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Effects of neurotoxic doses of capsaicin (150 mg/kg) on the protein content in electrophoretic fractions (PAAG) in the Wistar rat plasma were studied. In early period (7 days) after administration of capsaicin, an increase of the alpha1-, alpha2-globulins and a decrease of the albumin, gamma-globulins, were observed. After 14-30 days, increase of the albumin and decrease of the alpha1-, gammay-globulins were detected. The ablation of the capsaicin-sensitive nerves abrogated the changes of positive and negative acute phase reactants induced by zymosan and diminished the content of gamma-globulins.  相似文献   
People can eat a food without having a strong preference for it, and people can prefer a food without eating it. Given this seeming disconnect between attitude and behavior, which type of measure or segment can best be used to profile or identify loyal consumer segments of a food, such as soy? This research compares a usage‐based method (heavy‐light‐nonusers) with a new attitude‐based method (seeker‐neutral‐avoider), and finds that the attitude‐based method differentiates purchase‐related intentions better than the usage‐based method. Implications for profiling consumer taste patterns and consumer segments are provided.  相似文献   
Fourteen native strains of Trichoderma spp. from wildand agricultural pathosystems in the state of Yucatan, Mexico, with growth-promoting ability of Capsicum chinense Jacq. seedlings were evaluated and antagonistic effect of their filtrate against second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne incognita. The strains Th05-02 and Th27-08 showed the best significant effects on plant hight variable increments 55.57 and 47.62%, theTh07-04 with 29.48% more root length, theTh02-01 and Th07-04 isolates increased from 48.71 to 84.61% in volume radical and 53.40% of total dry biomass. Statistical analysis (p≤0.001) of Th43 and Th43-13-14 filtrates caused 100% mortality at 24 and 48h. In the test of reversibility to 24 h after replacing the filtrates Th43-13, Th43-14, TH09-06 and TH20-07 by sterile distilled water, the J2 did not recover their viability, so they were considered as the best potential strains of Trichoderma spp. with antagonistic capacity in J2 of M.incognita.  相似文献   
Capsaicin stimulation of afferent neurones increased hyperglycaemic responses to glucose and decreased hypoglycaemia in control rats. Elevation of the free fatty acids level occurred following both the stimulation alone and that combined with insulin. Neonatal capsaicin pre-treatment decreased the hypoglycaemic response effect of insulin and the FFA level. Treatment of adult rats with capsaicin did not affect hypoglycaemia following insulin administration but did decrease the FFA level. In capsaicin pre-treated rats, the capsaicin stimulation exerted no effect upon the hypoglycaemia following insulin administration but abolished the insulin effect on the FFA level. The findings suggest that the capsaicin-sensitive nerves play a major role in mediating the glucose and the FFA metabolic responses.  相似文献   
Spawning dates of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba Dana, were calculated from larval stage compositions, and corrected using data on maturity stage composition of the adult krill. Both original and literature data obtained from the Antarctic Peninsula-Bellingshausen Sea area and around the Antarctic continent were used. A time series (1975/76–1986/87) for several subareas of the Antarctic Peninsula-Bellingshausen Sea area indicates considerable variation in the krill spawning start, maxima and completion. In particular years (1975/76, 1980/81), krill spawning in the western Atlantic sector began relatively early, was intensive, and completed early. Some years (1977/78, 1981/82) were characterised by long and non-synchronised krill spawning. Compiled data sets for the Atlantic sector (1980/81), the entire Antarctic (1983/84) and the east Indian-west Pacific Antarctic waters (1981–85) reveal some spatial patterns in krill reproductive timing. In relation to spawning timing variation, the habitats of the krill population fall into five categories: (1) areas with an early beginning (late Novemberearly December) and a variable, but normally long, duration (3–3.5 months) of krill spawning; this is generally the southern boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, (2) areas with an early beginning, but a short duration of krill spawning (Gerlache Strait), (3) areas with a highly variable (within 1–1.5 months) beginning and a relatively long duration (ca. 3 months) of krill spawning (Bransfield Strait, Palmer Archipelago), (4) areas with a late beginning (late December–January) and a long duration of krill spawning (Bellingshausen Sea, D'Urville Sea, and Balleny Islands area), and (5) areas with a delayed beginning, but a very short duration (ca. 1.5 months) of krill spawning (Ross Sea slope, probably the Coastal Current area off the Lasarev Sea shelf and in the south-eastern Weddell Sea. These patterns can be partly explained by peculiarities of the ice regime in particular areas and by routes of krill movement within water circulation systems.  相似文献   
Over the last century, only two cases of ocular oxyspirurosis were recorded in primates, both in zoos, and two species were described: in Berlin, Germany, Oxyspirura (O.) conjunctivalis from the lemurid Microcebus murinus, later also found in the lorisid Loris gracilis; in Jacksonville, Florida, O. (O.) youngi from the cercopithecid monkey Erythrocebus patas. In the present case from the Moscow zoo, oxyspirurosis was recorded in several species of Old World lemuriforms and lorisiforms, and some South American monkeys. i) The intermediate host was discovered to be a cockroach, as for O. (O.) mansoni, a parasite of poultry. The complete sequence identity between ITS-1 rDNA from adult nematodes of the primate and that of the larval worms from the vector, Nauphoete cinerea, confirmed their conspecificity. ii) Parasites from Moscow zoo recovered from Nycticebus c. coucang were compared morphologically to those from other zoos. The length and shape of the gubernaculum, used previously as a distinct character, were found to be variable. However, the vulvar bosses arrangement, the distal extremity of left spicule and the position of papillae of the first postcloacal pair showed that the worms in the different samples were not exactly identical and that each set seemed characteristic of a particular zoo. iii) The presence of longitudinal cuticular crests in the infective stage as well as in adult worms was recorded. Together with several other morphological and biological characters (long tail and oesophagus, cockroach vector), this confirmed that Oxyspirura is not closely related to Thelazia, another ocular parasite genus. iv) The disease in the Moscow zoo is thought to have started with Nycticebus pygmaeus imported fromVietnam, thus the suggestion was that Asiatic lorisids were at the origin of the Moscow set of cases. The natural host(s) for the Berlin and Jacksonville cases remain unknown but they are unlikely to be the species found infected in zoos. Consequently the notion of type hosts is artificial and the three agents of oxyspirurosis are provisionally placed in the taxon O. (O.) conjunctivalis.  相似文献   

