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The acute dose-dependent effects of epinephrine and cocaine on heart rate and coronary flow rate (CFR) were examined in isolated, perfused (Langendorff) rat hearts from animals: i) pretreated with daily cocaine injections (20 mg/kg/day) for 8 weeks; ii) after 2-day withdrawal from 8-week cocaine pretreatment; iii) vehicle-treated controls. Chronic cocaine (CC) hearts were significantly less sensitive to the chronotropic effects of epinephrine than control (C) or withdrawal (CW) hearts. CW hearts exhibited significantly higher heart rates in response to epinephrine than C and CC hearts. Epinephrine alone (2.5 x 10(-7) M) decreased CFR 11% (C), 9%(CC), 14%(CW) from respective baseline levels. Cocaine alone had no significant effect on CFR in C hearts but produced slight dose-dependent decrements in CFR in CC and particularly CW hearts at higher doses. Cocaine plus epinephrine markedly decreased CFR in all groups, particularly in CW hearts. The results indicate that chronic daily cocaine administration produces a functional tolerance of the heart to the chronotropic actions of epinephrine but a 2-day withdrawal from chronic cocaine results in a rebound supersensitivity to adrenergic stimulation and cocaine's sympathomimetic effects. In addition, cocaine produces only minor decrements in coronary flow in the rat heart, while cocaine acts synergisticallly with epinephrine to produce a marked decrease in CFR.  相似文献   
Summary A major concern arising from the culture of clonally propagated crops of forest trees is risk of catastrophic loss due to an agent or event not anticipated at the time of population establishment. Since danger of such a catastrophe depends to some degree on the genetic variability within clonal mixtures, attention has been focused on the number of clones needed to keep the risk of catastrophic loss below specified levels. In this paper, we describe a genetical analysis of susceptibility to a destructive agent and the effect that frequency of genes for susceptibility have on the number of clones needed to effectively manage this risk. As a part of the analysis, parameters representing the minimum unacceptable mortality rates in plantations () and acceptable levels of risk () are defined, and their effects on the number of single-pair matings needed for the production of clonal stock are evaluated. Dominance and recessive gene action models for a single two-allele genetic locus are investigated. Probabilities for plantation failure are functions of the gene frequency for the allele conferring susceptibility. These functions converge to zero for allele frequencies less than but to one for frequencies greater than or equal to . This convergence is periodic rather than monotonie, since probabilities for plantation failure increase rather than decrease over restricted ranges of increasing numbers of clones. Recessive and dominance gene actions are found to have different effects on the minimum number of clones needed to attain acceptable risk levels. For conditions in which substantial numbers of clones are required, selecting multiple clones per mating is an effective method for reducing the number of matings necessary to achieve acceptable risks.Paper No. 12480 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agriculture Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7643, USA  相似文献   
Depth distributions of O2 respiration and denitrification activity were studied in 1- to 2-mm thick biofilms from nutrient-rich Danish streams. Acetylene was added to block the reduction of N2O, and micro-profiles of O2 and N2O in the biofilm were measured simultaneously with a polarographic microsensor. The specific activities of the two respiratory processes were calculated from the microprofiles using a one-dimensional diffusion-reaction model. Denitrification only occurred in layers where O2 was absent or present at low concentrations (of a fewM). Introduction of O2 into deeper layers inhibited denitrification, but the process started immediately after anoxic conditions were reestablished. Denitrification activity was present at greater depth in the biofilm when the NO3 concentration in the overlying water was elevated, and the deepest occurrence of denitrification was apparently determined by the depth penetration of NO3 . The denitrification rate within each specific layer was not affected by an increase in NO3 concentration, and the half-saturation concentration (Km) for NO3 therefore considered to be low (<25M). Addition of 0.2% yeast extract stimulated denitrification only in the uppermost 0.2 mm of the denitrification zone indicating a very efficient utilization of the dissolved organic matter within the upper layers of the biofilm.  相似文献   
Plankton community structure and major pools and fluxes of carbon were observed before and after culmination of a bloom of cyanobacteria in eutrophic Frederiksborg Slotssø, Denmark. Biomass changes of heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliates, microzooplankton (50 to 140 μm), and macrozooplankton (larger than 140 μm) were compared to phytoplankton and bacterial production as well as micro- and macrozooplankton ingestion rates of phytoplankton and bacteria. The carbon budget was used as a means to examine causal relationships in the plankton community. Phytoplankton biomass decreased and algae smaller than 20 μm replacedAphanizomenon after the culmination of cyanobacteria. Bacterial net production peaked shortly after the culmination of the bloom (510 μg C liter?1 d?1 and decreased thereafter to a level of approximately 124 μg C liter?1 d?1. Phytoplankton extracellular release of organic carbon accounted for only 4–9% of bacterial carbon demand. Cyclopoid copepods and small-sized cladocerans started to grow after the culmination, but food limitation probably controlled the biomass after the collapse of the bloom. Grazing of micro- and macrozooplankton were estimated from in situ experiments using labeled bacteria and algae. Macrozooplankton grazed 22% of bacterial net production during the bloom and 86% after the bloom, while microzooplankton (nauplii, rotifers and ciliates larger than 50 μm) ingested low amounts of bacteria and removed 10–16% of bacterial carbon. Both macro-and microzooplankton grazed algae smaller than 20 μm, although they did not control algal biomass. From calculated clearance rates it was found that heterotrophic nanoflagellates (40–440 ml?1) grazed 3–4% of the bacterial production, while ciliates smaller than 50 μm removed 19–39% of bacterial production, supporting the idea that ciliates are an important link between bacteria and higher trophic levels. During and after the bloom ofAphanizomenon, major fluxes of carbon between bacteria, ciliates and crustaceans were observed, and heterotrophic nanoflagellates played a minor role in the pelagic food web.  相似文献   
