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BACKGROUND: The Myc oncoprotein is an important regulator of cellular growth in metazoan organisms. Its levels and activity are tightly controlled in vivo by a variety of mechanisms. In normal cells, Myc protein is rapidly degraded, but the mechanism of its degradation is not well understood. RESULTS: Here we present genetic and biochemical evidence that Archipelago (Ago), the F box component of an SCF-ubiquitin ligase and the Drosophila ortholog of a human tumor suppressor, negatively regulates the levels and activity of Drosophila Myc (dMyc) protein in vivo. Mutations in archipelago (ago) result in strongly elevated dMyc protein levels and increased tissue growth. Genetic interactions indicate that ago antagonizes dMyc function during development. Archipelago binds dMyc and regulates its stability, and the ability of Ago to bind dMyc in vitro correlates with its ability to inhibit dMyc accumulation in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that archipelago is an important inhibitor of dMyc in developing tissues. Because archipelago can also regulate Cyclin E levels and Notch activity, these results indicate how a single F box protein can be responsible for the degradation of key components of multiple pathways that control growth and cell cycle progression.  相似文献   
Analysis of the thermodynamics of the interactions between the D3 T-cell receptor (TCR) and its natural ligand, an HIV peptide bound to a HLA-A0201 (HLA-A2) major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein, shows both similarities and striking differences when compared with the 2B4 TCR binding to its peptide-MHC ligand. The equilibrium thermodynamic parameters of both reactions are consistent with a conformational adjustment at the binding interface during the formation of specific TCR-peptide-MHC complexes. However, osmolytic reagents that dehydrate protein surfaces have profoundly different effects on the strength of the two reactions, indicating that water molecules make very different contributions-enhancing the binding of D3 TCR but weakening the binding of 2B4 TCR. The use of these different mechanisms by TCRs to recognize ligands might be an important means augmenting their inherent cross-reactivity.  相似文献   
We examined the role of Notch signaling on the generation of neurons and glia from neural stem cells by using neurospheres that are clonally derived from neural stem cells. Neurospheres prepared from Dll1(lacZ/lacZ) mutant embryos segregate more neurons at the expense of both oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. This mutant phenotype could be rescued when Dll1(lacZ/lacZ) spheres were grown and/or differentiated in the presence of conditioned medium from wild-type neurospheres. Temporal modulation of Notch by soluble forms of ligands indicates that Notch signaling acts in two steps. Initially, it inhibits the neuronal fate while promoting the glial cell fate. In a second step, Notch promotes the differentiation of astrocytes, while inhibiting the differentiation of both neurons and oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships among the Drosophila melanogaster group species were analyzed using approximately 1700 nucleotide-long sequences of the mitochondrial DNA. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using this region consisting of a part of the cytochrome b (cytb) coding gene, the entire coding sequences of tRNA-Leu, tRNA-Ser and the first subunit of NADH dehydrogenase (NADH1), and a part of the 16S-rRNA gene. The study of these sequences showed that this region of mtDNA is very invariable, as regards with the type of the genes that it contains, as well as the order that they are located on it. The resulting phylogenetic trees reveal a topology that separates the species into three main ancestral lines, leading to the following subgroups: (a) ananassae subgroup, (b) montium subgroup, and (c) melanogaster and Oriental subgroups. The inferred topology complements and generally agrees with previously proposed classifications based on morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in proteoglycan (PG) forms or as free GAGs are implicated in the growth and progression of malignant tumors. These macromolecules were investigated in human gastric carcinoma (HGC) and compared with those in human normal gastric mucosa (HNG). We report that HGC contained about 2-fold increased amounts of GAGs in comparison to HNG. Specifically, HGC showed 3- and 2.5-fold net increase in chondroitin sulphate (CS) and hyaluronan (HA) contents, respectively. Dermatan sulphate (DS) was slightly increased, but the amount of heparan sulphate (HS) was decreased. Of particular, interest were the quite different sulphation profiles of CS and DS chains in HGC in which, non-sulphated and 6-sulphated disaccharide units were increased 10 and 4 times, respectively, in comparison to HNG. On PG level, three different populations were identified in both HNG and HGC, being HSPGs, versican (CS/DS chains) and decorin (CS/DS chains). In HGC, the amounts of versican and decorin were significantly increased about 3- and 8-fold, respectively. These PGs were also characterized by marked decrease in hydrodynamic size and GAG content per PG molecule. Analysis of Delta-disaccharide of versican and decorin from HGC showed an increase of 6-sulphated Delta-disaccharides (Delta di-6S) and non-sulphated Delta-disaccharides (Delta di-0S) with a parallel decrease of 4-sulphated Delta-disaccharides (Delta di-4S) as compared to HNG, which closely correlated with the increase of CS content. In addition, the accumulation of core proteins of versican and decorin in HGC was also associated with many post-translational modifications, referring to the number, size, degree and patterns of sulphation and epimerization of CS/DS chains. Studies on the modified metabolism of PGs/GAGs are under progress and will help in deeper understanding of the environment in which tumor cells proliferate and invade.  相似文献   
Glycogen phosphorylase (GP) is currently exploited as a target for inhibition of hepatic glycogenolysis under high glucose conditions. Spirohydantoin of glucopyranose and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine have been identified as the most potent inhibitors of GP that bind at the catalytic site. Four spirohydantoin and three beta-D-glucopyranosylamine analogs have been designed, synthesized and tested for inhibition of GP in kinetic experiments. Depending on the functional group introduced, the K(i) values varied from 16.5 microM to 1200 microM. In order to rationalize the kinetic results, we determined the crystal structures of the analogs in complex with GP. All the inhibitors bound at the catalytic site of the enzyme, by making direct and water-mediated hydrogen bonds with the protein and by inducing minor movements of the side chains of Asp283 and Asn284, of the 280s loop that blocks access of the substrate glycogen to the catalytic site, and changes in the water structure in the vicinity of the site. The differences observed in the Ki values of the analogs can be interpreted in terms of variations in hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions, desolvation effects, ligand conformational entropy, and displacement of water molecules on ligand binding to the catalytic site.  相似文献   
Recently, we reported the isolation and partial characterization of keratan sulphate (KS) from sheep brain. In this study, a panel of monoclonal antibodies (Mab) recognizing epitopes within KS chains and core proteins of KS-containing proteoglycans were used to detect, by immunoblotting, antigenically related molecules extracted from cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem, respectively. Although the intensity of labelling varied with each of the antibodies, the brain KSPGs were recognized by all the monoclonals used, confirming the presence of KS side chains, which react with the Mabs: 5-D-4, EFG-11, EFG-4, I22, as also the presence of KSPGs related to phosphacan-KS (3H1 proteoglycan). Extracts of all the three brain areas could bind both anti-KS and anti-core protein Mabs, as also anti-HNK-1 monoclonal antibody. Binding was sensitive to keratanases degradation in the cerebrum and brainstem except cerebellum where the presence of a large molecular size hybrid CS/KSPG bearing KS chains partially resistant to keratanases was identified. This population reacts only with 5-D-4, EFG-11 and EFG-4 antibodies. Furthermore, the presence of HNK-1 epitope in CSPGs was detected in the cerebellum and brainstem. In contrast, in the cerebrum the coexistence of HNK-1 epitope and KS in KSPGs was identified. These data suggest that the KSs of sheep brain are part of proteoglycans containing protein and KS antigenic sites related to those of corneal and cartilage KSPG, as also of the brain proteoglycan phosphacan-KS.  相似文献   
