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Substance use often starts in adolescence and poses a major problem for society and individual health. The dopamine system plays a role in substance use, and catechol‐O‐methyltransferase (COMT) is an important enzyme that degrades dopamine. The Val108/158Met polymorphism modulates COMT activity and thus dopamine levels, and has been linked to substance use. COMT gene methylation, on the other hand, may affect expression and thus indirectly COMT activity. We investigated whether methylation of the COMT gene was associated with adolescents' substance use. Furthermore, we explored whether the COMT Val108/158Met polymorphism interacts with COMT gene methylation in association with substance use. In 463 adolescents (mean age = 16, 50.8% girls), substance use (cigarette smoking, alcohol and cannabis use) was assessed with self‐report questionnaires. From blood samples, COMT Val108/158Met genotype and methylation rates of membrane bound (MB) and soluble (S) COMT promoters were assessed. MB‐COMT promoter methylation was associated with non‐daily smoking [odds ratio (OR) = 1.82, P = 0.03], but not with daily smoking (OR = 1.20, P = 0.34), MB‐COMT promoter methylation was not associated with alcohol use. Adolescents with the Met/Met genotype and high rates of MB‐COMT promoter methylation were less likely to be high‐frequent cannabis users than adolescents with the Val/Val or Val/Met genotype. S‐COMT promoter methylation was not associated with substance use. These results indicate that there is an association between substance use and COMT gene methylation. Although this association is complex, combining genetic and epigenetic variation of the COMT gene may be helpful in further elucidating the influence of the dopamine system on substance use in adolescence.  相似文献   


Weak health systems in low- and middle-income countries are recognized as the major constraint in responding to the rising burden of chronic conditions. Despite recognition by global actors for the need for research on health systems, little attention has been given to the role played by local health systems. We aim to analyze a mixed local health system to identify the main challenges in delivering quality care for diabetes mellitus type 2.


We used the health system dynamics framework to analyze a health system in KG Halli, a poor urban neighborhood in South India. We conducted semi-structured interviews with healthcare providers located in and around the neighborhood who provide care to diabetes patients: three specialist and 13 non-specialist doctors, two pharmacists, and one laboratory technician. Observations at the health facilities were recorded in a field diary. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis.


There is a lack of functional referral systems and a considerable overlap in provision of outpatient care for diabetes across the different levels of healthcare services in KG Halli. Inadequate use of patients’ medical records and lack of standard treatment protocols affect clinical decision-making. The poor regulation of the private sector, poor systemic coordination across healthcare providers and healthcare delivery platforms, widespread practice of bribery and absence of formal grievance redress platforms affect effective leadership and governance. There appears to be a trust deficit among patients and healthcare providers. The private sector, with a majority of healthcare providers lacking adequate training, operates to maximize profit, and healthcare for the poor is at best seen as charity.


Systemic impediments in local health systems hinder the delivery of quality diabetes care to the urban poor. There is an urgent need to address these weaknesses in order to improve care for diabetes and other chronic conditions.  相似文献   


The biomedical use of nanosized materials is rapidly gaining interest, which drives the quest to elucidate the behavior of nanoparticles (NPs) in a biological environment. Apart from causing direct cell death, NPs can affect cellular wellbeing through a wide range of more subtle processes that are often overlooked. Here, we aimed to study the effect of two biomedically interesting NP types on cellular wellbeing.


In the present work, gold and SiO2 NPs of similar size and surface charge are used and their interactions with cultured cells is studied. Initial screening shows that at subcytotoxic conditions gold NPs induces cytoskeletal aberrations while SiO2 NPs do not. However, these transformations are only transient. In-depth investigation reveals that Au NPs reduce lysosomal activity by alkalinization of the lysosomal lumen. This leads to an accumulation of autophagosomes, resulting in a reduced cellular degradative capacity and less efficient clearance of damaged mitochondria. The autophagosome accumulation induces Rac and Cdc42 activity, and at a later stage activates RhoA. These transient cellular changes also affect cell functionality, where Au NP-labelled cells display significantly impeded cell migration and invasion.


