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Cherubism is an autosomal-dominant syndrome characterized by inflammatory destructive bony lesions resulting in symmetrical deformities of the facial bones. Cherubism is caused by mutations in Sh3bp2, the gene that encodes the adaptor protein 3BP2. Most identified mutations in 3BP2 lie within the peptide sequence RSPPDG. A mouse model of cherubism develops hyperactive bone-remodeling osteoclasts and systemic inflammation characterized by expansion of the myelomonocytic lineage. The mechanism by which cherubism mutations alter 3BP2 function has remained obscure. Here we show that Tankyrase, a member of the poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) family, regulates 3BP2 stability through ADP-ribosylation and subsequent ubiquitylation by the E3-ubiquitin ligase RNF146 in osteoclasts. Cherubism mutations uncouple 3BP2 from Tankyrase-mediated protein destruction, which results in its stabilization and subsequent hyperactivation of the SRC, SYK, and VAV signaling pathways.  相似文献   
As a result of an intense host-parasite evolutionary arms race, parasitic wasps frequently display high levels of specialization on very few host species. For instance, in braconid wasps very few generalist species have been described. However, within this family, Cotesia sesamiae is a generalist species that is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa and develops on several lepidopteran hosts. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that C.?sesamiae may be a cryptic specialist when examined at the intraspecific level. We sequenced exon 2 of CrV1, a gene of the symbiotic polyDNAvirus that is integrated into the wasp genome and is associated with host immune suppression. We found that CrV1 genotype was more closely associated with the host in which the parasitoid developed than any abiotic environmental factor tested. We also tested a correlation between CrV1 genotype and an infection with Wolbachia bacteria, which are known for their ability to induce reproductive isolation. The Wolbachia bacteria infection polymorphism was also found as a major factor explaining the genetic structure of CrV1, and, in addition, the best model explaining CrV1 genetic structure involved an interaction between Wolbachia infection and host species. We suggest that Wolbachia could act as an agent capable of maintaining advantageous alleles for host specialization in different populations of C.?sesamiae. This mechanism could be applicable to other insect models because of the high prevalence of Wolbachia in insects.  相似文献   
Amphipols (APols) are short amphipathic polymers developed as an alternative to detergents for handling membrane proteins (MPs) in aqueous solution. MPs are, as a rule, much more stable following trapping with APols than they are in detergent solutions. The best-characterized APol to date, called A8-35, is a mixture of short-chain sodium polyacrylates randomly derivatized with octylamine and isopropylamine. Its solution properties have been studied in detail, and it has been used extensively for biochemical and biophysical studies of MPs. One of the attractive characteristics of APols is that it is relatively easy to label them, isotopically or otherwise, without affecting their physical-chemical properties. Furthermore, several variously modified APols can be mixed, achieving multiple functionalization of MP/APol complexes in the easiest possible manner. Labeled or tagged APols are being used to study the solution properties of APols, their miscibility, their biodistribution upon injection into living organisms, their association with MPs and the composition, structure and dynamics of MP/APol complexes, examining the exchange of surfactants at the surface of MPs, labeling MPs to follow their distribution in fractionation experiments or to immobilize them, increasing the contrast between APols and solvent or MPs in biophysical experiments, improving NMR spectra, etc. Labeling or functionalization of APols can take various courses, each of which has its specific constraints and advantages regarding both synthesis and purification. The present review offers an overview of the various derivatives of A8-35 and its congeners that have been developed in our laboratory and discusses the pros and cons of various synthetic routes.  相似文献   
Symbiotic interactions between pelagic hosts and microalgae have received little attention, although they are widespread in the photic layer of the world ocean, where they play a fundamental role in the ecology of the planktonic ecosystem. Polycystine radiolarians (including the orders Spumellaria, Collodaria and Nassellaria) are planktonic heterotrophic protists that are widely distributed and often abundant in the ocean. Many polycystines host symbiotic microalgae within their cytoplasm, mostly thought to be the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella nutricula, a species originally described by Karl Brandt in the late nineteenth century as Zooxanthella nutricula. The free‐living stage of this dinoflagellate has never been characterized in terms of morphology and thecal plate tabulation. We examined morphological characters and sequenced conservative ribosomal markers of clonal cultures of the free‐living stage of symbiotic dinoflagellates isolated from radiolarian hosts from the three polycystine orders. In addition, we sequenced symbiont genes directly from several polycystine‐symbiont holobiont specimens from different oceanic regions. Thecal plate arrangement of the free‐living stage does not match that of Scrippsiella or related genera, and LSU and SSU rDNA‐based molecular phylogenies place these symbionts in a distinct clade within the Peridiniales. Both phylogenetic analyses and the comparison of morphological features of culture strains with those reported for other closely related species support the erection of a new genus that we name Brandtodinium gen. nov. and the recombination of S. nutricula as B. nutricula comb. nov.  相似文献   
