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能源植物甜高粱种质资源和分子生物学研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
世界能源危机和全球生态环境日益恶化迫使人们急需开发可再生能源。生物质能源作为一种清洁的可再生能源已受到世界各国的高度重视。发展生物质能源的瓶颈之一是生物质原料不足。甜高粱的生物学产量和含糖量极高, 同时兼有耐旱、耐涝、耐贫瘠和耐盐碱等诸多优良特性, 被认为是最具开发潜力的能源植物之一。该文从甜高粱的分类学、生物学特点、种质资源评价、功能基因以及基因组信息等方面综述了甜高粱的最新研究进展和存在的问题, 并展望了甜高粱作为能源植物的研发前景。  相似文献   
Fragile X Mental Retardation Syndrome is the most common form of hereditary mental retardation, and is caused by defects in the FMR1 gene. FMR1 is an RNA-binding protein and the syndrome results from lack of expression of FMR1 or expression of a mutant protein that is impaired in RNA binding. The specific function of FMR1 is not known. As a step towards understanding the function of FMR1 we searched for proteins that interact with it in vivo. We have cloned and sequenced a protein that interacts tightly with FMR1 in vivo and in vitro. This novel protein, FXR2, is very similar to FMR1 (60% identity). FXR2 encodes a 74 kDa protein which, like FMR1, contains two KH domains, has the capacity to bind RNA and is localized to the cytoplasm. The FXR2 gene is located on human chromosome 17 at 17p13.1. In addition, FMR1 and FXR2 interact tightly with the recently described autosomal homolog FXR1. Each of these three proteins is capable of forming heteromers with the others, and each can also form homomers. FXR1 and FXR2 are thus likely to play important roles in the function of FMR1 and in the pathogenesis of the Fragile X Mental Retardation Syndrome.  相似文献   
The taxonomic ambiguity of the Indian mud crab (genus Scylla de Hann 1833) is still a cause of concern as several papers have been published with misleading identification. This is the first attempt to resolve the taxonomic uncertainty of the mud crab commonly available in Indian coastal waters using molecular genetic markers (ITS-1 and sequencing of COI gene) combined with traditional morphometry. Additionally, we developed a PCR method by which Indian mud crab species can be identified rapidly and effectively. The results clearly indicate that the green morph of the Indian mud crab is Scylla serrata and the brown morph is S. olivacea. The S. serrata commonly mentioned in the literature from India is S. olivacea; the S. tranquebarica noted by many Indian researchers should belong to S. serrata. Caution should be taken when interpreting or implementing the biological, molecular, and aquaculture data in the literature.  相似文献   
Creating designed zinc-finger nucleases with minimal cytotoxicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) have emerged as powerful tools for delivering a targeted genomic double-strand break (DSB) to either stimulate local homologous recombination with investigator-provided donor DNA or induce gene mutations at the site of cleavage in the absence of a donor by nonhomologous end joining both in plant cells and in mammalian cells, including human cells. ZFNs are formed by fusing zinc-finger proteins to the nonspecific cleavage domain of the FokI restriction enzyme. ZFN-mediated gene targeting yields high gene modification efficiencies (> 10%) in a variety of cells and cell types by delivering a recombinogenic DSB to the targeted chromosomal locus, using two designed ZFNs. The mechanism of DSB by ZFNs requires (1) two ZFN monomers to bind to their adjacent cognate sites on DNA and (2) the FokI nuclease domains to dimerize to form the active catalytic center for the induction of the DSB. In the case of ZFNs fused to wild-type FokI cleavage domains, homodimers may also form; this could limit the efficacy and safety of ZFNs by inducing off-target cleavage. In this article, we report further refinements to obligate heterodimer variants of the FokI cleavage domain for the creation of custom ZFNs with minimal cellular toxicity. The efficacy and efficiency of the reengineered obligate heterodimer variants of the FokI cleavage domain were tested using the green fluorescent protein gene targeting reporter system. The three-finger and four-finger zinc-finger protein fusions to the REL_DKK pair among the newly generated FokI nuclease domain variants appear to eliminate or greatly reduce the toxicity of designer ZFNs to human cells.  相似文献   
