Capsule: There were up to 6348 Ring Ouzel territories in the UK in 2012.
Aims: To produce estimates of the size of the Ring Ouzel breeding population in the UK and its constituent countries.
Methods: A stratified random selection of tetrads was surveyed within the known breeding range, except for the remaining breeding areas on Dartmoor and historical sites elsewhere, which were surveyed in their entirety. The methods followed those devised for the first UK-wide survey in 1999, using playback of song at specific points along tetrad transect lines.
Results: The UK population estimate in 2012 was 5332 (95% confidence limits (CL), 4096–6875) territories, a non-significant decline of 29% since 1999. There were no significant differences in the population changes in England, Scotland and Wales between the two surveys. An estimation of survey efficiency found that 84% of territories were located by the national survey methods, suggesting that the UK population in 2012 could have been as many as 6348 (95% CL, 4825–8198) territories.
Conclusion: The results suggest that the UK Ring Ouzel population has continued to decline since 1999. Ongoing and future research should determine where the main threats to the population are: on the breeding or wintering grounds, or during migration. 相似文献
In dual substrate (5 g glucose l , 5 g xylose l ) batch fermentation of L. lactis IO-1 a classic diauxie was observed. In batch fermentations (5 g xylose l ) xylose isomerase activity was only detected in xylose grown cells. In mixed-substrate, carbon limited chemostat cultures (5 g glucose l , 5 g xylose l ) xylose utilisation was partially repressed by glucose at dilution rates above 0.01 h and completely repressed at 0.50 h . 相似文献
Capsule At both landscape and local scales, breeding persistence in a declining Hawfinch population was greatest where broadleaved woodland cover was high, while at a fine scale, nest sites were associated with openings in the woodland canopy.Aims To assess which components of habitat are associated with Hawfinch occupancy at landscape (10-km), local (tetrad) and fine (nest) spatial scales, during a period of population decline and range contraction.Methods Bird Atlas 2008–11 data were used to determine areas of Hawfinch loss and persistence over 20 years. Current habitat was measured and compared to look for correlates that helped explain the differing status at both 10-km and tetrad scales. Fine scale habitat data collected at nest sites were compared with random locations to investigate within-wood nest site selection.Results At both 10-km and tetrad scales, Hawfinch persistence is more likely where woodland cover is greater. Recent woodland management was less evident in tetrads where the species persisted. At the nest site scale, the only relationship detected was for nests to be close to canopy openings.Conclusions Maintaining and increasing broadleaved woodland area is likely to benefit Hawfinch. Within woods, maintenance and creation of open areas may enhance nesting opportunities. 相似文献
In lactic acid bacteria, pentoses are metabolized via the phosphoketolase pathway, which catalyzes the cleavage of D-xylulose-5-phosphate to equimolar amounts of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and acetylphosphate. Hence the yield coefficient of lactate from pentose does not exceed 1.0 mol/mol, while that of Lactococcus lactis IO-1(JCM7638) at high D-xylose concentrations often exceeds the theoretical value. This suggests that, in addition to the phosphoketolase pathway, L. lactisIO-1 may possess another metabolic pathway that produces only lactic acid from xylose. In the present study, the metabolism of xylose in L. lactisIO-1 was deduced from the product formation and enzyme activities of L. lactisIO-1 in batch culture and continuous culture. During cultivation with xylose concentrations above ca. 50 g/l, the yield coefficient of L-lactate exceeded 1.0 mol/mol while those of acetate, formate and ethanol were very low. At xylose concentrations less than 5 g/l, acetate, formate and ethanol were produced with yield coefficients of about 1.0 mol/mol, while L-lactate was scarcely produced. In cells grown at high xylose concentrations, a marked decrease in the specific activities of phosphoketolase and pyruvate formate lyase (PFL), and an increase in those of transketolase and transaldolase were observed. These results indicate that in L. lactisIO-1 xylose may be catabolized by two different pathways, the phosphoketolase pathway yielding acetate, formate and ethanol, and the pentose phosphate (PP)/glycolytic pathway which converts xylose to L-lactate only. Furthermore, it was deduced that the change in the xylose concentration in the culture medium shifts xylulose 5-phosphate metabolism between the phosphoketolase pathway and the PP/glycolytic pathway in L. lactisIO-1, and pyruvate metabolism between cleavage to acetyl-CoA and formic acid by PFL and the reduction to L-lactate by lactate dehydrogenase. 相似文献
Capsule: Nest success rate of Hawfinches Coccothraustes coccothraustes within our study areas averaged 36% across five seasons, a level unlikely to be driving population declines and considerably higher than was suggested by recent estimates from the long-term Nest Record Scheme.
