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Bacteriophage induced lysis of host bacterial cell is mediated by a two component cell lysis cassette comprised of holin and lysozyme. Prophages are integrated forms of bacteriophages in bacterial genomes providing a repertoire for bacterial evolution. Analysis using the prophage database ( http://bicmku.in:8082 ) constructed by us showed 47 prophages were associated with putative two component cell lysis genes. These proteins cluster into four different subgroups. In this process, a putative holin (essd) and endolysin (ybcS), encoded by the defective lambdoid prophage DLP12 was found to be similar to two component cell lysis genes in functional bacteriophages like p21 and P1. The holin essd was found to have a characteristic dual start motif with two transmembrane regions and C-terminal charged residues as in class II holins. Expression of a fusion construct of essd in Escherichia coli showed slow growth. However, under appropriate conditions, this protein could be over expressed and purified for structure function studies. The second component of the cell lysis cassette, ybcS, was found to have an N-terminal SAR (Signal Arrest Release) transmembrane domain. The construct of ybcS has been over expressed in E. coli and the purified protein was functional, exhibiting lytic activity against E. coli and Salmonella typhi cell wall substrate. Such targeted sequence-structure-function characterization of proteins encoded by cryptic prophages will help understand the contribution of prophage proteins to bacterial evolution.  相似文献   
The effects of time delays in a phosphorylation-dephosphorylation pathway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Complex signaling cascades involve many interlocked positive and negative feedback loops which have inherent delays. Modeling these complex cascades often requires a large number of variables and parameters. Delay differential equation models have been helpful in describing inherent time lags and also in reducing the number of governing equations. However the consequences of model reduction via delay differential equations have not been fully explored. In this paper we systematically examine the effect of delays in a complex network of phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycles (described by Gonze and Goldbeter, J. Theor. Biol., 210, (2001) 167-186), which commonly occur in many biochemical pathways. By introducing delays in the positive and negative regulatory interactions, we show that a delay differential model can indeed reduce the number of cycles actually required to describe the phosphorylation-dephosphorylation pathway. In addition, we find some of the unique properties of the network and a quantitative measure of the minimum number of delay variables required to model the network. These results can be extended for modeling complex signalling cascades.  相似文献   
Grain size is one of the key traits that determines the quality of Basmati rice from the consumers’ as well as the traders’ point of view. Though many genes governing grain size have been identified in indica and japonica, little work has been done in Basmati rice. The present study aims at dissection of a QTL region governing grain size traits in Basmati employing association and linkage mapping approaches. Association mapping revealed that three markers, i.e., RM 6024 (grain breadth), RM1237 and RM18582 (grain length-breadth ratio), which cover 889 kb in the targeted QTL region have been significantly associated with grain size traits. Using linkage mapping, the targeted QTL region has been further delimited to a physical distance of 268 kb that comprises 24 annotated genes. The gene expression analysis of parents, revealed 19 genes differentially expressing within the QTL. Of them, 15 genes showed high expression in Basmati370, while four were expressed in Jaya, and whereas five genes did not show any differential expression between parents. Among differentially expressed genes, a highly expressed gene in Basmati370, Os05g0374200 (Cytokinin dehydrogenase 1 precursor) seems to be involved in accumulation of cytokinins, thus affecting the grain size. Therefore, our findings demonstrated that by complimenting association and linkage mapping, it is likely to dissect a QTL governing grain size traits in Basmati rice and also the QTL could be a potential target for marker-assisted breeding and map-based cloning studies.  相似文献   
Drought is considered as one of the major obstacles for progressive yield enhancement and stability in rice, especially in rain-fed conditions. Being a complex trait, drought is regulated by numerous quantitative trait loci (QTL), of which, however, very few underlying genes have been cloned. In the present investigation, we made an attempt to uncover the candidate gene(s) behind a major QTL, rdw8.1 governing drought tolerance traits viz., root dry weight and root length. The targeted QTL has been delimited to 366.75 kb from 10.17 Mb by QTL mapping in BC1F2 population. Further, the targeted region was delineated employing next-generation sequencing based RNA-seq. Based on the QTL mapping and RNA-seq approaches, the plausible candidate gene underlying the QTL region was identified as a wound inducible protein (LOC_Os08g08090). This gene can be of potential value to enhance the drought tolerance of the elite rice varieties through molecular breeding.  相似文献   
