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The reactions of pyridine-2,6-dicarboxamide with europium(III) and terbium(III) triflates led to the formation of mononuclear complexes of formula [Ln(pcam)3](CF3SO3)3 (Ln = Eu 1, Tb 2; pcam stands for pyridine-2,6-dicarboxamide). From single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, the complexes were found to be isomorphous and isostructural. The [Ln(pcam)3]3+ cations and triflate counterions are connected by intermolecular hydrogen bonds, resulting in a 3D network structure. Both the europium(III) and terbium(III) complexes exhibit efficient ligand sensitized luminescence in the visible region with lifetimes of 1.9 ms and 2.2 ms, respectively, in the solid state.  相似文献   
We investigated the carbon dioxide metabolism of Streptococcus thermophilus, evaluating the phenotype of a phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase-negative mutant obtained by replacement of a functional ppc gene with a deleted and inactive version, Deltappc. The growth of the mutant was compared to that of the parent strain in a chemically defined medium and in milk, supplemented or not with L-aspartic acid, the final product of the metabolic pathway governed by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. It was concluded that aspartate present in milk is not sufficient for the growth of S. thermophilus. As a consequence, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity was considered fundamental for the biosynthesis of L-aspartic acid in S. thermophilus metabolism. This enzymatic activity is therefore essential for growth of S. thermophilus in milk even if S. thermophilus was cultured in association with proteinase-positive Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. It was furthermore observed that the supplementation of milk with aspartate significantly affected the level of urease activity. Further experiments, carried out with a p(ureI)-gusA recombinant strain, revealed that expression of the urease operon was sensitive to the aspartate concentration in milk and to the cell availability of glutamate, glutamine, and ammonium ions.  相似文献   
The ligand rebinding kinetics after photolysis of the CO complexes of Arabidopsis thaliana hemoglobins AHb1 and AHb2 in solution show very different amplitudes in the geminate phase, reflecting different migration pathways of the photodissociated ligand in the system of internal cavities accessible from the heme. The dependence of the geminate phase on CO concentration, temperature, encapsulation in silica gels and presence of glycerol confirms a remarkable difference in the internal structure of the two proteins and a dramatically different role of protein dynamics in regulating the reactivity with CO. This finding strongly supports the idea that they have distinct physiological functions.  相似文献   
Prenatal stress (PS) can cause early and long-term developmental effects resulting in part from altered maternal and/or fetal glucocorticoid exposure. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of chronic restraint stress during late gestation on feto-placental unit physiology and function in embryonic (E) day 21 male rat fetuses. Chronic stress decreased body weight gain and food intake of the dams and increased their adrenal weight. In the placenta of PS rats, the expression of glucose transporter type 1 (GLUT1) was decreased, whereas GLUT3 and GLUT4 were slightly increased. Moreover, placental expression and activity of the glucocorticoid "barrier" enzyme 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 was strongly reduced. At E21, PS fetuses exhibited decreased body, adrenal pancreas, and testis weights. These alterations were associated with reduced pancreatic beta-cell mass, plasma levels of glucose, growth hormone, and ACTH, whereas corticosterone, insulin, IGF-1, and CBG levels were unaffected. These data emphasize the impact of PS on both fetal growth and endocrine function as well as on placental physiology, suggesting that PS could program processes implied in adult biology and pathophysiology.  相似文献   
The salt overly sensitive (SOS) pathway is critical for plant salt stress tolerance and has a key role in regulating ion transport under salt stress. To further investigate salt tolerance factors regulated by the SOS pathway, we expressed an N-terminal fusion of the improved tandem affinity purification tag to SOS2 (NTAP-SOS2) in sos2-2 mutant plants. Expression of NTAP-SOS2 rescued the salt tolerance defect of sos2-2 plants, indicating that the fusion protein was functional in vivo. Tandem affinity purification of NTAP-SOS2-containing protein complexes and subsequent liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis indicated that subunits A, B, C, E, and G of the peripheral cytoplasmic domain of the vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) were present in a SOS2-containing protein complex. Parallel purification of samples from control and salt-stressed NTAP-SOS2/sos2-2 plants demonstrated that each of these V-ATPase subunits was more abundant in NTAP-SOS2 complexes isolated from salt-stressed plants, suggesting that the interaction may be enhanced by salt stress. Yeast two-hybrid analysis showed that SOS2 interacted directly with V-ATPase regulatory subunits B1 and B2. The importance of the SOS2 interaction with the V-ATPase was shown at the cellular level by reduced H+ transport activity of tonoplast vesicles isolated from sos2-2 cells relative to vesicles from wild-type cells. In addition, seedlings of the det3 mutant, which has reduced V-ATPase activity, were found to be severely salt sensitive. Our results suggest that regulation of V-ATPase activity is an additional key function of SOS2 in coordinating changes in ion transport during salt stress and in promoting salt tolerance.  相似文献   
