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A series of novel biphenyl pyrazole dicarboxamides were identified as potential sodium channel blockers for treatment of neuropathic pain. Compound 20 had outstanding efficacy in the Chung rat spinal nerve ligation (SNL) model of neuropathic pain.  相似文献   
On the basis of pharmacophoric modelling studies of existing NNRTIs, a series of isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone derivatives was synthesized and evaluated for their anti-HIV activity in HTLV-III(B) strain in the CEM cell line. Three compounds showed significant anti-HIV activity, whereupon compound 6 was found to be the most active compound with an EC(50) value of 2.62 microM and a selectivity index of 17.41, while not being cytotoxic to the cell line at a CC(50) value of 44.90 microM. Other tested compounds exhibited marked activity below their toxicity threshold.  相似文献   
Tubulin, a potential target for anti-cancer drugs, has been purified in one step and obtained as flow-through fraction directly from an extract of a mammalian brain tissue by adsorption chromatography on H-CELBEADS, an indigenously developed rigid, superporous cross-linked cellulose based weakly hydrophobic adsorbent. The fibrous polymerized tubulin mass passed through the H-CELBEADS bed while the associated proteins were separated by adsorption. The final tubulin preparation was obtained free from other proteins as seen on SDS-PAGE. Purified tubulin was obtained in a yield of about 29 mg/100 g brain, and its bioactivity, evaluated through its ability to bind colchicine, was found to be preserved.  相似文献   
Single-gene disorders with "simple" Mendelian inheritance do not always imply that there will be an easy prediction of the phenotype from the genotype, which has been shown for a number of metabolic disorders. We propose that moonlighting enzymes (i.e., metabolic enzymes with additional functional activities) could contribute to the complexity of such disorders. The lack of knowledge about the additional functional activities of proteins could result in a lack of correlation between genotype and phenotype. In this review, we highlight some notable and recent examples of moonlighting enzymes and their possible contributions to human disease. Because knowledge and cataloging of the moonlighting activities of proteins are essential for the study of cellular function and human physiology, we also review recently reported and recommended methods for the discovery of moonlighting activities.  相似文献   
The conversion of prothrombin to thrombin is catalyzed by prothrombinase, an enzyme complex composed of the serine proteinase factor Xa and a cofactor protein, factor Va, assembled on membranes. Kinetic studies indicate that interactions with extended macromolecular recognition sites (exosites) rather than the active site of prothrombinase are the principal determinants of binding affinity for substrate or product. We now provide a model-independent evaluation of such ideas by physical studies of the interaction of substrate derivatives and product with prothrombinase. The enzyme complex was assembled using Xa modified with a fluorescent peptidyl chloromethyl ketone to irreversibly occlude the active site. Binding was inferred by prethrombin 2-dependent perturbations in the fluorescence of Oregon Green(488) at the active site of prothrombinase. Active site-independent binding was also unequivocally established by fluorescence resonance energy transfer between 2,6-dansyl tethered to the active site of Xa and eosin tethered to the active sites of either thrombin or meizothrombin des fragment 1. Comparable interprobe distances obtained from these measurements suggest that substrate and product interact equivalently with the enzyme. Competition established the ability of a range of substrate or product derivatives to bind in a mutually exclusive fashion to prothrombinase. Equilibrium dissociation constants obtained for the active site-independent binding of prothrombin, prethrombin 2, meizothrombin des fragment 1 and thrombin to prothrombinase were comparable with their affinities inferred from kinetic studies using active enzyme. Our findings directly establish that binding affinity is principally determined by the exosite-mediated interaction of either the substrate, both possible intermediates, or product with prothrombinase. A single type of exosite binding interaction evidently drives affinity and binding specificity through the stepwise reactions necessary for the two cleavage reactions of prothrombin activation and product release.  相似文献   
