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The velvet protein VeA is a global fungal regulator for morphogenetic pathways as well as for the control of secondary metabolism. It is found exclusively in filamentous fungi, where it fulfills conserved, but also unique functions in different species. The involvement of VeA in various morphogenetic and metabolic pathways is probably due to spatially and timely controlled specific protein–protein interactions with other regulators such as phytochrome (FphA) or velvet‐like proteins (VelB). Here we present evidence that Aspergillus nidulans VeA is a multi‐phosphorylated protein and hypothesize that at least four specific amino acids (T167, T170, S183 and Y254) undergo reversible phosphorylation to trigger development and sterigmatocystin biosynthesis. Double mutation of T167 to valine and T170 to glutamic acid exerted the largest effects with regards to sexual development and veA gene expression. In comparison with wild‐type VeA, which shuttles out of the nuclei after illumination this VeA variant showed stronger nuclear accumulation than the wild type, independent of the light conditions. The interaction between VeA and VelB or FphA, respectively, was affected in the T167V‐T170E mutant. Our results suggest complex regulation of the phosphorylation status of the VeA protein.  相似文献   
Gap junctions (GJ) are important determinants of cardiac conduction and the evidence has recently emerged that altered distribution of these junctions and changes in the expression of their constituent connexins (Cx) may lead to abnormal coupling between cardiomyocytes and likely contribute to arrhythmogenesis. However, it is largely unknown whether changes in the expression and distribution of the major cardiac GJ protein, Cx43, is a general feature of diverse chronic myocardial diseases or is confined to some particular pathophysiological settings. In the present study, we therefore set out to investigate qualitatively and quantitatively the distribution and expression of Cx43 in normal human myocardium and in patients with dilated (DCM), ischemic (ICM), and inflammatory cardiomyopathies (MYO). Left ventricular tissue samples were obtained at the time of cardiac transplantation and investigated with immunoconfocal and electron microscopy. As compared with the control group, Cx43 labeling in myocytes bordering regions of healed myocardial infarction (ICM), small areas of replacement fibrosis (DCM) and myocardial inflammation (MYO) was found to be highly disrupted instead of being confined to the intercalated discs. In all groups, myocardium distant from these regions showed an apparently normal Cx43 distribution at the intercalated discs. Quantitative immunoconfocal analyis of Cx43 in the latter myocytes revealed that the Cx43 area per myocyte area or per myocyte volume is significantly decreased by respectively 30 and 55% in DCM, 23 and 48% in ICM, and by 21 and 40% in MYO as compared with normal human myocardium. In conclusion, focal disorganization of GJ distribution and down-regulation of Cx43 are typical features of myocardial remodeling that may play an important role in the development of an arrhythmogenic substrate in human cardiomyopathies.  相似文献   
Genome editing with the CRISPR/Cas9 system allows mutations to be induced at any 20-bp target site in the genome preceded by the short protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) 5′-NGG-3′. The brevity and degeneracy of the PAM ensures that the motif occurs every ~10 bp in plant genomes, and all plant genes therefore contain many targetable sites. However, the CRISPR/Cas9 system tolerates up to three mismatches in the target site, so the ability to target genes in a specific manner requires the design of synthetic guide RNAs (sgRNAs) that do not bind off-target sites anywhere else in the genome. This is straightforward for single-copy genes but more challenging if a target gene has one or more paralogs because the principles that balance targeting efficiency (the frequency of on-target mutations) and accuracy (the absence of off-target mutations) are not fully understood and may be partially species-dependent. To investigate this phenomenon in rice, we targeted the rice starch branching enzyme IIb gene (OsBEIIb) with two sgRNAs designed to differ at two and six positions, respectively, from corresponding sites in the close paralog OsBEIIa. In each case, half of the mismatches were in the essential seed region immediately upstream of the PAM, where exact pairing is thought to be necessary, and the other half were in the distal part of the target. The sgRNAs also differed in predicted targeting efficiency (39 and 96 %, respectively). We found that the sgRNA with the low predicted efficiency was actually the most efficient in practice, achieving a mutation frequency of 5 % at the target site, whereas the sgRNA with the high predicted efficiency generated no mutations at the second target site. Furthermore, neither of the sgRNAs induced an off-target mutation in the OsBEIIa gene. Our data indicate that efficiency predictions should be tested empirically because they do not always reflect the experimental outcome and that a 1-bp mismatch in the seed region of a sgRNA is sufficient to avoid off-target effects even in closely related rice genes.  相似文献   
Sequence analysis of genes encoding dissimilatory sulfite reductase (DSR) was used to identify sulfate-reducing bacteria in a hypersaline microbial mat and to evaluate their distribution in relation to levels of oxygen. The most highly diverse DSR sequences, most related to those of the Desulfonema-like organisms within the δ-proteobacteria, were recovered from oxic regions of the mat. This observation extends those of previous studies by us and others associating Desulfonema-like organisms with oxic habitats.  相似文献   
p24 proteins are assumed to play an important role in the transport of secreted and transmembrane proteins into membranes. However, only few cargo proteins are known that partially, but in no case completely require p24 proteins for membrane transport. Here, we show that two p24 proteins are essential for dorsoventral patterning of Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Mutations in the genes, eclair (eca) and baiser (bai), encoding two p24 proteins reduce signalling by the TGF-beta homologue, Dpp, in early embryos. This effect is strictly maternal and specific to early embryogenesis, as Dpp signalling in other contexts is not notably affected. We provide genetic evidence that in the absence of eca or bai function in the oocyte, the maternally expressed type I TGF-beta receptor Tkv is not active. We propose that during early embryogenesis eca and bai are specifically required for the activity of the maternal Tkv, while the zygotic Tkv is not affected in the mutant embryos. Mutations in either eca or bai are sufficient for the depletion of Tkv activity and no enhancement of the phenotypes was observed in embryos derived from oocytes mutant for both genes. The dependence of maternal Tkv protein on the products of p24 genes may serve as an in vivo model for studying p24 proteins.  相似文献   
