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The human T lymphocyte Ag CD28 (Tp44) is a homodimeric glycoprotein expressed on the surface of a majority of human peripheral T cells and thymocytes. Although exposure of T cells to anti-CD28 mAb does not activate T cells, stimulation of CD28 can synergize with signals transmitted through the TCR or other stimuli to augment proliferation and lymphokine production. We have used a portion of the human CD28 cDNA to isolate a homologous murine cDNA from an EL4 T lymphoma library. The murine clone has 61% nucleotide identity with the human cDNA. Both human and murine sequences exhibit homology with members of the Ig supergene family and CTLA-4, a T cell specific murine gene. Many characteristics of the human CD28 molecule are conserved within the putative murine CD28 polypeptide. The murine cDNA sequence encodes a polypeptide of 218 amino acids that has 68% identity with the human sequence. Both the murine and human molecules are integral membrane glycoproteins with hydrophobic signal peptide sequences and transmembrane region. All five potential N-linked glycosylation sites are conserved and six of the seven cysteine residues of the mouse protein are found in the human CD28 polypeptide. The murine cDNA is encoded by a single copy nonrearranging gene whose expression at the mRNA level is restricted to T cells. A rabbit antiserum was raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to a hydrophilic portion of the translated murine cDNA sequence. This antiserum identifies an 80-kDa homodimer consisting of disulfide-bonded subunits of 40 kDa that is expressed on splenic T cells, thymocytes, and several T cell tumors, but not on B cells. deglycosylation studies indicate that four of the five N-linked glycosylation sites are used and that the mature core protein has a molecular mass of 25 kDa, close to that predicted by the cDNA sequence. Transfection of the murine cDNA into Chinese hamster ovary cells resulted in the expression of an 80-kDa dimeric molecule that was immunoprecipitated by the antipeptide antiserum. Taken together, these data provide strong support that we have identified the murine homologue of CD28.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to characterize the acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) activity in human liver microsomes. Liver biopsies were obtained from patients undergoing elective cholecystectomy under highly standardized conditions. In 34 patients the enzyme activity of the microsomal fraction averaged 6.6 +/- 0.7 (mean +/- SEM) pmol.min-1.mg protein-1 in the absence of exogenous cholesterol. Freezing of the liver biopsy in liquid nitrogen increased the enzyme activity five- to sixfold. Similarly, freezing of the microsomal fraction prepared from unfrozen liver tissue increased the enzyme activity about twofold. These results may help to explain previous disparate results reported in the literature. The enhanced ACAT activity obtained by freezing was at least partly explained by a transfer of unesterified cholesterol to the microsomal fraction and possibly also by making the substrate(s) more available to the enzyme. Preincubation of the microsomal fraction, prepared from unfrozen liver tissue, with unlabeled cholesterol increased the enzyme activity about fivefold. This finding indicates that hepatic ACAT in humans can also utilize exogenous cholesterol as substrate. Addition of cholesterol to frozen microsomes prepared from unfrozen liver tissue increased the ACAT activity two- to threefold, whereas addition of cholesterol to microsomes prepared from frozen liver tissue did not further increase the enzyme activity. No evidence supporting the concept that ACAT is activated-inactivated by phosphorylation-dephosphorylation could be obtained by assaying the enzyme under conditions similar to those during which the human HMG-CoA reductase is inactivated-activated.  相似文献   