Key message

Nitrogen levels can modulate the effectiveness of clubroot resistance in an isolate- and host-specific manner. While the same QTL were detected under high and low nitrogen, their effects were altered.


Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is one of the most damaging diseases of oilseed rape and is known to be affected by nitrogen fertilization. However, the genetic factors involved in clubroot resistance have not been characterized under nitrogen-limiting conditions. This study aimed to assess the variability of clubroot resistance under different nitrogen levels and to characterize the impact of nitrogen supply on genetic resistance factors. Linkage analyses and a genome-wide association study were conducted to detect QTL for clubroot resistance and evaluate their sensitivity to nitrogen. The clubroot response of a set of 92 diverse oilseed rape accessions and 108 lines derived from a cross between ‘Darmor-bzh’ (resistant) and ‘Yudal’ (susceptible) was studied in the greenhouse under high- and low-nitrogen conditions, following inoculation with the P. brassicae isolates eH and K92-16. Resistance to each isolate was controlled by a major QTL and a few small-effects QTL. While the same QTL were detected under both high and low nitrogen, their effects were altered. Clubroot resistance to isolate eH, but not K92-16, was greater under a low-N supply versus a high-N supply. New sources of resistance were found among the oilseed rape accessions under both low and high-N conditions. The results are discussed relative to the literature and from a crop improvement perspective.
A new species of the genus Paralomis, Paralomis elongata, has been collected from the Spiess seamount near Bouvet Island in the Southern Ocean. The species shows close affinity with P. anamerae Macpherson, 1988, from the Patagonian Shelf, P. africana Macpherson, 1987, from the south-western African shelf, and P. aculeata Henderson, 1888, from Crozet Islands. Morphological differences among the species and ecological characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   
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