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Plasma thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyrotropin (TSH) levels were monitored in 10 healthy euthyroid male subjects of the age group 20 to 30 years before and during heat and cold acclimatisation schedule in a sequential manner. The subjects were exposed to 45C DB and 30% relative humidity in a hot chamber for 2 hours daily for 8 consecutive days. Subsequently they were exposed to cold for 4 hours daily at 10C for 21 days. The mean plasma T4 and T3 concentration before exposure to heat were 7.87±0.82 ug/dl and 159.8±9.1 ng/dl respectively. A significant decrease in both T4 (p<0.05) and T3 (p<0.01) levels to mean values of 6.4±0.76g/dl and 129±7.9 ng/dl was recorded on day 4 of exposure to heat. Further significant decrease (p<0.05) over the preceding T3 levels was observed on day 8 of heat exposure. Plasma T4 and T3 on day 21 of cold exposure was not significantly different from the levels reckoned after last day of heat exposure but was significantly lower than the pre-exposure values. Throughout the thermal stress schedule there was no change in the TSH levels. These observations suggest that a decrease in thyroid hormone levels during exposure to heat might be an adaptive process which continues even during cold acclimatisation.  相似文献   
Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1)-interacting checkpoint helicase (PICH) localizes at the centromere and is critical for proper chromosome segregation during mitosis. However, the precise molecular mechanism of PICH's centromeric localization and function at the centromere is not yet fully understood. Recently, using Xenopus egg extract assays, we showed that PICH is a promiscuous SUMO binding protein. To further determine the molecular consequence of PICH/SUMO interaction on PICH function, we identified 3 SUMO-interacting motifs (SIMs) on PICH and generated a SIM-deficient PICH mutant. Using the conditional expression of PICH in cells, we found distinct roles of PICH SIMs during mitosis. Although all SIMs are dispensable for PICH's localization on ultrafine anaphase DNA bridges, only SIM3 (third SIM, close to the C-terminus end of PICH) is critical for its centromeric localization. Intriguingly, the other 2 SIMs function in chromatin bridge prevention. With these results, we propose a novel SUMO-dependent regulation of PICH's function on mitotic centromeres.  相似文献   
Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS, E.C. catalyzes the first committed step in the lysine biosynthetic pathway: the condensation of (S)-aspartate semialdehyde and pyruvate to form (4S)-4-hydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-(2S)-dipicolinic acid. Since (S)-lysine biosynthesis does not occur in animals, DHDPS is an attractive target for rational antibiotic and herbicide design. Here, we report the crystal structure of DHDPS from a hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus (AqDHDPS). l-Lysine is used as an important animal feed additive where the production is at the level of 1.5 million tons per year. The biotechnological manufacture of lysine has been going for more than 50 years which includes over synthesis and reverse engineering of DHDPS. AqDHDPS revealed a unique disulfide linkage which is not conserved in the homologues of AqDHDPS. In silico mutation of C139A and intermolecular ion-pair residues and the subsequent molecular dynamics simulation of the mutants showed that these residues are critical for the stability of AqDHDPS tetramer. MD simulations of AqDHDPS at three different temperatures (303, 363 and 393 K) revealed that the molecule is stable at 363 K. Thus, this structural and in silico study of AqDHDPS likely provides additional details towards the rational and structure-based design of hyper-l-lysine producing bacterial strains.  相似文献   
Metal-binding receptors are one of the extracellular components of ATP-binding cassette transporters that are essential for regulation of metal homeostasis in bacteria. Laminin-binding adhesin (Lmb) of Streptococcus agalactiae falls under this class of solute binding proteins. It binds to zinc with a high affinity. Crystal structure of Lmb solved previously by our group reveals that the zinc is tetrahedrally coordinated by three histidines and a glutamate at the interdomain cleft. Lmb contains a long disordered loop close to the metal-binding site whose precise function is unknown. Several experimental attempts to produce apo-Lmb failed and this prompted us to carry out in silico studies to analyse the structural importance of the metal in Lmb. Here, we present the results of the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation studies of native, apo-(metal removed) and the long loop truncated Lmb models along with a homologous protein, TroA from Treponema pallidum that was taken up for validating the MD results of Lmb. Absence of a metal results in significant structural changes in Lmb, particularly at the metal-binding pocket and with the long loop, although the overall fold is retained. This study thus revealed that the Lmb can exist in different conformational states with subtle differences in the overall fold based on the presence or absence of the metal. This could be functionally important for a putative metal uptake and release and also for the adhesive function of Lmb in recognizing laminin, which contains a high number of zinc finger motifs.  相似文献   