Climate warming is supposed to enlarge the area climatically suitable to the naturalization of alien garden plants in temperate regions. However, the effects of a changing climate on the spread of naturalized ornamentals have not been evaluated by spatially and temporarily explicit range modelling at larger scales so far. Here, we assess how climate change and the frequency of cultivation interactively determine the spread of 15 ornamental plants over the 21st century in Europe. We coupled species distribution modelling with simulations of demography and dispersal to predict range dynamics of these species in annual steps across a 250 × 250 m raster of the study area. Models were run under four scenarios of climate warming and six levels of cultivation intensity. Cultivation frequency was implemented as size of the area used for planting a species. Although the area climatically suitable to the 15 species increases, on average, the area predicted to be occupied by them in 2090 shrinks under two of the three climate change scenarios. This contradiction obviously arises from dispersal limitations that were pronounced although we assumed that cultivation is spatially adapting to the changing climate. Cultivation frequency had a much stronger effect on species spread than climate change, and this effect was non‐linear. The area occupied increased sharply from low to moderate levels of cultivation intensity, but levelled off afterwards. Our simulations suggest that climate warming will not necessarily foster the spread of alien garden plants in Europe over the next decades. However, climatically suitable areas do increase and hence an invasion debt is likely accumulating. Restricting cultivation of species can be effective in preventing species spread, irrespective of how the climate develops. However, for being successful, they depend on high levels of compliance to keep propagule pressure at a low level.  相似文献   
The UBAP1 subunit of ESCRT-I interacts with ubiquitin via a SOUBA domain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Highlights? ESCRT-I subunit UBAP1 is essential for degradation of antiviral protein tetherin ? UBAP1 has a domain consisting of a solenoid of overlapping UBAs (SOUBA) ? Each of the three UBAs in the SOUBA binds monoubiquitin  相似文献   
To prepare labeled precursors for biosynthetic studies, methods for the specific introduction of tritium and deuterium into the reducing and the terminal glucose unit of maltotriose were developed. Thus [6″-3H]- and (6″-2H)-maltotriose (17) and (18) were prepared via selective methoxytritylation, deprotection and subsequent modified Pfitzner-Moffatt oxidation, followed by reduction with sodium borotritiide or sodium borodeuteride, respectively. A simple two step procedure utilizing the Lobry de Bruyn/van Ekenstein transformation gave (2-2H)maltotriose (20).  相似文献   
Members of the astacin family of metalloproteinases such as human bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1) regulate morphogenesis by processing precursors to mature functional extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and several growth factors including TGFβ, BMP2, BMP4 and GFD8. We have recently discovered that BMP1-3 isoform of the Bmp-1 gene circulates in the human plasma and is significantly increased in patients with acute bone fracture. We hypothesized that circulating BMP1-3 might have an important role in bone repair and serve as a novel bone biomarker. When administered systemically to rats with a long bone fracture and locally to rabbits with a critical size defect of the ulna, recombinant human BMP1-3 enhanced bone healing. In contrast, neutralization of the endogenous BMP1-3 by a specific polyclonal antibody delayed the bone union. Invitro BMP1-3 increased the expression of collagen type I and osteocalcin in MC3T3-E1 osteoblast like cells, and enhanced the formation of mineralized bone nodules from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. We suggest that BMP1-3 is a novel systemic regulator of bone repair.  相似文献   
Affibody molecules generated by combinatorial protein engineering to bind the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) have in earlier studies proven to be promising tracers for HER2-mediated molecular imaging of cancer. Amino acid extensions either at the N- or C-terminus of these Z(HER2) affibody molecules, have been successfully employed for site-specific radiolabeling of the tracer candidates. Hexahistidyls or other tags, which would be convenient for recovery purposes, should be avoided since they could negatively influence the tumor targeting efficacy and biodistribution properties of the tracer. Using a new ?-lactamase-based protein fragment complementation assay (PCA), an affibody molecule was isolated which bound a Z(HER2) affibody molecule with sub-micromolar affinity, but not unrelated affibody molecules. This suggests that the interacting area include the HER2-binding surface of Z(HER2). This novel anti-idiotypic affibody molecule Z(E01) was produced in Escherichia coli, purified, and chemically coupled to a chromatography resin in order to generate an affibody-based affinity column, suitable for recovery of different variants of Z(HER2) affibody molecules, having a common binding surface for HER2. Eight such Z(HER2) affibody molecules, designed for future radioimaging investigations, having different C-terminal peptide extensions aimed for radioisotope ((??m)Tc)-chelation, were successfully produced and recovered in a single step to high purity using the anti-idiotypic affibody ligand for the affinity purification. These results clearly suggest a potential for the development of anti-idiotypic affibody-based resins for efficient recovery of related variants of a target protein that might have altered biochemical properties, thus avoiding the cumbersome design of specific recovery schemes for each variant of a target protein.  相似文献   
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