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Cell-associated heparan sulfate (HS) is endowed with the remarkable ability to bind numerous proteins. As such, it represents a unique system that integrates signaling from circulating ligands with cellular receptors. This polysaccharide is extraordinary complex, and examples that define the structure-function relationship of HS are limited. In particular, it remains difficult to understand the structures by which HS interact with proteins. Among them, interferon-gamma (IFNgamma), a dimeric cytokine, binds to a complex oligosaccharide motif encompassing a N-acetylated glucosamine-rich domain and two highly sulfated sequences, each of which binds to one IFNgamma monomer. Based on this template, we have synthesized a set of glycoconjugate mimetics and evaluated their ability to interact with IFNgamma. One of these molecules, composed of two authentic N-sulfated octasaccharides linked to each other through a 50-Angstroms-long spacer termed 2O(10), displays high affinity for the cytokine and inhibits IFNgamma-HS binding with an IC(50) of 35-40 nm. Interestingly, this molecule also inhibits the binding of IFNgamma to its cellular receptor. Thus, in addition to its ability to delocalize the cytokine from cell surface-associated HS, this compound has direct anti-IFNgamma activity. Altogether, our results represent the first synthetic HS-like molecule that targets a cytokine, strongly validating the HS structural determinants for IFNgamma recognition, providing a new strategy to inhibit IFNgamma in a number of diseases in which the cytokine has been identified as a target, and reinforcing the view that it is possible to create"tailor-made"sequences based on the HS template to isolate therapeutic activities.  相似文献   
The rivers and streams of the large urban centers in Southeast Brazil are increasingly being degraded, demanding expanded conservation efforts. This study was conducted in the Grande River, one of the main tributaries of the Billings Complex, a reservoir that is a strategic fresh water resource for the S?o Paulo metropolitan region. Water quality, habitat features and fish fauna were investigated at seven sites along the longitudinal gradient with the aim of identifying the distribution patterns and relative contributions of the environmental factors. The water samples and environmental characteristics were recorded, and fish were collected during the rainy (January to March) and dry seasons (July and August) of 2009. The water quality varied along the river, with higher values of conductivity, fecal coliforms and total phosphorus in the lower reach, indicating a strong influence of the urban area. Twenty-two fish species were recorded, two of which are considered endangered. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated marked differences in species composition between the river??s upper and lower reaches, which was mainly attributed to vegetation cover and the presence of different meso-habitats, such as riffles and pools. Trychomycterus spp. and Astyanax paranae were associated with the upper reaches, while Astyanax fasciatus and Astyanax bockmanni, Cyphocharax modestus, Hoplias malabaricus and Hypostomus ancistroides occurred in the lower reaches. Despite the disturbance in water quality and riparian vegetation in the lower river section, no detectable changes in community structure were observed. However, the presence of some tolerant species, such as Astyanax fasciatus, Hoplosternum littorale and Hypostomus ancistroides, may indicate that the community is experiencing initial stages of disturbance.  相似文献   
During biogenesis of the 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits, the pre-40S particles are exported to the cytoplasm prior to final cleavage of the 20S pre-rRNA to mature 18S rRNA. Amongst the factors involved in this maturation step, Fap7 is unusual, as it both interacts with ribosomal protein Rps14 and harbors adenylate kinase activity, a function not usually associated with ribonucleoprotein assembly. Human hFap7 also regulates Cajal body assembly and cell cycle progression via the p53–MDM2 pathway. This work presents the functional and structural characterization of the Fap7–Rps14 complex. We report that Fap7 association blocks the RNA binding surface of Rps14 and, conversely, Rps14 binding inhibits adenylate kinase activity of Fap7. In addition, the affinity of Fap7 for Rps14 is higher with bound ADP, whereas ATP hydrolysis dissociates the complex. These results suggest that Fap7 chaperones Rps14 assembly into pre-40S particles via RNA mimicry in an ATP-dependent manner. Incorporation of Rps14 by Fap7 leads to a structural rearrangement of the platform domain necessary for the pre-rRNA to acquire a cleavage competent conformation.  相似文献   