The Notch pathway is an evolutionarily conserved signaling mechanism that is essential for cell-cell interactions. The Drosophila deltex gene regulates Notch signaling in a positive manner, and its gene product physically interacts with the intracellular domain of Notch through its N-terminal domain. Deltex has two other domains that are presumably involved in protein-protein interactions: a proline-rich motif that binds to SH3-domains, and a RING-H2 finger motif. Using an overexpression assay, we have analyzed the functional involvement of these Deltex domains in Notch signaling. The N-terminal domain of Deltex that binds to the CDC10/Ankyrin repeats of the Notch intracellular domain was indispensable for the function of Deltex. A mutant form of Deltex that lacked the proline-rich motif behaved as a dominant-negative form. This dominant-negative Deltex inhibited Notch signaling upstream of an activated, nuclear form of Notch and downstream of full-length Notch, suggesting the dominant-negative Deltex might prevent the activation of the Notch receptor. We found that Deltex formed a homo-multimer, and mutations in the RING-H2 finger domain abolished this oligomerization. The same mutations in the RING-H2 finger motif of Deltex disrupted the function of Deltex in vivo. However, when the same mutant was fused to a heterologous dimerization domain (Glutathione-S-Transferase), the chimeric protein had normal Deltex activity. Therefore, oligomerization mediated by the RING-H2 finger motif is an integral step in the signaling function of Deltex.  相似文献   
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis can be induced in susceptible animals by immunodominant determinants of myelin basic protein (MBP). To characterize the molecular features of antigenic sites important for designing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis suppressing molecules, we report structural studies, based on NMR experimental data in conjunction with molecular dynamic simulations, of the potent linear dodecapeptide epitope of guinea pig MBP, Gln74-Lys75-Ser76-Gln77-Arg78-Ser79-Gln80-Asp81-Glu82-Asn83-Pro84-Val85 [MBP(74-85)], and its antagonist analogue Ala81MBP(74-85). The two peptides were studied in both water and Me(2)SO in order to mimic solvent-dependent structural changes in MBP. The agonist MBP(74-85) adopts a compact conformation because of electrostatic interactions of Arg78 with the side chains of Asp81 and Glu82. Arg78 is 'locked' in a well-defined conformation, perpendicular to the peptide backbone which is practically solvent independent. These electrostatic interactions are, however, absent from the antagonist Ala81MBP(74-85), resulting in great flexibility of the side chain of Arg78. Sequence alignment of the two analogues with several species of MBP suggests a critical role for the positively charged residue Arg78, firstly, in the stabilization of the local microdomains (epitopes) of the integral protein, and secondly, in a number of post-translational modifications relevant to multiple sclerosis, such as the conversion of charged arginine residues to uncharged citrullines. Flexible docking calculations on the binding of the MBP(74-85) antigen to the MHC class II receptor site I-A(u) using haddock indicate that Gln74, Ser76 and Ser79 are MHC II anchor residues. Lys75, Arg78 and Asp81 are prominent, solvent-exposed residues and, thus, may be of importance in the formation of the trimolecular T-cell receptor-MBP(74-85)-MHC II complex.  相似文献   
We have found specific receptors for atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in cultured neuroblastoma cells (N4TG1) of peripheral ganglionic origin. Scatchard analysis of the displacement binding revealed noninteracting, single-class binding sites with a KD of 1 X 10(-10) M and a density (Bmax) of 110,000-150,000 sites/cell. The cell-bound 125I-ANF was displaced by unlabeled ANF in a dose-dependent manner. Hormones unrelated to ANF such as angiotensins, adrenocorticotropic hormone, or arginine vasopressin were ineffective in displacing the cell-bound radioactivity. Using azidobenzoyl-125I-ANF as a photoaffinity ligand, an ANF receptor with an apparent Mr of 138,000 was identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The addition of unlabeled ANF (1 microM) to the incubation medium completely abolished the labeling of this protein band, but atriopeptin I (1 microM) or angiotensins I, II, and III (each 1 microM) were not effective in inhibiting the affinity labeling. The treatment of the neuroblastoma cells with ANF stimulated intracellular cyclic GMP levels in a dose-dependent manner with an EC50 of 5 nM. ANF (1 X 10(-7) M) stimulated cyclic GMP accumulation in less than 5 min by 30-fold as compared to the controls.  相似文献   
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