Several studies have shown that full transformation of primary rodent fibroblasts can be achieved in vitro through the cooperation of two oncogenes (usually one nuclear and one cytoplasmic) classified on the basis of different complementation groups. We have shown previously that cooperation between v-mil (cytoplasmic, serine-threonine kinase product), and v-myc (nuclear, DNA-binding product) is required to transform 7-day-old chicken neuroretina cells, which in usual culture medium do not rapidly proliferate. v-mil induces sustained growth of chicken neuroretina cells without transformation; v-myc fails to stimulate the proliferation of chicken neuroretina cells but is required to achieve transformation of the proliferating cells. Here, we present results indicating that the P135gag-myb-ets nuclear protein of avian erythroblastosis virus E26 is able to induce proliferation but not transformation of chicken neuroretina cells. v-myc is required in addition to P135gag-myb-ets to achieve chicken neuroretina cell transformation. In contrast, we found that the P135gag-myb-ets and P100gag-mil proteins are not able to cooperate in this system.  相似文献   
The systematics of theLactobacillus population of the intestines of 88 different rats was studied; 80 rats had been fed on fermented oat-meal soup (Molin et al. 1992). One-hundred-twenty-twoLactobacillus strains from the intestinal mucosa were phenotypically classified together with twenty-eight reference strains ofLactobacillus andLeuconostoc, using 49 unit characters. Data were examined using Jaccard coefficient, and unweighted pair group algorithm with arithmetic averages. Two major and eleven minor clusters were defined at the 76% SJ-similarity level: Cluster 1 included thirty isolates which could not be identified further, but had resemblance to the type strains ofL. jensenii, L. gasseri, L. crispatus, and to some extent toL. acidophilus. Cluster 12 including fifty-four intestinal isolates was identified asL. reuteri; and so was cluster 13 (five isolates). Isolates of the major clusters were found in all parts of the intestines. The genomic homogeneity of theL. reuteri isolates was scrutinized by endonuclease restriction analysis of the chromosomal DNA, and the isolates could be divided into six genomic strains.  相似文献   
Summary By succesive recycling of the thin stillage in mashing and fermenting fresh corn, the glycerol content in each fermentation increased by about 0.4% and accumulated to a high of 2.1% in the beer of the fifth recycle. Glycerol concentration declined after the fifth recycle. The original fermentation contained 0.8% glycerol.Presented in part at the Society for Industrial Microbiology Annual Meeting, August 7–12, 1988, Chicago, IL.The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   
Antisera against a number of Campylobacter species were used in immuno-histochemical and -cytochemical studies on cases of porcine intestinal adenomatosis. Avidin-biotin-complex (ABC) and streptavidin immunoperoxidase methods were used on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded and frozen sections. Protein A gold method was used on formaldehyde fixed and frozen sections for immuno-cytochemistry. The antisera used were raised in rabbits by subcutaneous or intravenous injection of living or formalin treated organisms. Antisera against different serotypes of the thermotolerant, catalase positive Campylobacters, Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli gave positive reactions in the immuno-histochemical studies. The staining was found in intestinal epithelial cells both in the ileum and in the colon and was restricted to the apical cytoplasm of adenomatous epithelial cells. The staining had a granular pattern, the positive structures sometimes having the shape of Campylobacter. Epithelial cells in areas with normal differentiation of goblet cells did not stain. In contrast, no staining resulted with antisera against Campylobacter sputorum subsp. mucosalis and Campylobacter hyointestinalis. Immuno-cytochemistry, using antisera against Campylobacter jejuni showed that the positive staining in altered epithelial cells were restricted to intracellular organisms having a structure resembling Campylobacter spp.  相似文献   
Neurogenesis, control, and functional significance of gasping   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gasps are frequently the first and last breaths of life. Gasping, which is generated by intrinsic medullary mechanisms, differs fundamentally from other automatic ventilatory patterns. A region of the lateral tegmental field of the medulla is critical for the neurogenesis of the gasp but has no role in eupnea. Neuronal mechanisms in separate brain stem regions may be responsible for the neurogenesis of different ventilatory patterns. This hypothesis is supported by the recording of independent respiratory rhythms simultaneously from isolated brain stem segments. Data from fetal and neonatal animals also support gasping and eupnea being generated by separate mechanisms. Gasping may represent the output of a simple but rugged pattern generator that functions as a backup system until the control system for eupnea is developed. Pacemaker elements are hypothesized as underlying the onset of inspiratory activity in gasping. Similar elements, in a different brain stem region, may be responsible for the onset of the eupneic inspiration with neural circuits involving the pons, the medulla, and the spinal cord serving to shape efferent respiratory-modulated neural discharges.  相似文献   
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