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The morphology of male genitalia often suggests functions besidessperm transfer that may have evolved under natural or sexualselection. In several species of sexually cannibalistic spiders,males damage their paired genitalia during mating, limitingthem to one copulation per pedipalp. Using a triple-mating experiment,we tested if genital damage in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichiincreases male fitness either through facilitating his escapefrom an aggressive female or by obstructing the female's inseminationducts against future copulation attempts from other males. Wefound no survival advantage for males damaging their pedipalps;however, copulations into a previously used insemination ductwere significantly shorter when the previous male had left partsof his genitalia inside the insemination duct. Because copulationduration determines paternity in this species, our result suggeststhat male genital damage in A. bruennichi is sexually selected.By breaking off parts of their intromittent organs inside avirgin female, males can reduce sperm competition and therebyincrease their paternity success.  相似文献   
Piperales represent the largest basal angiosperm order with a nearly worldwide distribution. The order includes three species rich genera, Piper (ca. 2000 species), Peperomia (ca. 1500-1700 species), and Aristolochia s. l. (ca. 500 species). Sequences of the matK gene and the non-coding trnK group II intron are analysed for a dense set of 105 taxa representing all families (except Hydnoraceae) and all generic segregates (except Euglypha within Aristolochiaceae) of Piperales. A large number of highly informative indels are found in the Piperales trnK/matK dataset. Within a narrow region approximately 500 nt downstream in the matK coding region (CDS), a length variable simple sequence repeat (SSR) expansion segment occurs, in which insertions and deletions have led to short frame-shifts. These are corrected shortly afterwards, resulting in a maximum of six amino acids being affected. Furthermore, additional non-functional matK copies were found in Zippelia begoniifolia, which can easily be discriminated from the functional open reading frame (ORF). The trnK/matK sequence data fully resolve relationships within Peperomia, whereas they are not effective within Piper. The resolution contrast is correlated with the rate heterogeneity between those lineages. Parsimony, Bayesian and likelihood analyses result in virtually the same topology, and converge on the monophyly of Piperaceae and Saururaceae. Lactoris gains high support as sister to Aristolochiaceae subf. Aristolochioideae, but the different tree inference methods yield conflicting results with respect to the relationships of subfam. Asaroideae. In Piperaceae, a clade formed by the monotypic genus Zippelia and the small genus Manekia (=Sarcorhachis) is sister to the two large genera Piper and Peperomia.  相似文献   
alpha-Dystroglycan (alpha-DG) is an important cellular receptor for extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins as well as the Old World arenaviruses lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and the human pathogenic Lassa fever virus (LFV). Specific O-glycosylation of alpha-DG is critical for its function as receptor for ECM proteins and arenaviruses. Here, we investigated the impact of arenavirus infection on alpha-DG expression. Infection with an immunosuppressive LCMV isolate caused a marked reduction in expression of functional alpha-DG without affecting biosynthesis of DG core protein or global cell surface glycoprotein expression. The effect was caused by the viral glycoprotein (GP), and it critically depended on alpha-DG binding affinity and GP maturation. An equivalent effect was observed with LFVGP. Viral GP was found to associate with a complex between DG and the glycosyltransferase LARGE in the Golgi. Overexpression of LARGE restored functional alpha-DG expression in infected cells. We provide evidence that virus-induced down-modulation of functional alpha-DG perturbs DG-mediated assembly of laminin at the cell surface, affecting normal cell-matrix interactions.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: DNA microarray technology typically generates many measurements of which only a relatively small subset is informative for the interpretation of the experiment. To avoid false positive results, it is therefore critical to select the informative genes from the large noisy data before the actual analysis. Most currently available filtering techniques are supervised and therefore suffer from a potential risk of overfitting. The unsupervised filtering techniques, on the other hand, are either not very efficient or too stringent as they may mix up signal with noise. We propose to use the multiple probes measuring the same target mRNA as repeated measures to quantify the signal-to-noise ratio of that specific probe set. A Bayesian factor analysis with specifically chosen prior settings, which models this probe level information, is providing an objective feature filtering technique, named informative/non-informative calls (I/NI calls). RESULTS: Based on 30 real-life data sets (including various human, rat, mice and Arabidopsis studies) and a spiked-in data set, it is shown that I/NI calls is highly effective, with exclusion rates ranging from 70% to 99%. Consequently, it offers a critical solution to the curse of high-dimensionality in the analysis of microarray data. AVAILABILITY: This filtering approach is publicly available as a function implemented in the R package FARMS (www.bioinf.jku.at/software/farms/farms.html).  相似文献   