Summary Bouts of induced wheel-running, 3 h long, accelerate the rate of re-entrainment of hamsters' activity rhythms to light-dark (LD) cycles that have been phase-advanced by 8 h (Mrosovsky and Salmon 1987). The bouts of running are given early in the first night of the new LD cycle, and by the second night the phase advance in activity onset already averages 7 h. Such large shifts contrast with the mean phase advance of <1 h at the peak of the phase response curve when hamsters in constant darkness (DD) experience 2-h pulses of induced activity (Reebs and Mrosovsky 1989). The present paper investigates pulse duration and light as possible causes for the discrepancy in shift amplitude between these two studies. In a first experiment, pulses of induced wheel-running 1 h, 3 h, or 5 h long were given at circadian times (CT) 6 and 22-2 to hamsters free-running in DD. Pulses given at CT 6 caused phase-advances of up to 2.8 h, whereas pulses at CT 22-2 resulted in delays of up to 1.0 h. Shifts after 3-h and 5-h pulses did not differ, but were larger than after 1-h pulses, and larger than after the 2-h pulses given in DD by Reebs and Mrosovsky (1989). Thus 3 h appears to be the minimum pulse duration necessary to obtain maximum phase-shifting effects. In a second experiment, the re-entrainment design of Mrosovsky and Salmon (1987) was repeated with the light portion of the shifted LD cycle eliminated. Hamsters exercised for 3 h phase-advanced 2.9 h on average (excluding 2 animals who ran poorly). When the same hamsters were exposed 7 days later to a 14-h light pulse starting 5 h after their activity onset, they advanced by an average of 3.3 h. Adding the average values for activity-induced shifts and light-induced shifts gives a total of about 6 h. Possible synergism between the effects of induced activity and those of light may account for the remaining small difference between this total and the 7-h advances previously reported.Abbreviations CT circadian time - DD constant darkness - LD light-dark - PRC phase response curve - free-running period of rhythm  相似文献   
Platelet factor 4 (PF4), which is released by platelets during coagulation, binds very tightly to negatively charged oligosaccharides such as heparin. To date, six other proteins are known that are homologous in sequence with PF4 but have quite different functions. The structure of a tetramer of bovine PF4 complexed with one Ni(CN)4(2-) molecule has been determined at 3.0 A resolution and refined to an R factor of 0.28. The current model contains residues 24-85, no solvent, and one overall temperature factor. Residues 1-13, which carried an oligosaccharide chain, were removed with elastase to induce crystallization; residues 14-23 and presumably 86-88 are disordered in the electron density map. Because no heavy atom derivative was isomorphous with the native crystals, the complex of PF4 with one Ni(CN)4(2-) molecule was solved using a single, highly isomorphous Pt(CN)4(2-) derivative and the iterative, single isomorphous replacement method. The secondary structure of the PF4 subunit, from amino- to carboxyl-terminal end, consists of an extended loop, three strands of antiparallel beta-sheet arranged in a Greek key, and one alpha-helix. The tetramer contains two extended, six-stranded beta-sheets, each formed by two subunits, which are arranged back-to-back to form a "beta-bilayer" structure with two buried salt bridges sandwiched in the middle. The carboxyl-terminal alpha-helices, which contain lysine residues that are thought to be intimately involved in binding heparin, are arranged as antiparallel pairs on the surface of each extended beta-sheet.  相似文献   
The acute dose-dependent effects of epinephrine and cocaine on heart rate and coronary flow rate (CFR) were examined in isolated, perfused (Langendorff) rat hearts from animals: i) pretreated with daily cocaine injections (20 mg/kg/day) for 8 weeks; ii) after 2-day withdrawal from 8-week cocaine pretreatment; iii) vehicle-treated controls. Chronic cocaine (CC) hearts were significantly less sensitive to the chronotropic effects of epinephrine than control (C) or withdrawal (CW) hearts. CW hearts exhibited significantly higher heart rates in response to epinephrine than C and CC hearts. Epinephrine alone (2.5 x 10(-7) M) decreased CFR 11% (C), 9%(CC), 14%(CW) from respective baseline levels. Cocaine alone had no significant effect on CFR in C hearts but produced slight dose-dependent decrements in CFR in CC and particularly CW hearts at higher doses. Cocaine plus epinephrine markedly decreased CFR in all groups, particularly in CW hearts. The results indicate that chronic daily cocaine administration produces a functional tolerance of the heart to the chronotropic actions of epinephrine but a 2-day withdrawal from chronic cocaine results in a rebound supersensitivity to adrenergic stimulation and cocaine's sympathomimetic effects. In addition, cocaine produces only minor decrements in coronary flow in the rat heart, while cocaine acts synergisticallly with epinephrine to produce a marked decrease in CFR.  相似文献   
