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Yields based on carbon are usually reported in prebiotic experiments, while energy yields (moles cal–1) are more useful in estimating the yields of products that would have been obtained from the primitive atmosphere of the earth. Energy yields for the synthesis of HCN and H2CO from a spark discharge were determined for various mixtures of CH4, CO, CO2, H2, H2O, N2 and NH3. The maximum yields of HCN and H2CO from CH4, CO, and CO2 as carbon sources are about 4×10–8 moles cal–1.  相似文献   
After propagation of Rhizopus javanicus in defined media containing glucose, urea, and mineral salts in deionized distilled water, the ability of the nonliving biomass to sequester cupric ion was assayed. Growth, uptake capacity (saturation uptake at >1 mM Cu2+ concentration in solution), and biosorptive yield (biomass concentration × uptake capacity) were increased by augmentation of the growth medium with mineral salts once growth was under way. In the stationary phase, the uptake capacity of mycelia, which were normally a poor biosorbent, was improved within 4 h of trace metal addition to the growth medium. Growth of the culture was inhibited by excessive concentrations (0.04 to 40 μM) of metals in the medium in the following order: Cu > Co ≥ Ni > Mn > Mo; zinc was not inhibitory at 40 μM, and chromium was stimulatory at 0.53 μM but slightly inhibitory at higher levels. Iron and potassium phosphate stimulated growth at levels of 0.53 and 40 mM, respectively. When R. javanicus was propagated in a medium with a high salt concentration, exponential growth (0.23 h−1) to a biomass concentration of >3 g/liter and a biosorptive yield of >500 μmol/liter was achieved. It is evident that the powerful biosorbent characteristics of Rhizopus biomass led to depletion of available trace minerals in suspension culture, which in turn limited growth.  相似文献   
Summary Putative receptors for K88+ E. coli from piglet intestinal epithelium were released into the organ culture medium and were demonstrated by direct binding with K88+ E. coli through the utilization of an in vitro binding procedure or by immunoprecipitation with K88 antigen.Incorporation of 14C-glucosamine by newborn to day old and 3-week to 6-week old piglet jejunal and ileal mucosa, in organ culture, occurred throughout the 24 hr culture period. Uptake in both age groups and both areas of the intestine was similar with a somewhat greater incorporation by the older age group.Secretion of 14C-glucosamine-labeled components into the culture medium was demonstrated by gel filtration of the concentrated medium. Some large molecular weight components eluted in the void volume in excess of 2 x 106 daltons. A second peak of activity was spread from approximately 690K to 25K daltons. All eluted fractions demonstrated binding to K88+ E. coli.Antibodies to purified brush borders from susceptible pigs produced prominent precipitation bands following double diffusion with concentrated organ culture media which confirmed that the organ culture media contained labeled proteins of brush border origin.Immunoprecipitation of the intestinal mucosal organ culture media with K88+ pili and pilus antisera, followed by electrophoresis with SDS and reduced conditions, demonstrated a subunit of approximately 35K daltons.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of budesonide, a new non-halogenated glucocorticoid administered by nasal inhaler, was evaluated in a double blind comparison with placebo in patients presenting with hay fever. Patients were supplied with antihistamine tablets and eye drops for use when they considered that their symptoms were inadequately controlled by their inhaler. Patients recorded the severity of their symptoms in a daily diary card and visited their general practitioner for assessment weekly for four weeks. All nasal symptoms of hay fever were appreciably reduced in the group taking budesonide and, although their eye symptoms were more severe than in the group taking placebo, they did not use appreciably more eye drops than the latter. The placebo group used appreciably more antihistamine tablets than those in the budesonide group. No patients were withdrawn from the budesonide group because of treatment failure or unacceptable side effects. The results suggest that budesonide is an acceptable and effective treatment for the nasal symptoms of hay fever.  相似文献   
Summary HeLa and L-M cells can be effectively grown directly on glass fiber filters to yield replicate cultures that allow easy analysis of biosynthetic capabilities through measurement of radioactive precursor uptake and incorporation. The glass fiber filters are superior to glass cover slips, growth in scintillation vials, and growth on Millipore filters in the ease of handling during experimental treatment and in the amount of radioactivity incorporated during the labeling period. These parameters are experimentally established and a typical application of the procedure that demonstrates the hydroxyurea inhibition of DNA synthesis is presented. This research was supported by Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Project 1534. This publication is Article J-3334 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experimental Station.  相似文献   
