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The tra gene of Streptomyces lividans plasmid plJ101 is required for both plasmid DNA transfer and plJ101-induced mobilization of chromosomal genes during mating. We show that a chromosomally inserted copy of tra mediates transfer of chromosomal DNA at high frequency but promotes efficient transfer of plasmids only when they contain a previously unknown locus, here named clt. Insertional mutation or deletion of clt from plJ101 reduced plasmid transfer mediated by either plasmid-borne or chromosomally located tra by at least three orders of magnitude, abolished the transfer-associated pocking phenomenon, and interfered with the ability of tra+ plasmids to promote transfer of chromosomal DNA. Our results indicate that plasmid transfer in S. lividans involves a cis-acting function dispensable for chromosomal gene transfer and imply that either the S. lividans chromosome encodes its own clt-like function or, alternatively, that transfer of plasmid and chromosomal DNA occurs by different mechanisms.  相似文献   
A poorly understood marked decrease (circa 50% of control) in local cerebral glucose utilization is caused by sublethal doses of NaCN. The decrease is global, occurring in essentially all brain regions and is entirely reversible within hours, leaving no obvious pathology. This event is not unique to NaCN in so far as a strikingly similar pattern of decreased glucose utilization occus with some other toxins. Nor can it be attributed to a direct action of NaCN since local application by microdialysis to the striatum produces a global depression. These results imply that some widely distributed system or substance is involved. We speculate the existence of a system possibly related to the reticular activating system that senses a fall in energy production and acts globally to make cells quiescent and thus would give some protection from excitotoxic driven damage.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Sidney Ochs.  相似文献   
Ten species of non-human primates are indigenous to Bioko; half of these are endangered and between five and eight are endemic subspecies. Recent data on their status and distribution have been lacking. In 1986, a ten-week survey of the island was carried out to determine the distribution and status of the primates and the natural vegetation, and to evaluate the effects of man on them. This paper presents the results of that survey, gives an update of conservation achievements since 1986, and highlights current concerns. Between 1974 and 1986 it is probable that numbers of all Bioko primates rose as a result of an increase in habitat and of reduced hunting. At the time of the survey there was considerably more natural, undisturbed, vegetation remaining in Bioko tran expected. Much of this vegetation occurs within two large blocks that are of outstanding importance to the conservation of species in tropical Africa, particularly of plants and primates.  相似文献   
Effects of fire on water and salinity relations of riparian woody taxa   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Water and salinity relations were evaluated in recovering burned individuals of the dominant woody taxa from low-elevation riparian plant communities of the southwestern U.S. Soil elemental analyses indicated that concentrations of most nutrients increased following fire, contributing to a potential nutrient abundance but also elevated alluvium salinity. Boron, to which naturalized Tamarix ramosissima is tolerant, was also elevated in soils following fire. Lower moisture in the upper 30 cm of burned site soil profiles was attributed to shifts in evapotranspiration following fire. Higher leaf stomatal conductance occurred in all taxa on burned sites. This is apparently due to higher photosynthetic photon flux density at the midcanopy level and may be partially mitigated by reduced unit growth in resprouting burned individuals. Predawn water potentials varied little among sites, as was expected for plants exhibiting largely phreatophytic water uptake. Midday water potentials in recovering Salix gooddingii growing in the Colorado River floodplain reached levels which are considered stressful. Decreased hydraulic efficiency was also indicated for this species by examining transpiration-water potential regressions. Recovering, burned Tamarix and Tessaria sericea had enriched leaf tissue 13C relative to unburned controls. Higher water use efficiency following fire in these taxa may be attributed to halophytic adaptations, and to elevated foliar nitrogen in Tessaria. Consequently, mechanisms are proposed which would facilitate increased community dominance of Tamarix and Tessaria in association with fire. The theory that whole ecosystem processes are altered by invading species may thus be extended to include those processes related to disturbance.  相似文献   
Commercially available lactase (beta-D-galactoside galactohydrolase, EC enzymes produced from Kluyveromyces fragilis and Kluyveromyces lactis were accessed as catalysts for use in the production of beta-galactopyranosides of various alcohols using lactose as galactosyl donor. The yield of galactoside was enhanced by using the highest practical concentrations of both lactose and alcohol acceptor. The concentrations and thus yield, were limited by the solubility of the substrates. The increase in galactoside yield with increasing lactose concentration appeared to be specific to the lactose substrate and not due to water activity alterations, because addition of maltose to a fixed concentration of lactose had no effect. During the course of the reaction, the yield of galactoside peaked after around 70% to 80% of the lactose was consumed, due to hydrolysis of the product by the enzyme. A wide variety of compounds with primary or secondary hydroxyl groups could act as acceptors, the essential requirement being at least some water solubility. Addition of organic cosolvents had little effect on galactoside yield except when it increased the water solubility of sparingly soluble alcohols. Some galactosides were synthesized on a gram scale to determine practical product recoveries and improve purification methods for large-scale synthesis. Initial purification by hydrophobic chromatography (for galactosides of hydrophobic alcohols) or strong anion-exchange chromatography (for galactosides of hydrophilic alcohols) separated galactosides, galactobiosides, and higher oligomers from reducing sugars. A facile separation of the galactoside and galactobioside could then be effected by flash chromatography on silica gel. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