Cys loop receptors (CLRs) are commonly known as ligand-gated channels that transiently open upon binding of neurotransmitters to modify the membrane potential. However, a class of cation-selective bacterial homologues of CLRs have been found to open upon a sudden pH drop, suggesting further ligands and more functions of the homologues in prokaryotes. Here we report an anion-selective CLR from the hydrothermal vent annelid worm Alvinella pompejana that opens at low pH. A. pompejana expressed sequence tag databases were explored by us, and two full-length CLR sequences were identified, synthesized, cloned, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and studied by two-electrode voltage clamp. One channel, named Alv-a1-pHCl, yielded functional receptors and opened upon a sudden pH drop but not by other known agonists. Sequence comparison showed that both CLR proteins share conserved characteristics with eukaryotic CLRs, such as an N-terminal helix, a cysteine loop motif, and an intracellular loop intermediate in length between the long loops of other eukaryotic CLRs and those of prokaryotic CLRs. Both full-length Alv-a1-pHCl and a truncated form, termed tAlv-a1-pHCl, lacking 37 amino-terminal residues that precede the N-terminal helix, formed functional channels in oocytes. After pH activation, tAlv-a1-pHCl showed desensitization and was not modulated by ivermectin. In contrast, pH-activated, full-length Alv-a1-pHCl showed a marked rebound current and was modulated significantly by ivermectin. A thermostability assay indicated that purified tAlv-a1-pHCl expressed in Sf9 cells denatured at a higher temperature than the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress triggers the peroxidation of ω-6-polyunsaturated fatty acids to reactive lipid fragments, including (2E)-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE). We previously reported two parallel catabolic pathways of HNE. In this study, we report a novel metabolite that accumulates in rat liver perfused with HNE or 4-hydroxynonanoic acid (HNA), identified as 3-(5-oxotetrahydro-2-furanyl)propanoyl-CoA. In experiments using a combination of isotopic analysis and metabolomics studies, three catabolic pathways of HNE were delineated following HNE conversion to HNA. (i) HNA is ω-hydroxylated to 4,9-dihydroxynonanoic acid, which is subsequently oxidized to 4-hydroxynonanedioic acid. This is followed by the degradation of 4-hydroxynonanedioic acid via β-oxidation originating from C-9 of HNA breaking down to 4-hydroxynonanedioyl-CoA, 4-hydroxyheptanedioyl-CoA, or its lactone, 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA, and 2-ketoglutaric acid entering the citric acid cycle. (ii) ω-1-hydroxylation of HNA leads to 4,8-dihydroxynonanoic acid (4,8-DHNA), which is subsequently catabolized via two parallel pathways we previously reported. In catabolic pathway A, 4,8-DHNA is catabolized to 4-phospho-8-hydroxynonanoyl-CoA, 3,8-dihydroxynonanoyl-CoA, 6-hydroxyheptanoyl-CoA, 4-hydroxypentanoyl-CoA, propionyl-CoA, and acetyl-CoA. (iii) The catabolic pathway B of 4,8-DHNA leads to 2,6-dihydroxyheptanoyl-CoA, 5-hydroxyhexanoyl-CoA, 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA, and acetyl-CoA. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments showed that HNE can be catabolically disposed via ω- and ω-1-oxidation in rat liver and kidney, with little activity in brain and heart. Dietary experiments showed that ω- and ω-1-hydroxylation of HNA in rat liver were dramatically up-regulated by a ketogenic diet, which lowered HNE basal level. HET0016 inhibition and mRNA expression level suggested that the cytochrome P450 4A are main enzymes responsible for the NADPH-dependent ω- and ω-1-hydroxylation of HNA/HNE.  相似文献   
Alder decline caused by Phytophthora alni is one of the most important emerging diseases in natural ecosystems in Europe, where it has threatened riparian ecosystems for the past 20 years. Environmental factors, such as mean site temperature and soil characteristics, play an important role in the occurrence of the disease. The objective of the present work was to model and forecast the effect of environment on the severity of alder Phytophthora outbreaks, and to determine whether recent climate change might explain the disease emergence. Two alder sites networks in NE and SW France were surveyed to assess the crown health of trees; the oomycete soil inoculum was also monitored in the NE network. The main factors explaining the temporal annual variation in alder crown decline or crown recovery were the mean previous winter and previous summer temperatures. Both low winter temperatures and high summer temperatures were unfavorable to the disease. Cold winters promoted tree recovery because of poor survival of the pathogen, while hot summer temperature limited the incidence of tree decline. An SIS model explaining the dynamics of the P. alni‐induced alder decline was developed using the data of the NE site network and validated using the SW site network. This model was then used to simulate the frequency of declining alder over time with historical climate data. The last 40 years' weather conditions have been generally favorable to the establishment of the disease, indicating that others factors may be implicated in its emergence. The model, however, showed that the climate of SW France was much more favorable for the disease than that of the Northeast, because it seldom limited the overwintering of the pathogen. Depending on the European area, climate change could either enhance or decrease the severity of the alder decline.  相似文献   
Insensitive acetylcholinesterase resistance due to a mutation in the acetylcholinesterase (ace) encoding ace-1 gene confers cross-resistance to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides in Anopheles gambiae populations from Central and West Africa. This mutation is associated with a strong genetic cost revealed through alterations of some life history traits but little is known about the physiological and behavioural changes in insects bearing the ace-1R allele. Comparative analysis of the salivary gland contents between An. gambiae susceptible and ace-1R resistant strains was carried out to charaterize factors that could be involved in modifications of blood meal process, trophic behaviour or pathogen interaction in the insecticide-resistant mosquitoes. Differential analysis of the salivary gland protein profiles revealed differences in abundance for several proteins, two of them showing major differences between the two strains. These two proteins identified as saglin and TRIO are salivary gland-1 related proteins, a family unique to anopheline mosquitoes, one of them playing a crucial role in salivary gland invasion by Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites. Differential expression of two other proteins previously identified in the Anopheles sialome was also observed. The differentially regulated proteins are involved in pathogen invasion, blood feeding process, and protection against oxidation, relevant steps in the outcome of malaria infection. Further functional studies and insect behaviour experiments would confirm the impact of the modification of the sialome composition on blood feeding and pathogen transmission abilities of the resistant mosquitoes. The data supports the hypothesis of alterations linked to insecticide resistance in the biology of the primary vector of human malaria in Africa.  相似文献   
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