Four small molecular receptors of vancomycin have been designed to make part of a novel biosensor device based on the FTIR-ATR detection: N-Boc (2a) or N-Ac (2b)-6-aminocaproyl-D-Ala-D-Ala and N-Boc (3a) or N-Ac (3b)-6-aminocaproyl-D-Ala-d-Ser. Using an original microbiological approach to assess the competition of compounds with the natural target of vancomycin in bacteria, EC(50) values of 6.3-8.0 x 10(-5)M (2a-b) and 7.1-9.3 x 10(-4)M (3a-b) were determined. Vancomycin:2b complex was characterized by MS.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die interstitielle Zelle läßt sich vielleicht als die kleinste Form einer vegetativen Ganglienzelle betrachten.Im Auerbachschen Plexus des menschlichen Colons kommen Zellen vom Typus 1 und 2 nach Dogiel und viele kleine und mittelgroße, der Form nach sehr mannigfache Gnanglienzellan vor.Der Auerbachsche Plexus zeigt eine Gliederung in ein Primär-, Sekundär- und Tertiärgeflecht. Der mit dem Auerbachschen Plexus kontinuierlich zusammenhängende Plexus muscularis profundus besitzt in verhältnismäßig spärlicher, aber gleichmäßiger Verteilung Ganglienzellen.Die großen Ganglienzellen des Meissnerschen Plexus gehören vorwiegend dem Typus 2 nach Dogiel an; daneben gibt es noch eine Fülle kleiner, teils multipolarer, teils der Form nach schwer bestimmbarer Ganglienzellen.Die an die Muscularis mucosae grenzenden Maschen des Meissnerschen Plexus sind von außerordentlicher Feinheit und enthalten auch interstitielle Zellen.Der Meissnersche Plexus geht mit feinsten, netzartigen Faserzügen ohne scharfe Grenze in den in der Schleimhaut ausgebreiteten Plexus mucosus über. Letzterer enthält zwar in seinem an die Submucosa grenzenden Gebiet noch vereinzelte kleine multipolare Ganglienzellen, weist jedoch in seinen übrigen, dem Epithel genäherten Lagen nur noch interstitielle Zellen auf.Der Plexus mucosus besitzt die Form des Terminalretikulums, den Charakter einer netzartigen Endformation des vegetativen Nervensystems, das hier afferente, efferente und (Sekretorische Nervenelemente in einer gemeinsamen plasmodialen Leitbahn beherbergt.In der Schleimhaut des Processus vermiformis entwickelt der dort ausgebreitete Plexus mucosus eine außerordentliche Zartheit und Reichhaltigkeit seiner nervösen Elemente.In einem Falle von rein neurogener Appandizitis kommen im Plexus mucosus des menschlichen Processus vermiformis bei sonst intakter Schleimhaut neuromatöse Gewebsneubildungen vor, die als das Resultat eines im Terminalretikulum zutage tretenden Wucherungsprozesses gedeutet werden können.In einem Falle von Megacolon werden schwere pathologische Veränderungen, vor allem an den Zellen und Fasern des Auerbachschen Plexus und des Plexus muscularis profundus beschrieben.  相似文献   
HSV type 1 (HSV-1) expresses its genes sequentially as immediate early (α), early (β), leaky late (γ1), and true late (γ2), where viral DNA synthesis is an absolute prerequisite only for γ2 gene expression. The γ1 protein glycoprotein B (gB) contains a strongly immunodominant CD8(+) T cell epitope (gB(498-505)) that is recognized by 50% of both the CD8(+) effector T cells in acutely infected trigeminal ganglia (TG) and the CD8(+) memory T cells in latently infected TG. Of 376 predicted HSV-1 CD8(+) T cell epitopes in C57BL/6 mice, 19 (gB(498-505) and 18 subdominant epitopes) stimulated CD8(+) T cells in the spleens and TG of HSV-1 acutely infected mice. These 19 epitopes identified virtually all CD8(+) T cells in the infected TG that represent all or the vast majority of the HSV-specific CD8(+) TCR repertoire. Only 11 of ~84 HSV-1 proteins are recognized by CD8(+) T cells, and most (~80%) are expressed before viral DNA synthesis. Neither the immunodominance of gB(498-505) nor the dominance hierarchy of the subdominant epitopes is due solely to MHC or TCR affinity. We conclude that the vast majority of CD8(+) T cells in HSV-1 acutely infected TG are HSV specific, that HSV-1 β and γ1 proteins that are expressed before viral DNA synthesis are favored targets of CD8(+) T cells, and that dominance within the TCR repertoire is likely due to the frequency or expansion and survival characteristics of CD8(+) T cell precursors.  相似文献   
