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High-affinity folate binding in human prostate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding of3H-folate in Triton X-100 solubilized human prostate homogenate was of a high-affinity type and displayed apparent positive cooperativity typical of specific folate binding. Radioligand dissociation was slow at pH 7.4, but rapid at pH 3.5. Gel chromatography reveled two major folate binding proteins (Mr100 and 25kDa), but only one single band (Mr65–70 kDa) was detectable on SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting with rabbit-anti human milk folate binding protein. Concentration of folate binding protein in prostate homogenate expressed as maximum3H-folate binding was 1.10 nmol/g protein, and the cross-reactivity with rabbit-anti human milk folate binding protein serum was 15% as determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (median values; n=6).  相似文献   
High-affinity3H-folate binding in Triton X-100 solubilized human mammary gland tissue displayed characteristics, e.g. apparent positive cooperativity and increasing affinity with decreasing concentration of folate binding protein, shown to be typical of specific folate binding. Radioligand dissociation was slow at pH 7.4. A major fraction of the bound radioligand dissociated rapidly at pH 3.5, while a residual binding of 20% persisted even after prolonged dialysis at pH 3.5. Gel chromatography revealed two major folate binding proteins (Mr100 kDa and 25 kDa). However, only one single band was detectable on SDS-PAGE immunoblotting. The highest folate binding activity per g protein was associated with the upper triglyceride-containing layer of the 1000 g supernatant of the homogenate. The folate binding protein extracted from this layer had a low cross-reactivity (<5%) with rabbit antibodies against 25 kDa human milk folate binding protein. The folate binding protein in the 1000 g pellet and the aqueous phase of the 1000 g supernatant was present at a low concentration and had a cross-reactivity of 100%.  相似文献   
H. Steen  J. C. Holst    T. Solhøy    M. Bjerga    E. Klaussen    I. Prestegard    R. C. Sundt    ø. Johannesen 《Journal of Zoology》1997,243(4):831-835
We estimated carcass density and determined cause of death in a peak-density lemming, Lemmus lemmus , population at Finse, Norway. Of 74 recovered carcasses, 80% had subcutaneous haematoma (blood underneath the skin) in the head region, though the skin on the skull most often appeared unharmed. Thirty percent were apparently killed by a mustelid predator, while 51% were probably killed by corvids. Carcass density was 26.6 and 9.4ha-1 in good and poor lemming habitats, respectively.  相似文献   
The extent of myocardial accumulation of tocainide, administered as single enantiomers and as well as racemate, was determined in the isolated, spontaneous beating rabbit heart. The heart was retrogradely perfused at a constant rate and fractions of the perfusate were collected during and after infusion. Kinetic parameters for myocardial accumulation and disposition of tocainide were indirectly determined from drug concentration/time course in the outflow perfusate. No stereoselectivity in myocardial accumulation was observed. A two compartment model with mean half-lives for distribution and elimination of 0.60 and 3.78 min, respectively, was fitted to the accumulation and disposition data. At steady-state, tocainide enantiomers were accumulated about three times in the myocardium relative to the perfusion liquid. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The influence of the choice of type and/or concentration of cyclodextrin, other additives, the temperature surrounding the capillary, and buffer pH on the separation of some chiral basic drug substances in capillary zone electrophoresis has been evaluated. It was found that pH of the buffer and type and concentration of cyclodextrin had a major influence on the separation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Research on animal orientation shows a persistent lack of integration. Theories entertained in different “schools” are couched in incommensurable terms. The underlying definitions mostly do not satisfy elementary canons of methodology, and this results in a confusion of empirical and conceptual problems. Application of basic methodology shows that current classifications of orientation patterns are logically incomplete.Moreover, allegedly distinct kinds of orientation wrongly show logical dependencies resulting from poor definitions. Reference to physiological mechanisms, beyond stimuli and responses, must be omitted from definitions for orientation patterns. Likewise, orientation must not be made functional (adaptive) by definition. Vagueness is to some extent unavoidable in general theories.  相似文献   
Complete global cerebral ischemia was induced in dogs by temporary ligation of the ascending aorta for 10min. Prior to the ischemic period, half of the animals were given pentobarbital 30-38 mg/kg, a maneuver previously reported to prevent or attenuate cerebral damage in this same model. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral metabolic rate (CMRO2) were followed from prior to the ischemic period to 6 h post-ischemia. At varying time intervals following ischemia, brain biopsies were obtained and analyzed for cerebral metabolites to determine the cerebral energy state. Only a few differences were observed between pentobarbital-treated and untreated animals. Post-ischemic CMRO2, stabilized at a significantly lower level in treated than in untreated animals. However, CBF was proportionately lower and thus O2 delivery relative to O2 needs in the two groups was comparable. Also in both groups, the CBF and CMRO2 stabilized at levels significantly below pre-ischemia controls. Cerebral energy stores in both groups were depleted after 10min of ischemia but were restored to near normal within 4min post-ischemia. Total restoration of the adenine nucleotide pool and ATP were delayed as was the return of brain lactate to normal. A 10min period of post-ischemic hyperemia was observed in all animals and in the initial 4min post-ischemia CMRO2 was also increased. The latter is probably accounted for by the O2 needs for restoration of cerebral energy and O2 stores. We conclude that cerebral protection as provided by barbiturates following complete global ischemia cannot be accounted for by any measurable effect on CBF, CMRO2, or the cerebral energy stores during the initial 6 h post-ischemia.  相似文献   
