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Efficient routes to access the 2", 3", 4", and 6" registers of the nodulisporic acid (NsA) side chain are disclosed. A mild one-carbon, Ph(2)CdoublebondNCH(2)CtriplebondN mediated homologation of NsA's 3"-aldehyde permitted access to the 4"-register. Curtius reaction of NsA's 3"-acid yielded the corresponding 2"-aldehyde 4 from which the unnatural Delta(2",3")-olefin isomer 2b was obtained. In addition, Arndt-Eistert reactions of the parent NsA permitted a one-carbon homologation to the 6" register. These efforts identified new analogues with significant flea activity and illustrated the biological significance of unsaturation at the 1",2" register.  相似文献   
The linkage region constituents, namely, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose and asparagine are conserved in the N-glycoproteins of all the eukaryotes. The present work is aimed at understanding the reasons for the occurrence of GlcNAc and Asn as the linkage region constituents. A total of six sugar amides have been designed as models and analogs of the linkage region and their crystal structures have been solved. This is the first report on the X-ray crystallographic investigation of the effect of systematic changes in the linkage sugar as well as its aglycon moiety on the N-glycosidic torsion, psi(N) (O5-C1-N1-C1(')). This also forms the first report on the crystal structure of a model of L-RhabetaAsn, a variant linkage found in the surface layer glycoprotein of Bacillus stearothermophillus. Among the models and analogs examined, the acetamido derivatives of Man and Xyl, the linkage sugars of O-glycoproteins, show a psi(N) value of -114.5 degrees and -121.2 degrees, respectively, deviating maximum from the value of -89.8 degrees reported for the model compound GlcNAcbetaNHAc. The L-Rha and Gal derivatives also show noticeable deviations. The psi(N) values, -89.5 degrees and -91.0 degrees, of the propionamide derivatives of Glc and GlcNAc (analogs of GlcbetaGln and GlcNAcbetaGln, respectively) agree well with those (-93.8 degrees and -89.8 degrees ) reported for their corresponding acetamide derivatives suggesting Gln could serve as well as Asn as the linkage region amino acid. However, the rotational freedom about the additional C-C bond would lead to altered rigidity of the linkage region. An analysis of packing reveals that the molecular assembly of these compounds is driven by different infinite and finite chains of hydrogen bonds. The double pillaring of hydrogen bonds involving the amide groups at C1 and C2 is seen as a unique packing feature characteristic of beta-1-N-acyl derivatives of GlcNAc. Based on the findings of the present study, it is speculated that the linkage region constituents of the eukaryotic N-glycoproteins appear to fulfill three essential structural requirements: rigidity, planarity, and linearity and these are met by the trisaccharide core and Asn at the linkage region.  相似文献   
Endosomal degradation is severely impaired in primary hemocytes from larvae of eye color mutants of Drosophila. Using high resolution imaging and immunofluorescence microscopy in these cells, products of eye color genes, deep-orange (dor) and carnation (car), are localized to large multivesicular Rab7-positive late endosomes containing Golgi-derived enzymes. These structures mature into small sized Dor-negative, Car-positive structures, which subsequently fuse to form tubular lysosomes. Defective endosomal degradation in mutant alleles of dor results from a failure of Golgi-derived vesicles to fuse with morphologically arrested Rab7-positive large sized endosomes, which are, however, normally acidified and mature with wild-type kinetics. This locates the site of Dor function to fusion of Golgi-derived vesicles with the large Rab7-positive endocytic compartments. In contrast, endosomal degradation is not considerably affected in car1 mutant; fusion of Golgi-derived vesicles and maturation of large sized endosomes is normal. However, removal of Dor from small sized Car-positive endosomes is slowed, and subsequent fusion with tubular lysosomes is abolished. Overexpression of Dor in car1 mutant aggravates this defect, implicating Car in the removal of Dor from endosomes. This suggests that, in addition to an independent role in fusion with tubular lysosomes, the Sec1p homologue, Car, regulates Dor function.  相似文献   
