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Thioredoxins (TRXs) are important proteins involved in redox regulation of metabolism. In plants, it has been shown that the mitochondrial metabolism is regulated by the mitochondrial TRX system. However, the functional significance of TRX h2, which is found at both cytosol and mitochondria, remains unclear. Arabidopsis plants lacking TRX h2 showed delayed seed germination and reduced respiration alongside impaired stomatal and mesophyll conductance, without impacting photosynthesis under ambient O2 conditions. However, an increase in the stoichiometry of photorespiratory CO2 release was found during O2-dependent gas exchange measurements in trxh2 mutants. Metabolite profiling of trxh2 leaves revealed alterations in key metabolites of photorespiration and in several metabolites involved in respiration and amino acid metabolism. Decreased abundance of serine hydroxymethyltransferase and glycine decarboxylase (GDC) H and L subunits as well as reduced NADH/NAD+ ratios were also observed in trxh2 mutants. We further demonstrated that the redox status of GDC-L is altered in trxh2 mutants in vivo and that recombinant TRX h2 can deactivate GDC-L in vitro, indicating that this protein is redox regulated by the TRX system. Collectively, our results demonstrate that TRX h2 plays an important role in the redox regulation of mitochondrial photorespiratory metabolism.  相似文献   
Mycopathologia - Candida species are common in the human oral microbiota and may cause oral candidiasis (OC) when the microbiota equilibrium is disturbed. Immunosuppressed individuals are...  相似文献   

The stingrays Potamotrygon amandae and Potamotrygon falkneri are nonnative species established in the Upper Paraná basin. Although they are widely distributed, few studies on their diets or respective metabolic responses exist. Therefore, the aim was to evaluate the dietary composition, trophic niche breadth and lipid/protein concentrations in muscle and hepatic tissues of these two species, as well as the interrelationships between them. The individuals were collected in two areas on the Upper Paraná River. The stomachs and samples of muscle and liver tissues were taken for analysis. A broad dietary spectrum was observed for both species, along with differences in dietary composition, with a higher consumption of detritus by P. amandae and Baetidae by P. falkneri. No differences were observed in the trophic niche breadth. Regarding the metabolic variables, differences were only found in the hepatic protein, with a higher content observed in P. falkneri. A significant positive correlation was observed between items of animal origin and detritus with muscle protein for this species. This shows that such feeding habits, which are characteristic of a generalist, influenced the metabolism of the species and possibly contributed to the successful adjustment of the species to new habitats in the Upper Paraná River.