Summary To identify the renal cortical tubular segments involved in tubulo-interstitial disease in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded percutaneous kidney biopsies, we developed multiple immunolabeling protocols using segment-specific tubular markers. The present study of biopsies from patients with minimal change or thin basement membrane nephropathy provides a baseline for interpretation of histopathology. Proximal tubules were stained either by the PAS reaction or by the biotinylated Phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinin (PHA-E)-streptavidin-gold-silver system (brush borders black). The anti-Tamm-Horsfall (THP) antibody-immunoperoxidase (aminoethylcarbazole, AEC-IPO), and anti-epidermal cytokeratins (ECK) antibodies-immunoalkaline-Fast Blue BB methods marked the distal straight tubules and the cortical collecting system red-brown and blue, respectively. When these immunolabelings were combined, the coapplication of AEC-PO-labeled peanut agglutinin (PNA) or anti-epithelial membrane antigen antibody-AEC-IPO technique (both are markers for distal nephron) visualized the apical membranes of distal convoluted tubules. In the protocol PHA-E + PNA + THP + ECK, the tubular basement membranes were outlined by the anti-laminin antibody-AEC-IPO staining, carried out simultaneously. The protocol PNA + THP + ECK + PAS was found to be a quite appropriate multiple immunolabeling method for the tubules, and is recommended for use as a tool in the study of tubulo-interstitial diseases.Abbreviations PAS periodic acid-Schiff reaction - PHAE Phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinin - PNA Peanut agglutinin - EMA epithelial membrane antigen - THP Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein - ECK epidermal cytokeratins - PO peroxidase - Biot-PHA-E biotinylated PHA-E - APAAP complexes of alkaline phosphatase and mouse monoclonal anti-alkaline phosphatase - SWARI swine anti-rabbit immunoglobulins - FCS fetal calf serum - TBS Tris-buffered saline - AEC aminoethylcarbazole - DAB diaminobenzidine - FBBB Fast Blue BB - IA immunoalkaline - GL glomerulus - PT proximal tubule - DST distal straight tubule - DCT distal convoluted tubule - CCS cortical collecting system - CT connecting tubule - CD collecting duct  相似文献   
The gene for the purine salvage enzyme hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) is expressed at a low level in many cells. As is the case with several other “housekeeping genes,” thorough studies of hprt gene regulation have been hampered by the low levels of its mRNA. We have used RNA/RNA hybridization in solution to determine the concentration of hprt-RNA in human cells. The sensitivity and specificity of the method have been validated, and it is shown that hprt-RNA can be accurately determined at a level of a few mRNA molecules per cell. As expected for a housekeeping gene, low and relatively constant hprt-RNA levels (0.3–0.8 pg/μg DNA) were found in primary cultures of normal amnion cells and fibroblasts, EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines, neuroblastoma, glioblastoma, and melanoma cell cultures. While resting lymphocytes were found to contain very low amounts of hprt-RNA, lymphocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) showed a 10-fold increase to about 0.8–1.2 pg/μg DNA, which corresponds to 6–10 hprt-RNA molecules per cell. The level started to increase about 20 h after PHA stimulation, 5–10 h before the onset of DNA synthesis, and a steady-state level was reached after 2–3 days in culture. In PHA-stimulated lymphocytes from two brothers with inherited HPRT deficiency (LeschNyhans syndrome), the hprt-RNA level in PHA-stimulated lymphocytes was only about 25% of that in normal subjects. In T-cells selected for HPRT deficiency by growth in 6-thioguanine medium, the levels of hprt-RNA were either normal or very low, which probably reflects the different nature of the mutations involved. These results demonstrate the sensitivity of this method for determinations of low levels of RNA and clearly show induction of hprt-RNA after mitogenic stimulation of human lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Heat production, free fatty acid and glycerol release from white adipose tissue fat pads from obese (ob/ob) mice and their lean littermates are determined. Heat production was significantly lower in obese mice compared to lean mice when expressed on wet weight basis but not when expressed on DNA basis. Noradrenaline significantly increased the heat production in fat pads from both groups of animals. However, the increase in heat production due to noradrenaline addition in fat pads from lean mice was significantly higher than in fat pads from obese mice. The release of free fatty acids and glycerol before incubation with noradrenaline was similar from fat pads from both groups of animals. Addition of noradrenaline to the fat pads increased the release of free fatty acids and glycerol in both groups of animals, but the increase was significantly larger from fat pads from lean mice. In the absence of noradrenaline the free fatty acid/glycerol ratio (mol/mol) in the effluent was 7.9:1 and 4.8:1 for lean mice and obese mice, respectively. In the presence of noradrenaline the ratio decreased to 3:1 for both groups of animals.  相似文献   
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