Finding subtle motifs by branching from sample strings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many motif finding algorithms apply local search techniques to a set of seeds. For example, GibbsDNA (Lawrence et al. 1993, Science, 262, 208-214) applies Gibbs sampling to random seeds, and MEME (Bailey and Elkan, 1994, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB-94), 28-36) applies the EM algorithm to selected sample strings, i.e. substrings of the sample. In the case of subtle motifs, recent benchmarking efforts show that both random seeds and selected sample strings may never get close to the globally optimal motif. We propose a new approach which searches motif space by branching from sample strings, and implement this idea in both pattern-based and profile-based settings. Our PatternBranching and ProfileBranching algorithms achieve favorable results relative to other motif finding algorithms. Availability: http://www-cse.ucsd.edu/groups/bioinformatics/software.html  相似文献   
An important criterion in design of acylation agents for the radioiodination of internalizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is to maximize the retention of radioiodine in the tumor following mAb intracellular processing. We have previously shown that labeling methods that generate positively charged catabolites have enhanced tumor retention. Herein we have extended this strategy to investigate the potential utility of labeling internalizing mAbs with an acylation agent that yielded labeled catabolites that would be negatively charged at lysosomal pH. The negatively charged acylation agent, N-succinimidyl 3-[(131)I]iodo-4-phosphonomethylbenzoate ([(131)I]SIPMB), was prepared from its tin precursor, N-succinimidyl 4-di-tert-butylphosphonomethyl-3-trimethylstannylbenzoate (tBu-SPMTB), in 40% radiochemical yield. The free acid, 3-[(131)I]iodo-4-phosphonomethylbenzoic acid ([(131)I]IPMBA), was also prepared from the corresponding precursor, 4-di-tert-butylphosphonomethyl-3-trimethylstannylbenzoic acid (tBu-PMTBA), in 80% radiochemical yield. The rapidly internalizing mAb L8A4 was conjugated to [(131)I]SIPMB in 25-40% yield with preservation of its immunoreactivity. Internalization and processing in the U87DeltaEGFR glioma cell line was studied in a paired label format with L8A4 labeled with (125)I using the Iodogen method. Retention of initially bound radioactivity in these cells at 24 h from [(131)I]SIPMB-labeled mAb was approximately 6-fold higher than that for directly labeled mAb. Catabolite analysis demonstrated that this difference reflected an order of magnitude higher retention of low molecular weight species in these cells. The [(131)I]SIPMB-L8A4 conjugate was intact over the first 2 h; thereafter, lysine-[(131)I]SIPMB was the predominant catabolite. In contrast, L8A4 labeled using Iodogen rapidly gave rise to mono-[(125)I]iodotyrosine within 2 h, which then cleared rapidly from the cells. These results suggest that SIPMB could be a potent candidate for labeling internalizing mAbs and warrant further study.  相似文献   
Cryo-electron microscopy of "single particles" is a powerful method to analyze structures of large macromolecular assemblies that are not amenable to investigation by traditional X-ray crystallographic methods. A key step in these studies is to obtain atomic interpretations of multiprotein complexes by fitting atomic structures of individual components into maps obtained from electron microscopic data. Here, we report the use of a "core-weighting" method, combined with a grid-threading Monte Carlo (GTMC) approach for this purpose. The "core" of an individual structure is defined to represent the part where the density distribution is least likely to be altered by other components that comprise the macromolecular assembly of interest. The performance of the method has been evaluated by its ability to determine the correct fit of (i) the alpha-chain of the T-cell receptor variable domain into a simulated map of the alphabeta complex at resolutions between 5 and 40 A, and (ii) the E2 catalytic domain of the pyruvate dehydrogenase into an experimentally determined map, at 14 A resolution, of the icosahedral complex formed by 60 copies of this enzyme. Using the X-ray structures of the two test cases as references, we demonstrate that, in contrast to more traditional methods, the combination of the core-weighting method and the grid-threading Monte Carlo approach can identify the correct fit reliably and rapidly from the low-resolution maps that are typical of structures determined with the use of single-particle electron microscopy.  相似文献   