Studies were conducted on male adult rabbits to find out the changes in blood glucocorticoid levels along with the changes in aspartate aminotransferase activity in blood and the role of pyridoxine on the glucose tolerance pattern under hypoxic stress. Hypoxic stress was produced by exposing the animals to a simulated altitude of 7,000 m for 6 h. In the first set of experiments 10 rabbits were used. Blood haemoglobin level, plasma and erythrocyte glucocorticoid levels and erythrocyte GOT activity were measured just before and after the exposure to hypoxia. Erythrocyte GOT activity was measured both without and with 50 mg of pyridoxal phosphate addition to the incubation mixture. Glucocorticoid levels in plasma increased by 11% whereas in erythrocytes the increase was 55% after hypoxia. Percent stimulation of erythrocyte GOT activity with pyridoxal phosphate before exposure to hypoxia was 180% but increased to 321% after exposure. In the second set of experiments another 10 rabbits were used. First they were exposed to hypoxia without pyridoxine hydrochloride feeding and then after 7 days with 3 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride feeding. For glucose tolerance tests the animals were fed with 1 g of glucose immediately after the hypoxic exposures. Plasma reduced glutathione (GSH), LDH and ICDH activities increased and GOT activity was depressed after hypoxic stress, but when the animals were fed pyridoxine hydrochloride prior to the exposure the enzyme activities remained unaltered after hypoxic stress. Pyridoxine hydrochloride did not alter the pattern of glucose tolerance after hypoxic stress.  相似文献   
Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling is triggered by pathogen-associated molecular patterns that mediate well established cytokine-driven pathways, activating NF-κB together with IRF3/IRF7. In addition, TLR3 drives caspase 8-regulated programmed cell death pathways reminiscent of TNF family death receptor signaling. We find that inhibition or elimination of caspase 8 during stimulation of TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, TLR5, or TLR9 results in receptor interacting protein (RIP) 3 kinase-dependent programmed necrosis that occurs through either TIR domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β (TRIF) or MyD88 signal transduction. TLR3 or TLR4 directly activates programmed necrosis through a RIP homotypic interaction motif-dependent association of TRIF with RIP3 kinase (also called RIPK3). In fibroblasts, this pathway proceeds independent of RIP1 or its kinase activity, but it remains dependent on mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein (MLKL) downstream of RIP3 kinase. Here, we describe two small molecule RIP3 kinase inhibitors and employ them to demonstrate the common requirement for RIP3 kinase in programmed necrosis induced by RIP1-RIP3, DAI-RIP3, and TRIF-RIP3 complexes. Cell fate decisions following TLR signaling parallel death receptor signaling and rely on caspase 8 to suppress RIP3-dependent programmed necrosis whether initiated directly by a TRIF-RIP3-MLKL pathway or indirectly via TNF activation and the RIP1-RIP3-MLKL necroptosis pathway.  相似文献   
The state of oligomerization of the tumor suppressor p53 is an important factor in its various biological functions. It has a well-defined tetramerization domain, and the protein exists as monomers, dimers and tetramers in equilibrium. The dissociation constants between oligomeric forms are so low that they are at the limits of measurement by conventional methods in vitro. Here, we have used the high sensitivity of single-molecule methods to measure the equilibria and kinetics of oligomerization of full-length p53 and its isolated tetramerization domain, p53tet, at physiological temperature, pH and ionic strength using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) in vitro. The dissociation constant at 37 °C for tetramers dissociating into dimers for full-length p53 was 50 ± 7 nM, and the corresponding value for dimers into monomers was 0.55 ± 0.08 nM. The half-lives for the two processes were 20 and 50 min, respectively. The equivalent quantities for p53tet were 150 ± 10 nM, 1.0 ± 0.14 nM, 2.5 ± 0.4 min and 13 ± 2 min. The data suggest that unligated p53 in unstressed cells should be predominantly dimeric. Single-molecule FCS is a useful procedure for measuring dissociation equilibria, kinetics and aggregation at extreme sensitivity.  相似文献   
Atrial-selective inhibition of cardiac Na(+) channel current (I(Na)) and I(Na)-dependent parameters has been shown to contribute to the safe and effective management of atrial fibrillation. The present study examined the basis for the atrial-selective actions of ranolazine. Whole cell I(Na) was recorded at 15°C in canine atrial and ventricular myocytes and in human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells expressing SCN5A. Tonic block was negligible at holding potentials from -140 to -100 mV, suggesting minimal drug interactions with the closed state. Trains of 40 pulses were elicited over a range of holding potentials to determine use-dependent block. Guarded receptor formalism was used to analyze the development of block during pulse trains. Use-dependent block by ranolazine increased at more depolarized holding potentials, consistent with an interaction of the drug with either preopen or inactivated states, but was unaffected by longer pulse durations between 5 and 200 ms, suggesting a weak interaction with the inactivated state. Block was significantly increased at shorter diastolic intervals between 20 and 200 ms. Responses in atrial and ventricular myocytes and in HEK-293 cells displayed a similar pattern. Ranolazine is an open state blocker that unbinds from closed Na(+) channels unusually fast but is trapped in the inactivated state. Kinetic rates of ranolazine interactions with different states of atrial and ventricular Na(+) channels were similar. Our data suggest that the atrial selectivity of ranolazine is due to a more negative steady-state inactivation curve, less negative resting membrane potential, and shorter diastolic intervals in atrial cells compared with ventricular cells at rapid rates.  相似文献   
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