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Topoisomerase 1 inhibition is an important strategy in targeted cancer chemotherapy. The drugs currently in use acting on this enzyme belong to the family of the camptothecins, and suffer severe limitations because of their low stability, which is associated with the hydrolysis of the δ-lactone moiety in their E ring. Luotonin A is a natural camptothecin analogue that lacks this functional group and therefore shows a much-improved stability, but at the cost of a lower activity. Therefore, the development of luotonin A analogues with an increased potency is important for progress in this area. In the present paper, a small library of luotonin A analogues modified at their A and B rings was generated by cerium(IV) ammonium nitrate-catalyzed Friedländer reactions. All analogues showed an activity similar or higher than the natural luotonin A in terms of topoisomerase 1 inhibition and some compounds had an activity comparable to that of camptothecin. Furthermore, most compounds showed a better activity than luotonin A in cell cytotoxicity assays. In order to rationalize these results, the first docking studies of luotonin-topoisomerase 1-DNA ternary complexes were undertaken. Most compounds bound in a manner similar to luotonin A and to standard topoisomerase poisons such as topotecan but, interestingly, the two most promising analogues, bearing a 3,5-dimethylphenyl substituent at ring B, docked in a different orientation. This binding mode allows the hydrophobic moiety to be shielded from the aqueous environment by being buried between the deoxyribose belonging to the G(+1) guanine and Arg364 in the scissile strand and the surface of the protein and a hydrogen bond between the D-ring carbonyl and the basic amino acid. The discovery of this new binding mode and its associated higher inhibitory potency is a significant advance in the design of new topoisomerase 1 inhibitors.  相似文献   
Modularity analysis offers a route to better understand the organization of cellular biochemical networks as well as to derive practically useful, simplified models of these complex systems. While there is general agreement regarding the qualitative properties of a biochemical module, there is no clear consensus on the quantitative criteria that may be used to systematically derive these modules. In this work, we investigate cyclical interactions as the defining characteristic of a biochemical module. We utilize a round trip distance metric, termed Shortest Retroactive Distance (ShReD), to characterize the retroactive connectivity between any two reactions in a biochemical network and to group together network components that mutually influence each other. We evaluate the metric on two types of networks that feature feedback interactions: (i) epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling and (ii) liver metabolism supporting drug transformation. For both networks, the ShReD partitions found hierarchically arranged modules that confirm biological intuition. In addition, the partitions also revealed modules that are less intuitive. In particular, ShReD-based partition of the metabolic network identified a 'redox' module that couples reactions of glucose, pyruvate, lipid and drug metabolism through shared production and consumption of NADPH. Our results suggest that retroactive interactions arising from feedback loops and metabolic cycles significantly contribute to the modularity of biochemical networks. For metabolic networks, cofactors play an important role as allosteric effectors that mediate the retroactive interactions.  相似文献   
Decellularization and cellularization of organs have emerged as disruptive methods in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Porous hydrogel scaffolds have widespread applications in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and drug discovery as viable tissue mimics. However, the existing hydrogel fabrication techniques suffer from limited control over pore interconnectivity, density and size, which leads to inefficient nutrient and oxygen transport to cells embedded in the scaffolds. Here, we demonstrated an innovative approach to develop a new platform for tissue engineered constructs using live bacteria as sacrificial porogens. E.coli were patterned and cultured in an interconnected three-dimensional (3D) hydrogel network. The growing bacteria created interconnected micropores and microchannels. Then, the scafold was decellularized, and bacteria were eliminated from the scaffold through lysing and washing steps. This 3D porous network method combined with bioprinting has the potential to be broadly applicable and compatible with tissue specific applications allowing seeding of stem cells and other cell types.  相似文献   
In two independent Cell Stem Cell reports, the Morrisey and Mori groups show that human and mouse somatic cells can be reprogrammed to produce induced pluripotent stem cells by expressing microRNAs, completely eliminating the need for ectopic protein expression (Anokye-Danso et al., 2011; Miyoshi et al., 2011).  相似文献   