Arsenic is a wide-spread contaminant of soils and sediments, andmany watersheds worldwide regularly experience severe arsenic loading. While the toxicityof arsenic to plants and animals is well recognized, the geochemical and biological transformationsthat alter its bioavailability in the environment are multifaceted and remain poorly understood.This communication provides a brief overview of our current understanding of the biogeochemistryof arsenic in circumneutral freshwater sediments, placing special emphasis on microbialtransformations. Arsenic can reside in a number of oxidation states and complex ions. The commoninorganic aqueous species at circumneutral pH are the negatively charged arsenates(H2AsVO4 - and HasVO4 2-) and zero-charged arsenite(H3AsIIIO3 0). Arsenic undergoes diagenesis in response to both physicaland biogeochemical processes. It accumulates in oxic sediments by adsorption on and/orco-precipitation with hydrous iron and manganese oxides. Burial of such sediments in anoxic/suboxicenvironments favors their reduction, releasing Fe(II), Mn(II) and associatedadsorbed/coprecipitated As. Upward advection can translocate these cations and As into theoverlying oxic zone where they may reprecipitate. Alternatively, As may be repartitioned tothe sulfidic phase, forming precipitates such as arsenopyrite and orpiment. Soluble and adsorbedAs species undergo biotic transformations. As(V) can serve as the terminal electronacceptor in the biological oxidation of organic matter, and the limited number of microbes capableof this transformations are diverse in their phylogeny and physiology. Fe(III)-respiring bacteriacan mobilize both As(V) and As(III) bound to ferric oxides by the reductive dissolution ofiron-arsenate minerals. SO4 2--reducing bacteria canpromote deposition of As(III) as sulfide minerals via their production of sulfide. A limited number of As(III)-oxidizing bacteriahave been identified, some of which couple this reaction to growth. Lastly, prokaryotic andeukaryotic microbes can alter arsenic toxicity either by coupling cellular export to its reductionor by converting inorganic As to organo-arsenical compounds. The degree to which each ofthese metabolic transformations influences As mobilization or sequestration in differentsedimentary matrices remains to be established.  相似文献   
The mitotic kinase Aurora A (AurA) is regulated by a complex network of factors that includes co-activator binding, autophosphorylation, and dephosphorylation. Dephosphorylation of AurA by PP2A (human, Ser-51; Xenopus, Ser-53) destabilizes the protein, whereas mitotic dephosphorylation of its T-loop (human, Thr-288; Xenopus, Thr-295) by PP6 represses AurA activity. However, AurA(Thr-295) phosphorylation is restricted throughout the early embryonic cell cycle, not just during M-phase, and how Thr-295 is kept dephosphorylated during interphase and whether or not this mechanism impacts the cell cycle oscillator were unknown. Titration of okadaic acid (OA) or fostriecin into Xenopus early embryonic extract revealed that phosphatase activity other than PP1 continuously suppresses AurA(Thr-295) phosphorylation during the early embryonic cell cycle. Unexpectedly, we observed that inhibiting a phosphatase activity highly sensitive to OA caused an abnormal increase in AurA(Thr-295) phosphorylation late during interphase that corresponded with delayed cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) activation. AurA(Thr-295) phosphorylation indeed influenced this timing, because AurA isoforms retaining an intact Thr-295 residue further delayed M-phase entry. Using mathematical modeling, we determined that one phosphatase would be insufficient to restrict AurA phosphorylation and regulate CDK1 activation, whereas a dual phosphatase topology best recapitulated our experimental observations. We propose that two phosphatases target Thr-295 of AurA to prevent premature AurA activation during interphase and that phosphorylated AurA(Thr-295) acts as a competitor substrate with a CDK1-activating phosphatase in late interphase. These results suggest a novel relationship between AurA and protein phosphatases during progression throughout the early embryonic cell cycle and shed new light on potential defects caused by AurA overexpression.  相似文献   
In Neurospora crassa, crosses between normal sequence strains and strains bearing some translocations can yield progeny bearing a duplication (Dp) of the translocated chromosome segment. Here, 30 breakpoint junction sequences of 12 Dp-generating translocations were determined. The breakpoints disrupted 13 genes (including predicted genes), and created 10 novel open reading frames. Insertion of sequences from LG III into LG I as translocation T(UK8-18) disrupts the eat-3 gene, which is the ortholog of the Podospora anserine gene ami1. Since ami1-homozygous Podospora crosses were reported to increase the frequency of repeat-induced point mutation (RIP), we performed crosses homozygous for a deficiency in eat-3 to test for a corresponding increase in RIP frequency. However, our results suggested that, unlike in Podospora, the eat-3 gene might be essential for ascus development in Neurospora. Duplication-heterozygous crosses are generally barren in Neurospora; however, by using molecular probes developed in this study, we could identify Dp segregants from two different translocation-heterozygous crosses, and using these we found that the barren phenotype of at least some duplication-heterozygous crosses was incompletely penetrant.  相似文献   
