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Reproductive features including ovule development, megasporogenesis, megagametogenesis, microsporogenesis, microgametogenesis, pollen tube growth, embryogeny, and natural seed germination were studied in a single population each of Dentaria laciniata Muhl. ex. Willd. and D. diphylla Michx. to test for possible agamospermy. The population of D. laciniata studied is sexual. The archesporial cell functions directly as the megasporocyte. It undergoes two meiotic divisions, but the micropylar cell of the dyad fails to undergo meiosis II, and a linear triplet of three cells is formed. The chalazal megaspore divides to form an eight-nucleate, seven-celled megagametophyte of the Polygonum type. Simultaneous cytokinesis follows the second meiotic division of the microsporocyte yielding a tetrahedral tetrad of microspores. A three-celled pollen grain is formed prior to anther dehiscence. Following apparent fertilization, the Capsella-variation of the Onagrad type of embryogeny results in a conduplicate embryo. Endosperm is initially nuclear, but eventually becomes cellular. Seeds readily germinate in nature. Similar events are documented in one population of D. diphylla up to the organization of the embryo-sac, which disintegrates before cellularization. These reproductive events and other data indicate that the eastern North American species of Dentaria may form a sexual polyploid complex with some sexual populations and some sterile ones.  相似文献   
Cardiac gap junctions were reconstituted into liposomes. To determine if reconstitution resulted in membrane channel formation, we developed an assay for channel function that used a liposome-entrapped peroxidase to detect entry of a substrate into the liposome. The data demonstrate, for the first time, that reconstituted gap junctions from heart are capable of channel-forming activity in artificial membranes.  相似文献   
Zinnia marylandica, an artificial hybrid betweenZ. angustifolia var.angustifolia (2n=22 female) andZ. violacea (2n=24, male), is described and illustrated.Zinnia marylandica is a stabilized amphiploid (2n=46) produced by colchicine-induced doubling of the sterile interspecific hybrids. It exhibits disease resistance to powdery mildew (Erysiphe cichoracearum), alternaria blight (Alternaria zinniae), and bacterial leaf and flower spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv.zinniae).  相似文献   
12S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequences from a suite of mammalian taxa (13 placentals, 4 marsupials, 1 monotreme), for which phylogenetic relationships are well established based on independent criteria, were employed to study the evolution of this gene. Phylogenetic analysis of 12S sequences produces a phylogeny that agrees with expectations. Base composition provides evidence for directional symmetrical substitution pressure in loops; in stems, base composition is much more even. Rates of nucleotide substitution are lower in stems than loops. Patterns of nucleotide substitution show an overall preference for transitions over transversions, with this difference more profound in stems than loops. Among different transversion pathways, there is a wide range of transformation frequencies. An analysis of compensatory substitutions shows that there is strong evidence for their occurrence and that a weighting factor of 0.61 should be applied in phylogenetic analyses to account for the dependence of mutations at stem positions relative to positions where changes are independent. Among stem variables (i.e., stem length, interaction distance, substitution rates, G+C content, and the percentage of bases that are paired), several significant correlations were discovered, but stem length and interaction distance are uncorrelated with other variables.   相似文献   
Chlorophyll synthesis in Golenkinia is inhibited 10-fold by growth in darkness on acetate or by growth on elevated concentrations of acetate in the light, particularly if the growth medium contains low levels of nitrogen. Glucose has no such inhibitory effect. delta-Aminolevulinic acid, with a maximal effect at 0.01 m, but not its precursors, overrides the inhibitory effect of acetate and darkness, restoring chlorophyll synthesis. Glycine, succinate, and alpha-ketoglutarate, the precursors tested, all enter the cell. Cells forming chlorophyll produce significantly more aminolevulinic acid than do cells becoming bleached, further indicating the important regulatory role of this compound. Cyclic AMP has no effect on chlorophyll synthesis. These results are compared with those obtained studying other algae, and a mechanism relating light and acetate to chlorophyll formation is proposed.  相似文献   
