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In this study, semivariance was used to quantitatively measure the spatial heterogeneity for the egg population of cotton bollworm during a growing season. The typical characteristic parameters of theoretical semivariance models against lag distances were applied to measure components of spatial heterogeneity: trend, range, spatial dependence, and the strength of spatial dependence. Then, kriging interpolation was used to evaluate the population risk of cotton bollworm exceeding economic thresholds. From early June through early September, the population densities were sampled 10 times in the study field. Results showed that the spatial patterns were related to population density. For its low-density population, the spatially heterogeneous trends were usually of spherical shapes; but for highdensity ones, the trends shifted to Gaussian shapes. The spatial dependence appeared at varied distances ranging from 52 meters to 936 meters, and the spatial dependence was in the range of 0.39-288.60, which changed with population densities. While having high heterogeneity, the strength of spatial dependence became much stronger. Results of population risk analysis showed that there was a high risk during its early stages, especially in mid-June. In August, population risk was so low that it did not need to be controlled.  相似文献   
rhGM—CSF/LIF融合蛋白基因的克隆及表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用基因重组技术,人工构建了一个编码五肽G-S-G-G-S的基因接头,将GM-CSF和LIF的cDNA相连而构成融合基因,将融合基因载入原核表达载体pBV220后转化大肠杆菌,经热诱导后进行Western印迹反应鉴定证实获得rhGM-CSF/LIF融合蛋白(简称rhgM-LIF)活性测定表明重组的融合蛋白具有两因子双重活性。  相似文献   
化学杀虫剂对不同类型棉田害虫、天敌种群的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏丽  戈峰  刘向辉 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2631-2641
研究了化学杀虫剂对6种不同类型棉田的害虫、天敌种群数量及其相互作用的影响。结果表明,化学防治使棉花苗期棉蚜数量下降,但不能抑制中后期棉蚜数量;除豆间棉田外,其他类型棉田化防区棉红蜘蛛和棉铃虫数量低于未防区。化学防治使各类型棉田天敌数量减少,以单作棉田天敌数量减少最明显,间套作棉田天敌数量下降幅度较小;此外,棉田不同天敌种群所受的影响存在一定差异,化学防治对瓢虫、捕食蝽类的影响显著,数量下降剧烈,但蜘蛛类群下降幅度比前两者小。化学防治对棉田害虫与天敌的相互关系的影响随棉田类型或害虫、天敌种类的不同而有所差异。  相似文献   
水杨醛保护法鉴定生物合成聚赖氨酸的单体连接方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了一种有效、方便的分析和鉴定聚赖氨酸结构的方法。采用水杨醛与游离氨基反应生成席夫碱.用NaBH4将席夫碱C=N还原成C-N,在酸性条件下将还原产物水解,用薄层层析法分析了水解产物,根据生成的N保护氨基酸不同,鉴定了生物合成的聚赖氨酸的结构为ε-型结构。此法也可用于蛋白质或多肽的N-末端氨基酸的分析。  相似文献   
牙齿的发育是由牙上皮和神经脊来源的间充质之间的连续的相互诱导产生的.上皮和间充质之间连续的相互诱导,使得上皮细胞分化为具有分泌牙釉质功能的成釉质细胞,而间充质细胞分化为具有分泌牙本质功能的成牙本质细胞.成釉质细胞的正常分化对于形成正常的牙釉质是至关重要的,本文主要对细胞信号分子、细胞黏附分子、釉质特异性基因和转录因子等在成釉质细胞分化过程中的作用做一概述.  相似文献   
城市边缘区生态承载力时空分异研究——以甘井子区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裴鹰  杨俊  李冰心  李雪铭  葛雨婷 《生态学报》2019,39(5):1715-1724