By constructing a biological model based on in vitro culture of polarized rainbow trout primary skin epithelial cell monolayers, the series of early events that precede Streptococcus iniae infection, particularly colonization and translocation through external barriers, were analyzed. Streptococcus iniae promptly invades skin epithelial cells, but the rapid decline of viable intracellular bacteria points out the limited capability of intracellular survival for this bacterium. Translocation assays, supported by electron microscopy microphotographs, demonstrate that following successful in vitro invasion of skin epithelial cell, the bacterium exists free in the cytoplasm after release from the endosome, and translocates through the skin barrier. Bacterial invasion and transcytosis is not accompanied by apparent cell-line damages or disruption of host cells' tight junctions. It is hypothesized that the phenomenon of epithelial invasion coupled to the rapid translocation through the barrier plays a crucial role in Streptococcus iniae infection.  相似文献   
We present QNet, a method for constructing split networks from weighted quartet trees. QNet can be viewed as a quartet analogue of the distance-based Neighbor-Net (NNet) method for network construction. Just as NNet, QNet works by agglomeratively computing a collection of circular weighted splits of the taxa set which is subsequently represented by a planar split network. To illustrate the applicability of QNet, we apply it to a previously published Salmonella data set. We conclude that QNet can provide a useful alternative to NNet if distance data are not available or a character-based approach is preferred. Moreover, it can be used as an aid for determining when a quartet-based tree-building method may or may not be appropriate for a given data set. QNet is freely available for download.  相似文献   
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDC) in human blood are the main source of virus-induced interferon (IFN)-alpha. They exhibit a lineage-negative phenotype but all express BDCA-4, which is homologous to the neuronal receptor neuropilin-1. Specific staining with anti-BDCA-4 antibody is used for positive isolation of PDC from blood by magnetic cells sorting. Here, it is demonstrated that these positively selected PDC showed reduced or completely abolished IFN-alpha release compared to unstained PDC, which were negatively selected by magnetic depletion of lineage-positive blood mononuclear cells. In addition, treatment of these unstained PDC with anti-BDCA-4 mAb also resulted in at least two-fold lower or reduced virus-induced IFN-alpha production. It is shown that the antibody not only affects cell survival or block virus attachment but also reduces IFN-alpha release induced by non-viral CpG oligodeoxynucleotides. In conclusion, data suggest an immunoregulatory role for BDCA-4 on PDC as demonstrated for IFN-alpha response to virus.  相似文献   
The increasing number of solved protein structures provides a solid number of interfaces, if protein-protein interactions, domain-domain contacts, and contacts between biological units are taken into account. An interface library gives us the opportunity to identify surface regions on a target molecule that are similar by local structure and residue composition. If both unbound components of a possible protein complex exhibit structural similarities to a known interface, the unbound structures can be superposed onto the known interfaces. The approach is accompanied by two mathematical problems. Protein surfaces have to be quickly screened by thousands of patches, and similarity has to be evaluated by a suitable scoring scheme. The used algorithm (NeedleHaystack) identifies similar patches within minutes. Structurally related sites are recognized even if only parts of the template patches are structurally related to the interface region. A successful prediction of the protein complex depends on a suitable template of the library. However, the performed tests indicate that interaction sites are identified even if the similarity is very low. The approach complements existing ab initio methods and provides valuable results on standard benchmark sets.  相似文献   
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