The stability of glandular epithelial cells has been investigated utilizing the techniques of cell culture. Embryonic chick thyroid was chosen as a representative cell type and methods were developed for the successful clonal culture of thyroid follicular cells. Thyroid cells were found to be morphologically and functionally stable while undergoing rapid division in both dense (monolayer) and dilute (clonal) cell culture. Differentiated features were retained for a minimum of 32 days of primary clonal culture (approximately 17 generations under clonal conditions). During the culture period, the cells retained their epithelial morphology, retained their cytoplasmic rough endoplasmic reticulum, and continued to produce chromatographically detectable thyroid hormones. Hormone production in culture was a specific thyroid characteristic since control cultures of embryonic heart and liver did not contain the hormones.  相似文献   
Using sera which defined the BoLA specificities at the two International BoLA workshops (Edinburgh, 1978 and Wageningen, 1980) and the European Regional workshop (Paris, 1979),142 informative matings from 15 bulls have been studied. On the basis of this data, 11 of the 15 internationally agreed specificities and one of the regionally defined specificities behave as if controlled by alleles at a single autosomal locus. Data has not as yet been obtained for the other four internationally agreed specificities which are also believed to be at this locus. — The frequencies of 13 of the internationally agreed specificities and one of the regionally defined specificities have been studied for both sexes in one breed and for a single sex in another five breeds. The other two internationally agreed specificities are very recent and the populations have not been tested for them. The frequencies between sexes within a breed and within sexes between breeds differ significantly.  相似文献   
P J Spooner  D M Small 《Biochemistry》1987,26(18):5820-5825
Triacylglycerols are the major substrates for lipolytic enzymes that act at the surface of emulsion-like particles such as triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, chylomicrons, and intracellular lipid droplets. This study examines the effect of cholesterol on the solubility of a triacylglycerol, triolein, in phospholipid surfaces. Solubilities of [carbonyl-13C]triolein in phospholipid bilayer vesicles containing between 0 and 50 mol % free cholesterol, prepared by cosonication, were measured by 13C NMR. The carbonyl resonances from bilayer-incorporated triglyceride were shifted downfield in the 13C NMR spectra from those corresponding to excess, nonincorporated material. This enabled solubilities to be determined directly from carbonyl peak intensities at most cholesterol concentrations. The bilayer solubility of triolein was inversely proportional to the cholesterol/phospholipid mole ratio. In pure phospholipid vesicles the triolein solubility was 2.2 mol %. The triglyceride incorporation decreased to 1.1 mol % at a cholesterol/phospholipid mole ratio of 0.5, and at a mole ratio of 1.0 for the bilayer lipids, the triolein solubility was reduced to just 0.15 mol %. The effects of free cholesterol were more pronounced and progressive than observed previously on the bilayer solubility of cholesteryl oleate (Spooner, P. J. R., Hamilton, J. A., Gantz, D. L., & Small, D. M. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 860, 345-353]. As with cholesteryl oleate, we suggest that cholesterol also displaces solubilized triglyceride to deeper regions of the bilayer.  相似文献   
Previous studies indicated that aldosterone enhances active Na+ transport, glycolysis, lactate production and respiration of the toad bladder. Evidence was also presented that the changes in glycolysis and lactate production were secondary to the changes in active Na+ transport. Further analysis of the relationships between metabolism and Na+ transport was undertaken with the aid of two inhibitors of pyruvate metabolism, oxythiamine and phenylpyruvate. These inhibitors prevented the aldosterone-induced increase in oxidation of [6-14C]glucose but had little effect on the increase in lactate production. In contrast, the effect on Na+ transport (i.e., Isc) was completely inhibited by oxythiamine plus phenylpyruvate with glucose as substrate. The effect on Na+ transport, however, was obtained wth the by-pass substrates, oxaloacetate plus ß-hydroxybutyrate, in the presence of these inhibitors. These results implied that steroidal enhancement of lactate production and Na+ transport were independent effects. To evaluate whether an increase in Na+ transport, per se would augment lactate production, the responses were evaluated under conditions of an imposed Na+ gradient (mucosal Na+ = 5 mM; serosal Na+ = 110 mM). Addition of NaCl to the mucosal media evoked the same increase in Isc as the addition of aldosterone; both additions increased Isc more than two-fold. Aldosterone reduced lactate production under these conditions while the re-addition of NaCl had no effect on lactate formation. These results are consistent with an action of aldosterone on pathways involved in oxidative energy metabolism, and suggest that the activation of glycolysis may be a function of the net balance between energy production and utilization.  相似文献   
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