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In order to study the mechanism of the glutamate-aspartate translocator, rat liver mitochondria were loaded with either glutamate or aspartate. In the presence of ascorbate plus tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine as an electron donor at the third energy conservation site, exchange of external glutamate for matrix aspartate is highly favored over the reverse exchange. In the absence of an energy source, although the asymmetry of the exchange rates is much smaller, it is still observable. Further studies have shown that the proton uptake accompanying influx of glutamate in exchange for aspartate efflux occurs by protonation of a group on the carrier (pK = 7.9) at the external side of the inner mitochondrial membrane, followed by deprotonation at the matrix surface. It is postulated that glutamate binds to the protonated form of the carrier and aspartate to the deprotonated form. Because of the alkaline pK, aspartate efflux is inhibited with increased matrix [H+] due to limitation of the availability of deprotonated carrier for aspartate binding. For the reverse exchange, aspartate uptake is inhibited by increasing external [H+]. Thus the rate of aspartate uptake by mitochondria is apparently impeded both by a proton motive force (Δp) unfavorable to entry of ions with net negative charge as well as by the small proportion of deprotonated carrier at the outer surface of the membrane. This conclusion is further illustrated by inhibition of the aspartate-aspartate exchange with increased [H+] and by addition of an energy source. The glutamate-glutamate exchange, however, showed a slight stimulation by increased [H+] and was unaffected by the energy state.The model initially proposed for the carrier, in which a neutral glutamate-carrier complex exchanges for a negatively charged aspartate-carrier complex, is tested further. Glutamate uptake was noncompetitively inhibited by external aspartate, which indicates that aspartate and glutamate bind to separate forms of the carrier. Intramitochrondrial glutamate at a concentration of 18 mm, however, had no effect on aspartate efflux. Arrhenius plots for the glutamate-aspartate and aspartate-glutamate exchanges were linear over the range of temperatures tested (1–35 °C and 5–25 °C, respectively) and provided an average value of 14.3 kcal/mol for the energy of activation. In addition, there appear to be two pools, exchangeable and nonexchangeable, of matrix aspartate available to the translocator, since extramitochondrial radiolabeled aspartate can equilibrate only with unlabeled matrix aspartate at low aspartate loading (1–2 nmol of aspartate/mg of protein). The physiological significance of the data is discussed.  相似文献   
A method for calculating the mass transfer coefficient in a biological film system, under turbulent flow conditions, is presented. It is experimentally found that fluid velocity has a positive effect on the rate of substrate utilization when the system is operated in other than the kinetic regime. A correlation is developed which indicates a dependence of the mass transfer coefficient on the fluid velocity raised to the 0.7 power.  相似文献   
The predominant sulfated polysaccharide, ?-carrageenan, was localized in the middle lamella of epidermal, cortical and medullary cells of Eucheumanudum J. Agardh. Autoradiographic studies with 35SO4= indicated that the label was first incorporated in the inner wall and ultimately deposited in the middle lamella of all cells, and in an outer wall layer of the epidermal cells. There was no evidence for cytoplasmic incorporation of the label. The middle lamella stained with alcian blue, was γ-metachromatic with toluidina blue O and bound diaminobenzidine-osmium tetroxide. This region was also positive with periodic acid-Schiff's (PAS) ragent, possibly demonstrating cellulose and/or a nonsulfated precursor of ?-carrageenan. A proposed model for extracellular sulfation includes production and secretion of a nonsulfated polygalactan and sulfotransferase enzyme(s) by the golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum, respectively. Free sulfate in the wall would be bound to the precursor polysaccharide, with much of the resulting carrageenan migrating to the middle lamella facilitating mutual cell growth.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Urea is the major nitrogen (N) form supplied as fertilizer in agriculture. However, urease, a nickel-dependent enzyme, allows plants to use external or internally generated urea as a nitrogen source. Since a urease inhibitor is frequently applied in conjunction with urea fertilizer, the N-metabolism of plants may be affected. The aim of this study was to determine physiological and molecular effects of nickel deficiency and a urease inhibitor on urea uptake and assimilation in oilseed rape.


Plants were grown on hydroponic solution with urea as the sole N source under three treatments: plants treated with nickel (+Ni) as a control, without nickel (?Ni) and with nickel and phenylphosphorodiamidate (+Ni+PPD). Urea transport and assimilation were investigated.


The results show that Ni-deficiency or PPD supply led to reduced growth and reduced 15N-uptake from urea. This effect was more pronounced in PPD-treated plants, which accumulated high amounts of urea and ammonium. Thus, Ni-deficiency or addition of PPD, limit the availability of N and decreased shoot and root amino acid content. The up-regulation of BnDUR3 in roots indicated that this gene is a component of the stress response to nitrogen-deficiency. A general decline of glutamine synthetase (GS) activity and activation of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and increases in its expression level were observed in control plants. At the same time, in (?N) or (+Ni+PPD) treated plants, no increases in GS or GDH activities and expression level were found.