We have previously reported the development of AutoEM, a software package for semi-automated acquisition of data from a transmission electron microscope. In continuing efforts to improve the speed of structure determination of macromolecular assemblies by electron microscopy, we report here on the performance of a new generation of 4 K CCD cameras for use in cryo electron microscopic applications. We demonstrate that at 120 kV, and at a nominal magnification of 67000 x, power spectra and signal-to-noise ratios for the new 4 K CCD camera are comparable to values obtained for film images scanned using a Zeiss scanner to resolutions as high as approximately 1/6.5A(-1). The specimen area imaged for each exposure on the 4 K CCD is about one-third of the area that can be recorded with a similar exposure on film. The CCD camera also serves the purpose of recording images at low magnification from the center of the hole to measure the thickness of vitrified ice in the hole. The performance of the camera is satisfactory under the low-dose conditions used in cryo electron microscopy, as demonstrated here by the determination of a three-dimensional map at 15 A for the catalytic core of the 1.8 MDa Bacillus stearothermophilus icosahedral pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and its comparison with the previously reported atomic model for this complex obtained by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   
The binding of recombinant nematode anticoagulant protein c2 (NAPc2) to either factor X or Xa is a requisite step in the pathway for the potent inhibition of VIIa tissue factor. We have used NAPc2 as a tight binding probe of human Xa to investigate protein substrate recognition by the human prothrombinase complex. NAPc2 binds with high affinity (K(d) approximately 1 nm) to both X and Xa in a way that does not require or occlude the active site of the enzyme. In contrast, NAPc2 is a tight binding, competitive inhibitor of protein substrate cleavage by human Xa incorporated into prothrombinase with saturating concentrations of membranes and Va. By fluorescence binding studies we show that NAPc2 does not interfere with the assembly of human prothrombinase. These are properties expected of an inhibitor that blocks protein substrate recognition by targeting extended macromolecular recognition sites (exosites) on the enzyme complex. A weaker interaction (K(d) = 260-500 nm) observed between NAPc2 and bovine X was restored to a high affinity one in a recombinant chimeric bovine X derivative containing 25 residues from the COOH terminus of the proteinase domain of human X. This region implicated in binding NAPc2 is spatially adjacent to a site previously identified as a potential exosite. Despite the weaker interaction with bovine Xa, NAPc2 was a tight binding competitive inhibitor of protein substrate cleavage by bovine prothrombinase as well. Extended enzymic surfaces elucidated with exosite-directed probes, such as NAPc2, may define a unique region of factor Xa that is modulated following its assembly into prothrombinase and in turn determines the binding specificity of the enzyme complex for its protein substrate.  相似文献   
Cancer cachexia is a wasting syndrome characterised by the loss of fat and/or muscle mass in advanced cancer patients. It has been well-established that cancer cells themselves can induce cachexia via the release of several pro-cachectic and pro-inflammatory factors. However, it is unclear how this process is regulated and the key cachexins that are involved. In this study, we validated C26 and EL4 as cachexic and non-cachexic cell models, respectively. Treatment of adipocytes and myotubes with C26 conditioned medium induced lipolysis and atrophy, respectively. We profiled soluble secreted proteins (secretome) as well as small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) released from cachexia-inducing (C26) and non-inducing (EL4) cancer cells by label-free quantitative proteomics. A total of 1268 and 1022 proteins were identified in the secretome of C26 and EL4, respectively. Furthermore, proteomic analysis of sEVs derived from C26 and EL4 cancer cells revealed a distinct difference in the protein cargo. Functional enrichment analysis using FunRich highlighted the enrichment of proteins that are implicated in biological processes such as muscle atrophy, lipolysis, and inflammation in both the secretome and sEVs derived from C26 cancer cells. Overall, our characterisation of the proteomic profiles of the secretory factors and sEVs from cachexia-inducing and non-inducing cancer cells provides insights into tumour factors that promote weight loss by mediating protein and lipid loss in various organs and tissues. Further investigation of these proteins may assist in highlighting potential therapeutic targets and biomarkers of cancer cachexia.  相似文献   
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