These data highlight the importance of in-depth understanding of bio-nano interactions to elucidate how one biological parameter (impact on cellular degradation) can induce a cascade of different effects that may have significant implications on the further use of labeled cells.
Conclusions From the morphological study on the transformation of staphylococci into the “L” phase, we are inclined to conclude that intermediary stages between the coccus and the “L” organisms do not exist. Moreover, our results suggest that possibly two different cells take part in the transformation. In spite of two hundred and more passages in the “L” phase, we have not yet succeeded in obtaining stable “L” forms of staphylococci.
Résumé Une étude morphologique de la transformation des staphylocoques en phase “L” moyennant un appareil cinématographique nous a suggéré que des stades intermédiaires entre le coccus et les organismes “L” n'existent pas. Nos résultats nous ont fait considérer la possibilité, que dans la transformation deux cellules bactériennes différentes jouent un r?le. Malgré que nous avons fait plus de 200 passages en phase “L” nous n'avons pas réussi à obtenir des colonies “L” stables des staphylocoques.

Part I: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 25, 325, 1959.

Working with grants of the foundation “Prof. Dr. D. A. de Jong-Stichting” and the “Stichting ter Bevordering van Medisch-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek”.  相似文献   
Perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells are increasingly recognized as promi­sing candidates for next‐generation photovoltaics with performance beyond the single‐junction limit at potentially low production costs. Current designs for monolithic tandems rely on transparent conductive oxides as an intermediate recombination layer, which lead to optical losses and reduced shunt resistance. An improved recombination junction based on nanocrystalline silicon layers to mitigate these losses is demonstrated. When employed in monolithic perovskite/silicon heterojunction tandem cells with a planar front side, this junction is found to increase the bottom cell photocurrent by more than 1 mA cm?2. In combination with a cesium‐based perovskite top cell, this leads to tandem cell power‐conversion efficiencies of up to 22.7% obtained from JV measurements and steady‐state efficiencies of up to 22.0% during maximum power point tracking. Thanks to its low lateral conductivity, the nanocrystalline silicon recombination junction enables upscaling of monolithic perovskite/silicon heterojunction tandem cells, resulting in a 12.96 cm2 monolithic tandem cell with a steady‐state efficiency of 18%.  相似文献   
In the face of continuous threats from parasites, hosts have evolved an elaborate series of preventative and controlling measures - the immune system - in order to reduce the fitness costs of parasitism. However, these measures do have associated costs. Viewing an individual's immune response to parasites as being subject to optimization in the face of other demands offers potential insights into mechanisms of life history trade-offs, sexual selection, parasite-mediated selection and population dynamics. We discuss some recent results that have been obtained by practitioners of this approach in natural and semi-natural populations, and suggest some ways in which this field may progress in the near future.  相似文献   
Birds rearing experimentally enlarged broods have lower antibody responses to a novel antigen, and we tested three hypotheses that could explain this result. We used zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata inoculated with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) as a study system, for which this trade-off was previously demonstrated. 1. Compensatory cellular immunity: The humoral immune response is slow, and removal of SRBC through up-regulated cellular immunity could pre-empt an antibody response. However, cellular immune response to PHA decreased with increasing brood size, allowing rejection of this hypothesis. 2. Costs of antibody-production: Chicks in large broods grow less well, and birds with large broods may allocate resources to chicks instead of antibodies when these are costly. Compared to saline controls, SRBC suppressed metabolic rate in the hours following immunisation, but there was no effect in the following night, or at any time 4 and 8 days later. Fitness costs were measured by repeatedly immunising parents with SRBC while rearing young. Chick growth, parental condition, and subsequent reproduction of the parents were not affected by SRBC. We conclude that the costs of antibody formation cannot explain the trade-off between brood size and antibody responsiveness. 3. Costs of immune system maintenance: Maintaining a system enabling antibody-formation may be very costly, and birds rearing large broods may have down-regulated this system. Based on this hypothesis we predicted that antibody formation would still be reduced in parents rearing large broods when immunised after rearing the chicks. Our results confirmed this prediction, and we suggest that birds rearing large broods have lower antibody responses because they economised on the maintenance costs of the immune system.  相似文献   