An atomic model of the sickle hemoglobin (HbS) fiber was synthesized by combining the molecular coordinates of the fiber (obtained from electron microscopy) with atomic coordinates of the sickle hemoglobin double strand (obtained from X-ray crystallography). The model is stereochemically acceptable. The majority of polymerization-sensitive HbS mutants are located at fiber contact sites and the majority of the mutants that do not affect polymerization are not located at contact sites. The residues at intermolecular contacts in the fiber model are reported. We have searched the coordinate space in the vicinity of the EM reconstructions to find models with alternative sets of coordinates that satisfy the mutant data, contain 5-Å contacts between double strands, and are stereochemically acceptable. This involved a systematic examination over 297 different models. The alternative fiber models were generated with a range of fiber pitch, double-strand positions, and double-strand polarity. Models which had unacceptably close contacts between atoms, failed to satisfy the mutant data, or did not have 5-Å contacts between double strands were considered unacceptable. None of the acceptable alternative fiber models improved the agreement between the polymerization behavior of HbS mutants and their contact site location. However, several models could account for the polymerization data equally well. Residue locations for single-site HbS mutations that could discriminate between alternative fiber models are proposed. The twist of HbS fibers varies in an apparent random manner with an average rotation of 7.8 ± 2.5° per molecule and a maximum rotation of 16° per molecule. The number of interdouble-strand contacts as a function of fiber twist shows a broad maximum around 9° and may account for the observed range of fiber pitch. This study shows that the upper limit on the fiber twist could result from a loss of axial contacts and repulsive van der Waals interactions between residues involved in interstrand contacts. The loss of axial contacts limits the radial growth of the fiber. In the appendix we analyze the methodology used by I. Cretegny and S. J. Edelstein [(1993) J. Mol. Biol. 230, 733-738] to build a model of the fiber. Our examination reveals shortcomings in the methodology of Cretegny and Edelstein. One result of these shortcomings is that the model synthesized by Cretegny and Edelstein is not stereochemically acceptable because it gives rise to a large number of excessively close (less than 1.4 Å) atom-atom contacts, suggesting interpenetration of the molecular envelopes.  相似文献   
This investigation tested whether distributions of certain aspects of eating behavior were consistent with the notion of a “mixture model;” that is, two or more distinct Commingled component distributions, consistent with the possibility of major gene action. Undergraduates (n=901) completed self-report trait measures of hunger, disinhibition, and dietary restraint. Variables were residualized for gender and age and transformed to remove skewness. Residualized transformed distributions were tested for departure from unimodality with Hartigan's (14) dip statistic. The distributions of all three aspects of eating behavior were significantly non-unimodal. Next, component multivariate normal distributions were estimated via maximum likelihood. Likelihood ratio tests were employed to compare nested models. A mixture of four distributions with unequal variance-covariance matrices tit significantly better than any more parsimonious model. In sum, these data strongly suggest that the distributions of several measures of eating behavior are composed of four component distributions. This finding is consistent with the possibility of major gene effects for eating behavior.  相似文献   
Ponds containing the parthenogenetic zooplankter Daphnia pulex with and without chaoborid predators were sampled over the course of a season. A significant (P < 0.05) Spearman rank correlation was found between predator density and the expression of an antipredator defense (neckteeth) by the Daphnia. The reaction norms (percent induction of a single genotype versus predator density) of clones isolated from predator-free and predator-rich habitats were determined in a laboratory setting. There was a statistically significant different response among the six clones tested (P < 0.05). Clones isolated from chaoborid ponds showed significantly greater sensitivity to the presence of predator than clones from predator-free ponds (P < 0.05). In the laboratory, food levels under which prey were cultured affected induction of the antipredator response. Highest induction was found at the lowest food level used.  相似文献   
This paper describes the perizonium and initial valve formation in Navicula cuspidata Kütz., based on light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations. The perizonium consists of concentric over-lapping bands, laid down sequentially at the tips of the expanding biconical auxospore during its elongation. The central perizonial band has fimbriate edges and is considerably more rigid than the more distal bands. During auxospore elongation and the band secretion, the chloroplasts continuously oscillate between the two ends of the cell; this oscillation ceases once the elongation is complete. The initial valves, formed within the perizonium, are molded into the basically biconical shape of the perizonium except for a central flattening of each valve face. In contrast to the raphes in gametangial and vegetative valves which are surrounded by a smooth axial area, the raphes in initial valves lie within a raised ridge running along the apical axis of the valve. The regular pattern of apically oriented ridges on the outer surface of vegetative valves is also lacking on initial valves. Comparison of pore–pore spacing within striae of gametangial valves, initial values and post-initial valves (first division and vegetative cells) reveals that the pore–pore distance within striae is conserved at all sexual stages. However, the distance between striae is considerably larger in initial valves than in gametangial and post-initial valves. Vegetative interstriae spacing as well as the planar morphology of the valve face is regained at the first division of the initial cell. This suggests that the spacing between striae is dependent on the sexual stage of the cell during valve formation (i.e. not directly dependent on the cell size) and can be altered independently of the pore–pore spacing.  相似文献   
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