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A new technique, the quantitative determination of total enzyme concentrations by specific immunoprecipitation with purified, radioiodinated antibodies, was used to investigate the presence and possible roles of inactive enzyme in the regulation of chalcone synthase. Dark-grown cell suspension cultures from parsley (Petroselinum hortense) contained neither catalytically active nor detectable amounts of immunoprecipitable chalcone synthase. Irradiation induced large increases and subsequent decreases of both. Significant differences in the peak positions and in the half-lives of active and total chalcone synthase indicated that induced cells contained inactive as well as active enzyme forms. The presence of inactive enzyme could be explained by two different modes of regulation, (i) simultaneous de novo synthesis of active and inactive enzyme (“Simultaneous Model”), or (ii) de novo synthesis of active enzyme only, with sequential steps of inactivation and degradation (“Sequential Model”). Both models were compatible with experimental results, as analyzed mathematically by investigating the relations between curves for rate of enzyme synthesis, enzyme activity, total enzyme, and half-lives of active and total enzyme. However, the “Simultaneous Model” postulated that de novo synthesis of inactive enzyme represented always the vast majority of total enzyme synthesis, while the Sequential Model integrated inactive enzyme with facility in a sequence of irreversible inactivation and degradation of active enzyme. Experiments with repeated induction indicated that cells containing large amounts of inactive enzyme increased enzyme activity by de novo synthesis rather than by activation of preexisting inactive enzyme.  相似文献   
Twelve indole alkaloids belonging to the Ajmaline-, Sarpagine-, Yohimbine-, and Heteroyohimbine-type have been isolated and identified from cell suspension cultures of Rauwolfia serpentina. Ten of the alkaloids were found for the first time in cultured R. serpentina cells. The yield of the main alkaloid vomilenine was 51 times more than that of differentiated plants. Crude enzymes isolated from this cell suspension culture completely metabolize the biogenetic precursor strictosidine under formation of several alkaloidal compounds.  相似文献   
Summary Addition of heterochromatin suppresses while subtraction enhances position effect variegation. The heterochromatin-sensitive period has been determined in white/white-apricot variegated eyes of Y S w a /w a ; Dp (1;3) w 265-58 flies. When such larvae, carrying a Y-short (Y S ) arm at the distal end of one X chromosome, are X-rayed, mitotic recombination leads to one daughter cell with two Y S arms and an adjacent daughter cell with no Y S arm. When induced after clonal initiation, the frequency of dark clones developing from daughter cells with two Y S arms is significantly higher than the frequency of dark clones in the rest of the eye; and this frequency is. even higher when induced before clonal initiation. The modifying action of the Y-heterochromatin is exerted, therefore, during and after clonal initiation. Surprisingly, the frequency of dark clones developing from cells with no Y S arm is not lower than the frequency of dark clones in the rest of the eye.  相似文献   
Summary Iodination of proteins and lipoproteins is a widely used in vitro labelling procedure in metabolic, autoradiographic and various other studies. However, all available iodination techniques have involved the possible damage to the proteins by self-irradiation, oxidizing agents, the alkaline milieu or by the introduction of iodine into the molecular structure itself. To evaluate the integrity of iodinated lipoproteins, we observed the electron microscopic appearance of normal and iodinated rabbit very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) by negative staining with phosphotungstic acid. Iodination up to a molar iodine/protein ratio of 2.89 did not result in any change of shape, size or aggregating tendency of the particles. No stacks or disk-like particles like those of various hyperlipoproteinemic states were found. We conclude that electron microscopy is a valuable tool in assessing the morphological appearance of lipoprotein iodination, but it should be complemented by other techniques.  相似文献   
The interaction of cholesterol with the glycerol backbone segments of phospholipids was studied in bilayers of phosphatidylethanolamine containing equimolar amounts of cholesterol. Glycerol selectively deuterated at various positions was supplied to the growth medium of Escherichia coli strain 131 GP which is defective in endogeneous glycerol synthesis. The procedure enables the stereospecific labeling of the three glycerol backbone segments of the membrane phospholipids. Phosphatidylethanolamine with wild-type fatty acid composition was purified from E. coli cells and deuterium magnetic resonance spectra were obtained either from dispersions of pure phosphatidylethanolamine or from equimolar mixtures of phosphatidylethanolamine with cholesterol. For comparative purposes 1,2-di[9,10-2H2]elaidoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine and [3-α-2H]cholesterol were synthesized in order to monitor the behavior of the fatty acyl chains and of the cholesterol molecule itself. For all deuterated segments the deuterium quadrupole splittings as well as the deuterium spin-lattice (T1) relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature. The glycerol backbone was found to be a remarkably stable structural element of the phospholipid molecule. The quadrupole splittings of the backbone segments changed only by at most 2 kHz upon incorporation of 50 mol % cholesterol. This was in contrast to the fatty acyl chains where the same amount of cholesterol increased the quadrupole splitting by more than 20 kHz. The glycerol segments exhibited the shortest T1 relaxation times of all CH2 segments indicating that the glycerol backbone is the slowest motional moiety of the lipid molecule. Addition of cholesterol has no effect on the backbone motion but the fast reorientation rate of the trans-double bonds in 1,2-dielaidoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine is increased dramatically.  相似文献   
A new approach for the reaction of Sepharose with cyanogen bromide is described, using triethylamine as a “cyano-transfer” reagent. An optimized procedure for activation at neutral pH was developed. This procedure requires only about 5% of the usual amount of cyanogen bromide. Activated resins are free of imidocarbonates and carbamates, containing only active cyanate esters. Extremely high coupling capacities (75 μmol ligand/g wet Sepharose 4B) can be obtained using this method.  相似文献   
Thirteen Weddell seals ( Leptonychotes weddellii ) were collected at Vestkapp, eastern Weddell Sea coast, in austral spring 1986. All stomachs contained partially digested food. The mean wet weight of stomach contents was 7.5 kg, 3.3% of the. mean body weight of the collected seals. Twelve fish species and three cephalopod species were identified from 372 left otoliths and 25 lower beaks, representing 58.4% of 679 total prey items obtained. Composition by number of total prey was: Chionodraco myersi (15.8%), Trematomus eulepidotus (10.0%), Pagetopsis maculatus (9.7%), Racovitzia glacialis (9.6%) and Cryodraco antarcticus (4.1%). Otoliths of the seven other fish species and beaks of the three cephalopod species together represented 9.1% of total prey numbers. The pooled wet weights calculated from 13 prey species (regressions for two octopod species were not available) amounted to 43.5 kg food mass and represented 44.7% of the combined food mass in all stomachs. Composition by mass was: C. myersi (44.5%), T. eulepidotus (19.8%), squid Psychroteuthis glacialis (8.5%), P. maculates (7.9%), C. antarcticus (7.1%) and R. glacialis (6.2%). The remaining 7 fish species together represented 5.8% by mass. Temporal variation in food availability was apparent. Midwater fish Pleuragramma antarcticum was the staple food of Weddell seals from the same area during the 1985 summer, whereas it was absent in the samples taken in spring 1986. Estimates of fish biomass from net hauls demonstrate a highly variable availability of pelagic food resources for top predators in the Vestkapp area.  相似文献   
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