Fetal movements in the uterus are a natural part of development and are known to play an important role in normal musculoskeletal development. However, very little is known about the biomechanical stimuli that arise during movements in utero, despite these stimuli being crucial to normal bone and joint formation. Therefore, the objective of this study was to create a series of computational steps by which the forces generated during a kick in utero could be predicted from clinically observed fetal movements using novel cine-MRI data of three fetuses, aged 20–22 weeks. A custom tracking software was designed to characterize the movements of joints in utero, and average uterus deflection of \(6.95 \pm 0.41\) mm due to kicking was calculated. These observed displacements provided boundary conditions for a finite element model of the uterine environment, predicting an average reaction force of \(0.52 \pm 0.15\) N generated by a kick against the uterine wall. Finally, these data were applied as inputs for a musculoskeletal model of a fetal kick, resulting in predicted maximum forces in the muscles surrounding the hip joint of approximately 8 N, while higher maximum forces of approximately 21 N were predicted for the muscles surrounding the knee joint. This study provides a novel insight into the closed mechanical environment of the uterus, with an innovative method allowing elucidation of the biomechanical interaction of the developing fetus with its surroundings.  相似文献   
The FTO minor allele at rs9939609 has been associated with body mass index (BMI: weight (kg)/height (m)2) in children from 5 years onwards, food intake, and eating behaviour. The high expression of FTO in the brain suggests that this gene may also be associated with behavioural phenotypes, such as impulsivity and control. We examined the effect of the FTO minor allele (A) at rs9939609 on eating behaviour, impulsivity and control in young children, thus before the BMI effect becomes apparent. This study was embedded in the Generation R Study, a population-based cohort from fetal life onwards. 1,718 children of European descent were genotyped for FTO at rs9939609. With logistic regression assuming an additive genetic model, we examined the association between the FTO minor allele and eating behaviour, impulsivity and control in preschool children. There was no relation between FTO at rs9939609 and child BMI at this age. The A allele at rs9939609 was associated with increased food responsiveness (OR 1.21, p = 0.03). Also, children with the A allele were less likely to have symptoms of ADHD (OR 0.74, p = 0.01) and showed more emotional control (OR 0.64, p = 0.01) compared to children without the A allele. Our findings suggest that before the association between FTO and BMI becomes apparent, the FTO minor allele at rs9939609 leads to increased food responsiveness, a decreased risk for symptoms of ADHD and better emotional control. Future studies are needed to investigate whether these findings represent one single mechanism or reflect pleiotropic effects of FTO.  相似文献   
The relationship between growth and age‐specific telomere length, as a proxy of somatic state, is increasingly investigated, but observed patterns vary and a predictive framework is lacking. We outline expectations based on the assumption that telomere maintenance is costly and argue that individual heterogeneity in resource acquisition is predicted to lead to positive covariance between growth and telomere length. However, canalization of resource allocation to the trait with a larger effect on fitness, rendering that trait relatively invariant, can cause the absence of covariance. In a case study of common tern (Sterna hirundo) chicks, in which hatching order is the main determinant of variation in resource acquisition within broods, we find that body mass, but not telomere length or attrition, varies with hatching order. Moreover, body mass and growth positively predict survival to fledging, whereas telomere length and attrition do not. Using a novel statistical method to quantify standardized variance in plasticity, we estimate between‐individual variation in telomere attrition to be only 12% of that of growth. Consistent with the relative invariance of telomere attrition, we find no correlation between age‐specific body mass or growth and telomere attrition. We suggest that common tern chicks prioritize investment in long‐term somatic state (as indicated by canalization of telomere maintenance) over immediate survival benefits of growth as part of an efficient brood reduction strategy that benefits the parents. As such, interspecific variation in the growth–telomere length relationship may be explained by the extent to which parents benefit from rapid mortality of excess offspring.  相似文献   
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