The loop between alpha-helix 6 and beta-strand 6 in the alpha/beta-barrel active site of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco, EC plays a key role in discriminating between gaseous substrates CO(2) and O(2). Based on numerous x-ray crystal structures, loop 6 is either closed or open depending on the presence or absence, respectively, of substrate ligands. The carboxyl terminus folds over loop 6 in the closed conformation, prompting speculation that it may trigger or latch loop 6 closure. Because an x-ray crystal structure of tobacco Rubisco revealed that phosphate is located at a site in the open form that is occupied by the carboxyl group of Asp-473 in the closed form, it was proposed that Asp-473 may serve as the latch that holds the carboxyl terminus over loop 6. To assess the essentiality of Asp-473 in catalysis, we used directed mutagenesis and chloroplast transformation of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to create D473A and D473E mutant enzymes. The D473A and D473E mutant strains can grow photoautotrophically, indicating that Asp-473 is not essential for catalysis. However, both substitutions caused 87% decreases in carboxylation catalytic efficiency (V(max)/K(m)) and approximately 16% decreases in CO(2)/O(2) specificity. If the carboxyl terminus is required for stabilizing loop 6 in the closed conformation, there must be additional residues at the carboxyl terminus/loop 6 interface that contribute to this mechanism. Considering that substitutions at residue 473 can influence CO(2)/O(2) specificity, further study of interactions between loop 6 and the carboxyl terminus may provide clues for engineering an improved Rubisco.  相似文献   
Membrane proteins that belong to the major facilitator superfamily (MFS) are found in organisms across the evolutionary spectrum and mediate the transport of a variety of substrates ranging from small metabolites to neurotransmitters. The oxalate transporter (OxlT) is a representative MFS protein, and exchanges formate for oxalate across the cytoplasmic membrane of the organism Oxalobacter formigenes. Here, we present a structural model for the protein conformational changes that occur during oxalate transport by combining a three-dimensional map of the oxalate-bound, "closed" state of OxlT at 6.5 A determined by cryo-electron microscopy with a model of the "open" state of OxlT based on the atomic structures of the related transporters, glycerol-3-phosphate transporter (GlpT) and lactose permease (LacY). We demonstrate that the principal structural change associated with substrate transport is a concerted rocking movement of the two structurally similar halves of the protein relative to each other. Our structural model places two positively charged residues, Arg-272 and Lys-355 in the central cavity, suggesting that electrostatic interactions between these residues and the oxalate anion is a key step in generating the conformational change between the open and closed states of the transporter.  相似文献   
Electron tomography is a powerful method for determining the three-dimensional structures of large macromolecular assemblies, such as cells, organelles, and multiprotein complexes, when crystallographic averaging methods are not applicable. Here we used electron tomographic imaging to determine the molecular architecture of Escherichia coli cells engineered to overproduce the bacterial chemotaxis receptor Tsr. Tomograms constructed from fixed, cryosectioned cells revealed that overproduction of Tsr led to formation of an extended internal membrane network composed of stacks and extended tubular structures. We present an interpretation of the tomogram in terms of the packing arrangement of Tsr using constraints derived from previous X-ray and electron-crystallographic studies of receptor clusters. Our results imply that the interaction between the cytoplasmic ends of Tsr is likely to stabilize the presence of the membrane networks in cells overproducing Tsr. We propose that membrane invaginations that are potentially capable of supporting axial interactions between receptor clusters in apposing membranes could also be present in wild-type E. coli and that such receptor aggregates could play an important role in signal transduction during bacterial chemotaxis.  相似文献   
Extracts prepared from seeds of Manilkara zapota, Anona squamosa, and Tamarindus indica were screened for their antibacterial activity by disc diffusion and broth dilution methods. Acetone and methanol extracts of T. indica seeds were found active against both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. MIC values of potent extracts against susceptible organisms ranged from 53-380 μg/mL. Methanol extract of T. indica and acetone extract of M. zapota seeds were found to be bactericidal.  相似文献   
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