During chronic infection, the single celled parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, can migrate to the brain where it has been associated with altered dopamine function and the capacity to modulate host behavior, increasing risk of neurocognitive disorders. Here we explore alterations in dopamine-related behavior in a new mouse model based on stimulant (cocaine)-induced hyperactivity. In combination with cocaine, infection resulted in heightened sensorimotor deficits and impairment in prepulse inhibition response, which are commonly disrupted in neuropsychiatric conditions. To identify molecular pathways in the brain affected by chronic T. gondii infection, we investigated patterns of gene expression. As expected, infection was associated with an enrichment of genes associated with general immune response pathways, that otherwise limits statistical power to identify more informative pathways. To overcome this limitation and focus on pathways of neurological relevance, we developed a novel context enrichment approach that relies on a customized ontology. Applying this approach, we identified genes that exhibited unexpected patterns of expression arising from the combination of cocaine exposure and infection. These include sets of genes which exhibited dampened response to cocaine in infected mice, suggesting a possible mechanism for some observed behaviors and a neuroprotective effect that may be advantageous to parasite persistence. This model offers a powerful new approach to dissect the molecular pathways by which T. gondii infection contributes to neurocognitive disorders.  相似文献   
Absence seizures are caused by brief periods of abnormal synchronized oscillations in the thalamocortical loops, resulting in widespread spike-and-wave discharges (SWDs) in the electroencephalogram (EEG). SWDs are concomitant with a complete or partial impairment of consciousness, notably expressed by an interruption of ongoing behaviour together with a lack of conscious perception of external stimuli. It is largely considered that the paroxysmal synchronizations during the epileptic episode transiently render the thalamocortical system incapable of transmitting primary sensory information to the cortex. Here, we examined in young patients and in the Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg (GAERS), a well-established genetic model of absence epilepsy, how sensory inputs are processed in the related cortical areas during SWDs. In epileptic patients, visual event-related potentials (ERPs) were still present in the occipital EEG when the stimuli were delivered during seizures, with a significant increase in amplitude compared to interictal periods and a decrease in latency compared to that measured from non-epileptic subjects. Using simultaneous in vivo EEG and intracellular recordings from the primary somatosensory cortex of GAERS and non-epileptic rats, we found that ERPs and firing responses of related pyramidal neurons to whisker deflection were not significantly modified during SWDs. However, the intracellular subthreshold synaptic responses in somatosensory cortical neurons during seizures had larger amplitude compared to quiescent situations. These convergent findings from human patients and a rodent genetic model show the persistence of cortical responses to sensory stimulations during SWDs, indicating that the brain can still process external stimuli during absence seizures. They also demonstrate that the disruption of conscious perception during absences is not due to an obliteration of information transfer in the thalamocortical system. The possible mechanisms rendering the cortical operation ineffective for conscious perception are discussed, but their definite elucidation will require further investigations.  相似文献   
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