Several studies have shown that full transformation of primary rodent fibroblasts can be achieved in vitro through the cooperation of two oncogenes (usually one nuclear and one cytoplasmic) classified on the basis of different complementation groups. We have shown previously that cooperation between v-mil (cytoplasmic, serine-threonine kinase product), and v-myc (nuclear, DNA-binding product) is required to transform 7-day-old chicken neuroretina cells, which in usual culture medium do not rapidly proliferate. v-mil induces sustained growth of chicken neuroretina cells without transformation; v-myc fails to stimulate the proliferation of chicken neuroretina cells but is required to achieve transformation of the proliferating cells. Here, we present results indicating that the P135gag-myb-ets nuclear protein of avian erythroblastosis virus E26 is able to induce proliferation but not transformation of chicken neuroretina cells. v-myc is required in addition to P135gag-myb-ets to achieve chicken neuroretina cell transformation. In contrast, we found that the P135gag-myb-ets and P100gag-mil proteins are not able to cooperate in this system.  相似文献   
The systematics of theLactobacillus population of the intestines of 88 different rats was studied; 80 rats had been fed on fermented oat-meal soup (Molin et al. 1992). One-hundred-twenty-twoLactobacillus strains from the intestinal mucosa were phenotypically classified together with twenty-eight reference strains ofLactobacillus andLeuconostoc, using 49 unit characters. Data were examined using Jaccard coefficient, and unweighted pair group algorithm with arithmetic averages. Two major and eleven minor clusters were defined at the 76% SJ-similarity level: Cluster 1 included thirty isolates which could not be identified further, but had resemblance to the type strains ofL. jensenii, L. gasseri, L. crispatus, and to some extent toL. acidophilus. Cluster 12 including fifty-four intestinal isolates was identified asL. reuteri; and so was cluster 13 (five isolates). Isolates of the major clusters were found in all parts of the intestines. The genomic homogeneity of theL. reuteri isolates was scrutinized by endonuclease restriction analysis of the chromosomal DNA, and the isolates could be divided into six genomic strains.  相似文献   
Summary By succesive recycling of the thin stillage in mashing and fermenting fresh corn, the glycerol content in each fermentation increased by about 0.4% and accumulated to a high of 2.1% in the beer of the fifth recycle. Glycerol concentration declined after the fifth recycle. The original fermentation contained 0.8% glycerol.Presented in part at the Society for Industrial Microbiology Annual Meeting, August 7–12, 1988, Chicago, IL.The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   
Neurogenesis, control, and functional significance of gasping   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gasps are frequently the first and last breaths of life. Gasping, which is generated by intrinsic medullary mechanisms, differs fundamentally from other automatic ventilatory patterns. A region of the lateral tegmental field of the medulla is critical for the neurogenesis of the gasp but has no role in eupnea. Neuronal mechanisms in separate brain stem regions may be responsible for the neurogenesis of different ventilatory patterns. This hypothesis is supported by the recording of independent respiratory rhythms simultaneously from isolated brain stem segments. Data from fetal and neonatal animals also support gasping and eupnea being generated by separate mechanisms. Gasping may represent the output of a simple but rugged pattern generator that functions as a backup system until the control system for eupnea is developed. Pacemaker elements are hypothesized as underlying the onset of inspiratory activity in gasping. Similar elements, in a different brain stem region, may be responsible for the onset of the eupneic inspiration with neural circuits involving the pons, the medulla, and the spinal cord serving to shape efferent respiratory-modulated neural discharges.  相似文献   
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