Overall results showed that plants require Ni as a nutrient (while most widely used nutrient solutions are devoid of Ni), whether they are grown with or without a urea supply, and that urease inhibitors may have deleterious effects at least in hydroponic grown oilseed rape.  相似文献   
Six terrestrial ecosystems in the USA were exposed to elevated atmospheric CO(2) in single or multifactorial experiments for more than a decade to assess potential impacts. We retrospectively assessed soil bacterial community responses in all six-field experiments and found ecosystem-specific and common patterns of soil bacterial community response to elevated CO(2) . Soil bacterial composition differed greatly across the six ecosystems. No common effect of elevated atmospheric CO(2) on bacterial biomass, richness and community composition across all of the ecosystems was identified, although significant responses were detected in individual ecosystems. The most striking common trend across the sites was a decrease of up to 3.5-fold in the relative abundance of Acidobacteria Group 1 bacteria in soils exposed to elevated CO(2) or other climate factors. The Acidobacteria Group 1 response observed in exploratory 16S rRNA gene clone library surveys was validated in one ecosystem by 100-fold deeper sequencing and semi-quantitative PCR assays. Collectively, the 16S rRNA gene sequencing approach revealed influences of elevated CO(2) on multiple ecosystems. Although few common trends across the ecosystems were detected in the small surveys, the trends may be harbingers of more substantive changes in less abundant, more sensitive taxa that can only be detected by deeper surveys. Representative bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone sequences were deposited in GenBank with Accession No. JQ366086–JQ387568.  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) is one of the most important nutrients limiting agricultural production worldwide. In acid and alkaline soils, which make up over 70% of the world's arable land, P forms insoluble compounds that are not available for plant use. To reduce P deficiencies and ensure plant productivity, nearly 30 million tons of P fertilizer are applied every year. Up to 80% of the applied P fertilizer is lost because it becomes immobile and unavailable for plant uptake. Therefore, the development of novel plant varieties more efficient in the use of P represents the best alternative to reduce the use of P fertilizers and achieve a more sustainable agriculture. We show here that the ability to use insoluble P compounds can be significantly enhanced by engineering plants to produce more organic acids. Our results show that when compared to the controls, citrate-overproducing plants yield more leaf and fruit biomass when grown under P-limiting conditions and require less P fertilizer to achieve optimal growth.  相似文献   
The nonstructural protein NS3 of hepatitis C virus (HCV) possesses two enzymatic domains which are thought to be essential for the virus life cycle: an N-terminal serine-type proteinase, responsible for the processing of nonstructural polypeptides, and a C-terminal nucleoside triphosphatase/helicase, presumably involved in the unwinding of the viral genome. The human antibody response to NS3 usually appears early in the course of HCV infection and is predominantly directed against the carboxyl-terminal portion; however, its fine specificity and clinical significance are largely unknown. We have generated a human monoclonal antibody (hMAb), designated CM3.B6, from a cloned B-cell line obtained from the peripheral blood of a patient with chronic HCV infection, which selectively recognized the purified NS3 protein expressed in bacteria or in eukaryotic cells transfected with full-length or NS3 cDNA. Fine-specificity studies revealed that CM3.B6 recognized a 92-amino-acid sequence (clone 8, amino acids 1363 to 1454) selected from an NS3 DNase fragment library but failed to bind to 12-mer peptides synthesized from the same region, suggesting recognition of a conformational B-cell epitope. Experiments using deletion mutants of clone 8 and competitive inhibition studies using a panel of NS3 peptide-specific murine MAbs indicated that limited N-terminal and C-terminal deletions resulted in a significant reduction of hMAb binding to clone 8, thus identifying a minimal antibody binding domain within clone 8. Competition experiments showed that binding of CM3.B6 to the NS3 protein was efficiently inhibited by 39 of 44 (89%) sera from HCV-infected patients, suggesting that the hMAb recognized an immunodominant epitope within the NS3 region. More importantly, recognition of the sequence defined by CM3.B6 appeared to accurately discriminate between viremic and nonviremic anti-HCV positive sera, suggesting potentially relevant clinical applications in the diagnosis and treatment of HCV infection.  相似文献   
The effects of impaired carotenogenesis on plastid membrane organization, functionality and stability were studied in etiolated barley plants grown at 20 and 30°C. The plants were treated with norflurazon or amitrole, two herbicides affecting phytoene desaturation and lycopene cyclization, respectively. At 20°C, the amitrole-treated etioplasts, which accumulated lycopene in their inner membranes, exhibited disorganized prolamellar bodies, containing a prevalent form of non-phototransformable protochlorophyllide (Pchlide). They also showed a certain difficulty in reducing the phototransformable pigment to chlorophyllide when exposed to light, and were unable to reform the active ternary complex [protochlorophyllide–oxidoreductase (POR)–Pchlide–NADPH] when placed back in darkness. No ultrastructural alterations were found in norflurazon-treated etioplasts, with carotenogenesis inhibited at the phytoene desaturation step. In these latter organelles, Pchlide, whose forms were comparable with those of the control etioplasts, was photoreduced quickly after illumination and the ternary complex was reformed during a subsequent dark period. Thus, the impaired carotenogenesis leading to the accumulation of lycopene showed greater interference with the etioplast membrane arrangement and functionality than did the earlier interruption of the biosynthetic pathway at the phytoene level. This might be due to the different interactions of the distinct carotenoid precursors with other membrane components. However, in etioplasts of norflurazon-treated plants, a rise in growth temperature caused a partial demolition of prolamellar bodies, showing a lowered thermostability of the carotenoid-deficient membranes. This latter effect strengthens the concept that a correct and complete carotenogenesis pathway, leading to the synthesis of polar carotenoids (i.e. xanthophylls), is required for the maintenance of stable plastid membranes.  相似文献   
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