK) and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells in vitro. The events resulting in tumour cell killing by lymphocytic effectors have not been completely clarified, and the same target cell determinants regulating responsiveness to immune cytolysis have not yet been identified. Indeed, changes in the differentiative status of leukemia cells as well as in the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens have been described to modulate sensitivity to cytotoxic effectors; moreover surface expression of adhesion factors or extracellular matrix proteins by the cancer cells can promote the activation of the cytolytic effectors and has been described to correlate with tumour cell sensitivity to cytolytic cells. We reasoned that treatment with differentiation inducers could modulate melanoma cell sensitivity to NK and LAK cells. The present study demonstrates that human melanoma GLL-19 cells, when treated with the phorbol diester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) in vitro, undergo growth inhibition and neuron-like differentiation. Moreover PMA treatment induces an evident inhibition of GLL-19 cell sensitivity to NK- and LAK-mediated cytotoxicity. GLL-19 cells express constitutively MHC class I antigens. PMA treatment, however, does not modify the expression of MHC class I and class II DR antigens in human melanoma GLL-19 cells. We have finally evaluated the effects of PMA on the expression at the cell surface of adhesion factors such as ICAM-1, and extracellular matrix proteins such as collagen IV, laminin and fibronectin; we have also studied the expression of the integrin vitronectin receptor, a membrane receptor for adhesive proteins. While adhesion factors and extracellular matrix proteins appear to play an important role in the interaction between immune effector and tumour target, it can be supposed that the modulation of such membrane-associated proteins or glycoproteins induces NK and LAK resistance in cancer cells. We indeed found that PMA treatment induced in GLL-19 a marked reduction of membrane expression of collagen IV and ICAM-1; moreover PMA reduced the cell membrane expression of the integrin vitronectin receptor. On the other hand, membrane expression of fibronectin and laminin was not affected by PMA. These data indicate that the acquisition of a NK- and LAK-resistant phenotype by GLL-19 cells occurs together with cell differentiation, down-regulation of membrane expression of collagen IV, ICAM-1 and vitronectin receptor, but in the absence of changes in MHC antigens.This work has been supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (A. I. R. C.) and by Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy-USA joint program on New Therapies on Neoplasia.  相似文献   
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