Aims: To investigate potential habitat correlates of nest success and identify nest predators from an intensive study on Hawfinches. To compare nest success and habitat of these nests with those found by Nest Record Scheme (NRS) recorders and test whether there is evidence of a decline in nest success over time from the NRS data.
Methods: Females trapped at feed sites were fitted with radio-tags and tracked back to nest sites providing a sample of nests for subsequent monitoring. Habitat measures potentially influencing survival were collected at nest sites and modelled against nest outcome. Nest success was compared with that from the long-term Nest Record Scheme. Nest cameras were deployed to identify predators.
Results: Nest success varied among years, but the mean value was not substantially lower than other Hawfinch studies or from other species with similar nesting strategies. Apparent recent declines in success suggested by Nest Record Scheme data were not evident in our study areas. Only avian species were recorded predating nests and a number of partial predations were recorded. No correlation was found between overall success for study nests and the habitat or temporal measurements collected.
Conclusions: Within our study areas, average Hawfinch nest success and productivity appeared to be sufficient to maintain local population stability though our sample size was modest and further work would be beneficial. General nest recording may have inherent biases that lead to an over-estimation of nest failure compared to those found by more structured study. Drivers of recent UK Hawfinch declines may be operating outside of the nesting season and/or in landscapes outside primary woodland. 相似文献
Iodination within the thyroid follicle is intimately associated with a thyroid peroxidase. In order to locate the in vivo site of iodination, the initial cytochemical appearance of this enzyme has been determined in fetal rat thyroid and its presence correlated with the onset of iodinated thyroglobulin synthesis. Peroxidase first appears in follicular cells during the 18th day of gestation. It is seen first in the perinuclear cisternae, the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum, and within the inner few Golgi lamellae. These organelles presumably represent sites of peroxidase synthesis. During the 19th and 20th days of gestation, there is a tremendous increase in peroxidase activity. In addition to the stained sites described, there are now many peroxidase-positive apical vesicles in the follicular cells. Newly forming follicles stain most conspicuously for peroxidase, the reaction product being heavily concentrated at the external surfaces of apical microvilli and in the adjacent colloid. Iodinated thyroglobulin becomes biochemically detectable in thyroids during the 19th day of gestation and increases greatly during the 20th day. The parallel rise in peroxidase staining that just precedes, and overlaps, the rise in iodinated thyroglobulin, suggests that apical vesicles and the apical cell membrane are the major sites of iodination within the thyroid follicle. 相似文献
Capsule Field methods used by the UK's Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) provide a practical approach to estimating breeding bird abundance and this paper discusses how they might be adapted to increase accuracy. Aims Using Salisbury Plain as a case study, examine the use of distance sampling to produce estimates of breeding bird abundance. Methods During 2005, 157 1 km squares were surveyed on Salisbury Plain using the UK’s BBS methods, with the exception that all birds were sexed whenever possible and allocated to one of five distance bands (0–10 m/10–25 m/25–100 m/100–250 m/ >250 m). Data were modelled to investigate the effects of truncated, pooled and sexed bird data in estimating breeding populations. Results Pooling of the inner distance bands made little difference to estimates, while truncation over 100 m affected them by up to 25%, generally leading to an increase in density and the width of the confidence limits. The national BBS does not distinguish between bird sexes and therefore any density estimate produced relates to individuals. Our analysis suggests that halving the number of individuals (assuming an equal sex ratio) could lead to significant underestimation of population. This is particularly the case for species where there are differences in detectability between sexes or skewed sex ratios. In such cases, the density of males may represent a more accurate assessment of the population. Conclusions Bird surveys incorporate distance sampling because it assesses changes in detection probability and this paper suggests how these methods might be adapted to increase accuracy. Changes include increasing both survey effort (e.g. number of visits or distance covered), the number of distance bands, and recording sexed bird data. Numbers of pairs or territories could then be estimated by either halving the density of individuals, or using the density of males, whichever is highest. These suggestions have not been tested against a known population and further work is desirable. 相似文献