The antianginal drug ranolazine exerts voltage- and use-dependent block (UDB) of several Na+ channel isoforms, including Na(v) 1.4. We hypothesized that ranolazine will similarly inhibit the paramyotonia congenita Na(v) 1.4 gain-of-function mutations, R1448C, R1448H, and R1448P that are associated with repetitive action potential firing. Whole-cell Na+ current (I(Na)) was recorded from HEK293 cells expressing the hNa(v) 1.4 WT or R1448 mutations. At a holding potential (HP) of -140 mV, ranolazine exerted UDB (10 Hz) of WT and R1448 mutations (IC 50 = 59 - 71 μM). The potency for ranolazine UDB increased when the frequency of stimulation was raised to 30 Hz (IC 50 = 20 - 27 uM). When the HP was changed to -70 mV to mimic the resting potential of an injured skeletal muscle fibre, the potency of ranolazine to block I(Na) further increased; values of ranolazine IC 50 for block of WT, R1448C, R1448H, and R1448P were 3.8, 0.9, 6.3, and 0.9 uM, respectively. Ranolazine (30 uM) also caused a hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage-dependence of inactivation of WT and R1448 mutations. The effects of ranolazine (30 uM) to reduce I(Na) were similar (~35% I(Na) inhibition) when different conditioning pulse durations (2-20 msec) were used. Ranolazine (10 μM) suppressed the abnormal I(Na) induced by slow voltage ramps for R1448C channels. In computer simulations, 3 μM ranolazine inhibited the sustained and excessive firing of skeletal muscle action potentials that are characteristic of myotonia. Taken together, the data indicate that ranolazine interacts with the open state and stabilizes the inactivated state(s) of Na(v)1.4 channels, causes voltage- and use-dependent block of I(Na) and suppresses persistent I(Na). These data further suggest that ranolazine might be useful to reduce the sustained action potential firing seen in paramyotonia congenita.  相似文献   
Specification of the dorsoventral (DV) axis is critical for the subsequent differentiation of regional fate in the primary germ layers of the vertebrate embryo. We have identified a novel factor that is essential for dorsal development in embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis. Misexpression of Xenopus mab21-like 3 (Xmab21l3) dorsalizes gastrula-stage mesoderm and neurula-stage ectoderm, while morpholino-mediated knockdown of Xmab21l3 inhibits dorsal differentiation of these embryonic germ layers. Xmab21l3 is a member of a chordate-specific subclass of a recently characterized gene family, all members of which contain a conserved, but as yet ill-defined, Mab21 domain. Our studies suggest that Xmab21l3 functions to repress ventralizing activity in the early vertebrate embryo, via regulation of BMP/Smad and Ras/ERK signaling.  相似文献   
Current clinical brain imaging techniques used for surgical planning of tumor resection lack intraoperative and real‐time feedback; hence surgeons ultimately rely on subjective evaluation to identify tumor areas and margins. We report a fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIm) instrument (excitation: 355 nm; emission spectral bands: 390/40 nm, 470/28 nm, 542/50 nm and 629/53 nm) that integrates with surgical microscopes to provide real‐time intraoperative augmentation of the surgical field of view with fluorescent derived parameters encoding diagnostic information. We show the functionality and safety features of this instrument during neurosurgical procedures in patients undergoing craniotomy for the resection of brain tumors and/or tissue with radiation damage. We demonstrate in three case studies the ability of this instrument to resolve distinct tissue types and pathology including cortex, white matter, tumor and radiation‐induced necrosis. In particular, two patients with effects of radiation‐induced necrosis exhibited longer fluorescence lifetimes and increased optical redox ratio on the necrotic tissue with respect to non‐affected cortex, and an oligodendroglioma resected from a third patient reported shorter fluorescence lifetime and a decrease in optical redox ratio than the surrounding white matter. These results encourage the use of FLIm as a label‐free and non‐invasive intraoperative tool for neurosurgical guidance.  相似文献   
Light modulation of the ability of three artificial quinones, 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone (DCBQ), and tetramethyl-p-benzoquinone (duroquinone), to quench chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence photochemically or non-photochemically was studied to simulate the functions of endogenous plastoquinones during the thermal phase of fast Chl fluorescence induction kinetics. DBMIB was found to suppress by severalfold the basal level of Chl fluorescence (Fo) and to markedly retard the light-induced rise of variable fluorescence (Fv). After irradiation with actinic light, Chl fluorescence rapidly dropped down to the level corresponding to Fo level in untreated thylakoids and then slowly declined to the initial level. DBMIB was found to be an efficient photochemical quencher of energy in Photosystem II (PSII) in the dark, but not after prolonged irradiation. Those events were owing to DBMIB reduction under light and its oxidation in the dark. At high concentrations, DCBQ exhibited quenching behaviours similar to those of DBMIB. In contrast, duroquinone demonstrated the ability to quench Fv at low concentration, while Fo was declined only at high concentrations of this artificial quinone. Unlike for DBMIB and DCBQ, quenched Fo level was attained rapidly after actinic light had been turned off in the presence of high duroquinone concentrations. That finding evidenced that the capacity of duroquinone to non-photochemically quench excitation energy in PSII was maintained during irradiation, which is likely owing to the rapid electron transfer from duroquinol to Photosystem I (PSI). It was suggested that DBMIB and DCBQ at high concentration, on the one hand, and duroquinone, on the other hand, mimic the properties of plastoquinones as photochemical and non-photochemical quenchers of energy in PSII under different conditions. The first model corresponds to the conditions under which the plastoquinone pool can be largely reduced (weak electron release from PSII to PSI compared to PSII-driven electron flow from water under strong light and weak PSI photochemical capacity because of inactive electron transport on its reducing side), while the second one mimics the behaviour of the plastoquinone pool when it cannot be filled up with electrons (weak or moderate light and high photochemical competence of PSI).  相似文献   
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