This study reports the introduction of gfp marker in two endophytic bacterial strains (Pantoea agglomerans C33.1, isolated from cocoa, and Enterobacter cloacae PR2/7, isolated from citrus) to monitor the colonization in Madagascar perinwinkle (Catharanthus roseus). Stability of the plasmid encoding gfp was confirmed in vitro for at least 72 h of bacterial growth and after the colonization of tissues, under non-selective conditions. The colonization was observed using fluorescence microscopy and enumeration of culturable endophytes in inoculated perinwinkle plants that grew for 10 and 20 days. Gfp-expressing strains were re-isolated from the inner tissues of surface-sterilized roots and stems of inoculated plants, and the survival of the P. agglomerans C33:1gfp in plants 20 days after inoculation, even in the absence of selective pressure, suggests that is good colonizer. These results indicated that both gfp-tagged strains, especially P. agglomerans C33.1, may be useful tools to deliver enzymes or other proteins in plant.  相似文献   
Galactomannan (GM) was recently included in consensus guidelines as an indirect mycological criterion for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis. Currently, there is an enzyme immunoassay available to detect GM in biological samples, the Platelia? Aspergillus EIA. In this study, the reproducibility of positive results obtained using this assay was evaluated using serum samples from neutropenic patients. A trend toward lower values was observed, and 55 %(27/49) of positive results were negative after retesting. A low reproducibility of positive results for the detection of GM in serum was observed.  相似文献   
Changes in fish assemblages between the zones above and below Funil dam in Southeastern Brazil were investigated to evaluate the possible impacts of this impoundment in two contrasting seasons: summer/wet and winter/dry. We expect differences in fish assemblage structure and in environmental conditions between seasons and between the reservoir and the zone downriver of the dam. A total of 3,579 individuals comprising 38 species, including six non-natives, were collected. As expected, the comparatively high habitat complexity and water flow regime of the downriver zone favored a richer and more abundant fish assemblage compared with the reservoir, especially in the wet season. In this period, water covers part of the riparian vegetation, increasing habitat availability and nutrient input. Additionally, the dam prevents upriver migration of rheophilics fish species such as the Characiformes Prochilodus lineatus and Leporinus copelandii, and the Siluriformes Pimelodus fur and Pimelodus maculatus, thus increasing shoals below the dam. Although the reservoir represents a simplified ecosystem highly influenced by non-native top predator species (e.g. the Perciformes Cichla kelberi and Plagioscion squamosissimus), seasonal processes (e.g. water level fluctuations and flood pulses) seem to play a role in structuring of the fish assemblage. Environmental variables, mainly turbidity, temperature, and conductivity were significantly associated to spatial-temporal patterns of fish assemblage. In this freshwater tropical reservoir, the spatial scale, rather than the seasonal changes in environmental variables, was the dominant factor structuring fish assemblage in the reservoir and in the zone downriver of the dam.  相似文献   
The binding of ligands with DNA is a key moment in a whole range of cellular processes that provide not only the normal cell vital activity but also the development of some pathological processes. Depending on ligand type, structure of DNA adsorption centers, and physical–chemical conditions of the surrounding, the ligand may bind to DNA by several modes [1]. Particularly, adsorption isotherm of multimodal ligands binding to DNA in Scatchard’s coordinates has a concave shape with two brightly expressed linear areas in the region of small fillings. The analysis of such type of adsorption isotherm for determining of important binding parameters such as binding constant and number of adsorption centers (the part of DNA polymer with which one ligand molecule binds) presents difficulties. Practically in all cases, the analysis of such adsorption isotherm is carried out by linear parts of curves. Such analysis mode of experimental points is approximate method, since all registered of experimental points are roughly divided into two groups and they are treated by linear binding isotherm and therefore the binding parameters are determined. In the present work, the non-linear adsorption isotherm in Scatchard‘s coordinates is obtained which allowed, provided, the more precise treatment of all experimental points by unique curve which includes linear regions as well. Such mode of treatment of experimental points makes more precise the determination of not only binding constant and number of adsorption centers that correspond to the one ligand molecule binding, but also additional binding parameter – a proportion of adsorption centers of each binding to DNA type of multimodal ligand.  相似文献   
The interaction of methylene blue (MB) with DNA has been investigated by UV absorption spectra, Fluorescence spectra and UV-melting method. Analysis of the results of the melting experiments shows that melting temperature (T m) of the complexes increases with the [total ligand]: DNA ratio (r) at two concentrations of Na+ (2?mM Na+ and 20?mM Na+) providing support for conclusion that MB is a stabilizer of DNA helix structure. By contrast, the shapes of dependences of width of transition (ΔT) on r at low and high [Na+] are different which points to the existence of different types of binding modes of MB with DNA. UV-spectroscopy experiments and fluorescence spectra indicated that the binding modes of MB with DNA depended on r. At high r (r?>?0.25), remarkable hypochromic effect with no shift of λ max in the absorption spectra of MB was observed. The fluorescence of MB was quenched which indicated that MB was bound to phosphate groups of DNA by electrostatic interaction. At low r ratios (r?<?0.2), the absorption spectra of MB upon increasing the concentration of DNA showed gradually decrease in the peak intensities with a red shift. This phenomenon is usually associated with molecular intercalation into the base stack of the ds-DNA. Using the Scatchard’s model, the complex formation constants for MB with DNA were determined: the binding constant K?≈?6.5?×?105 and binding site size n?≈?4. Obtained data are not typical for intercalation model of ligands to DNA. Moreover, comparison between these data and our early experimental results of interaction of ethidium bromide with DNA made it possible to suggest that this binding type of MB is, more probably, semi-intercalation mode (Vardevanyan et al., 2003). This conclusion is in accordance with the analysis of the model structures of MB–DNA complexes which clearly shows the importance of solvent contributions in suggested structural form (Tong et al., 2010).  相似文献   
Circadian rhythms are regarded as essentially ubiquitous features of animal behavior and are thought to confer important adaptive advantages. However, although circadian systems of rodents have been among the most extensively studied, most comparative biology is restricted to a few related species. In this study, the circadian organization of locomotor activity was studied in the subterranean, solitary north Argentinean rodent, Ctenomys knightii. The genus, Ctenomys, commonly known as Tuco‐tucos, comprises more than 50 known species over a range that extends from 12°S latitude into Patagonia, and includes at least one social species. The genus, therefore, is ideal for comparative and ecological studies of circadian rhythms. Ctenomys knightii is the first of these to be studied for its circadian behavior. All animals were wild caught but adapted quickly to laboratory conditions, with clear and precise activity‐rest rhythms in a light‐dark (LD) cycle and strongly nocturnal wheel running behavior. In constant dark (DD), the rhythm expression persisted with free‐running periods always longer than 24 h. Upon reinstatement of the LD cycle, rhythms resynchronized rapidly with large phase advances in 7/8 animals. In constant light (LL), six animals had free‐running periods shorter than in DD, and 4/8 showed evidence of “splitting.” We conclude that under laboratory conditions, in wheel‐running cages, this species shows a clear nocturnal rhythmic organization controlled by an endogenous circadian oscillator that is entrained to 24 h LD cycles, predominantly by light‐induced advances, and shows the same interindividual variable responses to constant light as reported in other non‐subterranean species. These data are the first step toward understanding the chronobiology of the largest genus of subterranean rodents.  相似文献   


The development of anticancer drugs with specific targets is of prime importance in modern biology. This study investigates the angiopreventive and in vivo tumor inhibition activities of novel synthetic benzophenone–benzimidazole analogs.

Main methods

The multistep synthesis of novel benzophenone–benzimidazole analogs (8a–n) allowing substitution with methoxy, methyl and halogen groups at different positions on the identical chemical backbone and the variations in the number of substituents were synthesized and characterized. The newly synthesized compounds were further evaluated for cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) cells. The potent lead compounds were further assessed for antiangiogenic effects in a CAM model and a tumor-induced vasculature in vivo model. The effect of angioprevention on tumor growth was verified in a mouse model.

Key findings

The cytotoxicity studies revealed that compounds 8f and 8n are strongly cytotoxic. Analyzing the structure–activity relationship, we found that an increase in the number of methyl groups in addition to methoxy substitution at the para position of the benzoyl ring in compound 8n resulted in higher potency compared to 8f. Furthermore, neovessel formation in in vivo systems, such as the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and tumor-induced mice peritoneum models, was significantly suppressed and reflected the tumor inhibition observed in mice.


These results suggest the potential clinical application of compound 8n as an antiangiogenic drug for cancer therapy.  相似文献   
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