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The European Water Framework Directive requires ecological status classification and monitoring of surface and ground water bodies using biological indicators. To fulfill the demands of the Directive, a macrophyte‐based assessment system was developed for application on four lake site types in Germany. Biological lake site types were established using differences in characteristic macrophyte communities, reflecting ecoregion, Ca2+ content, mixis and morphology. Ecological status classification of lake sites is based on macrophyte abundance along 275 transects in 95 natural German lakes and the calculation of a reference index value, in some cases supplemented by submerged vegetation data. The reference index quantifies the deviation of species composition and abundance from reference conditions and classifies sites to one of the five ecological quality classes specified in the Directive. Based on an example of Lake Chiemsee, Germany, the possibilities for a wholelake assessment are discussed. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is transmitted through a viral synapse and enters target cells via interaction with the glucose transporter GLUT1. Here, we show that Neuropilin-1 (NRP1), the receptor for semaphorin-3A and VEGF-A165 and a member of the immune synapse, is also a physical and functional partner of HTLV-1 envelope (Env) proteins. HTLV-1 Env and NRP1 complexes are formed in cotransfected cells, and endogenous NRP1 contributes to the binding of HTLV-1 Env to target cells. NRP1 overexpression increases HTLV-1 Env-dependent syncytium formation. Moreover, overexpression of NRP1 increases both HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 Env-dependent infection, whereas down-regulation of endogenous NRP1 has the opposite effect. Finally, overexpressed GLUT1, NRP1, and Env form ternary complexes in transfected cells, and endogenous NRP1 and GLUT1 colocalize in membrane junctions formed between uninfected and HTLV-1-infected T cells. These data show that NRP1 is involved in HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 entry, suggesting that the HTLV receptor has a multicomponent nature.  相似文献   
Growth of plants or plant organs towards more light is commonly interpreted as an adaptation to low light conditions. Here, we show for the first time, in a study of charophyte branches, a growth-based orientation towards light functioning as a mechanism to protect the plant from excessive light. Two Chara species were exposed to five different intensities of photosynthetically active radiation and species traits and pigmentation were measured. Branches of plants exposed to higher light intensities were convergent and pointed steeply upwards, whereas those exposed to lower light intensities grew nearly straight and were less inclined. Only branches that increased in length during the experiments reacted to differences in light intensity. This indicates that branch orientation is determined by a light-dependent growth reaction. Orientation of charophyte branches towards light is accompanied by a decrease in chlorophyll a (Chla) content and a lower Chla : carotenoid ratio, which clearly indicates that the plant is taking protective measures against potentially damaging excess light conditions. We suggest that the growth-based orientation of Chara branches towards light may protect sexual organs, which grow on adaxial branch sides, from light damage. In addition, the upward orientation of branches might lead to increased light transmission within dense charophyte beds, thus enabling an enhanced gross production.  相似文献   
Rieske proteins and Rieske ferredoxins are present in the three domains of life and are involved in a variety of cellular processes. Despite their functional diversity, these small Fe–S proteins contain a highly conserved all-β fold, which harbors a [2Fe–2S] Rieske center. We have identified a novel subtype of Rieske ferredoxins present in hyperthermophilic archaea, in which a two-cysteine conserved SKTPCX(2–3)C motif is found at the C-terminus. We establish that in the Acidianus ambivalens representative, Rieske ferredoxin 2 (RFd2), these cysteines form a novel disulfide bond within the Rieske fold, which can be selectively broken under mild reducing conditions insufficient to reduce the [2Fe–2S] cluster or affect the secondary structure of the protein, as shown by visible circular dichroism, absorption, and attenuated total reflection Fourier transform IR spectroscopies. RFd2 presents all the EPR, visible absorption, and visible circular dichroism spectroscopic features of the [2Fe–2S] Rieske center. The cluster has a redox potential of +48 mV (25 °C and pH 7) and a pK a of 10.1 ± 0.2. These shift to +77 mV and 8.9 ± 0.3, respectively, upon reduction of the disulfide. RFd2 has a melting temperature near the boiling point of water (T m = 99 °C, pH 7.0), but it becomes destabilized upon disulfide reduction (ΔT m = −9 °C, ΔC m = −0.7 M guanidinium hydrochloride). This example illustrates how the incorporation of an additional structural element such as a disulfide bond in a highly conserved fold such as that of the Rieske domain may fine-tune the protein for a particular function or for increased stability.  相似文献   
The time course (0-60 min) of label incorporation from NaH14 CO3 into citric-acid-cycle intermediates and amino acids was investigated in incubations of isolated rat diaphragms. On the basis of these results, 14CO2 exchange by isocitrate dehydrogenase and 14CO2 fixation by propionyl-CoA carboxylation and pyruvate carboxylation could be estimated. Apparent rates amounted to about 30-40, 2, and 35 nmol/min per g of muscle, respectively. About 90 percent of C4-carbon compounds originating from 14CO2 fixation were subsequently removed by decarboxylation. 2-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate, an inhibitor of mitochondrial pyruvate transport, effectively reduced 14CO2 production from [1-14C]pyruvate but did not affect incorporation of radioactive label from NaH14CO3. In cell-free muscle extracts, 14CO2 fixation was demonstrable under assay conditions suitable for NADP -dependent 'malic' enzyme(s). Addition of hydroxymalonate, an inhibitor of the latter enzyme(s), significantly reduced 14CO2 incorporation. The results provide evidence for a continuous cytosolic replenishment and mitochondrial depletion of citric-acid-cycle carbon skeletons in resting skeletal muscle tissue. The functional role of malic (iso)enzyme activities in these processes is discussed.  相似文献   
A device for the liberation and determination of 14CO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple closed system for the serial determination of 14CO2 in small volumes of fluid samples, is described. The device consists of commercially available scintillation vials and silicone tube seals. 14CO2 is selectively liberated by citric acid and absorbed in a scintillation vial by Hyamine. Experiments on the effect of dichloroacetate on pyruvate dehydrogenase activity in rat hindlimbs perfused with [1-14C]pyruvate demonstrate the applicability of the method.  相似文献   
Rapid eye movements (REMs) and visual dreams are salient features of REM sleep. However, it is unclear whether the eyes scan dream images. Several lines of evidence oppose the scanning hypothesis: REMs persist in animals and humans without sight (pontine cats, foetus, neonates, born-blinds), some binocular REMs are not conjugated (no focus point), REMs occur in parallel (not in series) with the stimulation of the visual cortex by ponto-geniculo-occipital spikes, and visual dreams can be obtained in non REM sleep. Studies that retrospectively compared the direction of REMs to dream recall recorded after having awakened the sleeper yielded inconsistent results, with a concordance varying from 9 to 80%. However, this method was subject to methodological flaws, including the bias of retrospection and neck atonia that does not allow the determination of the exact direction of gaze. Using the model of RBD (in which patients are able to enact their dreams due to the absence of muscle atonia) in 56 patients, we directly determined if the eyes moved in the same directions as the head and limbs. When REMs accompanied goal-oriented motor behaviour during RBD (e.g., framing something, greeting with the hand, climbing a ladder), 90% were directed towards the action of the patient (same plane and direction). REMs were however absent in 38% of goal-oriented behaviours. This directional coherence between limbs, head and eye movements during RBD suggests that, when present, REMs imitate the scanning of the dream scene. Because REMs index and complexity were similar in patients with RBD and controls, this concordance can be extended to normal REM sleep. These results are consistent with the model of a brainstem generator activating simultaneously images, sounds, limbs movements and REMs in a coordinated parallel manner, as in a virtual reality.  相似文献   
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