Shannon’s information theoretic perspective of communication helps one to understand the storage and processing of information in one-dimensional sequences. An information theoretic analysis of 937 available completely sequenced prokaryotic genomes and 238 eukaryotic chromosomes is presented. Information content (Id) values were used to cluster these chromosomes. Chargaff’s second parity rule i.e compositional self-complementarity, an empirical fact is observed in all the genomes, except for the proteobacteria Candidatus Hodgkinia cicadicola. High information content, arising out of biased base composition in all the 14 chromosomes of Plasmodium falciparum is found among two other genomes of prokaryotes viz. Buchnera aphidicola str. Cc (Cinara cedri) and Candidatus Carsonella ruddii PV. Despite size and compositional variations, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes do not deviate significantly from an equiprobable and random situation. Eukaryotic chromosomes of an organism tend to have similar informational restraints as seen when a simple distance based method is used to cluster them. In eukaryotes, in certain cases, Id values are also similar for the two arms (p and q arm) of the chromosomes. The results of this current study confirm that the information content can provide insights into the clustering of genomes and the evolution of messaging strategies of the genomes. An efficient and robust Perl CGI standalone tool is created based on this information theory algorithm for the analysis of the whole genomes and is made available at https://github.com/AlagurajVeluchamy/InformationTheory.  相似文献   
One of the main challenges in the biomedical sciences is the determination of reaction mechanisms that constitute a biochemical pathway. During the last decades, advances have been made in building complex diagrams showing the static interactions of proteins. The challenge for systems biologists is to build realistic models of the dynamical behavior of reactants, intermediates and products. For this purpose, several methods have been recently proposed to deduce the reaction mechanisms or to estimate the kinetic parameters of the elementary reactions that constitute the pathway. One such method is MIKANA: Method to Infer Kinetics And Network Architecture. MIKANA is a computational method to infer both reaction mechanisms and estimate the kinetic parameters of biochemical pathways from time course data. To make it available to the scientific community, we developed a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for MIKANA. Among other features, the GUI validates and processes an input time course data, displays the inferred reactions, generates the differential equations for the chemical species in the pathway and plots the prediction curves on top of the input time course data. We also added a new feature to MIKANA that allows the user to exclude a priori known reactions from the inferred mechanism. This addition improves the performance of the method. In this article, we illustrate the GUI for MIKANA with three examples: an irreversible Michaelis-Menten reaction mechanism; the interaction map of chemical species of the muscle glycolytic pathway; and the glycolytic pathway of Lactococcus lactis. We also describe the code and methods in sufficient detail to allow researchers to further develop the code or reproduce the experiments described. The code for MIKANA is open source, free for academic and non-academic use and is available for download (Information S1).  相似文献   
Neuropeptides and amphibian prey-catching behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In mammals, a number of hypothalamic neuropeptides have been implicated in stress-induced feeding disorders. Recent studies in anurans suggest that stress-related neuropeptides may act on elemental aspects of visuomotor control to regulate feeding. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, potent an orexic peptides in mammals, inhibit visually-guided prey-catching in toads. Neuropeptide Y (NPY), an orexic peptide in mammals, may be an important neuromodulator in inhibitory pre-tectal-tectal pathways involved in distinguishing predator and prey. Melanocortin, NPY and CRH neurons project onto key visuomotor structures within the amphibian brain, suggesting physiological roles in the modulation of prey-catching. Thus, neuropeptides involved in feeding behavior in mammals influence the efficacy of a visual stimulus in releasing prey-catching behavior. These neuropeptides may play an important role in how frogs and toads gather and process visual information, particularly during stress.  相似文献   
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