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Autophagy is triggered by the intracellular bacterial sensor NOD2 (nucleotide-binding, oligomerization domain 2) as an anti-bacterial response. Defects in autophagy have been implicated in Crohn's disease susceptibility. The molecular mechanisms of activation and regulation of this process by NOD2 are not well understood, with recent studies reporting conflicting requirements for RIP2 (receptor-interacting protein kinase 2) in autophagy induction. We examined the requirement of NOD2 signaling mediated by RIP2 for anti-bacterial autophagy induction and clearance of Salmonella typhimurium in the intestinal epithelial cell line HCT116. Our data demonstrate that NOD2 stimulates autophagy in a process dependent on RIP2 tyrosine kinase activity. Autophagy induction requires the activity of the mitogen-activated protein kinases MEKK4 and p38 but is independent of NFκB signaling. Activation of autophagy was inhibited by a PP2A phosphatase complex, which interacts with both NOD2 and RIP2. PP2A phosphatase activity inhibited NOD2-dependent autophagy but not activation of NFκB or p38. Upon stimulation of NOD2, the phosphatase activity of the PP2A complex is inhibited through tyrosine phosphorylation of the catalytic subunit in a process dependent on RIP2 activity. These findings demonstrate that RIP2 tyrosine kinase activity is not only required for NOD2-dependent autophagy but plays a dual role in this process. RIP2 both sends a positive autophagy signal through activation of p38 MAPK and relieves repression of autophagy mediated by the phosphatase PP2A.  相似文献   
Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs) comprise a group of genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorders characterized by spastic weakness of the lower extremities. We have generated a Drosophila model for HSP type 10 (SPG10), caused by mutations in KIF5A. KIF5A encodes the heavy chain of kinesin-1, a neuronal microtubule motor. Our results imply that SPG10 is not caused by haploinsufficiency but by the loss of endogenous kinesin-1 function due to a selective dominant-negative action of mutant KIF5A on kinesin-1 complexes. We have not found any evidence for an additional, more generalized toxicity of mutant Kinesin heavy chain (Khc) or the affected kinesin-1 complexes. Ectopic expression of Drosophila Khc carrying a human SPG10-associated mutation (N256S) is sufficient to disturb axonal transport and to induce motoneuron disease in Drosophila. Neurofilaments, which have been recently implicated in SPG10 disease manifestation, are absent in arthropods. Impairments in the transport of kinesin-1 cargos different from neurofilaments are thus sufficient to cause HSP–like pathological changes such as axonal swellings, altered structure and function of synapses, behavioral deficits, and increased mortality.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that sloth bears are mainly myrmecophagous, but in this study, 39 and 83 percent (wet and dry season, respectively) of scats surveyed in South India contained fruits. Seeds from three of six plant species collected from scats germinated faster than seeds not passing through bears; germination percentage was not higher in any of the six species. These results suggest that the sloth bear may play an important role in the population dynamics of fleshy‐fruited species of the region.  相似文献   
The current study was designed to study the persistence and distribution of caprine bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (cBM-MSCs) when administered intra-dermally in experimentally induced cutaneous wounds in rabbits. MSC’s from goat bone marrow were isolated and their differentiation potential towards adipogenic and osteogenic lineages were assayed in vitro. The isolated cells were phenotypically analysed using flow cytometry for the expression of MSC specific matrix receptors (CD73, CD105 and Stro-1) and absence of hematopoietic lineage markers. Further, these in vitro expanded MSCs were stained with PKH26 lipophilic cell membrane red fluorescent dye and prepared for transplantation into cutaneous wounds created on rabbits. Five, 2 cm linear full thickness skin incisions were created on either side of dorsal midline of New Zealand white rabbits (n = 4). Four wounds in each animal were implanted intra-dermally with PKH26 labelled cBM-MSCs suspended in 500 µl of Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS). Fifth wound was injected with PBS alone and treated as negative control. The skin samples were collected from respective wounds on 3, 7, 10 and 14 days after the wound creation, and cryosections of 6 µM were made from it. Fluorescent microscopy of these cryosections showed that the PKH26 labelled transplanted cells and their daughter cells demonstrated a diffuse pattern of distribution initially and were later concentrated towards the wound edges and finally appeared to be engrafted with the newly developed skin tissues. The labelled cells were found retained in the wound bed throughout the period of 14 days of experimental study with a gradual decline in their intensity of red fluorescence probably due to the dye dilution as a result of multiple cell division. The retention of transplanted MSCs within the wound bed even after the complete wound healing suggests that in addition to their paracrine actions as already been reported, they may have direct involvement in various stages of intricate wound healing process which needs to be explored further.  相似文献   
In silkworms, sex-limited strains are either obtained spontaneously or induced by X-rays or gamma rays. When a fragment of an autosome carrying a dominant allele of those genes responsible for certain characters is translocated onto a W chromosome, the female of the successive generations will express these phenotypic characters and sex discrimination can be facilitated. Gensei-kouken strains are sex-limited strains of silkworms developed by irradiating the pupae with gamma rays, by which a portion of the second chromosome is translocated onto the W chromosome. In these improved strains, the females are yellow-blooded and spin yellow cocoons. By using the EST-cDNA clones mapped on the Z chromosome, we identified the sex according to the polymorphic banding pattern or intensity of the signals. Furthermore, by using the clones on the second chromosome, the region of the second chromosome translocated onto the W chromosome was also defined. In both the A95 and A 96 strains selected for the present study, only the mid-portion of the second chromosome was translocated. The differences in length of the fragments translocated in these strains are discussed.  相似文献   


Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with hippocampal sclerosis (HS) have diffuse subtle gray matter (GM) atrophy detectable by MRI quantification analyses. However, it is not clear whether the etiology and seizure frequency are associated with this atrophy. We aimed to evaluate the occurrence of GM atrophy and the influence of seizure frequency in patients with TLE and either normal MRI (TLE-NL) or MRI signs of HS (TLE-HS).


We evaluated a group of 172 consecutive patients with unilateral TLE-HS or TLE-NL as defined by hippocampal volumetry and signal quantification (122 TLE-HS and 50 TLE-NL) plus a group of 82 healthy individuals. Voxel-based morphometry was performed with VBM8/SPM8 in 3T MRIs. Patients with up to three complex partial seizures and no generalized tonic-clonic seizures in the previous year were considered to have infrequent seizures. Those who did not fulfill these criteria were considered to have frequent seizures.


Patients with TLE-HS had more pronounced GM atrophy, including the ipsilateral mesial temporal structures, temporal lobe, bilateral thalami and pre/post-central gyri. Patients with TLE-NL had more subtle GM atrophy, including the ipsilateral orbitofrontal cortex, bilateral thalami and pre/post-central gyri. Both TLE-HS and TLE-NL showed increased GM volume in the contralateral pons. TLE-HS patients with frequent seizures had more pronounced GM atrophy in extra-temporal regions than TLE-HS with infrequent seizures. Patients with TLE-NL and infrequent seizures had no detectable GM atrophy. In both TLE-HS and TLE-NL, the duration of epilepsy correlated with GM atrophy in extra-hippocampal regions.


Although a diffuse network GM atrophy occurs in both TLE-HS and TLE-NL, this is strikingly more evident in TLE-HS and in patients with frequent seizures. These findings suggest that neocortical atrophy in TLE is related to the ongoing seizures and epilepsy duration, while thalamic atrophy is more probably related to the original epileptogenic process.  相似文献   


Choriocarcinoma is an aggressive neoplasm arising in the body of the uterus. The disease normally spreads to lung and brain.  相似文献   
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