以大连市甘井子区为例,利用1998年的土地利用数据和2003年、2007年、2013年的SPOT5遥感数据等多元数据,运用状态空间表征生态承载力量值的计量方法,计算了城市边缘区的社区生态承载力,并研究了甘井子区1998—2013年生态承载力的时空分异特征。结果表明:(1)时间上,1998—2013年,甘井子区整体的生态承载力呈现先快后慢的下降趋势,生态状态呈现出从优秀向良好,再向一般过渡的阶段特征。(2)空间上,甘井子区整体的生态承载力等级东西部差异明显,呈现出相同承载力等级小范围聚集和相近承载力等级间穿插分布的特征。(3)甘井子区内部各社区生态承载力程度差异明显。靠近市区的社区生态承载力15年间变化显著,生态承载程度迅速下降,远离市区的部分社区生态承载力变化不大,生态环境保持良好以上的状态。  相似文献   
高碳水化合物日粮对翘嘴红鲌生长、GK及GK mRNA表达的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
探讨不同碳水化合物(CHO)水平对翘嘴红NFDA5生长、葡萄糖激酶(GK)及GK基因表达的影响.选用540尾(40.73±0.44)g翘嘴红鲌,随机分成为高CHO组、中CHO组、无CHO组,每组设三个重复,饲养8周,测定鱼体生长、血液指标、GK活性及GK mRNA水平等指标.结果显示,随着CHO添加量的增加,鱼体特定生长率与死亡率呈下降趋势,饵料系数刚好相反.摄食后,血糖先上升后趋于平缓,其中高CHO组相对高,无糖组低;血浆甘油三酯先上升后下降再上升又下降,其中高CHO组相对高,中CHO组最低;无CHO组血浆胆固醇、中CHO组HK活性、高CHO组GDH相对较低,其他各组在投喂后都呈先上升后下降.GK活性总体呈上升趋势,各组在禁食时,检测不到GK活性,饲料CHO含量越高,GK活性也越高,但是GK mRNA的水平与CHO含量并不呈线性关系.血糖、GK活性与GK mRNA的水平之间有一定的相关性,摄食高CHO饲料可诱导GK酶活性及基因的表达,造成持续高血糖,这可能不利于生长.  相似文献   
崇明东滩人工湿地越冬水禽行为观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2006年12月上旬-2007年2月下旬,在崇明东滩堤内次生人工湿地(鱼-蟹塘)对7种优势种水禽的昼间(6:30-17:30)行为进行了观察.结果表明:白鹭(Egrettagarzetta)、苍鹭(Ardea cinerea)和斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)以停伫行为为主,分别占全天行为的34.09%、45.45%和54.55%;白骨顶(Fulica atra)、普通鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax carbo)取食行为较活跃,分别占全天行为的32.58%和35.00%;小鹛鹧(Tachybaptus ruficollis)和银鸥(Larus argentatus)游水活动分别占全天行为的44.70%和31.82%.此外,环境温度和光照与水禽活动呈正相关,与风速负相关,湿地内水位由于变化不大而对越冬水禽行为影响不显著.  相似文献   
The cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringiBaly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is a serious pest of crucifers in China, undergoing an imaginal summer and winter diapause in the soil. The effects of host plants on diapause incidence were tested in the beetle. The ratio of adults entering diapause was significantly low when they fed on the mature leaves of Chinese cabbage Shanghaiqin (Brassica chinesis var communis) than those feeding on Chinese cabbage Suzhouqin (Brassica chinesis var communis), radish (Raphanus sativus var longipinnatus) and stem mustard (Brassicajuncea vat tumida) at 25℃ combined with 13:11 (L: D) h. Fewer adults entered diapause on young leaves compared to physiologically aged and mature radish leaves at 25℃ combined with 13:11 (L: D) h. The effect of host plant species on diapause induction was also evident under continuously dark rearing conditions or at different photoperiods. These experimental results demonstrate that host plant mediation of diapause induction exists in the cabbage beetle. However, at temperatures ≤20℃ or photoperiods of 16:8 (L: D) h combined with 25℃, all individuals entered diapause regardless of the host plants, indicating that the effects of host plants on diapause induction could be expressed only within a limited range of temperatures and photoperiods.  相似文献   
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