The mechanism by which the utilization of transferrin-bound iron is linked with cellular metabolism was investigated using rabbit reticulocytes and bone marrow cells. The rate of metabolism was altered by the use of inhibitors which act at different sites in the metabolic pathway (NaF, sodium fluoroacetate, rotenone, 2,4-dinitrophenol, NaCN) and by the addition of metabolic substrates (inosine, sodium pyruvate, sodium lactate). Measurements were made of the rates of iron and transferrin uptake and, in many of the experiments, of cellular ATP and NADH concentrations. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between the rate of iron uptake and the ATP concentration of the cells, but no correlation was found with the NADH concentration. The rate of transferrin uptake was inhibited to a lesser degree than that of iron uptake, and only when the ATP concentration had fallen below that necessary to inhibit iron uptake. It is concluded that the rate of uptake of transferrin-bound iron by immmature erythroid cells is dependent on the intracellular concentration of ATP but is independent of the NADH concentration.  相似文献   
A simple procedure for the measurement of submicrogram quantities of protein is described which can be used without interference from most common reagents. Protein-containing solutions are spotted on glass fiber filters, washed with trichloroacetic acid, and stained with Coomassie blue. The filters are destained, and the protein-bound colorant is eluted and measured in a spectrophotometer at 590 nm. The response is linear to 5 μg of protein per filter, and as little as 0.1 μg per filter can be accurately determined.  相似文献   
The isolation of syncytium-producing mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 (KOS strain), which cause extensive cell fusion during otherwise normal infections, has been reported previously (S. Person, R. W. Knowles, G. S. Read, S. C. Warner, and V. C. Bond, J. Virol. 17:183-190, 1976). Seven of these mutants, plus two syncytial strains obtained elsewhere, were used to compare the incorporation of labeled galactose into neutral glycolipids of mock-infected, wild-type-infected, and syncytially infected human embryonic lung cells. Five predominant cellular glycolipid species were observed, denoted GL-1 through GL-5 in order of increasing oligosaccharide chain length; for example, GL-1 and GL-2 correspond to glycolipids that contain mono- and disaccharide units, respectively. Wild-type virus infection caused an increase in galactose incorporation into GL-1 and GL-2 relative to GL-3 through GL-5. For a single labeling interval from 4 to 10 h after adsorption, syncytial infections generally resulted in a relatively greater incorporation into more complex glycolipids than did wild-type infections. One mutant, syn 20, was compared with wild-type virus throughout infection by using a series of shorter labeling pulses and appeared to delay by at least 2 h the alterations observed during wild-type infections. These alterations are apparently due to defects in synthesis, since prelabeled cellular glycolipids were not differentially degraded during mock or virus infection.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of the sodium ionophore monensin on osmotic water flow across the urinary bladder of the toadBufo marinus were studied. Monensin alone did not alter osmotic water flow; however, the ionophore inhibited the hydrosmotic response to vasopressin and cyclic AMP in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitory effects of monensin were apparent when the ionophore was added to the serosal bathing solution but not when it was added to the mucosal bathing solution. The inhibitory effect of serosal monensin required the presence of sodium in the serosal bathing solution but not the presence of calcium in the bathing solutions. Thus, it appears that intracellular sodium concentration is a regulator of the magnitude of the hydrosmotic response to vasopressin and cyclic AMP.  相似文献   
Three of 16 juvenile rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and 1 rhesus of 79 adult rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were found comatose in a state of profound hypothermia after a heating failure occurred in the room in which they were housed. One juvenile monkey died shortly thereafter. The three other monkeys were revived with gradual warming and supportive therapy but later experienced separate acute clinical crises manifesting shock and died at 19, 31, and 51 days after the initial episode. Histopathologic findings of severe bone marrow depletion were observed in each of the three monkeys that died after the initial episode.  相似文献   
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