A novel yellow colony-forming bacterium, strain P3B162T was isolated from the pokkali rice rhizosphere from Kerala, India, as part of a project study aimed at isolating plant growth beneficial rhizobacteria from saline tolerant pokkali rice and functionally evaluate their abilities to promote plant growth under saline conditions. The novel strain P3B162T possesses plant growth beneficial traits such as positive growth on 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), production of indole acetic acid (IAA) and siderophore. In addition, it also showed important phenotypic characters such as ability to form biofilm and utilization of various components of plant root exudates (sugars, amino acids and organic acids), clearly indicating its lifestyle as a plant rhizosphere associated bacterium. Taxonomically, the novel strain P3B162T was affiliated to the genus Arthrobacter based on the collective results of phenotypic, genotypic and chemotaxonomic analyses. Moreover, molecular analysis using 16S rRNA gene showed Arthrobacter globiformis NBRC 12137T, Arthrobacter pascens DSM 20545T and Arthrobacter liuii DSXY973T as the closely related phylogenetic neighbours, showing more than 98% 16S rRNA similarity values, whereas the recA gene analysis displayed Arthrobacter liuii JCM 19864T as the nearest neighbour with 94.7% sequence similarity and only 91.7% to Arthrobacter globiformis LMG 3813T and 88.7% to Arthrobacter pascens LMG 16255T. However, the DNA-DNA hybridization values between strain P3B162T, Arthrobacter globiformis LMG 3813T, Arthrobacter pascens LMG 16255T and Arthrobacter liuii JCM 19864T was below 50%. In addition, the novel strain P3B162T can be distinguished from its closely related type strains by several phenotypic characters such as colony pigment, tolerance to NaCl, motility, reduction of nitrate, hydrolysis of DNA, acid from sucrose, cell wall sugars and cell wall peptidoglycan structure. In conclusion, the combined results of this study support the classification of strain P3B162T as a novel Arthrobacter species and we propose Arthrobacter pokkalii sp.nov.as its name. The type strain is P3B162T (= KCTC 29498T = MTCC 12358T).  相似文献   
The terminal groups in cystine are asymmetric and hence the dissulphide group with right and left chirality may not have equal energy. An attempt is made to resolve this problem through energy calculation using semi-empirical methods involving non-bonded and electrostatic interactions and simple Pauling type torsional potential for the disulphide group. The results are discussed in the light of experimental data.  相似文献   
Mixed‐species animal groups (MSGs) are widely acknowledged to increase predator avoidance and foraging efficiency, among other benefits, and thereby increase participants' fitness. Diversity in MSG composition ranges from two to 70 species of very similar or completely different phenotypes. Yet consistency in organization is also observable in that one or a few species usually have disproportionate importance for MSG formation and/or maintenance. We propose a two‐dimensional framework for understanding this diversity and consistency, concentrating on the types of interactions possible between two individuals, usually of different species. One axis represents the similarity of benefit types traded between the individuals, while the second axis expresses asymmetry in the relative amount of benefits/costs accrued. Considering benefit types, one extreme represents the case of single‐species groups wherein all individuals obtain the same supplementary, group‐size‐related benefits, and the other extreme comprises associations of very different, but complementary species (e.g. one partner creates access to food while the other provides vigilance). The relevance of social information and the matching of activities (e.g. speed of movement) are highest for relationships on the supplementary side of this axis, but so is competition; relationships between species will occur at points along this gradient where the benefits outweigh the costs. Considering benefit amounts given or received, extreme asymmetry occurs when one species is exclusively a benefit provider and the other a benefit user. Within this parameter space, some MSG systems are constrained to one kind of interaction, such as shoals of fish of similar species or leader–follower interactions in fish and other taxa. Other MSGs, such as terrestrial bird flocks, can simultaneously include a variety of supplementary and complementary interactions. We review the benefits that species obtain across the diversity of MSG types, and argue that the degree and nature of asymmetry between benefit providers and users should be measured and not just assumed. We then discuss evolutionary shifts in MSG types, focusing on drivers towards similarity in group composition, and selection on benefit providers to enhance the benefits they can receive from other species. Finally, we conclude by considering how individual and collective behaviour in MSGs may influence both the structure and processes of communities.  相似文献   
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