In a crystallography experiment, a crystal is irradiated with X-rays whose diffracted waves are collected and measured. The reconstruction of the structure of the molecule in the crystal requires knowledge of the phase of the diffracted waves, information that is lost in the passage from the three-dimensional structure of the molecule to its diffraction pattern. It can be recovered using experimental methods such as heavy-atom isomorphous replacement and anomalous scattering or by molecular replacement, which relies on the availability of an atomic model of the target structure. This can be the structure of the target protein itself, if a previous structure determination is available, or a computational model or, in some cases, the structure of a homologous protein. It is not straightforward to predict beforehand whether or not a computational model will work in a molecular replacement experiment, although some rules of thumb exist. The consensus is that even minor differences in the quality of the model, which are rather difficult to estimate a priori, can have a significant effect on the outcome of the procedure. We describe here a method for quickly assessing whether a protein structure can be solved by molecular replacement. The procedure consists in submitting the sequence of the target protein to a selected list of freely available structure prediction servers, cluster the resulting models, select the representative structures of each cluster and use them as search models in an automatic phasing procedure. We tested the procedure using the structure factors of newly released proteins of known structure downloaded from the Protein Data Bank as soon as they were made available. Using our automatic procedure we were able to obtain an interpretable electron density map in more than half the cases.  相似文献   
We investigated hierarchical patterns of genetic subdivision, and assessed kinship within and between social groups of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Tyrrhenian Sea. A total of 165 samples were analysed at eight microsatellite DNA loci, including outgroup samples from the Adriatic, Scotland and Spain for population-level comparisons. We found population genetic structure within the Mediterranean basin, including small but significant differentiation between the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas (FST=0.0047, P=0.008), and between putative 'inshore' and 'offshore' (FST=0.0217, P=0.005) populations in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Assessment of kinship within and among 12 association groups showed higher average kinship for females within than between groups, and smaller groups showed higher average kinship. Comparisons of relatedness for both sexes showed a significant difference between males and females, with females more likely to associate with adult kin. Together these data emphasize the importance of the social cohesion of kin in small groups to the structuring of striped dolphin populations in this environment.  相似文献   
Microsatellites or short tandem repeats (STRs) markers are important tools for mapping disease-causing genes by linkage, for performing investigations in forensic medicine, for population genetic studies and for studying genetic modifications in tumors. In forensic applications neoplastic tissues can be used as a source of genetic information for personal identification or paternity testing when no other specimen is available. Cancer tissues can show microsatellite instability (MSI) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) also for the STRs used in the forensic field. In this study, we screened 56 sporadic gastrointestinal carcinomas in order to provide further data for the evaluation of the incidence of allelic alterations for 15 STR loci and the suitability of using cancerous tissues in forensic applications. Sixty-six percent of the cancerous tissues were found to possess allelic alterations of the microsatellites analyzed with a high incidence of MSI-L (microsatellite instability low) when compared to the corresponding normal tissue. The most frequently altered loci were D18S51, VWA, and FGA. From a forensic perspective, great care must be taken in evaluating the DNA typing results obtained from cancerous tissue samples.  相似文献   
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